• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,060 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

Here Comes Havoc

My little pony Friendship Is Magic is property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here Comes Havoc

Here Comes Havoc

This was it time to face Discord walking into the castle throne room I saw Discord sitting in his throne along with the Princesses and the Main 6 all inside glass boxes and floating in midair.

"Very collectible don't you think." Discord said looking at the ponies. "So have you come to make your decision?"

I wanted to knock his lights out but I had to stick to the plan since I came up with it. "Well first my name is Havoc and Yes I have."

"Oh goodie just think double the chaos double the fun!" Discord yelled.

"Wait before anything else I want to show you my kinds of chaos." I said hoping he will say yes.

"Really? No one has ever shown me chaos before." Discord said giving the pouting face to Celestia. "Very well im watching."

"Thank you Discord ,now here are some of my ideas." I said as I 'CLICKED' my fingers.

I showed him an Orange juice geyser ,a swarm of flying pants ,a chocolate cloud with candy rain ,a chocolate cloud with soda rain ,mis-colored rainbows ,random temperature changes ,explosions of candy ,a peppermint tornado


3rd POV [Connor] Meanwhile

Havoc explained his plan to Connor and gave him a set of gray armor with built in weapons it was a combination of Spawn armor and Overlord armor ,he smiled in delight as he climbed the wall.

"Its official Havoc is now my best friend ever." He whispered.

Reaching a window he looked around and saw Havoc showing different types of chaos to Discord ,he looked to the other side to find the Princesses and the Main 6 inside glass boxes. Connor activated the cloaking feature on his armor to make him invisible and climbed inside ,he scaled up from wall to the ceiling placing his boots on it.

Now walking on the ceiling he snuck over to the ponies and pulled out a portal gun ,shooting the wall it opened a portal that led to Twilight's house. Connor slowly pushed them to the portal ,but then he saw Celestia's flank. "Good god that butt is so huge!" He thought to himself. "Who needs Luna when Celestia already has a full moon with her." Conner shook his head had to focus and stick to the plan.

The ponies were looking around wondering why they were moving but seeing the portal they kept quiet well all except for Pinkie Pie who was bouncing around and having fun.

Luckey for Connor Discord was to distracted from Havoc's chaos and he continued until all the ponies were out. Connor deactivated his cloaking feature and waved to Havoc.

Havoc gave him the thumbs up and Connor walked in the portal and closed it.


3rd POV [Luna] Meanwhile

Luna was still inside the glass prison Discord made along with her sister and the Main 6 but she knew that Riles would save them so she waited ,and after time Riles arrived but she was shocked when Riles made his decision to Discord and showed him different kinds of chaos.

Luna just closed her eyes and shook her head. "No No NO!" she yelled in her mind.

As she opened her eyes once more she and the others were now in Twilight's house Luna looked around to find Riles's friend Connor waving through a portal and closing it and she gave a sigh of relief for Riles.


Havoc's POV

Discord looked on in curiosity ,he was tapping his chin and nodded. "Not bad ,not bad at all your quite the chaotic person Havoc." He was looking at the chocolate cloud with candy rain ,he took a bite and smiled. "Then its settled you can become my partner in chaos."

I saw Connor waved to me and I gave him the thumbs up for him to leave and close the portal. "Oh thank you so much Discord ,um I just want to ask you a question first." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Sure Havoc what is it?" Discord asked turning to look at me.

"Is it possible to turn yourself into stone while having your eyes closed? Its just cause because people say that its impossible and I just want to know." I said giving a sheepish smile.

Discord raised a brow. "phhhft of course its possible and I'll show you." He closed his eyes and turned himself to stone.

I smiled. "Awesome it really is possible thank you Discord." I quickly pulled out a hammer. "Thank you for falling for it." I whacked him in the head and he fell to pieces.

Placing a Decoy of myself just like in Bioshock 2 and backing away I waited for him to get up.


3rd POV [Discord]

In all his life Discord the spirit of chaos and disharmony has been tricked he reformed and stood up ,seeing Havoc just standing there with a wierd smile. "Well arent you a tricky one." He got a ball of magic ready. "But not tricky enough."

