• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,064 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

Truth, Zombies, and one Old Enemy

My little pony Friendship Is Magic is property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here Comes Havoc

Truth ,Zombies ,and one old Enemy


After Flying back to Ponyville I landed in front of the Library as I opened the door I was caught by an avalanche of books. digging my way through I was back inside the Library and saw Twilight emptying the shelfs and Spike was stacking books on the table.

"What is it with you and making messes with books?" I asked Twilight.

She turned around and smiled. "Oh Havoc your back how did it go with the Princesses?"

"It went well although there was swarm of changelings that invaded Canterlot this morning and captured the Princesses along with Captain Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Twilight was shocked now. "But I saved them turns out a changeling called Queen Chrysalis made a deal with the Diamond Dogs." I said like it was no big deal.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank Celestia if you haven't stepped in I don't know what would happen."

"Anyway whats with all the books on the ground again?" I asked looking at Spike he was hyperventilating.

"Its the day where we have to reshelf the books and since you gave me this nook we need to have the books organized just like the stories on my nook." Twilight said now reshelfing the books.

"I was wondering why there was a book avalanche when I opened the door." I said ,Twilight looked at me and smiled sheepishly.

"Oh sorry I get carried away sometimes." Twilight said

"More like all the time." Spike whispered to me as I nodded.

"I heard that." Twilight glared at both of us and we just smiled.

"Problem?" We both said giving her the Trollface smile ,Ive been teaching Spike on how the trollface system works.

Twilight just rolled her eyes and went back to reshelfing.

"So do you need any help?" I asked.

"Unless you know how to organize books than yes."

"Sadly I don't but I can try."


Three Hours later...

After helping Twilight and being lectured by her on how the books should go we were finally done. The sun began to set bringing night time. Twilight was putting Spike in bed after he fell asleep on the stares ,and came back down.

"Havoc before you go to I need to tell you something." Twilight was sitting at the table.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Rainbow Dash found out Connor is part changeling."

I knew that somepony would find out eventually. "Has she told anypony?"

"No but she might still be wery around him."

"How about this we get the rest of your friends and have them meet us here tomorrow."

"Why what do you have planed?"

"You'll see." I smiled at Twilight as I went to bed.


The Next day...

It was around noon and Main 6 have gathered around in the Library ,Spike was with the CMCs at Sweet Apple Acers.

"Ok what did you bring us here for Sugercube?" Applejack asked.

"Yes I wondering why as well." Rarity said.

"Are we gong to play a game I love games." Pinkie Pie said.

Fluttershy was still silent when she arrived however she has gotton used to me over time.

"Its sort of like a game ,so where is Connor?" I asked.

"I have no idea darling I sent him to get more fabric and he never came back." Rarity said.

"'Sigh' I'll go look for him just sit tight." I said as I was going outside.

Flying up and landing on one of the houses I remembered that I gave him a communicator watch ,I got mine out and put it on. "Connor are you there?" I asked speaking into the watch ,there was a bunch of static but it started working.

"Havoc is that you? You gotta help me theres a green unicorn trying to molest me." Connor said panicking.

"Well where are you?" I asked.

"Im hiding in a dumpster and im worried she might still be looking for me."

"Which dumpster are you in?"

"I don't know everything was going so fast when I was running from her."

"Just stay put I'll try to find you." I took off into the sky and looked around Ponyville.

Now lets see a green unicorn ,a green unicorn was chasing Connor but why? I landed back down and looked around until a hoof tapped my shoulder ,Looked down to find Lyra the mint green unicorn. Then the Memories of her rushed back to me in a flash. Shes a pony thats into humans.

"Hey have you seen a human in a grey tuxedo?" She asked.

"No im sorry." I lied ,Lyra looked down and walked off.

So if Lyra is here than Connor is not to far away ,I looked around and found multiple dumpsters. "This could take a while."


Ten Minutes Later...

After looking in the 12th dumpster I finally found Connor and boy did he look like crap.

"It's about time is she still around?" Connor asked.

"Hopefully not now lets you to Twilight's Library." I said.

"No. Way.?" Connor asked. "Im not going out there ,not with that crazy unicorn looking for me."

"That is true Lyra wont stop until she catches you." I said then I got an idea. "Wait she's only chasing you because you're a human ,so what would happen if she saw two humans?" I asked.

Connor looked at me stupidly. "I don't exactly follow."

I sighed and rolled my eyes ,looking around I jumped in the dumpster with Connor.

"What the hell are you doing?" Conner asked.

I turned myself human again. "I have and idea."


3rd POV [Lyra]

Lyra was still looking around for the human she wouldn't stop until he was hers ,he was living proof that humans were real.

