• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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Act 2 CH 4 New Beginings: Cadance Returns Home

At long last, Sanctuary's shield merged with the Crystal Heart's, and Cadance metaphorically let go of the breath she was holding. The city might be a vulnerability in some ways, but it was an unparalleled shield in others. One stress put down just let her other feelings come forward.

A black hollow was in her heart where something precious had once been. Cadance cradled the frayed, forlorn stands of one particular cut heartline. It flowed in an ethereal breeze, desperately seeking something it would never find. Even with the confirmation her domain gave her, it was hard to accept what was here had only been her physical shell.

In a way, what was left of Twilight was beautiful. It was a work of art, albeit a twisted one. Just the way her current form caught the light was spectalicer if you could ignore what it was. Crystal-covered bones held together by magic alone. A little too dark for anypony's taste really, but it still drew the eyes whether you wanted it to or not.

Everything from her mortal life quailed at the fact that even in this state, the body was alive. Alive, but almost empty of all that should have been within. All but two of the heartlines that should have been there were gone. Only Nova and Sweet Dreams remained, and both grieved for the one that had been lost.

The bright sparks of colour meant Nova was surprisingly upbeat, despite the darker colour lurking below them that spoke of suppressed emotions that would have to be dealt with later. The many thin strands proved she still cared for others outside those she furiously loved. Then there was Sweet Dreams, and her heart lines were anything but healthy. They were frail whisps, things of duty and a promise to one that was lost. If she was a normal pony, she would be placed under suicide watch. With what awaited Alicorns beyond death, Cadance had no fear Sweet Dreams would take that path.

She rested her hoof over where her heart would be. It did not matter that her real heart was still miles away, it still hurt. "Twilgiht," she whispered as she rested a hoof lightly on her still inhabited remains. She might not have been the little foal she had first foalsat, but she had been her sister.

The crystal armour felt smooth and warm under Cadance's hoof. If she let herself, she could pretend the lingering feel of the conjured crystal was the ember of her sister's magic that just needed rest to recover.

In the stories, giving your life to save your friends was celebrated. It was an honourable and right thing to do. In reality, it just made hearts ache more, and those-that-survive-you heart's have a hole that can never be filled.

"Will you even know she is gone?" She asked.

Unsurprisingly, the three mortal souls failed to answer. Only time would tell if Twilight's method of saving a pony from death had truly worked. From the heart lines leading from elsewhere in the train, it was clear Applebloom's, and Sweetie Belle's sisters' souls were here, whether the briliant mare had tme to work out the flaws with her backup plan or not was the question.

As much as she wished to simply stay here and grieve, that was not an option she had. Ruling a nation had to come first. There was no way what Celestia had done this time could be forgiven. Even her heart was not large enough or tough enough for that. This, at the very least, was the start of a civil war for Equestria. By taking Luna and Twilight's fragments in she had already taken a side and it was time to start taking action.

She rose to her crystalline hooves and nodded to the two of her eternal guards that flanked the bed that the crystal skeleton lay upon. "Keep her safe." They saluted, and she stalked to find 'Luna'.

Even with everypony bowing and moving out of her way, the walk through the train took a long time. Even a blind pony would have seen almost every pony needed a kind word, a reassuring look or something more. Even though they were not her subjects, they were ponies, and even if they were not under her care, she could not just leave them like this. She unfurled her senses and touched their emotions. A medley of fear, hopelessness, confusion, and doubt almost obscured everything else. Some deep notes of loss and vengefulness burned through the misery here and there. As a whole the herd huddled in safety and were waiting for the danger to go away. If only things were so simple.

They needed her to be the perfect Princess, so that was who she became. She was no Celestia, she would not just force them to feel or think what she thought was best. Yet they needed something to break the downward spiral of fear and despair. With time, loved ones and friends would heal most of them. Unfortunately, Cadance did not believe there would be the moons or years needed. So, even as much as she did not like doing it, she turned to her Alicorn influence.

Magic lent more weight to her comforting words and sincere advice. It was cheating, it was not truly the one-on-one care they all deserved, but there was not a hundred of her with nothing else to do than be Counselor Cadance for them. Even so, she asked each of their names and spent a few minutes with any who needed it.

