• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,064 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

Memories and the Chaperone

My little pony Friendship Is Magic is property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here Comes Havoc

Memories and the Chaperone


3rd POV [Celestia ,Luna ,and ? ? ?] 1400 years ago

CURSE YOU ALL TO THE PITS OF TARTARUS ! Yelled the original sprit of chaos ,as the King and Queen Alicorns used all of their powers into distroying this evil draconequess. Celestia ,Luna ,and their older brother Terra watched in horror as their parents gave their lives into saveing Equestria and their children. The King and Queen looked at their children for the last time knowinh that they will never see them agian ,as tears floowed from their eyes.

"We love you children never forget us and never lose hope for echother." Said the Queen smileing at the three

"Watch over the Kingdom and our subjects ,we know you can do it." Said the King also smileing.

With their last words everything went white with an explsion of magic ,it felt like hours before everthing cleared up. When the three opend thier eyes all that was left was a giant crater with no signs of their parents or the original sprit of chaos Luna completely broke down in tears as Celestia was hugging her as tears floowed down her face as well. Terra was now stareing at the crater in compleate shock that they were actulay gone.

"C'mon Luna lets get you out of this place." Said Celestia as she carried Luna with out any responce from her "Brother arn't you comeing?" looking back at Terra still looking down at the crater "I'll catch up just take Luna home." He said keeping his eyes closed ,Celestia nodded and teleported back to the castle.

With them gone Terra flew down inside looking at the utter devastation from the battle as he continued something caught his eye ,taking another step closer he saw two strange colored necklaces ,one was large that could fit a ponies neck and the other one was sightly smaller than the other. He looked on curiously and put them away in his pockets until he found out what they were. Useing his magic he teleported back home to his sisters.


3 hours later...

Luna now cried herself to sleep as Celestia took her to her room and placed her in bed and put the covers over her ,Celestia stoped crying but her heart was still filled with grief and sorrow as she looked out the window.

"How is she?." Asked Terra walking inside Luna's room. "Shes asleep now and just stoped crying." Said Celestia looking back at her sister still sad from the event.

"Im sorry Celestia I just wish I could do somethin to help them" said Terra looking down at the ground. "There was nothing you can do brother do go beting your self up over it." Said Celestia trying to make him fell better.

"But what can we do now theres only three of us left how can we eve-" "Because they knew they could trust us with the responsibilities over their kingdom and where going to prove them right" Celestia interrupted as she looked at her brother and continued. "They maybe gone but they will never be forgotten we will watch over this land and keep it in peace.

Terra was shocked at what her sister just said ,but he knew that it was the truth and agreed. "Your right sister you me and luna can do this and we will prove our parents right. He said with confidence.

As they were now watching the sky as the sun and moon seperated they knew they have job to do and they won't let their parents down.


3rd POV [Celestia and Luna] Presient

Celestia just looked on at the single page of the old book with those sad memories comeing back in an instant , she closed the book and placed it back on the shelf. She tried her best to forget those painful memories but no advil

"Sister is everything alright?" Asked Luna walking inside of Celestia's libary with concern for her sister.

"Of course Luna shoulden't you be in bed?" Celestia asked looking for another book to read. Luna was now confused. "Umm Sister im getting up to raise the moon and your sun needs to be lowerd." said Luna as he walked closer to her sister.

Celestia stoped what she was doing and saw the clock it was now nine thirty ,she was standing at the same spot looking at that book for for five hours. "Oh im sorry Luna I must've lost track of time I'll get ready to lower the sun." Celestia said now walking to the balcony ,useing her magic as the begun to lower down for another day to come.

Luna startin to get a bit worried about her sister Celestia has never forgotten to finish raseing her sun like this ,but she pushed it away for no and went on the balcony with her sister to raise the moon.

No matter how many times Celestia saw her sister rase the moon ,she was always happy that they can raise the sun and moon together


Havoc's POV 2 days later...

Its been two days since the Diamond Dogs tried to invade Ponyville ,Connor and I have been helping the ponies rebuld their houses and shops. Some of the ponies asked me why not just use my magic to fix everything ,and I told them that if I did that and if anyhthing happend to me my magic would dissapear and that wouldn't end well. They agrried to that awnser and we just did it by hands and hooves.

After the last house was repaird I was beat ,and 'CLICKED' my fingers to make a recliner and sat in it. Now able to take a breather and just rela- "Hey Havoc we need to ask you somethin!" unsecond thought it'll have to wait. As I looked over I found Sweetie Bell ,Applebloom ,and Scootaloo stareing at me happily "Okay what can I do for ya" I asked

"Our school teacher Miss Cheerilee is haveing a filed trip to the lake but we need a chaperone to go." Applebloom said

"Well why are you asking me?" I asked "Applebloom's brother and sister are to busy with their apple orchard ,Rainbow Dash is busy maintaining todays weather,and my sister has to fillin some requests so you were our last option please be our chaperone please." Sweetie Bell said with pleading eyes along with ,those three really wan't to go swimming.