He threw it at Havoc but something was wrong ,the ball of magic deflected back to Discord knocking him back to his throne as he looked up the ponies he captured were gone. "What? but? Huh?" he asked himself.

Turning back to Havoc he saw him turn white and disappear the Havoc he attacked was a fake ,the real Havoc walked up to Discord and laughed.


Havoc's POV

Discord was blown back to his throne, I got rid of the decoy and looked at hit and the way I saw Discords face was hilarious. "Hahahahaha! You should see the look on you face Discord... its priceless."

I saw his eye twitch at my statement ,he got up and glared at me. "Oh a funny guy huh? And to think I was going to have a partner in causing chaos." He said. "Why did you chose to help the ponies? Your a Draconequess ,a being of chaos."

"That maybe true but heres some thing I do know ,my allegiance belongs to the ponies and Equestria itself and your are no longer welcomed here." I said as I got my chaos magic ready.

Discord laughed at me. "Do you really think you can defeat me I am Discord they very master of chaos!" He yelled as he got his chaos magic ready.

"We wont know until we find out." I said.

We ran at each other and punched each other in the faces knocking us back ,Discord regained balance first and flew right at me grabbing my antler and pulling me outside into the sky ,before I could do anything he threw me down to the ground.

When I got to my feet I looked there was something strange about this place I was at now, it looked like a meteor smashed the ground here a long time ago leaving nothing but a giant crater.

As Discord flew down he smiled as I just rolled my eyes. "Ok so you brought me to a big hole in the ground big deal."

"Oh this isn't just any hole in the ground this is also where the King and Queen fought the original spirit of chaos."

I just stared at him after what he just said. "Original spirit of chaos?"

"Oh you don't know well let tell you story ,many years ago when the King and Queen were still around there was once a Draconequus named Paradox and he despised the King and Queen for countless ages. One day Paradox had enough of Peace and Harmony and threaten to take over Equestria ,that's when the King and Queen stepped in to stop him but Paradox would not go down without a fight. So a great battle took place between order and chaos ,and in the greatest sacrifice known in Equestria the King and Queen were able to defeat Paradox but at the cost of their own lives."

"So that's why you brought me here? Luna told me that you use to be an alicorn named Terra and a brother ,so what does bringing me here have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Hold on I was getting to that ,and yes I was Celestia and Luna's older brother. Now after the battle all that was left was this crater here ,I flew down to see if there was anyone or anything left and there was I found two necklaces on the ground and had no idea why they were here so I took them with me."

My heart skipped a beat when he said necklace did he mean like the one I put on?

"Over time when me and my sisters took the thrones as new leaders ,I suggested ideas but Celestia kept saying no to me so I decided to let off some steam in the library to calm myself however it didn't work when I slammed my hoove against the wall knocking some books down ,so I just cleaned up my mess then one book caught my attention it had a picture of the same necklaces as I found ,they were made by Paradox himself he used every kind of chaotic resource he could find into making them ,so after going to get the necklaces I saw them glowing one of them caught my attention and I knew that I must have it and put it on that is how I became what you see here."

So that's how Terra became Discord ,of course he didn't just become a Draconequess for no reason.

"Then a thought came to me if one necklace could give me power why not two? So I tried on the other necklace but it turns out it was useless so I put it back in the box ,opened a portal and thew it out."

Those words hit me like a bullet train ,the necklace I found must have been the one that belong to the original spirit of chaos himself.

"After claiming the throne for myself I was living in paradise just for me ,until Celestia and Luna discovered the Elements of Harmony and turned me to stone. Do you have any Idea what its like being a statue for a thousand years?" Discord asked.

"No not really ,but ether way if you want to take over Equestria you'll have to deal with me first." I said takeing a fighting stance.

Discord sighed. "Very well if you can't join me I'll just make you into a new trophy for my throne room." He then got another ball of magic ready and threw it at me.

