• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,044 Views, 3,671 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 34.2 Scootaloo's First Flight

Author's Note:

Author’s note: Sorry for the delay. This chapter fought back and refused to let itself be written. 

Editors note: Also known as a couple of weeks worth of writer’s block.

The utter excitement of what was going to happen today had banished all hope of sleep. Each minute of the night had passed painfully slowly. Finally, after one thousand years of waiting, the first rays of light crept into her room. She felt her wings rapidly buzzing against her sides. It was finally time she was allowed to get up. This would be the last Saturday that she would be unable to fly.

Bursting out of bed, her wings scattered the blanket and pillows as she rushed out of her room.

She had eaten breakfast, cleaned her teeth, washed up and done everything her aunts had demanded of her before being unleashed upon the world. Her aunts said something about good luck and they would see her there, but she was already gone before the last words were spoken.

Trotting outside with her trusty scooter in hoof. Her helmet was ready for what was possibly going to be her last day using the mode of transport that had defined her life.

“Hi,” Star’s voice called out, Scootaloo had long ago given up jumping at Star’s sudden appearance or how she just happened to know just when she was ready to start the day. It was almost as if she was always spying on her. That could not be true, the daughter of Twilight probably had all sorts of important things to be doing.

Thorn, Star’s pet timberwolf, well timberpuppy really, was running around Star’s legs looking more than happy to be outside.

“You know you’re not going to be able to take him to the farm, right?” Scootaloo asked.

“I know, Applejack already tried to smash him once.” Star looked down. “And I learned to tell ponies when I use magic they might not be expecting. I don't know how they were not expecting it as they all saw me working on making him.”

Scootaloo draped a foreleg over Star’s withers, “It will be ok.”

“I know, he now has a shield.” Star had that pleased smile she had whenever she did something cool, or something none of the CMC understood, with her magic.

“You mean like Twilight sometimes puts around her library?”

“Mummy does that?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yes, it was all glowy and could keep almost anything out.”

“You ready?” Scootaloo asked, putting on her helmet and taking her place on her namesake. Star teleported into place, her Daring Do hat with it glowing runes in place on her head.

“Ready!” Star pointed forward with her hoof.

They raced off to collect the rest of their friends.

Applebloom got stuck doing chores, but she promised she would be there in time to watch Scootaloo gain the ability to fly. Sweetie Belle, on the other hoof, turned out to be being watched by Fluttershy, who let her come with them, or at least had said nothing to object before Star had teleported them away.

It was strange how Star just knew these things. But hay, Twilight was a know-it-all egghead, it made sense Star would be as well.

The three fillies made their way through the streets. A cloud and cloud walking spell taking the place of the normal wagon, as Scootaloo towed them along at speed. Star’s magic allowing them to do so much more than Scootaloo could do on her own. Jumping ramps and doing ticks that were just not possible normally.

Lilly, Daisy and Roseluck, the flower sisters, stepped out on to the street in front of them.

At the sight of this new obstruction, Star lit her horn. “Faster,” she called out with glee.

Scootaloo obeyed, having more than just accepted that Star could solve anything with her magic, except problems created by her magic.

Magenta energy snapped into existence between them. Scootaloo knew a ramp when she saw one. She buzzed her currently, but not for long, defective wings as hard as she could.

Star’s cry of joy joined Scootaloo’s own as they sailed through the air.

“Sorry,” Sweetie Belle called down to the stunned looking ponies below them.

Their wheels hit the ground some thirty body lengths past the now fainted ponies and Scootaloo pulled her trusted scooter into a power skid, coming to a stop. The cloud obediently following and coming to a rest a moment later.

A pony with leathery wings and dressed in a Nightmare Night set of armour, landed next to the three mares on the ground. After a quick check, he moved them out of the middle of the road and made them comfortable before walking into the shadows and disappearing.

“How did he do that?” Sweetie Belle asked. That was something that Scootaloo wanted to know too.

