• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,044 Views, 3,671 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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Ch 54 A Stranded Guide

After the abuses Noble Guide endured last night, regaining consciousness was not kind. His mind struggled as it clawed desperately, trying to cling to the numbing abyss of sleep. The waking world reasserted itself despite his efforts, hammering him with the now-familiar pain of his borrowed form.

His still open chest, just out of hoof reach, held salvation from his suffering. He gathered his power to light his horn. Nothing happened. The bucket of magic that was his wellspring offered up not even a teaspoon of power. Not even enough to produce a single lumen of light, not even the slightest vibration of magic settled in his horn.

“Typical.” He growled, but the words cost him. The flesh of his stolen face spasmed, squirming as if trying to rip itself free. His teeth ground against each other as he locked his jaw, strangling his scream.

His limbs barely responded, and each felt as if they were made of lead. With a titanic effort, Noble Guide finally dragged himself to his hooves. Only two bucking body lengths separated him from his relief, and yet it seemed an almost insurmountable distance.

Step after unsteady step, he doggedly dragged himself towards his potions. Each and every motion sent jagged pulses of pain along his nerves. Second by second, the sensations intensified. Uncomfortable, almost unbearable, it would not be long until agony would seek to rob him of rational action.

His world pivoted. A moment later, he noticed he was falling. No! He pushed himself forward with all his will, lunging for his solace. His limp form collapsed atop the open chest, the pain of impact lost in the sea of torment that enveloped his world.

The foul liquid taunted him, and it was right there, only a hoof span from his lips. The careful padding and secured stopper laughed at him. This last barrier was so simple to solve if only he could use his magic.

The minutes felt like hours as he worked his head into the chest, his muzzle far from the most precise tool for the job. After an eternity, he had his prize.

Like an animal, he trapped his prey between his hooves and with a jerk of his head, ripped the stopper free. Like a drowning pony, he guzzled the terrible tasting liquids down. For the manic glee on his face, it could have been an Alicorn's own ambrosia.

Finally finished, he let his body succumb to its weakness. He slumped, head lightly thudding against the floor.

Slowly, far too slowly, the shroud of agony faded. He lay there just breathing. Never trusting a changeling again. He snarled in the privacy of his mind. They had said he would face pain, that he would suffer for his new form, but this was far more debilitating than mear pain. “This is just another necessary sacrifice.” He slurred, his face still not quite behaving itself.

As soon as his body yielded, back under his full control, he pulled another vial and downed its contents. The foulness of his 'medicine’ clung to his tongue. This is far more tolerable when mixed with wine. Unfortunately, here, he had none. Instead, he reached for the wooden jug of water. The first gulp of water did nothing to cleanse his palette, nor did the second or third. He could be forgiven for potions for his health, but mixing it with wine would not be in character here.

Slowly, over the next quarter of an hour, his body found its equilibrium, and his depleted magic started to regenerate.

As quickly as he could manage by hoof, he made himself presentable and exited the hovel that had been his chambers last night.

The first sight of the outside world that greeted him was a larger than life visage of Celestia. Only her stony complexion announced it was only an effigy. The now complete statue of Celestia had gathered a crowd. The plain stone seemed to almost glow in the sunlight. The sight drew more and more ponies to it. Flame Dancer’s soft words of worship held them captive.

He almost sighed, but caught himself. That would be the wrong image to portray. Instead, he smiled and nodded at the ponies already busy improving their new homes. He would not deny these ponies what little comfort they had left in their life.

"My lord." A tired and aged stallion said, holding out a bowl of gruel.

The bowl alone would have been condemned in Canterlot, and the 'food' within looked worse. Is this even fit for pony consumption? "Thank you." Feigned gratitude and a nod earned a smile from the stallion.

"Thank you for everything you have done here."

If only you knew. "No, thank you. It's only by the hard work and with everypony pulling together that we can get through this." Noble Guide rested his hoof in the stallion’s shoulder. "And we will get through this. Equestria will pass through this darkness and be great again."

"Thank you, my Lord."

A few ponies smiled. A few more stomped their hooves in applause. One even cheered. Flame Dancer met his eyes and, with a soft smile, nodded. He returned the gesture. If I were a normal pony, this would be something to be proud of. If I were blind to Celestia’s ways, her minion's praise would mean the world to me.

