• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 79 Fluttershy's Trip

Something damp and soft welcomed Fluttershy's returning awareness. The scents of old feathers and salt greeted her first breath, a perfect complement to the sorrow that wrapped around her heart.

Despite the lack of bad dreams, her heart still weighed heavily in her chest. She did not want to disturb any of her friends, so she laid still and stayed silent.

A warmth shifted, and a powerful forelimb wrapped itself around her barrel. The claws that oh so lightly rested against her flesh would have terrified many. "I'm alright, Harry." Fluttershy's own hoof found a place on his powerful leg. "Thank you."


Fluttershy adjusted, nuzzling her head against Harry's thick fur instead of the damp pillow. A thick heavy paw stroked her mane. It was clumsy and awkward, but still, it was just what she needed to drift off to sleep again, wrapped in the warm, loving embrace of one of her protectors.

Sometime later, something dragged her from the cosy haze of sleep. A rapid thumping demanded her attention. It was insistent and urgent, and with her first waking thought, she knew just what rabbit it had to be. "Thank you, Angel."

As much as just laying here would have been lovely, she had lots to do today. She slowly extracted herself from Harry's slumbering form. Despite everything that had happened, she felt rested and calm.

Her eyes glanced up on their own as if drawn by something. Hung above her bed was the only thing that allowed her to sleep at all. The dream catcher shimmered softly as the sunlight played over its delicate web. Despite all the nightmares it kept at bay, her ears drooped every time she looked at it. The silent echoes of countless screams still trying to reach her from those first few nights after the attack.

The room had plenty of space, but that just made it easy to spot what was missing. So many of her friends were gone… so many of the little animals she talked to each day. 'Memoires are not Dreams.' Princess Luna had said with sympathy.

Her eyes settled on the dusty tea service. It was just yet another reminder. Discord, please come back. For a moment, it was almost like his forlorn face looked back from the crystal wall, but no, it was just wishful thinking.

She closed her eyes and just breathed. Thinking back to the princess's soft smile as she asked Miss Araneae, the spider, to weave the dreamcatcher. It was such a kind smile. A little bit of guilt stirred in her chest. That nightmare night, how she was so terrified by Princess Luna. That had not been the kindest response she could have given.

When she opened her eyes again, she was surrounded. All around her, dozen of her animals watched her. "Good morning," Fluttershy said as the others growled, chittered, squeaked or squawked, otherwise voiced their greetings.

"Now, let's see about getting you all breakfast. Won't that be nice?" The warm smile she showed was just what they all needed. "No, you can not eat Opal. That would be mean and would make Rarity unhappy." Fluttershy shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry, not even if you ask very nicely."

With soft flaps of her wings, she crossed the room and opened the wardrobe. What was once packed full of supplies was already starting to run low. Oh dear… She thought as she looked at the gnawed-on packages. Now, who has been getting in here?

Another hungry request was voiced by some of the meat eaters.

"No, you can't just take a bite if you get hungry," Fluttershy answered as she ran the numbers. If she bulked out the meat with other things as much as was safe, there were just a little more than two weeks left. Just fifteen days before, there would be… problems.

Deliberately not thinking about that, Fluttershy closed the door. As the latch clicked closed, Angel bunny glared and then kicked the door.

Fluttershy reached out to pet him. "I'm sorry, we have to make the food last."

Angel stomped and glared more.

"That's all we have until more can be grown. You know we all have to share." She said, just knowing today was going to be a long day.

With practised ease, she gathered all her medical supplies and slipped her saddle bag on. A small slip of paper lay at the bottom of the now-empty drawer.

"Oh, my," Fluttershy said as her mind asked Why did you keep this? With a wing, she plucked it up and turned it over. She knew what it said before the words came into view.

As I just found out earlier tonight, a Princess is allowed a harem. Are you interested?

She stared at the words feeling the warmth in her cheeks as she remembered being held by Twilight. With a soft sigh, she shook her head. She already has too many special ponies.

With a half smile, she returned the note, still unsure why she treasured it. She took a long breath and steeled herself. There were lots of ponies that needed her help today. So she left the room to bravely face whatever the day had in store for her.

Hours later, Fluttershy pressed her forehead against the wall and sighed. Unshead tears burned in her eyes, and she closed them. "How can they be so mean?"

The cooling crystal wall helped settle the pounding in her head. As the pain faded, hunger gnawed at her, but as long as she had something to eat tomorrow, she would be alright, and there would be a little more to feed others.

With each breath, she calmed down a little more. Most of the day had not been terrible. With Little Star gone, so many little things and not-so-little things needed to be done. With her magic, teleportation and healing abilities, she did the job of a dozen ponies on her own. Then add all the help the CMC provided, even if they ran through the halls making a game of everything, they were far more help than hindrance.

Most ponies were happy to help. Most ponies were willing to come together in the sense of community. Twilight would have been proud of them.

Unfortunately, some did not. Her ears flattened as their horrible words came to her again.

"Whys is my breakfast late?"