"Lyra what are you doing now?" Bonbon asked.

"Im looking for the human I mentioned earlier." Lyra said still looking around.

"For the billionth time Lyra humans are not real there just a myth." Bonbon said.

"They are not a myth I saw one not too long ago and I will show you." Lyra said now running off.

She returned to the spot ,looking around she found the human again but also with another human this widen her smile even more.


Havoc's POV

"This plan better work." Connor whispered. "If not I will kick your ass.

"It will work trust me." I whispered as Lyra approached us smiling wide.

"Wow two humans this is even better now Bonbom will have to believe me." Lyra said Rubbing her hooves together.

"Don't you mean three?" I asked pointing behind her.

Lyra turned around looking for the other human thats wasn't even there ,which was the signal for me and Connor to make a break for Twilight's ,But there was one thing I had to do first.

"Connor go and wait for me at the Library." I said as Connor nodded and ran off.

I stopped by a table with Bonbon sitting there staring at me. "Hey is your name Bonbon?" I asked.

"Y-yes." she answered.

"Well I just want to let you know that me and my friend are humans and we are very real ,so you might want to apologise to your friend." Without thinking I ran off back to Twilights.


3rd POV [Lyra]

Lyra had fallen for the oldest trick in the book ,turning around she saw the two humans running. She started to chase them again and would not stop until she had proof for Bonbon ,but just then one of the humans stopped and talked to Bonbon and ran off.

"Now do you see Bonbon Humans are real" Lyra said.

"Lyra I am so sorry for not believing you can you ever forgive me?." Bonbon asked.

"Wait what?" Lyra said.

"That human with orange eyes told me that humans were real and told me to apologise to you.

Lyra couldn't belive what she just heard ,but she knew she could never stay mad at Bonbon. "Yes I forgive you." Lyra hugged Bonbon and sat down next to her. Maybe she can let the human go for now.


Havoc's POV

Finally reaching Twilight's I ran inside and closed the door ,looking outside to make sure Lyra wasn't following me.

"Its about time where ya been?" Applejack asked.

"Well we ran into some problems but took care of theme." I said. "Now that everyone is here we need to show you something."

"Well what is it darling?" Rarity asked

"First I need for you all to sit down. I said as they nodded and sat down. "Ok what im about to show is just something secret so you don't freack out but you have to promise not to attack Connor."

"Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." The Main 6 said doing the Pinkie promise at the same time.

"Alright Connor do your thing." I said.

"What do you mean?" Connor asked looking at me as I facepalmed.

"Use your powers." I said.

Connor just shrugged and made a wall blue fire appear around him ,when the fire cleared down Connor was in his pony form. Rarity fainted ,Pinkie Pie was unaffected ,Fluttershy jumped behind Applejack as she glared at Connor.

"Ah knew something was up when Winona was barking at you!" Applejack yelled but thanks to the Pinkie promise she was still sitting.

"Calm down Applejack Connor isn't dangerous and he is not going to hurt us." Twilight said.

"Hes a human that part changeling so theres no problem with that." I said.

"Well what if he feeds off Trixie's love then what." Applejack asked watching Connor.

"Well heres the funny part he doesn't feed off of love only Coke so hes not really dangerous." I said pulling a coke out of my pocket and tossing it to Connor.

"About time." Connor said turning human and chugging down the soda.

"Uh what happened." Rarity asked getting up and rubbing her head.

"We were just talking about Connor being part changeling." I said.

"WHAT!? I have let a changeling live at my house and you didn't tell me?" Rarity asked dramatically.

Thankfully Pinkie Pie steeped in and explained what I said about Connor until Rarity calmed down.

"Hey Pinkie how come you are not surprised at Connor being a changeling?" I asked.

"Oh I knew Conny was a changeling the very moment he walked in Ponyville." Pinkie Pie said smiling ,we all just looked at her.

"What? If you knew about that then why didn't you tell us?" Applejack asked.

"I would have known if he was bad but since hes not theres nothing to worry about." Pinkie Pie said bouncing around the Library.

Fluttershy was still hiding behind Applejack. "Can I go home now?" she asked.

"Not yet we have one more thing." I said. "Connor do you promise not to do evil stuff in Ponyville?"

"Fine I won't." Connor said not even caring.

"Hey how come your only telling us and not the Princesses?" Rainbow dash asked me.

"Well I thought it might be to soon so we can tell them later." I said.

Applejack just took one last look at Connor and gave in. "Alright but no funny stuff you hear?"

"Awwwwww but what am I going to do with this?" I asked pulling out a bow of funny stuff.

