• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 43 Mother's Delight, Sister's Despair 

Night’s muscles ached for motion. They urged her to gallop, to fly, to race off full pelt seeking after her daughter. But now was not the time of rash actions. Little Star would be alright. She had to be.

The image of what that dreadful dark spell she had conceived before her banishment could have done to her daughter just would not leave Night alone. No, her Little Star had not met such a fate. Harmony would not be so cruel as to allow her daughter to be taken away after such a short time.

A snarl twisted Night’s muzzle. How had anypony gotten her spell? A growl escaped her throat as her fangs threatened to form. No… passion is for battle. Calm detachment is needed for the hunt. Night inhaled, bringing her hoof to her chest. Pushing away, she breathed out.

Stillness settled in her chest, but it was only the calm before the storm. Somepony would pay, and there were many ways she could collect their debt. But first, she had to ensure her daughter’s safety.

Little Star was incredibly powerful. There was no way any threat she understood and saw coming would be a danger to her. Yet, she was young and inexperienced. She could be tricked or surprised. Might she have been looking curiously at the dark clouds as they rained on her?

She was more than powerful enough to become one of the more potent blighted. Little Star would become a smaller yet more powerful Pony of Shadows. Flowing wings of tarry tendrils and a flowing mane of liquid shadow would look impressive.

Even if Little Star was blighted, Night would capture her. She had invented this foul sorcery; if anypony could undo it, she could. No matter what condition of her daughter, the first step was finding her.

Night lifted the modified training lance in her aura, trails of cold mist flitted up from it. Starlight had a very cunning mind, it was no Starfall, but it would have to suffice. Her mane reached out and deposited it along with rope and various other bindings into the depths of her shadow. With Twilight absent, she could not even get her armour. It was troublesome to be denied the contents of Twilight’s seemingly endless extradimensional pockets.

Was there anything else left of her extensive research into dark magic? Her study and emulation of the foes she relished hunting? Did she still have a fragment out there, one that had been free all this time? Might their foe not be a follower of Sombra, but one of her own?

One thousand years raging at her imprisonment on the moon was not ideal for sanity. Everything from that time was mixed with her vengeful fantasies. Did she have a secret army trained in all her most vile of methods, or was that just something she dreamed she did?

Her hoof slammed into the crystal floor. This is getting me nowhere.

Night strode confidently through the castle. Her hoof-falls silent with habitual grace. Every space was packed with ponies, yet all made way for her, as they should. Dozens of weary and frightened eyes sought her out. She breathed in, strangely unable to savour the lingering fear despite the power it lent her.

Twilight’s ponies, no, ‘her’ ponies had to see her strength. She needed to be their Princess, their rock in this darkest hour. In her time as Nightmare Moon, she had demoralised and terrorised; It was just another act she had perfected to an art form. Now, what would she attack first to break them? Pride, resolve, and their faith in each other, that was exactly what she would twist and destroy. They were exactly what the haunted ponies needed reinforcing.

“My ponies.” No, that’s not Twilight enough. She poured more warmth into her tone, lacing her words with her Alicorn power. “My friends. Today has been a most terrible tragedy, but it will pass. Ponies have been lost, but will be remembered. Ponies have been hurt, but will be healed. We have been attacked, but it will not go unanswered. I swear to you, Ponyville will be defended. I swear to you, the monster that caused this will be punished.”

Each and every pony sat or stood straighter, their eyes clear, focused. The sweet fear faded, something warmer slipped into its place as it wrapped around the seeds of firm resolve. A resolve that could so easily be pushed into becoming nothing but righteous anger and a bloodthirsty call for vengeance.

Night took a slow inhalation and met each of her ponies’ gaze. She released the air slowly. It was not as effective without the hoof motion, but it still worked. Twilight would never forgive her if she infected the innocent ponies of Ponyville with her rage.

“Look to the ponies next to you. I’m proud of you all. You all came together, supporting each other. Together we will get through this.”

There were no cheers, but there did not have to be. Night’s words had hit their mark. She nodded to the crowd. “Now, I am going to find our missing foals.”