“It's just shadow walking, it’s a thestral ability,” Star responded as if reading from a book.

“What's a thestral?” Sweetie asked in confusion.

“... not-nice-ponies call them bat-ponies, but that's not what they are.” Star explained.

“Like how Fluttershy dressed up a few Nightmare Nights ago?” Sweetie Bell asked.

Star looked puzzled for a moment, then nodded. “Yes, like that, but real.”

“Thank you, Little Star,” a stallion’s voice came from the shadows below them.

Scootaloo managed to get some impressive airtime even without pegasus magic. Sweetie Belle put a hoof to her chest and seemed to be deciding whether or not to do a Rarity impression.

“Hello, Mister Striker,” Star said and waved at her own shadow.

Star had not even flinched at all. In fact, she even seemed happy talking to her own shadow.

“You’ve got some skills, I'm surprised that scooter of yours is not on your flank,” Striker said.

Scootaloo wanted to pose and do more stunts.

“Hello, Mister Striker,” Sweetie said clearly trying to sound a little like her big sister.

“Nice to meet you, and you as well Scootaloo. I seem to remember there should be one more for the set of you, and if you're together to summon the fire department?”

“Nah, that's just Sweetie’s cooking,” Scootaloo added.

Sweetie stomped her hoof. “Hay, I can cook!”

Scootaloo leaned closer. “It was orange juice… how do you set orange juice on fire?”

Striker laughed.

“I can make a spell for it,” Star stated with pride, a scroll and a quill turning up.

Striker just seemed to lose it with laughter.

“Applebloom will be done with chores soon, let’s go,” Star said, putting away the scroll where ever unicorns put such things.

“But she’s got an hour left,” Sweetie said.

“Yeah, but Applejack just let her off early,” Star said matter of factly.

Scootaloo got her scooter ready.

The voice from the shadow stopped laughing. “Do try to go a little slower this time, please.”

Scootaloo grumbled, but decided to keep it to only insane speeds not stupidly insane speeds.

“But you’re here. How do you even know that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“My… magic,” Star said.

“But you weren't casting anything,” Sweetie countered.

“I cast a spell to alert us when she had finished,” Star was not a good liar, and she was clearly lying, but about what made no sense.

“Why don’t you want to tell us?” Scootaloo asked her.

“They don't trust you… they think you will tell your sisters,” Star said with sadness in her voice.

Scootaloo pulled over, stopping midway between Ponyville and the farm. “But you trust us, right?”

Star nodded.

“Then you know we can be trusted, right?” Scootaloo pled.

Star glanced away for a second. “...They say I can tell you, but you have to agree to a magical promise.”

Scootaloo started to go through the motions of the Pinky Promise. Star’s hooves lashed out and grabbed her, stopping the motion.

“Not that one, that would just tell that Pink impossibility…” Star’s eyes darted around for a moment before settling on her friends. “Do you know if she is an Alicorn in disguise?”

“Why do you think she is an Alicorn?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“She can teleport and she is an Earthpony, she has many effects that would be impossible without unicorn magic, and she can float in the air indicating pegasus magic,” Star explained.

“Nah, that's just Pinkie being Pinkie,” Scootaloo said, seriously the whole town understood that one.

“Well, are you willing to agree to a magic promise?” Star asked.

“Ok,” Sweetie Belle said and Scootaloo just nodded.

Star lit her horn, and something happened. Scootaloo had no idea what, but something happened. Within moments two bat…. Thersel? Turned up, stepping out of the shadow of a nearby bush. “Where has she gone?” The first one said.

Star was bouncing up and down, but neither of the threeatls seemed to notice.

“How are they not seeing us? “ Sweetie looked at herself. “We are not invisible.”

“Star shook her head. “No, this is a Notice-Me-Not spell, they cant notice us no matter what we do.”