"Not you sugercube I was talking to Connor." Applejack said pointing at Connor.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say." Conner said rolling his eyes.

"Now since thats put behind us how about a good game of poker." I said pulling a deck of cards from my pocket. "Question who knows how to play poker?" I asked as everypony laughed. "Im not joking does anyone know how to play?"


One Month Later...

The sky was dark and cloudy we were now at an abandoned farmhouse miles from Ponyville ,Luna and I are now the only survivors left of the zombie outbreak the appeared in Equestria.

"This place will have to do for now ,it will only be a matter of time before they find us." I said getting boards and nailing them to the windows to keep them out.

"We only need time to rest and reload our weapons." Luna said reloading her Minigun. "Hopefully we might have time for sleep."

I couldn't agree more It felt like we were running forever thankfully we now have temporary shelter ,after takeing care of the windows and front door I went to a table and placed my AK-74 down to check it ,and to my despair the barrel was bent out of place and the trigger was broken off.

Looking though my bag I still had a 12 gauge shotgun and plenty of ammo ,along with two 10mm pistols ,a grenade launcher and three frag grenades. Pulling my tool set out I took apart the AK-74 so I can get some spare parts since its useless now.

Luna was finished reloading her Minigun ,she had it through the beginning and always took care of it ,that gun is a miracle when it come to cutting zombies in half.

She also had five frag grenades three C4 remote bombs and her family sword.

"Do you thing will survive this?" Luna asked.

"I don't know." I said walking over to Luna and sitting next to her. "But as long as we don't stop they wont stop us." I patted her back and she smiled.

"Lets at least have something to eat before we get some sleep." Luna said giving me a power pack bar.

"Thanks Luna." I took a bite out of mine and enjoyed the taste.

Luna was eating hers slowly ,but she eventually finished. Luna went to a soft pile of hay and layed down in it. "Cimon havoc you need sleep to." I smiled and lay down next to her. "At least im still with you." those were her last words before faling asleep.

"Couldn't agree more." I said before falling asleep to.


Hours Later...

We woke up to the sound of walls pounding ,quickly getting out of the hay we grabbed our guns and got ready.

"It looks like they found us." Luna said getting her Minigun ready.

"If they want to snack on us they'll have to earn it." I said getting my shot gun and pistols ready.

The barricades on the windows started to give in and break apart with zombie ponies pushing themselfs through ,one window broke apart and a pony walker fell in and got up ,it moaned and slowly walked towards but I make quick work by capping its face with a shotgun shell.

The other barricades broke apart and more zombies started falling in ,Lung fire up her Minigun and was mowing down the walkers. I made sure to keep her safe by blowing some of the zombies heads off when they got to close.

"PUT THESE POOR SOULS OUT OF THEIR MISERY!" I yelled as I kept blowing off zombie heads one by one.

"FOR EQUESTRIA!" Luna yelled as she was mulching the undead down.

More came in only they were the runner kind they ran right for us but luckily Luna was good with a sword as she was slicing their heads off.

I was running low in shells so I tossed it aside and pulled out my 10mms and started piercing the zombies heads.

The undead horde was decreeing down until we felt the ground shake harder and harder until we were met with the doors being broke apart into woodchips ,we were met with a colossal zombie pony three times the size of Celestia ,it howled into the sky and ran right towards us.

Dogeing it swiftly Luna planted a C4 bomb on its back and pressed the button ,the bomb exploded tearing apart the colossal's back leaving it's spine and puss covered muscles exposed. The monster roared in pain and grabbed the table and threw it at us slamming us both to the ground ,quickly getting up I got out my grenade launcher and sent a grenade right in it's face.

As it exploded I helped Luna up and she quickly reloaded her Minigun unforchantly she was almost out of ammo ,and so far the weapons with the most ammo I have is for my pistols. I check my grenade launcher and all I had was two grenade shells left.

"Luna I just want to say it was an honnor fighting with you." I said.

"Likewise." Luna said aiming her Minigun.

As the smoke cleared the colossal was still standing and popped its neck ,it howled again only it was different then suddenly more walkers and runners climbed through the windows ,Luna had to use her weapon on them so I had no choice but to use my pistols on the colossal.

"Alright big guy lets see what you got." I said as i fired at it's head,tearing a chunk of eyeball out. It roared in pain again and fell to the ground I walked ou to it aiming my pistol at it's face. "You lose big guy." I was about to pull the trigger until I heard screaming ,I turned around to find Luna being taken down and being bitten by zombie ponies. I tried to stop the but the colossal got back up and back hooved me two the wall breaking my spine ,tail ,and skull I couldn't move.