Outside heavy smoke still tainted the air, almost concealing the satisfying scents of fear and death. That this was her home soured them. Bitter anger squirmed in her chest, its serpent fangs so desperately hungered for the flesh of the one responsible. The delightful torments she promised to inflict stilled it.

Night let her senses take in the full magnitude of the destruction. Most of the damage had been caused by the fire, the fire that was used as a defensive measure. Each mark, each scrape, all painted the picture of the engagement. She had been in enough battles to accurately recreate the battle blow for blow just from its aftermath.

Many hooves had trampled the ground, the guards’ practised hoof work contrasted with the chaotic mess of the town ponies’. It was clear none had broken; none had fled even if there were signs of hesitance, of fear.

Night turned her attention to the present, letting the visions of the battle fade from her mindscape. The defenders still ringed the castle, Nightguard supported by the townpony’s militia. Despite the improvised nature of the militia, it still had a uniform appearance. Their equipment had been taken from the Evening fair tournaments. It even still carried some of the scents of the ancient confections, just detectable to her heightened senses.

Like so many centuries ago, she moved her troops. She did not need to fake her pride as she greeted each of them. They had proven their valour, they had proven their loyalty. They required no speech to strengthen their resolve, so she simply let some of her Alicorn power radiate. It lent them a little more courage, a little more strength.

She would have to ratify the Ponyville militia when she got back. It would seem Rarity would have a second uniform ensemble to design.

A silver mane and a blue coat drew Night’s eyes. Trixie still had her distinctive cape and hat despite the armour she wore beneath it. She lounged against a barricade, her eyes keen as she gazed out into the distance.

Night looked to the leader of the Nightguard and flicked her eyes to Trixie. “How did she do?” She said in tones only the thestrals would hear.

“Despite her eccentric personality, she was pivotal to the defence.” A few of the other Nightguard nodded, adding their support. By the odd grin, some of them actually liked her.

Night nodded before speaking normally. “No foe breaks the line. Keep them safe.”

The thestral saluted, “Yes, Princess.”

“Trixie, with me. Consider this your final test.”

Trixie’s eyes widened. “You mean?”

“Yes, Trixie, I will make you what you were born to be.”

For a moment, it seemed Trixie might prance around in a circle like Twilight would have chanting Yes repeatedly. Fortunately, she did not. Instead, she bowed. “Thank you, Princess.” Clearly, the battle had shaken Trixie’s fear of her.

Night nodded, then started towards the changed Everfree. Trixie fell in beside her. With her name, Lulamoon, where else did she belong? Night smiled.

Heavy hoof falls announced Applejack. She stomped up, still clad in her heavy armour. “Hey Twilight, if you goin out there, I’m coming with you.”

Without the strength of Twilight’s magic nor her encyclopedic knowledge of spells, her options were limited. Having more support would make this easier. “Alright, but you follow my orders.”


Night silenced her with a stern glare. “I’m serious, AJ.” She took a breath and softened her words, flavouring them with concern. “There are things those monsters can do that I’m immune to, but I can do nothing to defend you from. I’m not going to lose you.”

“Gees,” Applejack nodded. “Alright, Twilight.”

She had two allies and her own talents. That would have to be enough.

The dark wall of bark and serrated leaves all woven together with bladed wines was not the Everfree as it has been. The forest was now a daunting living fortification. Pride warred with anger. Her spell had done exactly what she had created it to. Axe blade or burning magic would take days to breach that outer shell.

As she approached, the vines shifted, raising up like ebony vipers. Black venom dripped from thorns posing as fangs. Yes, the spell had been masterfully cast. All exactly as she intended.

So they used her magic, but they did not understand it. She scoffed. Foals.

She strode regally towards the deadly plants. Yes, so perfect, all her traps were in place. “Stay behind me, but stay close.” Night said. She could not have them see this.

She gathered her darkness, compressing it tightly in her core. Jealousy, Pride, Anger, Hate all flooded her, rushing through her veins. The delightful bloodlust that drove her, the certainty that the world was hers took its place as twin stabs of pain announced her fangs pushing out from her gums. Anything, anypony she wished was hers by right. Her teal slit eyes glared back at her, reflected in the glistening venom like fangs.