He added a bit more spring to his step, a bit more energy to each stride. It would cost him later, once his potions wore off, but for now, he had a role to play. So he talked. He helped out. He told stories.

Despite himself, he even gave some magic lessons. Seeing the wasted potential hurt. Celestia kept so much knowledge from the ponies. She hoarded it and only gave it out reluctantly. If the schools around the nation even had access to the beginner texts from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, the world would be a different place.

If he had a mere week, he could teach them so much. Yet another reason Celestia was unworthy of her position. When the foal that could not even light her horn smiled up at him, berry held in her aura. To his own surprise, Noble Guide did not have to fake his smile. Teaching, like any other habit, could apparently relapse. Once a teacher, always a teacher…

The ponies here were good ponies. He would not begrudge them their happiness where they could find it in the short time they had left. He shook his head fondly. This is for the good of Equestria. I will be the ruler Equestria deserves.

A pegasus foal shot past, hoof pointing back behind them. "Look, look… daddy, look."

Looking that way, it was not hard to spot what had the foals attention. The airship was definitely heading this way. The large magenta star emblazoned upon it left no doubt who was onboard.

His eyes fixed on the lavender Alicorn perched upon the ship's railing. Why are you here?

As if his thought was a cue she was waiting for, Twilight tipped forward. She dove from the vessel, elegantly transitioning from dive to a gentle glide. She circled three times, surveying all below her before she alighted atop the tallest building.

"Ponies of Equestria,” Twilight started, her normal speaking voice carried by unseen magic to his ears as if she was standing right next to him. “I am here to help. There will be time for questions later, but for now, I must speak to Noble guide. Where might I find him?"

Hundreds of ponies turned their focused gazes on him. If he was not used to giving lectures to some of the most powerful mortal ponies in existence, he might have felt some stage fright. Noble Guide stood tall and picked his way through the crowd towards the Princess.

Her eyes held an edge. A depth to them of similar quality, but with lesser intensity than Celestia’s. This was not the mare that had been immobile on his alter, nor was this the one that had almost killed him in her escape. What do you want?

Twilight hopped down from the roof. Her augmented Alicorn form made the two-story drop as effortless as a simple step. Her impact with the ground was utterly silent as if the laws of physics simply did not apply to her. "Noble Guide, it is a pleasure to meet you. "

Noble Guide bowed deep and respectful as befitting his role. "It's an honour, Princess Twilight."

"Yes it is, but one you have earned." A look of sympathy lingered in her eyes before she nodded to herself. A small vile appeared with an audible pop and flare of magenta magic. "Here, take this."

The glass vile had nothing on it to even hint at its purpose. The shifting magenta liquid with specks of green matched no potion he knew. "What is it?"

"You’re working yourself too hard. This will help you recover. Give you a bit more energy".

“I will be fine. I merely need a bit more rest.”

“I insist. I will make a royal order if I must.“

Noble briefly dipped into a bow again. "Then I graciously accept. "

A sigh escaped Twilight. "Get up. There is no need for that, and you're overworking yourself, and I have something that can aid you."

"There is just so much to do."

"Yes, I know. If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to help anypony for much longer." Her magenta eyes took on an imploring edge. "So just take it a little easier, please, and use my gift when you need to. But I warn you, take only a few drops at a time. It is very potent. "

"Yes, Princess."

"Equestria will remember you for what you have done for her."

He smiled I am well aware it will. "Thank you, Princess."

"Call me Twilight. All my friends do." She offered an honest and friendly smile.


Twilight smirked, the twinkle in her eyes asking if it was really that surprising. “Now, how about you show me around?” She said before she lowered her voice to just above a whisper, “It will help our ponies’ spirits.”

He nodded. “Then, if you’ll follow me?”

The tour was far from typical. Unlike Celestia, Twilight came across as more sincere. Perhaps it was just her own form of deception. She was a master blood mage, after all.

Halfway through the tour, she spent a few minutes talking to his guards in private.

“Noble Guide?”

“Yes, Princess?”

“I will be requisitioning the services of your troops.“

I can’t be stranded here… “But the ponies here…” It was a feeble protest, but it was all he could think of.

The narrowing of her eyes silenced him like she was a disapproving teacher, and he the little foal who had been caught misbehaving.

“Before I depart, I will ensure the ponies here will be safe.”