I quickly dodged it and spat out a fire ball at him ,as he dodged it I pulled out a Tesla Cannon from Fallout 3 and fired a laser at Discord it blew him back a couple of feet and he fired a bolt of magic at the Tesla Cannon turning it into a blender ,I threw it aside and fired a bolt of magic at his face the bolt of magic turned into a book and shut on Discord's head ,as the book disappeared his head was now flat like a pancake.

He shook his head and it popped back to normal ,he then pulled out a pair of giant scissors and ran at me. "Your cleaver but its time I cut in!" He yelled.

Before he could cut me in half I ducked in time only to have my horn and antler cut off and man did it hurt ,I returned the favor by giving Discord a uppercut to his chin knocking him in the air and on to the ground. "Rock beats scissors!" I yelled out loud.

Discord got up and wiped his lip. "You little fool ,lets see you top this." using his magic he turned into a grey manticore.

I quickly grabbed my horns and jumped out of the way only to leave three gashes on my arm. "Ahhhh!" I looked at my arm and thankfully only the surface was cut and only bleeding a little .

"To bad your poorly experienced with chaos magic." Discord smirked.

I put my horns back on my head and grinned. "Wana bet?" I asked ,turning myself into a pale blue metal beast with metal teeth.

We ran at each other again ,we clawed and bit each other for like a minute. Discord stung me a couple of times but I also breathed fire to his face. As we separated and changed back one question was now in my head. "Were is Connor?"


3rd POV [Connor ,Celestia ,Luna Spike and the Main 6] Meanwhile

After closing the portal Connor tried to find a way to free the ponies ,he tried to punch the glass but it didn't leave a starch ,then he pulled out a sword to cut the glass but as he swung it several time no advil ,then he pulled out a little proximity bomb and placed it on the glass and took a few steps back as it exploded it sill didn't work.

"Oh common! Why is it not working!?" Connor yelled

"Whats with all the racket im trying to sleep." Spike said walking down the stares.

"You were asleep the whole time?" Connor asked just looking at Spike.

"Since its saturday I took the opportunity to sleep in." Spike said.

"Well since your here do you have any ideas on how to get theme out?" Conner asked pointing at the glass boxes.

"Woah! what happened to them?" Spike asked looking at the trapped ponies.

"Discord is back and he was keeping them as trophies." Conner said sitting down.

Spike looked on at the glass then he smelled something ,he got closer to the glass found a familiar smell that he loved. "Connor this isn't glass its diamond." He said as his mouth started watering.

"What are you telling me that I spent the last ten minutes trying to break jewelry!?" Connor yelled.

"Sheesh calm down since its diamond I can eat it." Spike said takeing a bite on a corner and to everyone's surprise Spike was eating it just like a gem.

"Alright just keep it up until there free." Connor said as he was looking out the window. "And hurry theres no telling what will happen next."

Spike kept eating and eating. "This may be a while."


One hour later...

Spike has ate through the Diamond boxes unforchantly his stomach was hurting now. "Uhhhhh I don't feel so good."

"You did good Spike but right now we need to get back to Havoc he cannot face Discord alone." Celestia said. "Luna you and I must return to the castle and get the Elements of Harmony."

"Yes sister." Luna said.

"In the mean time the rest of you stay here until we return." Celestia said.

"But what about Havoc you said we need to get back to him." Twilight said.

"I know Twilight but without he Elements of Harmony we will have no chance of defeating Discord." Celestia said. "Connor stay here and protect them."

"Sure alright." Connor said as he waved good bye to them. "Big deal all we got to do is wait for them that's all right?"

As if on cue the Library was being attacked ,they all looked out the window to see changeling flying into the Library. Rainbow Dash just looked at Connor and he looked right back.

"Shut up." Connor said. "Alright who ever knows how to fight come with me those who don't can stay inside."

Rainbow Dash stepped up. "Awesome time to kick some changeling butt again." Before she could take another step Applejack pulled her back by the tail.

"Now hold on Princess Celestia told us to stay here." Applejack said.

