• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,065 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

Chaotic and Changeing Heros

My little pony Friendship Is Magic is property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here Comes Havoc

Chaotic and Changeing Heros


Sleep its the most wonderful thing in the word for me to enjoy until I got smacked in the face by beams of sunlight. Now unless its a school day I am not a morning person ,but since im a guest at Twilight's house I have no choice but to get up. Sitting up and streching my body ,feeling my joints pop and enjoying the smell of what appers to be breckfast. As I got out of bed I made my way to the kitchen to find Twilight drinking fresh coffee whyle spike was cooking pancakes.

"Well nice to see your finally up ,im almost done with this last pancake." Spike said as he fliped it on the pan.

"Ahh pancakes the king of morning breckfast ,and good morning to you Twilight." I said as Twilight finished her coffee. "Good morning Havoc how was you sleep?" Twilight asked "It was so good that im surprised that I even woke up." I awnserd as we all laughed. "Anyway what are your plans for to day?" I asked.

"Well Spike and I have to run the libary in one hour so I might be busy" Twilight said looking disapointed "Hey calmdown theres always next time ,and besides I still need to learn more about my powers and see the other places." I said. Twilight briten up as Spike served us breckfast.

"Breckfast is served dig in!" Spike said. I took a bite of the pancakes and they were delicious ,and even tho it was pony type food I enjoied them.

After breckfast was done I said my goodbyes to them ,my walk through town was now pleasant knowing the whole town was not afraid of me anymore some even waved to me as I waved back to them.

When I finally made my way to Rarities shop to see if Connor was there. And boy was I right as I made my way Inside he was eating what looked like burnt goo I guess Sweetie Bell was cooking agian ,the very moment Sweetie Bell noticed me she got excited. "Hey your that Havoc guy from Yesterday!" She said jumping up and down which was so adorible.

"Yup thats me I just wanted to see if Connor was okay ,So whats your name?" I asked avoiding suspicion.
"Im Sweetie Bell and Rarity told me much about you so are you really a new sprit of chaos?" She asked "Of course if I wasn't I coulden't do this." I said

I 'CLICKED' My fingers to make a Giant chocolate bar appear ,as she looked on with wide eyes saying thats so cool I gave her the chocolate bar ,she said she was going to tell her friends and share it. Now that she was gone I went over to the table seeing Connor satisfied with his meal.

"Ah that was good hey get me another coke I need to wash this down." He said I 'CLICKED' my fingers to make another bottle of coke appear ,as he grabed it and took a Sip he looked at me like I was melting.

"This coke taste like pepsi." I laughed "Thats because it is pepsi only with a diffrent lable." I said smileing at him.
"You suck big time. I finished laughing. "Anyway how was it at Rarities ,did she learn your secrets yet?" I asked.

"Well sort of she kept writeing everythig down ,and had me stand for hours just to make more suits for me." Connor said "Well you do have some fantastic clothing I just think gray seem to depresing on you." Rarity said as she made her way in and sat at the table with us. "Goog mornig Havoc what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked

"Good mornig Miss Ratity I just came by here to see how Connor was after you abducted him yesterday." I said as Rarity smilied sheepishly "I apologies for my recent Behavor but he reall does have a nice suit" just a dreaded color. Rarity said.

"Yeah whats with that? You look like your getting ready for a funeral party." I asked whyle Conner had a sour face. "I like gray alright it maches my Personality!" Connor awnserd. "Alright calm down sorry for asking." I said.

Then there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it just hold on darlings." Rarity said. As she left the table leaving me and Connor once agian alone "So since shes occupied at the moment ,you just wana talk? ." I asked.

"Alright if it will get me out of here." Connor awnserd crossing his arms.