Luna was being eaten by zombies and more zombies now came for me and the last thing I saw was the colossal's hooves stomping my face in.


"GAME OVER...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The narrator said.

Luna and I groaned in annoyance ,we were in her room playing Pony Dead which is like Dead Island and Left 4 Dead combined ,we just got turned into zombie chow again at the same level that we tried to beat for hours now.

"How is it that we were able to beat all of the other levels except this one?" Luna said burying her head in the pillows.

"Maybe the game is rigged." I said putting the controller down on the table and taking a gulp of Applesoda.

"If I find out its rigged I'll have Tia throw the game maker into the sun." Luna said glaring at the Tv.

I was laying back on the couch giving my eyes a break from looking at the screen it felt good to blink again. It turns out Equestria has video games except their rarely shown around ,I looked at some of the games that Luna had they were just like the ones in my world only with pony references.

"Do you just want to quit and play something else?" I asked takeing a handful of chips.

Luna sighed and turned off the game. "Sure but let me take a break first." Getting up and stretching she jumped off the couch and walked around.

I was still laying back on the couch to tired to even get angry at the game. "I feel like someone put salt in my eyes." I said closing them.

"I know how you feel." Luna said jumping back on the couch. "There is one game that I want to try on Co-op."

"And whats that?" I asked she opened the console and switched games.

"You'll see." she was now smiling.

Luna and I got our controllers ready watching the game load up. "Resident Equine 5." I heard from the Tv this should be interesting.


More Hours Later...

Luna and I ran out of her room ,we got killed so many times on the game that she snapped and fired a bolt of magic at the Tv destroying it and starting a fire filling her room up with smoke thankfully fire smothered out from too much smoke.

"Did 'Cough' Did you have to 'Cough' destroy your Tv Luna?" I asked.

"Im sorry 'Cough' I just don't like 'Cough' getting killed so many times." Luna said

We were outside leaving the balcony doors open to let all the smoke out and breathing in the fresh air.

"I guess it will be a while before we can go back inside." I said looking up at the sky.

"Im sorry Riles ,I just don't know what came over me." Luna said looking down.

I rubbed her shoulder. "Hey its alright everyone gets angry at some point." I said smiling at Luna. "Have you ever went sledding?"

"Whats sledding?" Luna asked looking at me curiously.

I smiled. "Follow me and I'll show you." I flew off to the clouds as Lund followed.


Minutes Later...

We were now high in the sky filled with clouds of different shapes and sizes everywhere ,I found the biggest cloud I could find in the shape of a hill. "Perfect." I said.

"Riles what does that have to do with sledding?" Luna asked looking at the hill cloud.

I 'CLICKED' my fingers to make a boat-shaped sled and I carried it up to the cloud hill. "Almost its and I promise you it will be fun."

Making it to the top with Luna waiting ,she flew to the top instead of walked. Putting the sled down and getting inside.

"Hop in Luna." I said she just nodded and got in sitting in front of me.

"What is suppose to happen?" Luna asked.

"Simple we slide down this cloud hill super fast." I said leaning forward to make the sled move.

"Wait what?" Those were her last words before we slid down the cloud hill.

Now sliding down at fast speeds and feeling the wind in our faces ,we surfed through the clouds until I saw a ramp shaped cloud and smiled leaning to one side for the sled to turn. Luna saw what I was doing.

"Riles please no im not very sure about this." Luna begged but it was too late we slid off the ramp and were now in the sky. Luna looked like she was about to scream but didn't ,she looked at the view of the lands and smiled.

We landed on another cloud and slowed down. "So what did you think." I asked.

"It was amazing!" Luna yelled in excitement. "I never thought that would so much fun!"

"Sometimes you gotta enjoy life while you still can." I said as we got out and looked over Canterlot.

"And I should thank you for teaching me that." Luna said. "Riles do you like me?" Luna asked blushing.

I blushed as well. "Of course I like you Luna you a great pony and a good friend to have."

Luna smiled even more. "Riles I have a confection to make." Luna said looking at me as I looked back our eyes meeting. "Riles I..." She stopped and was now looked terrified.

"Luna whats wrong?" I asked.

"Discord." Luna whispered.

"Discord?" I asked.

"Thats my name." I turned around to find the spirit of chaos himself Discord.

I looked back at Luna and she was backing away from him. "N-no you couldn't have escaped again."

"Oh but I did escape Luna and im back" Discord said ,he turned to look at me. "And whats this another Draconequess?" Discord asked as he was grooming his goatee.

"How did you escape again we took precautions this time." Luna said still scared.