"And last time we were out numbered by those dreaded things." Rarity said.

"Well if we stay 'here' Twilight's house will go bye-bye which means we wont be 'here' any more." Connor said.

"I can just put up a shield spell to by us time until the Princess return." Twilight said.

"Yeah you do that in the mean time I going out there." Connor said walking to the door.

"Connor! Are you crazy you'll be out numbered!" Twilight yelled.

"Look sunshine told me to protect you and that's what im gonna do ,now when I get out side use your shell shield whatever you called it." Connor said opening the door.

Twilight just groaned and cast a shield over her house. "It a shield spell ,and he has the nerve to call Princess Celestia sunshine."


3rd POV [Connor]

Connor stepped outside and walked a few steps before the shield covered Twilight's house ,as he stopped a swarm of changelings landed in front of him growling.

"Hey guy how goes it?" Connor asked.

Just thing a changeling that was twice the size of a normal one approached him he was covered in armor. "I am and we are here to have to destroy the once who imprisoned our Queen so step aside."

Connor just rolled his eyes. "Well hes not here how about you try some other time like around never!"

"Very well if you wont step aside then DIE!" BlackSector beard his teeth and flew at Conner biting his arm but didn't bite through the armor.

"Nice try pal this armor is specially made by a good friend of mine." Connor said shaking off BlackSector.

BlackSector flew up in the air and his horn was glowing. "ATTACK!" all of the changelings flew after Connor.

Connor just laughed. "Bring it on guys no other class is gonna do that." Connor said getting out his tesla shoguns.

Now aiming at the changelings he fired his guns some of the changelings fell to the ground and twitched from the electric shock but as some of the other changelings got to close he melee them across the face. and some of them tried to attack him from behind.

"Haha that didn't even hurt." Connor said as he back kicked one of them. "Would you look at you I mean look at you I don't usually take down morons this fast."

there was only a few remaining changelings left they just look at there brothers and to Connor ,they thought enough was enough they flew up into the sky and shot down like comets right at Connor but before he could aim his guns another changeling flew at his legs tripping him.

Connor tried to get up but the armor wouldn't let him all he do now was watch the green balls of fire fly towards him ,but just them a Rainbow streak slammed right into the changelings saving Connor.

"What the Hell?" Connor looked to find Rainbow Dash smirking at him.

"Watch the boasting ,I had to learn that the hard way." Rainbow Dash said as she helped Connor up.

BlackSector landed on the ground and growled his horn was still glowing. "So another one of your friends joins the fight? No matter I will finish both of you off."

"Hey Skittles how about you take care of those other changelings." Connor said pointing at the few changelings getting up.

"Works for me." Rainbow dash said smiling and getting ready to fight them.

"Alright pal lets see what you got." Connor said as he drew his sword.

BlackSector Changed his form into a human like form and drew his sword as well and they both rushed in at each other.

As there swords cross BlackSector attempted a horizontal slash but Connor used his sword to block the attack ,Connor raised his sword up to cut until BlackSector raised his sword up to stop the attack. They both slashed at each others swords creating sparks ,until BlackSector kicked Connor in the stomach knocking him to the ground. BlackSector jumped up to impale him but Connor rolled out of the way just in time and got up.

"Persistent ain't ya?" Connor asked.

BlackSector just ignored him and pulled his sword out. "It is what we must do to achieve victory."

"Really it sounds like a lot of horse-hay to me." Connor said. "If you really want to win that badly then you should of told me."

"Oh I will win and I will have your head for a trophy." BlackSector held out his sword and charged at Connor.

Conner just rolled his eyes and did the same. "Dumbasssayswhat?" He said just a foot away.

"What?" BlackSector said making him lose his focus.

Connor took the opportunity and knocked BlackSector's sword out of his hands and into the ground ,Connor was about to slice off his head but stopped by mere meters from his neck.

"BlackSector you have fought well ,but the fight must end here ,your forces are now subdued with you disarmed." Connor said. "I think Ive been spending to much time with Havoc." Connor thought to himself.