Scootaloo walked around one of them and poked them with a hoof. They did not react immediately, a moment later they rubbed their leg where Scootalooo had poked them.

Star’s quill was writing again.

“Shall we get Applebloom first?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Star lit her horn, and in a flash, Applebloom was with them. Still, the thretals did nothing.
“Well, saves mah the trouble of runnin you down,” Applebloom said. “What’s up with these two?” she added, looking to the threralsd.

“Oh, I think they are looking for me,” Star replied.

“But you’re right here,” Applebloom said, pointing at Star, “are they blind?”

“Magic,” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said at the same time. Star nodded her agreement.

Star created a scroll of glowing magic with complicated magical gibberish all over it. “This is the magical promise you have to agree to if you want to know my secret.”

“Star, look you might be able to do all that fancy magic stuff, but I don't think any of us can even read it,” Scootaloo complained.

Sweetie raised her hoof. “I can read a few of the symbols.”

“Oh, alright.” Star cast a spell on the scroll. The words changed to become common Equish.

Those that bind themselves to this pact may have knowledge of _ _ _ _, but will never reveal it to any other than Star and those of have bound themselves thus.

“Is that just a fancy way of sayin we ain't going to tell anypony about whoever?” Applebloom asked.

Star nodded.

Curiosity was building in Scootaloo, though not as much as her excitement at being able to fly soon. “Can we get this over quickly?”

Star held out the glowing scroll, “All, you need to do is touch it and say ‘I agree’.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea, you remember what happened last time we played with magic,” Sweetie Belle cautioned.

Star smiled “This is safe, mummy uses things like this all the time, but she is better than me so she just needs to speak, she does not need the scroll.”

The two thretals took flight and went separate ways, flying in a search pattern.

Scootaloo grabbed the scroll in her wing. As soon as she touched it, the blank section filled in with the name Grey. “Well that was less flashy and glowy than your normal stuff, Star,” she said, almost disappointed as she offered it to Applebloom.

Applebloom and Sweetie both poked it with a hoof.

“I don’t feel any different” Applebloom said.

“There is nothing to feel different about, this is just like a more grown-up Pinkie Promise,” Star said happily. “So now I can tell you about my friend, Grey, she helps me. She even helped me save Mummy from the Bad Ponies.”

“So you have another friend?” Sweetie smiled.

“Why all these promises and secrecy needed for just a friend?” Applebloom asked.

Star smiled. “Well, Grey is not like most friends.”

“What do you mean?” Scootaloo asked.

“Grey does not have a body,” Star said.

“Is Grey a ghost?” Applebloom asked. Sweetie Belle recoiled in fear.

“Nah, must be a real imaginary friend,” Scootaloo said.

“No, she is not a ghost. Just does not have a body, that's all,” Star explained.

“You made that sound like no big deal,” Scootaloo said.

“Well… maybe I could make a body for Grey.” Star clapped her hooves together in joy. “I will just need to get some more wood.”

In another burst of magic, she was gone.

Scootaloo looked at the other two Crusaders. “Is it me or is she getting crazier?” The other two nodded in return.

Walking around town when nopony could see you was not as much fun as Scootaloo had expected it to have been. Ever since Star had teleported away, the three of them were trying to work out what to do. But they had to keep avoiding being stepped on or run into by ponies who just couldn't see them.

“How long is this going to last?” Applebloom asked for the hundredth time.

“Less than an hour,” Sweetie Belle answered.

“How do you know?” Scootaloo asked.

“I might not have a clue how the spell works, but I can feel its energy being used up,” Sweetie answered.

“Oh, ok, so what should we do until then?” Applebloom asked.

They had spent the whole hour talking about what they should do, it was like one of the meetings they used to have when working out what to do to get their cutiemarks from all those years ago. Or at least a few years ago.

Scootaloo got up. “Let’s go to Sugercube Corner?”

“Race ya,” Applebloom was off and running.