"Alright I'll go with you three ,what do I have to do?" The three were now smileing like crazy and jumping around in excitement. "Just meet us at the school in one hour ,thats where Miss Cheerilee is starting the filed trip!" Scootaloo said.

"Alright I just need to talk to my friend over there." I said as the trio agreed and ran off ,I got up from my one minite break and walked over to Connor ,all he was doing was agueing with Rainbow Dash.

"C'mon you like ,like Applejack admit it." It looks like Conner is tring to see if Rainbow Dash swings the other way ,Just because she has a rainbow mane and tail ,and most of the pony population is female dosen't mean the obvious. Right?

"No! I don't like her 'that' way she is only a friend!" Rainbow Dash yelled trying not to blush and failing at it. she had her forearms crossed and was hovering in the air tring not to look at Connor.

"I saw how you were lookg at her ,you wouldint keep your eyes off of her when she was rebulding the town." Conner Said

"I was trying to make sure Applejack didn't get hurt ,I was only concern for her safety." Rainbow Dash said

"Face it skittles you a lisbie hobbet" Connor said which got Rainbow Dash boiling mad and her wings began to flare up

"THATS IT!" Rainbow Dash yelled now getting ready to charge at Connor ,that was my cue to step in useing my magic to put up a magic barrier between them "Alright breack it up you two ,and Connor quit trolling Rainbow Dash." I said

"Hmph, Fine what do you want anyway?" Connor asked. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders want me to be their chaperone ,so im might be gone for a whyle."I said. "Yeah and?" Connor asked agian looking like he didn't care. "And incase anythig goes on in Ponyville agian I want you to contact me." I awnserd ,Connor just sighed. "O K and how am I supposed to contact you? Start a fire and make smoke signals?" He asked "No with you new communicator watch." I said making a pair of communicator watches.

Giving one to Connor he just looked at it and shook his head "Yeah im not gona wear this" Connor said ,I just smirked "Well its either this watch or I can put a computer chip in your brain." Connor eyes widen and he quickly put on the watch. "Err unsecond thought watches are a good trend theise days and it goes well with my tux." Connor said as I smiled and patted him on the sholder

"Alright now just don't caused any trouble." I said then I got closer to him "And stay in your human form we don't need another panic happening here." I wisperd at him ,he just rolled his eyes. "Okay sheesh you are such a by the book guy".

I pulled out a pair of sports sunglasses and put them on "Deal with it."

Connor just rolled his eyes ,and shook his head ,then walked away. Now that he was gone I wanted to make sure if Rainbow Dash was Okay ,she seemed to have calm dowm a bit and was just blushing a little.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked as she just looked at me. "Yeah im fine ,why are you asking anyway so you can make fun of me as well?" She asked Im guessing she dosen't trust me yet. "No. I only wanted to make sure you were alright." I said

"Well thanks for asking now if you will excuse me I need to return to weather duty." she said flying off and leaving a rainbow trial behind ,I guess it'll be a whyle before she can exept me as a friend.


30 minites later...

After some flying and serching I finally made my way to the school ,there was the entire class along with other chaperones holding swimming gear and picnic food ,and wearing swimsuits.(I don't even know.) As I made my way closer there were The Cutie Mark Crusaders waveing me over.

"Hey girls is it time for the filed trip yet?" I asked "Not yet our ride is still not here ,and Sweetie Bell told us of how you made that chocolate bar for her I thought I would never finish my share of it." Applebloom said happily

"Yeah it was awsome!" Scootaloo said whyle trying not to drop a bottle of sun screen on her head

"And thanks agian Rarity never lets me eat chocolate inside her house." Sweetie Bell said

"Hey its no problem so wheres Miss Cheerios at? I wana talk to her before we leave." I asked miss saying Cheerilee's name on purpose.

"Its Cheerilee and shes over there in front of the school , we already told her about you and she didn't beleave us at first." Applebloom said.

