• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,044 Views, 3,671 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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Ch 76 Introduction to Griffon Diplomacy

Scootaloo glanced out of the castle window, past the forest of dresses, scarves and other things that tried to block the view. Luna's storm ship still floated there, low to the ground, and it still looked as awesome as it had the first day. It would be even cooler if she stood on the prowl heroically, ready to leap into action. Her wings spread with just the thought of flight.

Just Rarity's intake of breath flattened Scootaloo's ears, "Stay still." The bane of diamond dogs almost shrieked.

"Why do we even need this?" Scootaloo asked as her hoof picked at the uniform she and the other crusaders had been ambushed with.

Rarity's magic restrained the offending hoof and a tender yet firm grip. "Princess Little Star may have many talents with magic, yet she is still a novice at fashion."


"So? SO?" Rarity nearly vibrated with rage and snorted with anger before slowly breathing in and out a few dozen times. "You are to be fine young dignitaries heading out to represent all of Equestria."

Scootaloo scuffed the ground with a hoof. "I liked Crash's idea better."

Rarity let out a sigh. "Equestrians are not savages, and you, Miss Scootaloo, are no barbarian. You will not be wearing a hydra's skull as a hat. And even if I would let you... it's far too large."

"Star said she could shrink it."

The muscles in Rarity's right front leg flexed as if she wanted to lift it and stomp in anger. Instead, she just took another calming breath. "Darling, that's not the point." Her voice shifted to softer tones, the sweet tone adults often used when they were about to try bribery to get their way. "If you are good and wear what I make you, you will find a gift card for Sugar Cube Corner waiting for you as a reward."

Thoughts of all the treats such a treasured card could provide, and the upcoming epic adventure, were only barely enough to restrain young Scootaloo. After the millennia of torment the last few hours had been, all of the crusaders were decked out in their adventuring gear with the additions Rarity had added.

As much as Scootaloo hated the experience, the ponies that looked back at them from the full-length mirror looked awesome. Everything had been recoloured, relined and had extra detailing applied. The new, longer cloaks went atop it all, giving them all a united look despite their different load-outs.

She turned side on. The silky smooth under-armour layer got rid of even the hint of chaffing or coat pinching that her amour had caused. In the mirror, the new addition to the cloak brought a proud smile to Scootaloo. There, behind the rearing pony, was a star. The same as Little Star's cutiemark.

The other Crusaders turned just the same as she had. All of them had large smiles, other than Crash. Crash had a smirk that showed off a single fang. She met his gaze in the mirror, and he just nodded. What more did anypony have to say?

Scootaloo held her hoof out. In an instant, it was joined by four more. They were a moment away from their trademark cheer when first Crash's ears, then his head, snapped to the door. In the next blink, a blue aura wrapped around it, and it opened.

"Impressive work, as always, Rarity." Princess Luna said as she walked in with her long-legged strides.

"Thank you, Princess." Rarity bowed. "Despite the time pressure, it is some of my finest work," Rarity said before she broke into details of fabric, stitching methods and many other things Scootaloo did not understand nor care about.

Scootaloo slumped. Yeah, we look awesome, but I feel like a walking advertisement for Rarity.

Little Star leaned close and whispered. "Don't worry. I can still make you hydra bone armour if you like."

"Awesome… What about more of those cookies?" Scootaloo said without a single edge of pleading, or so she hoped.

"If you like, I can do both."

Luna's kind eyes settled on Little Star, who almost pranced on the spot. With a slight nod, Princess Luna stood taller and snapped her wings in an awe-inspiring display. "Crusaders, fall in."

Scootaloo had no idea what was happening, but that did nothing to slow her movement. The scramble to line up before the Princess was anything but graceful or disciplined. Still, in under a second, Scootaloo stood chest puffed up proudly at attention, flanked by her friends.

"I am sure if Twilight were here, she would be honoured to bestow these awards on you," Luna said as a decorated box floated in her aura. "Instead, such a duty falls to me."

With only the click of the latch, the box opened, revealing its contents. Laying atop some expensive-looking black fabric was a row of hydra scales. Unlike when they were part of the monster they fought in the Everfree, now they were decorated. Each hydra scale was now rimmed with blood-red crystal. On its face was a silhouette of Twilight's castle that looked like it might have been made from the same crystal it was.