"I'm terribly sorry."

"Don't let it happen again."

"You're not a doctor…."

"I'm trained…."

"How can you even do medicine without a horn?"

"Good morning," Fluttershy said, her soft voice and warm smile still natural despite all the unpleasantness she had endured all day.

"Thank Celestia"

"Yes, she does raise the sun every day."

"Oh, that's not what I mean."

Fluttershy remembered as she looked over the medical chart. Little Star's horn writing was all over it, but strangely, there were water stains on it. Tears? Everything is going well… they are getting better. Why would there be tears? Maybe they are happy tears? She had thought how wrong she had been.

"I'm just glad that little monster is gone."

A horrible feeling had come over Fluttershy. They could not mean what it sounded like they meant… could they? She took a breath and asked as cheerfully as she could. "Little Monster?"

A scent heavily laden with sugar reached her, pulling her from those vile words. Instead, "Cupcake?" Pinkie's voice asked.

That did not happen today? It took a long moment before it registered. Fluttershy looked up into the smiling face of Pinky Pie, whose warm eyes knew, accepted and promised to do anything she could to make things right.

"Please, give it to one of the foals. If you don't mind." Fluttershy said as her stomach growled in hunger.

"No, this emergency pick-me-up cupcake is for you."

Not even giving Fluttershy a chance to respond, Pinkie Pie shoved the treat into Fluttershy's open mouth. The sweetness caressed her tongue as the flavours called to happier memories.

The tea-infused sponge of the cupcake paired well with the lemon and honey-flavoured icing. Fluttershy hummed as she slowly consumed it. The last time she had this flavour was back at the last picnic when Pinkie had tried new flavours. Most had been lovely, if strange... some had been only things Discord liked.

Discord. The name hung there in her mind. "Discord... where are you?" She breathed out just to be enveloped in soft pinkness, and Pinkie Pie pulled her into a warm hug.

More tears fell, and this time soaked into her friend's coat and not her pillow.

"Everything will be alright... in the end..." Pinkie Pie whispered softly. Despite the reassuring words, a shiver ran down Fluttershy's spine. Pinkie's strong hoof ran along her back, massaging away the newly tense muscles.

Pinkie Pie was like Harry, the bear. Strong, powerful, but also so very warm. Fluttershy cuddled against Pinkie's soft coat. The earth pony's scent was warm and surgery, but less so than it used to be. Through the contact, it was painfully obvious that Pinkie had lost weight.

"You should come to the party." Pinkie Pie was all smiles as she pulled an invitation out of her mane.

"Party?" Fluttershy said as she looked over the glitter-covered invitation.

"Yes." Pinkie Pie bounced in place. "It's going to be super fantastic."

You plus anypony you like are invited to the supply delivery day party at Noble Guide's place.

"Noble Guide's Place?"


"If it is alright... could you tell me where that is, please?"

"Oh, don't be silly, it's the new place Bluey and Rarity take those wagons of food too."

"Are they nice there?"

"Yep, they are the nicest," Pinkie said, tightening the hug. "Come on!" The pink mare started to sing. There was a blur of motion, spirals of different colours, and a lot of confetti.

Suddenly she was outside with the last words of a heart-song fading from her lips. As with every time it happened, there was a moment of confusion, a moment when you just had to adjust to how you found yourself.

How did I get here? Her mind started to ask before remembering one key fact. It's just Pinkie being Pinkie. She stopped trying to puzzle things out. She looked around, taking in her surroundings.

Fluttershy patted Harry's broad back as she perched on it. He was attached to a waggon that was piled with boxes. A few of her smaller animal friends napped atop the boxes, enjoying the sunlight and fresh air. Each and every one of them had a small party hat on. Fluttershy reached a hoof to her head and found one of her own.

Just a little ahead of her, Pinkie Pie pranced along her little cart with the party cannon mounted atop being dragged along in her wake.

She twisted to look behind her. Her sharp eyes trivially judged the distance. She was five to five hundred and ten Celestias away, Ponyville. Above the Crystal Castle, Little Star's cloud fort floated. Starlight and Trixie were there with a telescope. Their heads shifted about as if they were looking around. They are making sure we are safe.

Between the warmth of Harry's coat below her and knowing Starlight and Trixie were keeping watch, she could follow her small friend's lead, curl up, and doze in the sunlight. Lazily, she opened her wings. The cooling breeze contrasted with the warming sun.

"Fluttershy darling, I did not know you were joining us," Rarity's voice called out.

Armour hid some of Rarity's body, and she had weapons strapped to her sides. Somehow she managed to make it look elegant and graceful, but that did not hide the fact that she was armed and moved comfortably with the weight. She was beautiful, like a show cat, but like all cats, she had sharp claws.

"Oh, hello, Rarity... how are you doing?"

"You know, just going on a little stroll through the countryside."

Fluttershy would have had to have been blind not to see that, for this group, this was anything but a 'stroll in the countryside'. Armoured earth ponies formed a perimeter around the convoy while pegasi circled above and unicorns stood with horns ready atop the wagons.