Discord smiled. "You did good with the precautions but they didn't last long you see after the events with Queen Chrysalis there was enough chaos to crack my stone prison but it took a while so I just waited until I was free once again."

Discord snaped his claws and Luna was now in a glass box. "And now with my return once again Equstria will fall into chaos." He snapped his claws again and Luna was gone.

"What have you done with her?" I demanded glaring at Discord. "If you hurt her I swear I will bring chaos to your face!"

He just laughed. "Oh relax shes back at the castle along with Celestia and the other ponies that stopped me." It felt like my heart just stopped. "Now with them out of the way I wont have anymore problems wreaking chaos." Discord said turning all the clouds into cotton candy. "Ah I love the smell of chaos in the morning."

I looked around Canterlot and Ponyville they were now in chaos just like the episodes return of harmony.

"How about this join me in bringing all of Equestria into chaos just think of it chaos ,chaos everywhere." Discord said "All will bow down before us." I just gave him a look and he just sighed. "Tell you what I'll give you time to make your decision just meet me at the castle." Discord then teleported away.

I was now clenching my fists and grinding my teeth ,that monster dares to steal my friends a torment their home , I shook my head no no I wont let him do this there is no way he will desecrate this peaceful land. I quickly flew back to Ponyville to find Connor.


Minutes Later...

I looked for Connor everywhere but with all this chaos was giving me a headache I can't find him with all of this going on.

"HAVOC!" I turned around and found Connor running from giant bunnies. I grabed Connor and flew off to a safe location. "Oh thanks man that bunny is out to get me." He wiped his brow.

"Connor we have problem Discord is back." I said looking at the castle from far away.

"Really well if he was making those giant bunnies ,Lets out him back into his statue." Connor said.

"No Connor hes too powerful besides hes got The Main 6 which means The Elements of Harmony are out of the question" I said. "By the way wheres Trixie?" I asked.

"Well Trixie's caravan grew spider legs and its now running around Ponyville." Conner said rubbing the back of his head.

"Why didn't you save her?" I asked

"I tried to but I ran into those giant bunnies and well thats when you came in." Connor smiled sheepishly.

I just rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Ok we need to stop Discord but first I need to help you save Trixie."

"Uh what?" Conner said. "Why do we need to save Trixie first?"

"If you save Trixie it will add a good impression to her." I said.

Connor smiled. "Alright lets save Trixie Havoc Coke me!" he yelled as I threw a bottle of coke to him.

We flew around Ponyville until I spotted Trixie's caravan and it was running fast ,we had to go full speed just to keep up with it 'CLICKING' my fingers to make a giant crossbow Connor got in ,aiming for Trixies caravan I pulled the trigger and Connor shot out like a cannon ball right onto the target.


3rd POV [Connor and Trixie]

Trixie's caravan was running fast with all of her stuff bouncing around ,she was holding on to the bed which was the only thing that wasn't moving. "For Celestia's sake make it stop!" Trixie yelled

Just them Connor smashed through her window hitting her wall and landed on the floor.

"Connor!?" Trixie yelled still holding on.

Connor got up and tried to keep his balance. "Trixie im here to get you out of here do you trust me?"

Trixie just looked at him. "Of course I trust you please get me out of here!"

Connor quickly turned into a pony and picked up Trixie ,opening the front door they jumped out Connor carried Trixie safely to the ground.

"Connor did you just?" Trixie asked as Connor nodded.

"Yes and im sorry for not telling you I just didn't want you to be scared." Connor said Looking sad.

A pair of hooves grabbed his face and a set of lips met his ,It was like Connor's brain just shut down Trixie just kissed Connor. After the kiss broke Trixie smiled. "You save my life ,besides you look good as a pony." Trixie said blushing.

Conner just blushed to. "Maybe I should stay like this from now on."


Havoc's POV

I catch up to Connor he was a pony again with Trixie he just smiled and blushed.

"Maybe I should stay like this from now on." he said.

"Maybe later I still need your help!" I yelled.

Connor just sighed and turned back into a human. "Fine fine now what?" I asked.

"Now we need a plan against Discord" I said.

"And how do you plan to pull that off?"

"Simple hes a spirit of chaos and disharmony plus hes also a master of deception so we use that against him." I said "So heres the plan."


Thirty Minutes Later...

Me and Connor were at the castle gates ,Discord has now made the castle into his image but it won't be for long.
Giving Connor a set of gray armor, with built in weapons, he went through the gates and climbed up the wall.

Now it was only me, I was the only hope for Equestria now, walking inside and to the throne room. It was time to face him.

"Look out Discord Here Comes Havoc."