“How?” He could not keep the incredulity from his tone.

A little playful smile graced her muzzle. “You’ll see.”

Twilight hung in the air, stationery despite her wing’s inaction. The air itself rippled, distorted by the mere presence of Twilight’s magic.

She had said she would help keep the ponies here safe, but so far, this looked more like her take on Celestia’s Summer Sun Celebration ritual.

Magenta magic reached out, curling and twisting reality. In the distance, stone and baubles ripped themselves from the ground. Clouds of earth scattered from them as they raced towards Twilight.

Flame danced in the Alicorn’s eyes. The rocks began to glow. In moments, luminescent molten rock spun around her. First one ring, then a second formed. Intense heat radiated. It felt like being slightly too close to a bonfire, even with how far back he was.

Show off.

Finally, her regal horn blazed with power. The first ring leapt into the sky. There was a note, a single pure tone, deep and bone-shaking. Then the ring flashed and was gone.

She teleported it?

Boom, the ground danced beneath his hooves. What in…

Dust billowed into the sky from all directions.

Fire rippled along the second ring, and two opposite points blazed white. The light neatly sundered the ring into two semicircle arches.

They rotated upright, then each turned in opposing directions. Flowing into each other and growing. Now, four great legs of stone reached out, one in each cardinal direction. Each found their place on a stone ring that rose up from the earth, forming a perimeter circle around the town.

From the crossed arches, a haze of magenta and silver spread. At first, it drifted off like a rising mist. The new magic artefact, the wonder that Twilight has literally crafted in minutes, pulsed. The dispersing magic rushed back. Bit by bit, a dome formed, shimmering magic like a magenta soap bubble now surrounded the settlement.

The silence dragged on. All the ponies stared like beached fish, mouths open, dumb-founded.

"Twilight! Twilight!" That blasted foal called out. Shattering the moment. Hooves stomped the ground. Ponies cheered and chanted Twilight’s name.

A regal smile graced the lavender Alicorn’s face. "Be at ease, my ponies, for you are safe. No blighted will pass the barrier."

This time, Noble Guide could not even hear himself think. No proof, no evidence, and they just believed her. They worship her like she is a goddess.

He focused his mind. A small, simple spell, one any professional magic tutor could impart to a dedicated student. The world's colours faded away, leaving only the now enhanced vibrance of the magic visible to his eyes.

Hard, clean lines of modern equation driven magic formed the bones of the effect. Atop that scaffold, swirls of archaic magic danced. Symbols even he did not know were impossibly morphing their shape to an unheard rhythm.

The whole thing was as beautiful as it was daunting. He no longer needed to fake his own awe. Even with all the power in the world, I would not know where to start… "Element of magic, indeed." He whispered as he let his visual augmentation fade.

With the last lingering hint of the white glow of raw power in her eyes, Twilight met his gaze with a smirk.

As Twilight was mobed with adoring worshipers, he retreated for a moment. He turned his attention to the potion. Alchemy was not his strong point, but he was likely still in the top hundred of the nation. A complex analytical spell formed in his mind. Caffeine, ginseng, mana root, powdered unicorn horn, magic. There is enough magic in this small vile to fill my wellspring a dozen times over. Eyes wide, he stared at the most potent magic restorative he had ever seen. And you just gave this to me?

Just breathe. It was easier said than done. If she had just looked, just cast one simple scanning spell, it would have all been over. This has to be a trap, a trick…

Each inhalation came a little slower. He considered everything with his extensive magic knowledge, both socially acceptable and deepest dark magic.

The energy had been sanitised, so there was no way to form a sympathetic link to Twilight with it, nor could it be used against the one that imbibed it. The only thing odd about it was the strange rune work on the inside of the vial. After a few minutes, he eliminated that as a threat. All it did was a drastically slow time for the contents. Useful, a praiseworthy discovery in its own right.

His last test was a detailed aspect detection spell. Null? None? He looked at it again. That's not possible. He sabotaged the analytical part of the spell and cast it again. The raw data flowed into his mind.

He sat back, eyes wide. “Sweet Celestia.” This was not ‘no aspects’. It was all aspects. He lifted the small treasure he held, his gaze almost reverent. Yes, she had taken all his guard. Yes, she had condemned him to stay here for the next few weeks. All that and more could easily be forgiven for this one little vile. Do you even know what you gave me?

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