BlackSector bowed to Connor. "I yield you have defeated me." he changed back into his changeling form. "For deleting me I now live to serve you." BlackSector took of his helmet and offered it to Connor.

Connor smiled. "Sweet I think I'll put it in my trophy room with the others."


3 POV [Celestia and Luna] Meanwhile

"Hurry Luna we don't have much time" Celestia said as they ran through the chaos infested hallway.

"But sister what if Discord had hid The Elements of Harmony again?" Luna asked avoiding exploding pies.

"I made sure to take care of that ,since Discord was able to open the chamber I made sure to upgrade it." Celestia said.

Making it to the hall where the Elements were Celestia used her magic to unlock the door ,as it opened Celestia opened the box to find nothing.

Luna gasped. "Tia are you sure the upgrades worked?"

"Dont worry this is only a decoy box the real Element are right here." Celestia used her magic to levitate the pedestal to reveal a secret compartment with an identical box ,levitating the box she opened it to find the real Element of Harmony using her magic to check them she smiled. "Come Luna we must return to Twilight's."

Luna nodded and they both teleported back to Library.


3rd POV [Connor ,Celestia ,Luna Spike and the Main 6]

As the Princesses returned to Twilight's they were relieved to see that they were alright.

"It is good that you are all alright but where is Rainbow Dash and Connor?" Celestia asked.

"Well there outside celebrating there victory." Twilight said pointing out he window.

The Princesses looked out and there eyes widen ,Connor was sitting on top of a pile of changelings with another one just sitting there and with Rainbow Dash flying around shaking her hooves in victory. They opend the door and walked outside Luna kept an eye on the changeling in armor.

"Connor ,Rainbow Dash what happened here?" Celestia asked Looking at the changelings.

"Well when you left there was a swarm of changelings that wanted Havoc ,so Rainbow Dash and I took care of them. Speaking of which Rainbow Dash how did you get through Twilight's shield?" Connor asked.

"I thought it was just like the same spell she uses to keep me from her snack stash but it turns out its just like the same one her brother used on the wedding." Rainbow dash said.

"Of course it was the same spell it was the only one I could think of that could keep the changelings out ,and if we needed to help Connor if something went wrong." Twilight said.

"And you thought well Twilight but for right now we must find Havoc ,we didn't see him in the castle so him and Discord could be any where." Celestia said she closed her eyes and concentrated. "I'll try to find Discord's presence if we find him we might find Havoc." After time Celestia's eyes widen.

"Tia whats wrong?" Luna asked.

"I was able to find them but..." Celestia tried her hardest to say the words. "They are at Mother and Fathers resting grounds."

Luna's heart skipped a beat what her sister just said. "We must hurry."

Celestia and Luna used their magic to teleport the whole gang to where Havoc and Discord are at now.


Havoc's POV

As I was thinking of where Connor could be I still had to stop Discord. Thinking of something I pulled out a Coca-Cola machine and placed it on the ground ,Discord raised an eyebrow at it.

"What is that suppose to do?" He asked

"Oh it just gives out an ice cold bottle of Coca-Cola." I said pulling out a bottle and drinking it.

"Where in a middle of a fight ,and you chose to take a break from it?" He asked just looking at me.

"Sometimes you got a lay back and relax." I said leaning on the machine.

"WHAT!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Discord yelled.

"Its just for one minute ,don't have a meltdown." I said stretching my arms. "Okay now im ready."

"Ok then." Discord now turned into a grey dragon.

"A dragon huh?" I pulled out a rocket launcher and aimed it at Discord's head ,shooting the rocket it flew right into his nostril and exploded.

Discord now had smoke coming out of his nose causing him to sneeze. "AHCHOOO!" I hid behind the Coca-Cola machine and saw red fire burning the ground.

"Woah talk about a hot head." I said. "Heres a tissue just in case!" I yelled throwing it in the air ,Discord just burned it and crushed the machine. "well there goes some good soda." Discord glared at me I could literally see fire in his eyes. "What I thought you loved chaos."

