• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 59.1 An Unconventional Education

“What do you think, Twilight?” Sunset asked, her hand poised with pen ready to add more words to the page. A mindless sleepy murmur was the only response.

A yawn escaped Sunset in sympathy as the fatigue she had successfully ignored reared its head. As she watched the sleeping form of Twilight, she could not help but think sleeping humans still looked a little ridiculous. Their forms were meant to be upright and in motion.

Being careful not to wake her, she placed a blanket over the exhausted girl. Page by page, she gathered the loose notes and arranged them. We might have gotten a little carried away. The small mountain of papers spoke to the truth of her thought.

They had spent hours experimenting with magic. Twilight had even started to try and adapt a simple unicorn spell for use with her own abilities. A smile graced her face at even the memory. She let out a content sigh. I haven't had fun like that for a long time. A slight blush heated her cheeks as her hand found her small human ear. She shook her head. Dont be a silly mare.

Not wanting to wake Twilight with the light of magic, she did everything by hand. The remaining pizza went into the fridge, and everything else was put into order. Another yawn promised she would not be awake much longer herself.

A quick trip to the bathroom to make her nightly preparations and ditch her clothes to resume the perfection of her pony form was needed. She looked at the excessively large pile of clothes that could entangle her should she need her horn in a hurry. Velcro and elastic would have to become part of her wardrobe. Maybe Rarity could come up with something that works.

This time, she kept her focus. This time, there was no sudden flash of flame. Her body smoothly shifted from human to equine over half a minute. She would need to see if she could learn more about the implications of the two methods. She put that aside for now. It was far too late. She trotted out, stretched like a cat and made herself comfortable in a small nest of cushions.

The world started to fade away as the warm comfort of sleep crept in around her. A pulse of magic brushed against her horn. The sudden sensation snapped her eyes open and banished her fatigue. Her eyes followed her horn straight to a particular book.

Twilight? She thought as her aura enveloped the tome and brought it close. Fortunately, the faint light and quiet chime of the magic did not disturb the sleeping human. What do you want at this time of night?

Sunset, I write this as I am on an airship flying away from almost everything I love. My daughter, most of my friends, Ponyville and my ponies.

There has Sunset. Today I had to do something I deeply regret.

Is everything alright, Twilight.

No, but I'm trying to fix it. As an alicorn, I have a lot of power, but it is not unlimited. Today, I had to leave a pony I could heal uncured.

What could she say to that? Sunset thought for a moment. With how good Equestrian healthcare was, it could not be something simple. Anything that could just be left to the doctors or healers would not weigh on her friend's mind so.

I'm sure you had a good reason.

Yes, and Night assures me I did the right thing.

I can tell that does not sit well with you.

Logically, I did the right thing. It would be a dereliction of my duty and our treaties with the griffons if I willfully crippled my magic so much before the battle.

If only he was not a unicorn, perhaps I could have saved him.

What's wrong with him.


The ballpoint pen froze in the air above the page. Every time that pony cast magic, they were hastening their end. The more they depleted their wellspring, the more of their life was spent with each spell. If they were exhausting themselves, they might only have days or weeks left. It was a painful way to go.

You can cure Systemic Wellspring Failure?

Yes, but I can not justify the cost, not just for one pony. And to make it worse, he is constantly exhausting himself by helping the refugees.

A chill settled into Sunset’s heart. To have the ability to save a pony and have to refuse to. Not being able to help would be horrible enough, but to have the power and for other things to compel you not to. The photo of both Twilights in front of the statue drew her eyes. “Twilight.” She whispered.

Sunset looked to her friend sleeping peacefully, this world's Twilight. Nothing they had defeated together in this world had been anywhere near as bad as what Equestria faced now. Her eyes settled on Princess Twilight’s words.

She was Sunset Shimmer, the most powerful pyromancer for over five hundred years. She might be just a little rusty, she had to admit. Not that that would matter, at least if there was no need to care about incidental damages.

The warmth of her magic grew. Its fire in her chest matched the building determination. Her aura raised the pen as if a mighty blade.

I'm heading over to help.

No, you can't.

“What?” Sunset let out an annoyed snort. Who was she to… no, she just cares. She took a calming breath before she wrote her answer.

Twilight, I'm still an Equestrian, and it sounds like you could use my help.

No, I mean, you literally can't. I have the book with me right now. The portal is sealed until I replace it.


Just like that, even if she wanted to help, she could not. Horrible things were happening back home, and she could do nothing to help. All her power and she could do nothing, just like Twilight could not save that pony. The heat of her determination cooled, and a cold hollow replaced it.

Why did you take the book with you?

How else was I going to keep providing you with your magic lessons?

My magic lessons are not worth another’s life.

My dear student, we would disagree, but in this case thy presence would not alter their fate. The healing Twilight wishes to impart would require her to sacrifice a piece of her soul. A price no mortal could survive paying.

Thou art far too treasured to allow you to make such a sacrifice.


Yes, now let's be about your lessons. Thou have no part to play in this incident, but we doubt that will be true for others. We will have thee ready to face what tiz to come.

The next few pages slowly filled with arcane runes and glyphs. Pages upon pages of magic Sunset had never seen before. Most clearly touched on restricted and even forbidden spellcraft. After every few spells, the hornwriting would change, and a list of questions and exercises would appear.

Dozens of spells she would have done almost anything to get her hooves on before she left Equestria were simply being given to her. Avarice made her want to drool and maybe prance in joy.

The page felt smooth under her hoof. It did not take the genius she was to spot the lethality of the last spell. No ‘safe’ spell would have so many non-optional components to ensure it only affected the desired target. A small knot twisted in her gut. A tiny part of her considered destroying the forbidden lore.

She could not stop her eyes as they absorbed the two new spell runes, two simple bits of magic that had been kept from her that allowed such terrible things to be done. What was written in beautiful script would reach out and crush the spark of life. The spell was as elegant and harsh as Night’s hornwriting. What would Princess Celestia do if she found me with this?


Sunset flinched. For a moment, she could have sworn the book at spoken. Then she paid attention to her surroundings. “Morning, Twilight,” she said to her human friend. Her hoof proceeded to her chest to try and calm her suddenly racing heart.

“Have you been up all night?”

“Just getting my magic lessons.”

Twilight looked over the tome of magic Sunset had been compiling. “You should get some rest. Studies indicate a well-rested mind is more efficient at learning.”

Absent-mindedly, Twilight reached out and petted Sunset’s head. For a moment, Sunset considered pulling back. As the soothing sensation spread, it became far less of an issue how undignified this must look.

It only increased as the long fingers found delicate ears. I'm not a plushy. Was Sunset's last thought before Twilight's efforts soundly routed any resistance to slumber.

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