• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 44.2 The Light of a New Day

Outside the window, greying ponies marched in lockstep, their bearing defiant as many hooves thundered past. Each of those aged ponies weighed on Revealing Light’s conscience. They had dedicated the best part of their lives to the guard and pulled out of retirement, they willingly offered more. Whatever happened to them was, at least in part, her fault. RGIS did not have the slightest clue such an attack was coming. No, this was no attack. This was an outright declaration of war.

Maybe Candice had the right idea. At least the Nightguard got custom gear. Or was it possible the sarcastic mare would have spotted something in the mountain of paperwork? Could she have spotted the one fact that could have prevented this tragedy?

The final bit of armour fastened in place, the snap of the buckle ending years of dedication at being one of the best undercover agents in Equestria. The enchantment activated. A tingle rippled along her coat, and just like that, she looked just like any other Solarguard.

In the mirror, a generic armoured pony looked back at her. There was no artistry to the illusion. It was just the same as all the other guards.

The heavy metal pressed into her flesh. Spa trips would become mandatory physical therapy and not a mere luxury if she had to wear this armour for more than a few days.

She moved to the door. Each stride was slow. Ungainly. Even with the featherweight enchantment, inertia still resisted every motion.

How do they put up with this day in and day out?

Outside, her hooves clanked on the pavement. Her armoured shoes made it hard not to stomp. No wonder you could hear the Solarguard from miles away.

She carefully placed her hooves, at least lessening the racket they made with each step.

At her first chance, there would be a visit to a trusted contact to get a few choice enchantments added. Unfortunately, that would not be today and might not even be this month. There was just too much to do and not enough guards to do it.

At least playing the role of a bland guard was simple. Their code of behaviour might as well have been a flow chart hammered into them in basic training.

The few ponies on the streets huddled close to each other. Fear dragging their eyes to each moving shadow. Ears twitching at every sound. As she passed them, their near panic receded, if only a little. What had the world come to when the top undercover agent in RGIS was more use as a pretend common guard. It made sense, the ponies wanted to feel safe, and bright golden armour spoke of strength. The Solar image declared loudly that Princess Celestia knew what was going on and had a plan.

It only took four minutes to get to the square where the guard mustered. Light took her position, completing a line of substitute ponies. With the helmet's enchantments, the actual features of the other Solarguards appeared under a ghostly visage of the default guard appearance. Glowing runes denoting rank and specialities floated next to each. Far too many were cadets deployed despite still being in training or reactivated old-timers.

The truly combat rated ponies mustered at the train station, most with their armour packed away so the population would not realise the most capable defenders were leaving. This whole event was nothing but a distraction, a performance to prevent a panic.

Shining Armor’s horn peaked above the insistent mob of ponies that clamoured for his attention. He was the hero of the day. His city-sized shield was as awe-inspiring as ever. Sheltering behind it, unicorns and archers made quick work of the horde of rampaging monsters that attacked.

Today the barrier served a different purpose. Only those Prince Armor allowed passage through his shield would enter or leave the city. The lockdown was not the most popular decision, but it was the right one. Anypony that left would need a large escort, or they would simply be taken by the blight and become nothing more than another monster to face.

As the Prince addressed the crowd, discontent rippled through it. To Light’s observant eyes, the instigators practically glowed. The question was, were they just ponies that wanted freedom or were they cultists fomenting unrest?

The setup was too perfect. This was a powder keg, they were all ready to stampede at the slightest scare. If Revealing Light was a crazed warlock seeking to spread maximum suffering and confusion, she would have secondary strikes lined up and ready in the places refugees would gather.

The blue sky above was pristine. Not a single cloud was visible for as far as her eyes could see. Every single one had been reclaimed to be checked. A second wave of blighted clouds would be nowhere near as effective as the first.

“What do you mean we can’t leave?” A pony with more bits than sense glared at the Prince.

In the shadows, a pony waited. As she could see them, they were clearly not Nightguard. None of them would ever be so sloppy. They were close enough to observe, but too far away to interfere directly. Light watched them, grateful the armour made it look like she was still standing at perfect attention, eyes fixed forward.

The pony looked at her, meeting her gaze. Her gaze, that was concealed under a powerful illusion. That was no normal pony. They had no horn to light, nor were they looking through some sort of enchanted lens. They must have felt her scrutiny. Changeling! The realisation hit Light, and the watching pony scampered back into the alley.

Oh no you don’t!

“Balance the line,” Light ordered as she used the ranks of guards to conceal her slipping out of formation.

“Yes, Sir,” an old tired voice answered, they quickly adjusted the formation. The gap she made vanished as if she was never there.

Her horn hummed with power. A flash cast invisibility spell and a cushioning effect on her hooves, and she was off. Her near-silent gallop devoured ground even as her body screamed at her. Unaccustomed weight strained her limbs, but she could pay for that tomorrow. That changeling was not getting away.

Allies and streets flashed by, quick but nowhere near as rapidly as if she was not wearing the Tartarus damned metal restraint the regular guard called armour.

The ‘pony’ ahead of her was always just out of reach, always darting behind cover whenever she would have had a clear shot with her horn. There was no way this was not a trap.

She sent a ripple of power along her horn, a simple illusion spell. One only visible to those with the standard guard armour illusions. With any luck, there would be some pegasi up there that would respond.

The changeling took a sharp turn. Light tried to follow, but the armour was too much. The metal shoes screeched in protest as sparks flew from them. She skipped sideways, her sudden stop announced by a burst of pain as she slammed into the wall.

It only took a moment to assess herself. A single breath told her enough to keep going. No sharp pains, no broken bones, but there would definitely be bruises under her coat tomorrow.

She pulled herself back to a steady stance and resumed her pursuit. The cracked bricks were a statement that at least the armour was more protective than common building materials.

There were no turn-offs, the changeling was heading to a dead end. I got you now, bug. Light thought, she did not have the spare air to voice it.

All that greeted her was a rubbish-strewn dead end, a fading ring of green flames and ragged pieces of paper drifting down from the air.

Everything and anything was hit with the changeling revealing spell, even the discarded note. Not a single thing reacted, not a single thing changed.

With the sound of feathered wings approaching, she finally lifted her ‘prize’ in her aura.

Glowing green letters seems to somehow defile the scrap paper.

We have no desire to see our food become extinct. Nightmare Moon has returned, and she may be plotting with your nobles.

Revealing Light lowered her head. Things were about to get even more complicated.

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