"WHEN IM CAUSING IT!" Discord yelled.

"Well then its time to even the odds." I turned my self into a black dragon. "Chaos is chaos dude."

Discord gridded his teeth and swung his tail at my head ,then he picked me up and threw me a far distance. Shaking my head and getting up I flew right at him and kicked him in the gut knocking him ten or twenty feet and tail wiped him on top of the head.

"Had enough?" I asked changing back as he did to. "I can do this all day."

Discord sighed and shook his head "So you are really willing to protect Equestria even from the likes of me." he then smiled evilly and his eyes turned red. "Even at the cost of your own life?" He pointed his paw in another direction shooting a beam of red chaos magic.

I tuned to where he was shooting at ,I was shocked that it was Luna without thinking I sprinted over to her ,it was like time slowed down I had no idea why Luna was here but there was no way I will let Luna get hurt by Discord ,I pushed her out of the way and the red beam hit me right in the chest the force was so powerful it sent me slamming into the wall.

Then everything went black I couldn't see ,I couldn't breath ,I couldn't even feel my heart beat.


3rd POV [Connor ,Celestia ,Luna and the Main 6]

The gang made it to the King and Queen's resting place and saw two dragons fighting. A black dragon with orange eyes and a grey dragon with red eyes ,these dragons had the same colors as Havoc and Discord.

"This must be them I can sence the chaos magic." Celestia said looking at the giant beasts.

"I didn't even know they could do that." Twilight said watching them change back.

"We can talk about that later right now we have to help him." Luna said running to Havoc.

"Luna wait!" Celestia yelled but Luna didn't hear her.

As Luna raced to Havoc but Discord saw her and he smiled evilly with red eyes. "Even at the cost of your own life?" Discord asked and fired a beam of red chaos magic at her Luna was now scared and couldn't even move from the shock ,but just before it could hit her Havoc pushed her out of way causing him to get hit.

As Luna got up from the ground she looked at Havoc and she was horrified ,there was now a hole in his chest and he wasn't breathing or moving. She never even got to confess her secret to him ,tears were welling up her eyes now.

"A real shame ,he know how to look chaotic." Discord said shrugging it off.

"DISCORD!" Celestia yelled into the sky and shaking the ground.

"Oh lighten up Celestia he wasn't even good at causing chaos anyway." Discord said crossing his arms.


Discord snapped his claws and Celestia was now inside a diamond box again and it was now draining her magic rendering her weak. "I told you its boring when you get grim." Discord now felt a bolt of magic hit the back of his head ,he turned around to find Luna with her horn glowing. "Really Luna you couldn't try to hurt me?"

Luna fired another bolt but Discord just flicked it away ,He snapped his claws again and Luna was now inside a glass jar.

"Now girls!" Discord turned to see the Main 6 using the Elements of Harmony.

"Oh no you don't." He snapped his claws again the Main 6 were now in a giant hamster cage with the Elements gone ,along with their horns and wings disappearing. "You won't be trying that trick anytime soon."

Just then Connor jump down and was firing his tesla shotguns at him. "Your going down freackshow!" Connor yelled.

Discord rolled his eyes and snapped his claws making Connor appear in a cage and takeing away his weapons and armor.

"BlackSector get that ugly guy!" BlackSector flew from the sky and landed on the ground ,but a plastic cup landed above him.

"Is everypony wanting to attack me now? No matter now with that little set back gone I will now bring equestria into chaos." Discord laughed into the sky.

Luna looked at Havoc's body and cried ,tears falling from her face now. "Im so sorry Riles."


Riles's POV Meanwhile

{Youtube Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 OST - 11 A Will Inherited}

Everything went black and it felt like forever ,then everything turned to white. I was human again I looked around only to find nothing then it hit me ,the red chaos magic from Discord hit me and now im dead tears filled my eyes as I fell to my knees ,I failed Luna ,Celestia ,Connor and all my other friends and now Discord is going to take over Equestria.

"Im sorry ,im so sorry everyone." I kept saying as I closed my eyes.