Inside her chest, it felt like her heart was about to explode with pride. It had been one thing to be celebrated as a hero in a Pinkie Party, but this was something else.

"Crusaders, this is the first battle honour your unit has received. Wear it with honour."

Behind the Princess, Rarity winced and looked like she was trying to glare a hole through the wall.

"Cutie-Mark Crusaders, Monster Slayers!"

Princess Luna smiled, even as her body shook a few times with restrained laughter. "Verily, you are the brave slayers of monsters."

Rarity's eyes changed their target to the back of Luna's head. Maybe there was something wrong with her mane?

With a wide smile, Princess Luna lowered her head. "Now, would anypony like some ice cream?"

With a flash, Little Star hooves were around the Princess's neck. "Yay! Thank you, Mummy."

The walk to the ship was more of a parade than a normal walk. Nightguards moved in step instead of the normal silent stalk that Crash loved to copy. Little Star happily trotted a little ahead with her owl perched on the back of her dog beside her.

The whole town, including all the hybrids Twilight healed and their families, watched. Some waved, some smiled, and a few looked worried. Three watched Little Star leaving with relief, those ones she aimed hard glares at, and she was not the only one to do so. Crash showed a little fang to add that little something extra to his.

There was no ramp to board waiting. Instead, part of the ship fell away in a wave of fog that reformed into one as they approached. Nopony broke ranks, and no matter their tribe, each confidently marched up the cloud ramp.

"How fast can this thing go?" Scootaloo asked as she headed up the ramp.

Luna looked back with a smirk. "Shall we find out?"

"I bet Rainbow is still faster."

"Would repeated teleportation count as increasing the speed?" Little Star asked.

"Nah, that would just make you get there quicker, not make you fly faster."

"Hmm." Little Star tapped her chin like a miniature impression of Twilight. Her eyes lit up as a two wide smile crept onto her face. "I know." In a flash and pop, she was gone.

"What is she going to do now?" Crash said as he slipped into his own shadow.

"Where did they both run off to?" Applebloom asked.

Luna's eyes widened. "Brace for acceleration, ramming shields forward." Her large wing flashed out and pulled Scootaloo and the other crusaders to her.

A moment later, Little Star's voice cried out something, only to be drowned out by a large explosion. The airship was launched forward, and Scootaloo's stomach felt like it was left behind. If it was not for Luna's grip, the rest of her probably would still have been in Ponyville.

Past Luna's wing, the world flashed by at incredible speeds, for an airship at least.

"Daughter mine, as impressive as that was… we would request a little more notice of your intent."

"That was awesome," Scootaloo called out.

"Wake up." The shouted words obliterated whatever dream rested in Scootaloo's mind.

"Whaa?" The world spun, slipped and rotated. Scootaloo's heart pounded, and in a single beat, she was more awake than she had ever been. Scootaloo hoovered in the top corner of the cabin, the trembling vibrations of flight magic building in her coiled, ready to be used, ready to be unleashed on an attacker.

"We're nearly there!" Little Star cried before she vanished with her normal magenta flash and pop of displaced air.

Scootaloo let out a long breath as her wings fidgeted with nervous energy. "If I was not awake before, I am now." She rolled out of bed, spread each wing and after a quick inspection, found them flight ready. Two bounding steps and one wing flap into her departure, she skidded to a stop. Wait a minute, I'm forgetting something. It only took a few moments before her eyes found her armour stand. She licked her lips as her mind drifted back to the sweet reward Rarity had offered. Some of her wild mane shifted into view. Sighing, she dragged a brush through her mane, preened her wings and got set about putting all the bits of her outfit on just right.

The dark cloud that made up the deck of Luna's airship sent little tingles up Scootaloo's hooves with each step as she proudly trotted past the armoured Nightguard. The respectful nods and smiles were nice, but the salutes were what stirred that pride so much more in her chest. She bushed a wing tip over the decorated hydra scale and smiled. They were not just adults humouring a little filly. No, she was battle-tested, and they respected her for it. I'm an awesome bad-flank, and I know it. She only just avoided singing aloud.

She made her way towards the front, where Little Star waited with her mother, Luna. With a quick flap of her wings, she hopped up onto the wall the Storm Ship had instead of a railing. Landing on the ten-hoof thick chunk of cloud was not a feat of precision flying that nailing the landing on a railing would have been, but she made it look cool anyway. "Well, at least I'm second."