3rd POV [Twilight and Spike]

Spike was getting tired of reshelving the books ,and cleaning up Twilights messes evey time she tried to look for a book and can't find it?"Twilight do you have to throw the book you're not looking for on the other side of libary? Spike said. placeing the thrown book on a new shelve spot."Sorry Spike a customer wants the newest edition of Manehatten Cooking and I can't find it. Twilight said as she threw another book.

Spike sighed and went to reshelve another book but then he burped out another letter ,as Spike looked the letter it was light blue with lunas cutie mark on it and it was for Havoc. "Hey Twilight I have a letter and its for Havoc." Spike said. Twilight stoped what she was doing and looked on with curiosity "Well if its for him I'll have to-" Spike suddenly ran for the door at a fast pace. "Dont worry Twilight I'll take it to him be back soon!" Spike was now running to find Havoc and to get away from his regenerating chores.

Twilight was now just staring at the door "Uh... okay?" Twilight looked down then she finally found the book she was looking for "OH! here it is." Twilight Smilied at her success and was now delivering the book.


3rd POV [Spike]

Spike ran through town to find Havoc only he didn't know where he was ,and took a seat on one of the park benches looking on into the skies for several minites until his stomic growled he hasn't eatin anything since breckfast which was four hours ago. "Great Im starvin and have no idea where Havoc is." He said to himself then a thought occurred to him ,Rarity has loads of gems she dosen't use at her house hopefully she might give some to Spike if he asks nicely.

He made his way to the Carousel Boutique and made him self presentable to the elegant unicorn ,as he knocked on the door and waited thinking why Princess Luna would want to talk to Havoc? That question quickly dissapeard as Rarity opend the door. "Oh Spikey how are you doing today? and what with that letter" Rarity asked looking Beautiful to the little dragon "Im doing fine I just wanted to see I can have some gems ,and this letter is for Havoc if only I could find him." Spike awnserd trying not to blush.

"Well what a coincidence hes right in the kitchen ,and yes you can have some gems." Rarity said as she led Spike inside.


Havoc's POV

As Connor and I talked about stuff and having him ask me for another bottle of coke every five minites he explained more about himself and how he became part changeling ,only he finds love boring and only drinks coke. Which I found was Hilarious I was laughing so hard I fell out of my chair ROFLing on the ground.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up at least im not a walking science experiment gone wrong." He said laughing. I got up in retaliation. "Well at least I don't look like a pickeld beetle merged with moldy swiss cheese." I said as we stared angerly at echother "Um gentlemen Im sorry to interrup but theres a letter for Havoc." Rarities voice sturing us from our conflict as Spike gave me the letter and began to read.

To my newiest friend Havoc

I would like to invite you over to the castle for dinner next week with me and my sister ,theres is no need to dress up for the occasion we only wish to talk and enjoy echother's company. Dinner will at nine o'clock tonight we will send a royal chariot at Twilight Sparkle's libary to pick you up.


Princess Luna

"Wow Im being invited over to the castle for dinner next week." I said then Rarity gasped "Really!? that is such an honor to have dinner with the Princesses I must make a suit for you!" Rarity said. With all due respect I dont want to sand for hours but she does love to design clothes "Alright but noting to fancy its just dinner." Rarity smiled "Oh Splended I'll get my materials and we can begin." She went to her supply room for what my be a fate worse than death itself.


Two Hours later..

Finally after two long hours of playing statue and being stabed with needles ,I can move agian knowing my new suit was finished. Rarity had made a dark blue suit with a pale white dress shirt ,dark green tie ,and red gutar pick shaped cufflinks. She has offerd to keep it with her until next week ,and I thanked her for her generosity.

"Thank you Miss Rarity um.. however I don't have any money." I said sadly but knowing Rarity is generous

"Oh nonsense consider it a welcomeing gift from me ,and you can just call me Rarity." She said happily to make more clothes ,and must return to business. I took Connor with me cause he wanted to get out of there.