That had Scootaloo and Sweetie in rapid pursuit. The shouts and protests of the ponies they nearly tripped was more than enough to know that they could be seen again.

Scootaloo knew that she had a milkshake and at least a muffin, but she barely remembered it. She knew that she talked and laughed with her friends, but that did not matter either. The time for being able to fly was getting closer. She looked at the sky. Only an hour left. That one fact had almost sent Sweetie’s milkshake flying as her wings buzzed a little too enthusiastically.

As it came closer to time for them to get going, Scootaloo just couldn’t stay still. They headed out just so she would be able to move and bleed off a little of the excitement.

Here and there, some more of those cool looking Therr… thres whatever Star called them, ponies were standing around in the shade looking uncomfortable in the early morning sunlight.

The ones that were in armour and standing still were mostly boring. The most Scootaloo had managed to get one of them to do was to stick her tongue out at her when nopony else was looking.

The few that had their armour off were enjoying a quick meal at one of the cafes, they were far more willing to talk, with the ponies around them.

Most of the ponies of Ponyville were on guard and wary. The fact that changelings, not the nice kind, but the hole-ridden bad bugs, had been found here and had attacked ponies left nopony feeling safe.

More than one pony was casting worried looks at each other, clearly wondering who, if anypony, might be a changeling. Star had told them that her spell had found all of them that were a problem so that they would be safe. That led the Crusaders to be some of the least bothered ponies in town.

They still had fifteen minutes until they were supposed to be at the castle they were currently right across the road from. One of the thestral guards was nearby, probably just to keep an eye on them.

“So what are you guys exactly? And why is ‘Bat-pony’ used by those not being nice?” Scootaloo asked.

“I don’t know, bird pony, why do you think?” The guard asked.

“Good point,” Scootaloo admitted.

“Now if you want to know what we are, we are just another tribe of ponies,” The guard said.

“So you're not just night time pegasi?” Sweety asked.

The guard smiled just showing the tip of their fangs. “Nah, were far cooler than any pegasus can be.”

Undaunted Scootaloo shot back. “You’re not as cool as Rainbow Dash.”

“Not as fast, I will grant you that, but far cooler.” The guard said.

“No, you’re not,” Scootaloo said completely sure of her statement.

“Can Rainbow Dash … “ The guard looked around for a moment. “Well you don’t want to be late, the Princess is giving you quite an honour after all,” The guard said, waving them towards the castle.

Noting the time, she rushed toward the castle, and her future.

This morning the crystal castle, Twilight's home, seemed different. It was now the home of all of the hopes she had ever had. By the end of the day, she would be flying. Just the thought of it made her leap into the air and buzz her wings. She only managed to slow her descent a little, but soon, oh so soon, that would be different. She was going to be the best flyer ever, following in the wake of her idol, Rainbow Dash.

In a flash of magenta light, Star burst into view. The filly pulled her into an excited embrace. As always, being moved by Star’s magic, it was quick and intense. Scootaloo grabbed Star and spun around with her, bouncing with her wings buzzing.

“Are you excited?” Star asked.

Trying to sound like Rainbow, she answered “Totally!”

The large doors to the castle opened, wrapped in magenta magic. Twilight herself walked out with her large winged guard and a black and green unicorn.

The world shifted as Star teleported both of them. The next thing Scootaloo knew, she was being pulled into a hug with Twilight alongside Star. The Alicorn smiled at them and used her magic to effortlessly lift both of the fillies without breaking the embrace.

The group kept walking, and Twilight’s new guard spoke. “I'm very proud of you Twilight, I’ll be there during this in any way you need me to be. What do you want of me for this?”

They made their way to the magical dome Twilight had recently made and had an epic duel with Rainbow in. Twilight didn’t seem to respond to her guard’s question, but her guard just nodded and took up position beside the black unicorn mare with green mane and tail. If it was not for the rest of the sounds, Scootaloo might have thought she had gone deaf.