"Third," Crash said as he slipped out of Little Star's shadow.

"Ponyfeathers," Scootaloo mumbled before she pointed an accusing hoof at him. "Hey, that's cheating."

Crash smirked. "Nah, it's planning."

"Look, Look," Little Star interrupted as her horn pointed off into the distance.

Scootaloo followed the line and focused. There in the distance, was a magenta glow. A moment later, as Scootaloo's eyes adjusted, the distant blur leapt into crystal clarity. A dome of magic protected a raw stone castle, the likes she had never seen before. The fortification perched atop the highest peak with no sign of trail, road or rail line making its way down to the land below.

"What happened?" Applebloom asked softly. Unlike everypony else, she was looking down towards the ground. The land below was little more than an ashen plane that still smouldered in places. It looked like what happened to Sweet Apple Acres, but on a much larger scale. The corpses of a few of the largest trees were the only thing to suggest the great forest the map said should have been here.

"That, Crusader Appleblooom, is what was needful, what was required to save these griffons from the perils of the Blight."

"But all the trees, the plants, the grass."

Crash nudged Scootaloo as she gave him her attention. Crash's serious expression silenced any comment. With a flick of his head, he indicated Little Star. The filly's eyes were fixed on the ash below and trembling.

I'm not one for all this mushy stuff. The thought was in her head, but it did nothing to stop Scootaloo's action. With a quick hop, she was beside her friend and had a wing over her. Little Star's trembling form radiated heat as she nestled under Scootaloo's full-sized wing.

A soft feather brushed Scootaloo's mane. Following the feather to the wing it was attached to brought Princess Luna's eyes in line to meet her own. The Princess gave a small nod and mouthed 'thank you' without making a sound. The Princess' other wing pushed Sweetie Belle and then Applebloom closer. They did not need any more help to decide to join the group hug.

A piercing falcon's cry broke the serenity of the moment. Once Scootaloo and the others might have panicked, might have hid or fled. That time was long gone. The group hug disintegrated. Red cloaks billowed as they flowed into action. Each moved, and each found their place in the formation. Scootaloo and Crash to the flanks, half crouched, both ready to leap into motion. Applebloom stepped forward, imposing in her heavier armour. Sweetie Belle pivoted, and her horn lit as she kept her eyes to the rear. Little Star's magic shivered through Scootalloo's coat, the potential awesomeness otherwise invisible.

"Who dares approach griffon territory?" The harsh tone of an angry griffon called out in what was definitely not a friendly hello.

Princess Luna took flight, hovering a little higher than the angry armoured griffon. "Your King pens a letter requesting our aid, and this is how an Equestrian Princess is greeted?"

With a talon, the griffon pointed downwards. "We had about all of that sort of help we can stomach. Now leave willingly or be made to."

The three dozen more griffons peeled off their patrol routes and vectored in on the stormship.

Little Star's ears twitched, and both turned to her mother. "Yes. Mummy." A moment later, she nodded again, and her horn blazed brighter than Scootaloo had ever seen.

A blinding flash of light and a boom of thunder hit just before the familiar queasiness of a powerful teleport. It made her grateful she had yet to have breakfast. Scootaloo blinked away the afterimages. The world around them had shifted by thousands of Celestias. Now the stormship floated only a few Celestias away from the stone castle and well within the Twilight's magenta shield.

Smoke trailed off Little Star's horn as it glowed a cherry red that had nothing to do with her magic. Her eyes were almost crossed as she tried to blow on her own horn.

Crash slipped into his shadow only to reappear a moment later with a bucket of water. "Here."

Without any more prompting, Little Star plunged her horn in. The water hissed and bubbled like Little Star's horn was a metal bar straight from the forge. She sighed, "That's much better. Thank you, Crash."

Princess Luna reached down with a hoof and pulled a still-defiant griffon out of her shadow. She levelled her eyes at the poor unfortunate fool like weapons. "We shall have answers before we decide to start a war, but first…." She turned a much warmer look to her daughter. "Little Star."

"Yes, Mummy?" Little Star's head snapped up, and if it was not for an athletic dive from one of the Nightguards, the clearly forgotten bucket would have gone overboard.

"Would you head in and let your other mother know we are here?"

"Yes, Mummy," she declared before she leapt off the ship, tapping her necklace as she fell. The butterfly wings formed and vanished again, existing only for the half second needed to help her clear the distance. Little Star looked back to them over her withers as she confidently trotted off. "This way."