She paused next to one cabin. They all had strong lines back to the souls that Twilight had saved. Those lines were more than enough to tell her who they were. As unfair as it was to the others, the ponies within simply meant more to her. Four ponies that had come to be so close to her niece. I will make time for them later.

Little Star's absence took the spirit from the normally resolute Cute Mark Crusaders. The memory of their friend's burnt form still haunted them. Luna's addition to the group was the only thing holding their despair at bay. His extra years and training granted him the emotional fortitude to be the rock they so desperately needed. As she went to pass by their cabin, his piercing slit eyes lifted to meet hers through the door's window. Those intense eyes held her hooves in place better than any spell could.

Seething rage lurked behind the normally calm former stallion's gaze. He let none of that show in his expression or relaxed posture in the adorable pony pile. Any other time, the sight of Scootaloo nestled under his right wing and Sweetie Belle to his left would have been such a precious moment. Applebloom, defensively draped over the others, was like an extra dose of cute on top.

With a polite knock, she got the rest of their attention. Three more sets of eyes looked up to her as she entered the cabins.

Applebloom did not even wait for the door to be fully open before her desperate question burst from her. "How is she?"

For a moment, Cadance considered just using her Alicorn nature to put them at ease, but she hesitated. So, instead, she walked in and lay down to make herself more approachable. "Little Star is well, but is resting. She used a lot of magic, but she will be alright when she wakes."

"But … her burns…they looked bad." Applebloom scraped a hoof on the ground, her ears lowering a little.

"They are healed. She will be fine. She's sleeping under her mother's wing right now."

There was still a little doubt in Appleblooms heart but at least it eased her worries. "What happened? We were in the Castle, then there was a bright flash, and we were next to your train."

"And Star's mane was on fire…" Scootloo added.

The foals were likely the only ponies who did not know what had happened, the only ones the adults had not spread the rumours to. There was no doubt that Comet, with his thestral hearing, would have picked it up, but wisely, he had chosen not to pass it on. For the first time in a long time, both her empathic sense and Celestia's training failed her. There was no good answer she could give her. White lie or truth, each had their downsides. If I was in your place, would I want to know the truth?

"She used too much magic too quickly, and her horn got a little too hot."

"Princess," Sweetie Bell said.


"We know the sort of things Star can do without hurting herself, and the snow made it obvious we are not returning to Ponyville. Why are you taking us to the Crystal Empire on your new train?"

"It's because we would not be safe there," Comet added, his slit eyes staring right into Cadance's own.

Applebloom turned to him. "It's our home, why ain't it safe?"

"That bright light outside was an attack on Twilight." Wide eyes and gasps were the only things that penetrated the silence that followed Comet's words.

Scootaloo was the first to break the lingering quiet. "Is she going to be alright?" The hope in those young eyes cut right to Cadance's core.

How can I tell you the one that gave you your wings is gone? "She is stable… I am going to have to talk to Luna to see what else we can do to help her."

Scootaloo looked at her wings for a moment. There was sadness, and then it was banished by resolve. She stood up as tall as she could manage. "If it will help… she can take my wings back."

Cadence drew her into a hug and wrapped her wings around her. "You brave filly. Thank you, but no, it won't help, and even if it would, Twilight would never accept it. She gave you these wings. She meant for you to have the skies."

"Could Celestia help?" Sweetie Belle asked.

It was such an innocent question, and on any other day, Candace might have been able to control her expression better. Comet did not even try. He openly showed his fangs.

"I don't think so, I'm sorry."

"But why? Doesn't she care about her?"

Cadance's eyes found the floor. Why Celestia?

Mentally, Cadance shifted through her interactions with Celestia. Every word she had shared, every little glance, the colour and texture, all Celestia's heart lines and how they had changed. It was still unbelievable in so many ways. Celestia had loved Twilight. That had not been fake. It had been real and deep. She had been overjoyed when things had started improving. She wanted to growl, to stomp her hooves, to shout into a pillow for hours on end until the world met her demand and started making sense. Unfortunately, she was not the school filly that could get away with it anymore. Soon, her decisions, right or wrong, would likely cost lives. Hundreds, or maybe even thousands, would die if it came to War.