"Thats it your just giving up like that?"

I looked up at what surprised me ,my Draconequess form looking at me and smiling.

"Your ,your me." Was all I could say.

"Sort of ,im the Draconequess form of you the one you call Havoc ,we are the same person only different forms." Havoc said helping me up.

I just looked down. "Whats the use were here now and alone." I said

Havoc just laughed. "Now who said we were alone." He looked to the side and I looked two I saw two different alicorns one was a male with a Kings crown and the other was female with a Queens crown.

"It is good to finally meet you at last." The Queen said.

"Indeed welcome to our resting place." The King said.

"Do you know who these ponies are?" Havoc whispered into my ear.

Then I remember them now there the King and Queen of Equestria I quickly bowed to them.

The Queen giggled. "Now now theres no need for that."

"Please rise we have something to discuss with you." The king said.

"Its about your son isn't it." I asked then I quickly cover my mouth.

The King and Queen nodded. "Yes it is when we defeated Paradox we thought the age of chaos was over but we were wrong when our son Terra became jealous the necklace he had put on poisoned his mind with disharmony and we know why ,Paradox transferred his spirit energy inside the two necklaces ,but he couldn't place it all in one so he place all his corruption in the red necklace while all the good he had left was placed in the blue necklace." The King said.

"It was then we lost our own son to the Disharmony of Paradox but when you put on the other necklace you gained the good Paradox had left inside of him and left your mind unharmed." The Queen said.

"So that is why I didn't become like Terra?" I asked.

The King nodded. "Your correct that's why you only had the powers of chaos and bending reality."

"But why me? Why would it chouse me of all people." I asked curiously.

"Even we do not know why and ether way your a spirit of chaos now which means your the only chance of defeating Discord." The Queen said.

"But how? im already dead." I said as I felt more tears coming.

"Now exactly your just having a near death experience and the King and Queen brought you here." Havoc said.

"He is correct we have brought you here not just to tell you the truth but to offer you a gift ,for your courage and sacrifice for protecting our kingdom we will give you the power to defeat discord." The King said.

I felt power filling up inside me ,and I still know that Discord must be stopped ,a portal opened behind me.

"Before you leave we also want to thank you for bringing Luna happiness." The Queen smiled.

"Your welcome your highness." I said bowing.

"Cherish her everyday until the end of time itself." The King said.

"I will and thanks again." I said bowing again and turned to the portal with Havoc standing beside me. "You ready to take down Discord?"

Havoc smiled. "I thought you never ask." We both now walked through the portal.


3rd POV [Discord]

"Now where was I? Oh yes what I should rename this place? Oh! I know how about Chaostria?" Discord asked drinking the glass of chocolate milk ,He was sitting in another throne he made with his powers. "And what about Canterlot? Oh maybe Chaoslot."

Discord kept laughing as the ponies ,changeling ,and human were stuck in there prisons.

"And Ponyville? hmmmmm how abou-" Just then Discord felt a powerful source of magic ,he looked to where Havoc's body was and got up from his throne ,Havoc's body started glowing with a golden aura ,the hole in his chest healed up fast as he floated down to the ground and opened his eyes

Discord was shocked now. "No ,it can't be ,its not possible."


Havoc's POV

Opening my eyes I was now looking at Discord with a smirk and glowing with a golden aura.

"Discord your chaos ends here." I said as I flew up to him and punched his face sending him back to his throne and destroying it.

As Discord got up I jumped up in the air and divebomb him into the ground he got up again and popped his neck. "HA! So you can hit hard big deal that stuff won't help you." Discord snapped his claws to make a magic barricade.

"I was going to say the same of your chaos." I smashed through it like paper which shocked him now.

"Impossible not even I can phisacly break a magic brocade." Discord said.

"This is your last chance to give up Discord." I said.

"Forget it I would sooner die then be turned to stone again!" Discord yelled firing another beam of red chaos magic.

I fired a beam of blue chaos magic combined with the gold magic ,as our magic beams started pushing at each other ,Discord was getting close to me until heard cheering behind me.