As we made our way through town there was screaming and panic ,but the good thing was it wasn't at us but at an army of Diamond Dogs and the three dogs form that dog and pony show episode leading the ones in armor catching ponies ,and locking them up in cages. Now let me tell you somethin I did not see this comeing at all I grabed Conner and sped off to a good hideing place to think of an idea on how to stop them. We hid behind a garden fence of what appears to be a carrot farm. Connor however wasn't happy at what I just did.

"Hey watch the tux its not cheap!" He yelled and tried to get up ,I stoped him and made sure none of the diamond dogs heard us "Shhhh keep your voice down the'll hear us and those ponies need help." I hissed at Connor making him shrug. "Hey they snoose they lose." Okay now hes just being selfish which was now getting me angry. "Alright listen to me and listen good we are going to save those ponies and you are going to help me ,or Celestia help me I will stuff you in a coke cola bottle!" I said tring to keep my anger as small as possible ,now im not one for getting angry over useless stuff but this guy's attitude was really getting to me and I do not like it."OK I Got I got it I got it! but how are 'we' going to stop all of 'them' were out completely out numberd." He said

I smiled "There is one way but its a risk that must be taken ,you will have to distract those dimond dogs whylie I free those captured ponies." I said "What!? Why me?" he asked "Because you would make a perfect distraction for the Diamond dogs , and I can get those ponies out with my magic without them knowing. I awnserd the he sighed "Fine lets do this."


3rd POV [Connor]

Connor made his way on top of a near by house were all the Diamond dogs will look away from the cages , he began to get there attention "Hey look at me look at me LOOK AT ME!" all of the dimond dogs were now looking at Connor as he begain. "Hey Fellas look at all of you ,you guys look like you all ran through traffic!" the diamond dogs did not take that insult well and grabed throwable objects as Connor just smiled at them. "C'mon I dare ya!" The dogs begain to throw stuff at him as he easily doged the on comeing projectiles whylie insulting them.

"Haha missed me ,that didn't even come close ,syke nice try pal ,hey yeah ,woo ha ha ha whoah ,nope sorry ,denied ,wosh ,ding what ,boing ,weak ,dummy ,moron ,nice aim return to fricken sender ,Are you guys even tryin? you guys are terebal." Connor was begining to enjoy this distraction and kept rubing it in.


3rd POV [Rover]

As the Tuxedo creaure kept on insulting the diamond dogs they became more angry until one of the three leaders named Rover noticed something going on with the cages and went to investigate and it turns out something was going on they were now empty but thats not all he saw some kind of creature unlocking the cages ,That of which made Rover angry as he saw it free the last little pony ,He now walked right behind it and taped its sholder.


Havoc's POV

"Now get to some where safe." I wispered at the last Little filly as she ran for what might be home after useing my magic to unlock the cages. Okay I turned all the locks into smores and ate them freeing all the ponies ,Everything was going perfect untill I felt a tap on my sholder turning around I found one of the three leaders glareing at me with blood shots in his eyes as I gave hime a troll face smile "Problem?" I asked

"I will rip you appart for your interference!" He yelled which made the other two ,and the rest of the Diamond Dogs look at me and I do not like where this is going. But luckaly I have some thing that will possibly make comeplete fools out of them ,No its not a dog whistle that would be to easy.

I pulled a tennis ball out of nowhere and showed ot to them "Who wants a Ball!?" ,and my thoughs were correct they started jumping around like regular dogs wanting the ball as I threw it at an opend filed so no damage can be done. they chased it like there was no tommarow as I flew up to the sky and followed and it turns out I wasn't alone Connor was following right beside me "hey don't think I'll let you have all the fun!" He said as I smiled ,I used my powers to make me look like I was made of metal and fell down into the center like a commet. I've always wanted to do this.


3rd [POV Diamond Dogs]

One the Diamond Dogs finally reached the ball it poped onto confetti they were now wondering where they were it seemed to be a dirt filed they have been tricked but thats not all some kind of metal commet was now falling to the ground as it landed in the center it caused a small sockwave that pushed some of them back ,some were knocked down. As they got up it was the same creature before only it was made of metal ,and it began to shift around until its form was completely different.