"Are we going to be attacked?" Fluttershy asked in a voice little more than a whisper.

"Not very likely, Darling, and even if we are, we will be perfectly safe."

A shiver crawled down Fluttershy's spine. Her mind tried to go back to another journey. That panicked trip between her cottage and the castle. 'Those' horrible memories were nothing more than closed eyes away from being seen again.

Rarity reached a hoof up and rested it against Fluttershy's leg. "If anything happens, I'll protect you."

"Geeer," Harry added his own promise of protection to Rarity's.

In the distance, a magenta dome marked their designation. The closer they got, the larger it seemed. The crossed stone arches supported the bubble of light. "That's big enough to fit all of Ponyville in."

"Our Twilight has created quite the magical marvel. I only wished she consulted me before she finalised it... so much more could have been done to make it more... welcoming."

A group of ponies had gathered just inside the dome. Foals of all different tribes energetically played. They galloped and flew around, throwing a ball between them. After everything that had happened, they could still play.

"The ponies seem to be happy there." Fluttershy watched them with her small smile.

Rarity turned to look at her. "You can see them from here?"

"Oh yes... I know I'm not the best flyer, but my eyes are just as good as Rainbow's."

"Rainbow can see that far?"

"Yes, all pegasi can... didn't you know?"

Rarity's expression shifted slightly back and forth before settling on mild exasperation. Her expression settled on a much happier one. "As wonderful as Twilight's home is, with so many ponies, it can be just a tad crowded. It's nice to have just a bit more space."

The sky above was open and the land around was almost pristine. Any other pegasi would hear the wind's call and want to be up in the endless skies and not down here at the bottom of the world.

For all the beauty the landscape still held, there was still something missing. No birds flew in the open air, and no little creatures darted about in the grass. Were they in hiding... or were they gone?

Nearer to them was a blackened scar where green grass should have been. Fluttershy looked away and petted Harry's head as much for her own reassurance as his. When Ponyville was attacked, even the Blighted screamed in pain, and there had been so much fire...

Fluttershy closed her eyes, and the world seemed safer. The presence of Harry beneath her, the scent of her other animal friends and Rarity. Celestia's sun still beamed down its warmth.

When she opened her eyes again, they had passed the scar by, and the happy ponies were now waving. Behind them stood three stone figures, Twilight, Princess Celestia and a unicorn. They were so life-like that, for a moment, she thought a cockatrice might have been misbehaving again. Their just statues, she thought with relief.

Nopony slowed as they approached Twilight's shield. They just kept walking through it as if it were not there. That just gave her more time to admire the three statues.

Princess Celestia's looked down as serenely and motherly as usual.

Twilight stood reared up with her wings flaring like a protector. Little bits of crystal embedded in her horn caught the shield's light and added to the illusion.

The unicorn, Noble Guide, had no less work or love put into creating his likeness, and it was as if his welcoming smile was just for her.

Next to the three statues was a signpost. One that should proudly declare a town's name. Instead, all this one said was.

Welcome to

Just before it was her turn, she heard something. She swivelled her ears, trying to find what it was.

"No..." Discord's distinct voice called out.

A cold claw of ice trailed down Fluttershy's spine. "Discord?" She looked around frantically. Like every time she had thought she had heard him, there was nothing, not a single sign of her friend.

The sensation of warm water that was somehow dry brushed against her coat. The feel changed, warmed. For a moment, it was like she was being held by Twilight wings. Everything will be alright. The feeling said.

Then it was over, but a tiny bit of the comfort remained. She still missed Discord, and it still hurt he skipped each of their teatimes, but she could not think about that. There were ponies here that needed help.

With Twilght's second hoof comfort still lingering, she searched for where she could help them most. The first thing she saw was not was she expected.

They greeted Blueblood with open hooves and smiles. Fluttershy looked to Rarity, who just smiled and nodded.

"So, what do you think about the new Prince?" Rarity asked.

"Well, he seems nice," Fluttershy said as she watched Blueblood. The stallion used his aura to lift up an earthpony colt. With silly sounds, he helped the colt fly through the air after his winged friends. "One day, I think he will make a good father."

Rarity blushed.

"Oh, my..."

"Darling, not a word to anypony... least of all him."

"Of course... but is he..."

"He's brave, kind, caring, and spends his time guarding these food deliveries twice a week."

"You sure he is not a changeling?"

"Don't be like that..." Rarity started with a knowing smile before she leaned closer and whispered. "and yes, I'm sure. Little Star checked."

All around them, the guards were greeted and offered water as some locals pitched in to unload the wagons. More than a few of the mares were watching Blueblood with the same look in their eyes as Rarity had. Those Fluttershy let her eyes move past. She looked for the ponies whose eyes were sad, that, despite being surrounded by those who would care for them, were still and quiet, those that had lost too much too quickly.

With a nod to herself, she collected Mr Fluffy in her hooves and headed to the first pony that might just have their day brightened by a new pet.

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