The rest of the Crusaders scrambled after her, each in their own way. Crash, the cheating colt, fell into his own shadow just to pop out of Little Stars a quarter second before Scootaloo managed to get there. I'm so going to find a way to beat you…

Scootaloo hoovered in the air, keeping pace a bit above and behind Little Star. All that training kept her eyes and ears alert, even as the boredom set in.

"This place is huge," Applebloom said over the group's echoing hoof-falls.

The place was undoubtedly large, but that's not what Scootaloo's eyes found. Despite the harsh angular style of the undecorated walls and high ceiling, there was plenty of cover and even concealed arrow slits. This place was meant to be defended. All it would need is some traps to fit right in with Daring Do or an O&O game. The small shifts in Crash's position said he saw the same thing too.

"Those of us with wings tend to like wide open spaces, can't imagine the griffons are any different," Crash said with a flick of his leathery wings.

Scootaloo nodded her own agreement. "We could have a hoofball game in here, no problem."

"Did you bring a ball?" Applebloom asked.

Sweetie Belle peered down yet another empty side passage. "There is something else we should ask... Where is everypony?"

Crash sniffed the air. "Well, there were plenty of griffons here a few hours ago."

"So, where did they go?"

Crash partly opened his wings in a shrug. "Can't tell you. This area was too high traffic to tell which way they went by scent alone."

Little Star pointed her horn in a way that would mean going through a wall. "Well, Mummy's this way."

"Can't we just teleport?"

Little Star shook her head. "No… Mummy Luna added a rule for this mission. Said it might make the wrong sort of entrance. That, and my horn still feels a bit funny."

They continued on for a few minutes before Crash's ears perked up. He leaned in to whisper something in Little Star's ear. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and then nodded. Little Star lifted a hoof, made a circling motion with it, and then tapped her chest. 'Be ready, gather on me'. She met everypony's eyes. One by one, they each nodded their understanding.

Little Star marched forward, her hooves lifting a little higher than normal. Crash pointed a wing at Applebloom and jerked his head back. The Crusaders all fell into formation, but this time with Applebloom at the rear guard.

Sweetie Belle was a stride behind Little Star, her longer legs giving her horn a clear line of fire over Little Star's head. Crash took the right side as Scootaloo dropped to the stone floor and fell into formation on the left. Crash paused for a moment, letting Little Star get half a stride ahead, and Scootaloo matched him.

The group wheeled around the corner, not even breaking stride, only to find that a pair of armoured, glaring griffons stood blocking the large double doors.

Great, more of the lame guys.

"Halt," the one on the left with the cracked beak said.

Little Star tapped her rear hoof once and everypony stopped. Little Star stood as tall as she could and took two steps forward on her own. She took half a breath, and when she spoke, it was a cold, clear voice that came from her mouth. "I'm princess Little Star, daughter of Moon and Magic. You will let me pass."

The one on the right chuckled. "Have ponies gotten smaller, or are they using foals playing dress up as warriors now?"

"You could be Princess Celestia, and we would not let you pass." Cracked Beak said as he flexed his talons. "Now, run away, little grass eater, before we make you."

Little Star's ear swivelled to Crash, and then she nodded ever so slightly. "Your intentions are of no consequence."

"Oh yeah?" Cracked Beak said as he loomed closer and went to poke a razor-sharp talon into Little Star's chest.

Power surged through Scootaloo's wings. She was there before she even decided what to do. Her training made the choice for her. Her hooves found a hard surface, and she pushed. Earth pony strength and pegasus momentum transfer catapulted her target back. Cracked Beak's angry squawk was cut off midway as he slammed into the reinforced door.

Scootaloo smirked as she nailed the landing and flared her wings. "Yeah."

Crash matched her wing flair. "It is unwise to touch the Princess uninvited." If he were not on her side, the menace that dripped from his voice would have made Scootaloo's fur stand on end.

Cracked Beak shrieked in rage. His eyes locked onto Scootaloo as the pupils narrowed to pinpricks. The griffon's fur stood on end, and their armour rattled as their wings shook.

"Tarnations…" Applebloom said as she stepped past Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo channelled her inner Rainbow Dash. "Come on then," she said as she made a 'come here' gesture.

Cracked Beak surged forward, and it was on.

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