"I am Havoc Prime leader of the Draconabots and I bring you this message."


{YouTube WWE: "Born To Win" (Evan Bourne 3rd 2009/2011 Entrance Theme)}

Havoc POV

After Turning myself into a transforming robot I turned my hands into a tripple barrle guns ,and started shootting fire works at the Diamons dogs. But I was still out numberd ,luckaly Connor arrived just in time to take on some of the dogs he was punching them hard leaving them brused or unconscious.


3rd POV [Connor]

Slaming them down one by one Connor was taking out the Diamond Dog soldiers like there nothing "You just got freacking dominated knucklehead." He kicked another in the gut and knocked their lights out. "You you even see me hittin you." One Diamond dog soldier run up be hind him the Connor did a back fist right in the soldier's nose "Hey knuclke head you ain't gonna win." The soldier just fell down and was out cold "Hit the bricks pal your done." then he punched one more mutiple times then another went down "and thats that.'


Havoc POV

I kept on Fireing my rockets at the Diamon Dogs unitl Me and Conner took all the soldiers down leaving only the three leaders ,and they were shocked that their own army was takin down by us. "Drink it in guys thats how failure tastes." Connor said happily as we approched the three leaders.

"Now which will it be you can either leave these ponies alone or we can lock you three guys up. Its your choice?" I asked

Without thinking the Three leaders ran back to what might be their home land hopefuly the'll learn their lesson this time I changed back to my Draconequess form as they were out of sight. "He well that went well." I said smileing as Connor just laughed "Yeah I don't know who to thank first? Oh I know ME! I make it look easy." He said proudly as I just looked away ,silently shook my head smileing.

"Well Im glad to see you two have saved Ponyville." We turn aroung to find Princess Celestia with some of her royal guards were detaining the Diamond Dog soldiers the leaders have left behind. I bowed to her and I had to make Connor bow to her since he was so disrespectful.

"Hello Princess so you've heard of what happend." I aske as she nodded. "Twilight sent a letter to me saying that the Diamond dogs were attacking Ponyville ,and I would also like to thank you two for saving my subjects." She was looking at the town fortunity they ony did minor damage to the town.

As she looked back to us she was mostly looking back at Connor. "And who is this with you?" She asked I rubbed the back of my head and tried to awnser as best I can. "Well this is Connor hes a new friend of mine and hes here to help me." Ok so it wasn't a good awnser but I tried ,Celestia Looked at him sternly until she relaxed "Very well them now if you will exsuse me I have some trials to atend. She said as She teleported away along with the Royal guards and Diamond Dog soldiers

"HAVOC ! CONNOR!" we looked behind us to find the Main 6 catching up to us. Are you two alright? and where are the diamond dogs?" Twilight asked. "Well Connor and I took them down and freed all the ponies that were captured and Princess Celestia came by and thanked us" I awnserd the Main 6 just gasped.

"Aww but wanted to take out those diamond mutts!" Rainbow Dash said as she was punching the air. "With all due respect sugercube you would have been out numberd." Applejack said patting rainbow on the sholder.

"Im just glad those ruffians are gone they have no manners." Rarity said brushing away little bits of dirt.

"Well I must say you two have done a good job saveing and proteching the town." Twilight said smileing.

"Well you know all part of being the good guy isn't that right Connor." I asked putting my arm around his sholder ,he just rolled his eyes "Yeah sure whatever." He said looking down at the ground but slightly smirking.

We all just laughed and went back to ponyville.


3rd POV [Celestia]

With the Diamond Dog soldiers now triled ,Celestia can now relax she went to her libary to read when she noticed a really old book that looked like it hasen't been opend in centuries as she opend it a large cloud of dust exploded everywhere useing her magic to disperse the dust what she saw made the memmories come back