"Well its time to make her a beleaver just wait here girls." I said as I walked to the school Miss Cheerilee was talking to Filthy Rich that pony from that episode with the zap apples (I wonder what they taste like?) As they finished talking and walked away I cleared my thorat to get her attention Uh exscue me are you Miss Cheerilee?. I asked

"Yes I am can I help yo-" she slowly looked up and her eyes widen but she calmed down (Thank you town meeting.) "Um yes can I help you?" She asked "Yes im Havoc and im here to be the chaperone of Applebloom ,Scootaloo ,and Sweetie Bell." I awnserd

"Oh so they were telling the truth ,alright that covers them." Cheerilee said checking out their names on a note pad. "And after whyle would you like to come over to the school sometime to be a guest speaker? " Cheerilee asked

"Well why not ,I would love to Miss Cheerilee." I awnserd shaking he hoove

"Wonderful and it seems our ride is here." she said as a school bus version of a carrage arrived here. "Alright everypony its time to go get everything you need!" Cheerilee yelled as the class and chaperones got on ,as I made my way closer to the drivers one was a light gray earth pony with a silver mane and tail ,and his cute mark was a rolling wheel ,and the other one was a dark yellow earth pony with blueishgreen maine and tail his cutie mark were horse shoe trackes

"Is this everyone?" He asked his voice was similar to Christopher Walken ,infact he looks likes a pony version of him.

"Yes Mr Rollen were all set." Cheerilee said ,as me and her got on I sat next to The Cutie Mark Crusaders and they were excited to go ,the carrage began to move and we made our way to the lake one of the classmates suggested singing a song to pass the time.


20 minites later...

It was a long ride buy we finally made it to the lake ,but this was a different lake it was much bigger and there were more trees ,and there was a rock formation where ponies can dive into the water. There was even a grassy filed with picnic tables. I used my magic to make my self a pair of swim shorts and goggles since everypony else was wearing swim suits

"Alright childrean remember to only swim at the shallow area." Miss Cheerilee said as we all got out and set up the picnic the class was now running to the water all except for the CMC and the two bullies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"Well it seems that the blank flanks get to go along after all." Diamond Tiara said being snobby just like on the show.

"Good for you three hope you know how to swim." Silver Spoon said useing her hoove in a swimming motion.

"I think its time to even the odds" I thought to my self as I slithered over to the two little ponies the CMC saw me and were wondering what I was doing ,I put a finger over my mouth to shush them and they stayed quiet and I used my magic to turn Diamond Tiara 's mane into a pokadotted afro wig without her knowing ,the CMC's eyes went wide and started to snicker ,then I gave Silver Spoon a long curlly mustache. they begain to chuckle as the two eyed them.

"What is so funny?" Diamond Tiara asked not even knowing her friend's new facecial hair as the CMC kept trying not to laugh "I think they finally lost it lets just get outa here." Silver Spoon said as Diamond Tiara agreed ,before they left I used my magic agian to change their cutie marks Diamond Tiara's was now a bag of chips ,and Silver Spoon's was now an old boot. as they walked away the three noticed what I just did and laughed like crazy.

"Oh man that was hilarious Havoc!" Sweetie Bell said between laughs "Yeah when they see that there going to freakout!" Scootaloo said trying to hold back her laughs. "That'll show them to be bullies and be mean ta us!" Applebloom said.

"Don't listen to what they say there only trying to get to you and make your life miserable ,now lets go swimming I wan't to try my powers under water." I said as we went to the lake


3rd POV [Connor]

Connor was bored out of his mind no coke ,no video games ,not even a good spot to sit down. He was sitting at a park for three hours with nothing to do until an idea popped in his head. Going over to some bushes were noone can see him he changed into a light red unicorn filly with dark red mane and tail and cutie mark were to crossed lollipops.

Walking out of the bushes she made her way to the Libary ,and walked right in Twilight was at the table reading a random book ,and Spike was upstares dusting. "Um excuse me miss." she said trying to get Twilight's attention.

Twilight's train of thought was cut off and looked down at the filly."Yes can I help you?" She asked.

"Im looking for a book on Nightmare moon." the filly awnserd.

"Um yes I do." Said Twilight as she made her way to one of the shelfs. "Why do you need a book on Nightmare Moon?" She asked whyle searching for the book and finding it.

"I wan't to learn more about her." the little filly awnserd with a smile.

"Well okay ,so are you going to read this to your friends to scare them?" Twilight asked checked out the book

"No ,Nightmare Moon is my favorite Princess and I wan't to be just like her thank you so much." The little filly awnserd now carrying the book out as Twilight just stood there her mouth wide opend.

"Huh? What? Uhhh." Where the ony thoughts she could come up with.


5 minites later...

The little filly put down the book and changed back to Connor laughing so hard that he was crying "Oh man I can't believe that worked ,she'll be trying to findout what even happend just now." Connor said now takeing the book and reading it and it turns out it really was a good story.

Author's Note:

If there is any one who wants to help me edit my chapters, fell free to ask