She did not know what the dome was, but she did know that Rainbow and Twilight used it to have a cool play fight.

“So are you ready Scootaloo?” Twilight asked with a serious tone. The sort of tone older ponies used when they thought something was important. Given she was going to be getting the ability to fly this time, the older pony was right.

Scootaloo nodded her head vigorously. “Born ready.”

Twilight’s new guard turned to the black unicorn mare, “Would you like to see a little filly explode with joy and happiness?”

Scootaloo looked around. It seemed seeing Twilight and Scootaloo had caused a crowd to gather. It was not like the time of the event was secret. The whole town knew what was going to happen. She had told everypony herself at least six times in her excitement.

She did hope she would not explode or even explode twice like Pinkie seemed to think could happen, but she was happy, as happy as she could ever remember being. The skies, the air, the clouds, she would be flying soon.

They crossed under the dome, Twilight used a wing to gesture the guard to wait outside. None of the crowd had entered the dome. Twilight looked at Little Star. “Can you wait outside and keep Candice and Emerald safe for me, My little Star?”

Star saluted, her Daring Do helm popping out of the air and being expertly spun and popped on her head. In a flash of magenta light, Little Star was gone, another flash appeared near where Twilight’s guard was awaiting.

The bright glow of Twilight's magic wrapped around Scootaloo, sinking in and causing her to radiate soft magenta light from her whole body before a tingling started to creep through her. It looked cool, but would have been twenty percent cooler if it was rainbow coloured.

Twilight stood tall, spreading her wings like Princess Celestia often did. "An Alicorn Princess has many duties. To protect her ponies, to guide them into being better, to put their needs before her own. I stand here before you today to correct a magical condition that has been solvable for hundreds of years.

“Unborn Hybrids can be saved from the risk of their magic turning on itself. For older hybrids like Scootaloo here, what has been lost, can be restored without risk or danger.

“Know that I know how to solve it and I will do so for all that request it. My only conditions are that you try to be a good pony and if Equestria has need of you, that you will answer my call.”

Twilight flapped her wings once. Two visible wisps of wind spun off them and circled Scootaloo, slowly lifting her into the air.

“Scootaloo here already serves harmony, she and her friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, go out of there way to help ponies who have lost their way and need guides to find what their Cutiemarks are telling them.”

Two of Twilight’s primary feathers separated from her wings before spiralling around the filly.

“And so it is with joy that I give of myself to grant you the sky's my friend.” Twilight’s smile was like the rising sun.

An orb of energy, crackling with lightning and swirling with raging storm clouds, formed on Twilight's hoof. The orb levitated through the air, stopping before Scootaloo.

Tears leaked from Twilight's eyes as a tremble ran through her.

Slowly the orb moved closer, pressing into her chest, it felt warm and tickled. It felt strange, she could feel something inside heating up, shifting, changing.

Scootaloo looked at Twilight. She could see the princess was in pain. Concerned, she was about to ask if the princess was alright.

"Everything is fine, little one," Twilight said in the most reassuring voice she had ever heard.

Of course, everything was fine, they were tears of joy, and she was just working hard. That's why she was trembling.

She thought she saw a flicker of guilt cross Twilight's face, but she must have been imagining things.

In the crowd, the beautiful mare with a black coat and green mane seemed to look pained, Twilight's new guard seemed to be watching the crowd and keeping an eye on Twilight.

Scootaloo wondered what was wrong with them, but they would be alright.

The orb, now fully within her chest, enlarged enveloping her. Scootaloo’s world was lost to wind, lightning and light.

Scootaloo’s mind slowly came round, the world started making sense. Every part of her body felt different. It was a whole new world of sensation. That tickling energy seemed to dance in her chest, ready to explode into motion.

She was lowered to the ground, her hooves being guided with an unseen force.

Immediately she was tackled by Applebloom and pulled into a hug. Star was not far behind. Sweetie Belle was more restrained, trotting up next to them until Star’s magic grabbed her and pulled her into the hug.