"Havoc ,Havoc ,Havoc." Thanks to my new friends of this world I know I can defeat him ,as I got closer to Discord I just needed a little more magic. "We know you can do it we beleave in you!" Luna Yelled I smiled and concentrated harder until the beam hit Discord surrounding him in gold magic.

"Noooooooo its not possible!" Discord yelled before he turned into gold and exploded making a pillar of white light engulfing the place.

As the light went down Discord was gone and all I saw was a red necklace on the ground. "Its over." I said then I heard groaning in front of me ,picking up the necklace and walking over to the other side ,laying on the ground was a grey alicorn that was a foot taller then Celestia with a black and white mane and tail and he a cutie mark that looked almost like earth.

I kneeled down to get a closer look at him ,as he sturd he opened his eyes they were dark yellow ,he just looked at me.

"Did you... did you free me from that necklace?" He asked his voice sounding young.

"Uh yes?" I said showing it to him.

He just smiled and laughed. "Im free... Im finally free." Tears were filing he eyes. "Thank you so much."

I smiled to. "Your welcome."

"Havoc whats just ha-" Celestia just stopped talking right there the moment she saw the alicorn ,Luna just stood there with here mouth wide open.

He had trouble getting up so I helped him up , he slowly walked up to Celestia and Luna and just looked back.

It felt like forever since they stared at each other.

"Terra?" Celestia asked.

Terra looked down and shut his eyes to keep himself from crying. "Celestia... You were right about all my ideas all they did was make things worse for everypony ,I thought that having power would make me superior but all it did was make me into a victim of my own insanity for so many years ,I am so sorry for tormenting your lives and Equestria long ago ,I know you can never forgive me and I understand." The very moment Terra looked up Celestia and Luna were crying ,they hugged him right there.

"Were just so happy we have you back now." Celestia said crying.

"We missed you so much brother." Luna said also crying.

I was now happy for them a siblings reunited after so long ,Oh great its making me cry to.

Luna stopped hugging Terra and walked towards me tears still running from her eyes and smiling ,she jumped up and hugged me tight. "Thank you thank you so much." I hugged her back knowing that she was so happy now.

As we broke the hug we walked over to Terra and Celestia ,Celestia looked at me and smiled. "Havoc in all of my life this is the greatest thing you have ever done for us you have brought back our own brother who we thought was lost forever and for that we are eternally grateful." Celestia kiss me on the forehead forcing me to blush.

"I guess I was wrong to doubt your experience you really know your chaos magic." Terra smiled at me.

"Thanks but what about this?" I asked holding up the necklace.

Terra turned his sight from it. "Put it some in a place where it can never harm anypony else ever again."

"And I know the perfect place." Celestia said takeing the necklace and teleporting away.

"So now what?" I asked.

"How about you start explaining what just happened." Rainbow Dash said.

We turned around to find The Main 6 Connor and a changeling in armor looking right at us.

I sheepishly smiled. "Well..."


One Explanation Later...

The Main 6 just stood there at what I just told them ,Connor and BlackSector were probably not even paying attention.

"Hey its the fullest honest truth I swear to the Elements." I said.

"So thats why the Elements only had enough power to seal him in stone." Twilight said.

"Well I'll be Havoc you really proved yourself to being a true friend." Applejack said.

"HEY how about a welcome home party for Prince Terra!" Pinkie Pie yelled

"Well what do ya say Terra? Want to be friends with us?" I asked holding out my hand in friendship.

"I would love to." As we shook hands Luna winked to me and I winked back.

Celestia teleported back with a silver crown ,Neckpeice and shoes. "Sorry it took so long it was hard to find out measurements. Celestia said giving them to Terra.

After putting them on I 'CLICKED' my fingers to make a mirror for him to look in ,as he looked at himself he smiled.

"Do you like it Terra?" Celestia asked

Terra shook his head."No... I love it."

"Uh Hello? You not know this but me and Havoc need a party to set up!" Pinkie Pie yelled

We all laughed as we were teleported back to the castle.