A slight feeling of pressure drew Cadance back from her dark musing. Somehow, she had four little ponies now hugging her and Comet looking very put upon. She adjusted to wrap her wings around all of them. Even with all their fear and doubt, they had dropped everything to be there for her. If only everypony could be like you.

Cadance still could not work out how the three fillies had talked her into this, but somehow, they were her escort as she continued her way. Was it the purity of their emotions, their simple need to see their friend, or that after that impromptu pony pile, she simply did not want to be alone? She could not say, but just having them here warmed her heart.

The pair of guards stationed at the door were unnecessary aboard, but their presence told anypony that the ones past there were important. Cadance approached, and they saluted. As she went to pass them, one spoke.

"The sovereign's daughter is sleep."

Cadance nodded and motioned for the Crusaders to be quiet.

Inside, Luna's body lounged on the Princess-sized bed, Little Star protectively held under a wing. It would have been another heartwarming scene of motherly love, if not for the fact it was Night that looked out of those cyan eyes and not the Princess of the Night.

Not for the first time, Cadance's courage was bolstered by the pact they shared. As cruel and evil as Night could be, she was still bound as her mentor and not to harm her outside reasons that required it.

Night offered a regal nod, and Cadance returned it. The Crusaders quietly swarmed in. Each needed to see with their own eyes that their friend was alright.

A flicker of shadows wrapped around Little Star's ears. The magic settled to the form of silken earmuffs. "Now, she shall not be disturbed." Night shifted her wing, permitting them a better view. "We thank thee for…"

"Family, remember?" Cadance softened her interruption with a soft smile.

Night held her gaze for a long moment and then nodded curtly. Her eyes looked over the Crusaders and lingered a heartbeat longer on Comet. "We have a quest for thee. Guard our daughter until our return."

"Don't worry, Princess, we got this," Scootaloo said. The other girls added their agreement. Comet saluted, and then Scootaloo rushed to follow suit.

Night reached into her shadow, and as she lifted her hoof, four shapes came with it, dripping liquid darkness as if the shadow was a pool. As the darkness slid off of the shapes, it became clear what they were. Four identical daggers. A touch of ice magic braided the Crusader's symbol onto each sheath. Night shifted, still lying but assuming a more regal pose. "Young knights, we entrust our daughter's safety to thee. In this task, thine actions need not be restrained. Anything thou must do to protect our daughter is permitted, and as Knights, only mine or mine daughter's judgment may condemn you."

As Night spoke, pride and determination rose in the Crusader's hearts. Sweetie Belle might have been the only one of the girls who truly followed the words, but all of them understood the meaning behind them. Night bid them over, one by one, knighting them with her horn. Each she awarded a blade, silken stands of shadows secured it to their bodies.

Little Star's augmented toys had technically made them her knights already, but none would nay say or call it mere foal's play when such tiles were granted by Princess Luna.

Garnet mentally knocked and then spoke. The CMC and one pissed off thestral. I almost pity the condemned soul that tries to get to Little Star.

Still, please keep an eye on them.

Of course. On the other hoof, how free are you happy with me being with my preparation?

Just no more adventure's taverns, alright?

Sports bar it is then.


Look, Princess, just about every one of us, with even a whisper of free will, wants to march on Canterlot right now. She killed Twilight, you know that, right?

I do… That one admittance somehow made everything more real than it had been but a heartbeat ago.

Night's wing guided her as they left the four small knights to watch over Little Star.

Only the sounds of their hooves violated the silence as they walked. Garnet's presence in the back of her mind faded.

Would this upcoming conflict end with somepony banished to the moon, or would their fates be told in more mournful tones?

She shook her head and put her doubts aside for the moment.

"Luna." Cadance started, her pointed glance clearly stating she knew it was Night she was talking to. "How are you doing?"

Night's eyes slid to hers, and after a few seconds, she sighed. "We will confess, we have been better."

"Are you going to be alright for this meeting?"

"There is much to decide, and we will have our say."

War… Cadance nodded. Something in Night's tone opened a new pit of worry in her heart.

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