“You have some of my Mummy's feathers,” Star said, a little puzzled.

The outer primary of each of her now full-sized wings were lavender, as were the tips of the rest.

Twilight flapped her wing, sending a breeze over the group of fillies. Scootaloo shuddered. She felt that, the wind, the air, she felt it moving and not just as it touched her. The sense of the air around her, that thing that Rainbow had tried to explain to her, that inner sense of the air that she was meant to find before she could fly.

Pulling free of the pony pile of her friends, she leapt into a hug with Twilight. Tears were streaming down her face in joy, but she didn’t mind. For once, she didn’t care if others saw her cry.

Twilight returned the hug.

“Thank you,” Scootaloo said, still feeling the tears running from her eyes. A thank you was almost nothing, but it was all she could think to offer the mare who had given her the sky.

After she composed herself, Scootaloo wiped her eyes clear and noticed The Not-So-Great Trixie looking at her. Is that hope in her eyes? She thought with confusion that didn’t last long as Twilight whispered in her ear, making any thoughts of Trixie vanish. “There is a certain rainbow maned pegasus who can't wait to give you a flying lesson.”

With a wing-tip, Twilight tilted Scootaloo’s head to look straight at Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was cheering next to the Wonderbolt. The entire crowd outside of the dome seemed to either be cheering or staring dumb stuck.

A dull earthy coloured pegasus with a camera around his neck was just taking off and flying toward Canterlot at speed.

“Ready to do some real flying kido?” Rainbow asked.

The lesson had been hard, but she did not care. She was going to be flying, she would not disappoint Rainbow, herself or Twilight.

“Again,” Rainbow said full of energy hovering in front of her. “You can do it.” She added in a quiet tone meant just for Scootaloo's ears.

I can do it, I will do it. Scootaloo thought.

She took a single deep breath gathering the new power within her and holding it tight. Pushing the tingling energy to her wings, she flapped as hard as she could.

The ground below shot away, gaining more distance. Letting out a whoop of joy, she did it again and again. Sure her flight was not graceful, but she was flying. FLYING!

She started to fall. In a panic, she buzzed her wings and energy danced over her feathers. The new magic shooting her forward far faster than she had ever managed to go on her scooter. A trail of lighting forming in her wake.

Each slight move, each slight imperfection in her techniques sent her course zipping this way and that. She did not know what to do. The world was spinning, it was a chaotic rollercoaster. If she stopped flapping, she would fall. If she continued, she would crash into something. She wished she had her helmet on.

One of her wings spasmed, and suddenly, there was a wall mere seconds away. Scootaloo held her hooves out, hoping to lessen the impact. Closing her eyes, she hoped this would not hurt too much.

Suddenly she felt lighter, her movement stopped. She opened her eyes to see Rainbow Dash grinning at her. She was being held in her hooves. “That was amazing, Scoots. Needs a little work on the control, but still, that is going to make a great stunt for the Wonderbolts one day.”

Scootaloo's brain heard the words, but it took multiple seconds to make sense of them. “Wha, what did I do?” She said.

Rainbow grinned. “Only three awesome things. One, fly. Two, zip around with crazy manoeuvrability with lightning trailing from your buzzing wings. Three, shed your momentum like a pro.”

“So you did not save me?” Scootaloo asked, still with evident confusion.

“I was ready to, but you saved yourself from that crash on your own. All I had to do is stop you falling when you decided to stop flapping.” Rainbow said, offering a challenging smirk. “Even I’m not good enough to just float in the air when doing nothing with my wings.”

Cheering broke out, snapping Scootaloo’s attention to it. On top of a nearby cloud was Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Star jumping up and down, cheering.

Rainbow playfully threw Scootaloo on the cloud, and her friends pulled her into a hug.

“BEST DAY EVER!” Scootaloo declared for all the world to hear.

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