Bow before your Queen.”

The vines bowed and retreated back. Her dark spellcraft knew its mistress well. As sure as the dream realm once did, the Everfree bent to her will. The wall of deadly blades and armoured wood scurried back, revealing a path into the twisted forest.

She advanced into her living fortification. Only one set of hoofsteps sounded behind her.

The larger tree’s bark twisted to terrifying visages encrusted with spell runes. A little blood or magic, and they would activate. Horrifying illusions, anti-scrying and teleportation wards would all snap into place. With enough sacrifices and a second spell, a palace dedicated to her beautiful night would grow in the center. She could look out from its balcony and watch her impaled foes slowly bleed to death, their blood being gathered for her use.

“How?” Applejack’s voice shattered the moment.

“How?” Night let her face shift closer to normal. When had she truly started to think of a night aspected Twilight as her normal look? “There is a reason all Alicorns are required to know dark magic. Sometimes all it takes is enough power and will to subvert its works.” True, just not relevant this time, Element of Honesty. As fun as it would be to see you quake knowing who I am... Twilight would never forgive me.

“You used dark magic?”

“How do you think the Crystal Heart was found?”


“If you don’t believe me, ask Celestia what she showed me just before we headed for the Crystal Empire.” Granted, I was nothing but a passenger, but you don’t need to know that.

“I don’t like it.” Applejack said, but her hooves moved her forward, and she fell in on the other side of Trixie.

“You are not required to like it.”

The shadow blight had left its mark on the background magic. It warped the chaotic mess of the Everfree into an indecipherable tangle of wild magical-flux. Perhaps Twilight might have been able to pass it and cast a functional seeking spell. No, she would have to use crude methods.

Night lowered her muzzle to the ground. The base scents of the Everfree mixed with the foul taint of the blight. Under it all lingered the faintest traces of four young ponies. One very dear to her heart and very similar to her own scent.

“Twi, what in tarnation are you doing now? You ain’t no dog.”

Night sighed, tracking like some sort of hound was not the most graceful of things for a Queen to be seen doing. “Applejack… can you just trust I am looking for my daughter and I know what I’m doing?”

“And Applebloom?”

Night levelled a flat glare at Applejack. “And who, pray tell, do you think she will be with?”

The silence extended between them, stretching far too long to be comfortable.

"Now, keep your senses sharp. The vegetation will bow to me, but the tainted creatures are...less pliant." She lowered her head back to the ground and let her senses guide her. The scents of blood, death and tainted plants could not keep her from her goal. She stalked after her daughter. Nothing would stand in her way.

Ears swivelled as her senses expanded outwards as much as she could manage. The frantic heartbeat of Trixie, fearful despite her outward bravado, contrasted starkly against Applejack's calm, powerful one.

Trixie’s horn thrummed with power, just under what was needed to make it glow. She was ready to react in an instant. Applejack stomped forward, unable to do anything else in her heavy armour, leaving a trail a blind pony could follow.

Despite their past, there was no animosity between them, not now. Both were watching the other’s back. Trixie’s years on the road alone showed. Her ears were on a swivel, her eyes keen and constantly roving. Even with her fear, Trixie seemed to be the most reliable ally if they suddenly found themselves in combat.

Trixie's fear was an indulgent treat. She drank from it, using it to bolster her magic. It was no replacement for Twilight’s power, but it helped. There was no telling what chaotic monstrosity this blighted forest might have spawned.

She pressed on, following the scent.

There was a hoof full of blighted that engaged them as they pressed deeper into the forest. They were not even enough to get her blood up. It was hardly surprising. With the carnage that littered the surroundings of Ponyville, it was more surprising that any creatures were left in the forest.

Her two companions had proved adequate at combat. She only had to intervene twice. The first simply to avoid wasting time. The second time was more troublesome. The amorphous blob resisted magic and was merely moved around by physical attacks. She had left it pinned in place. She would have to work out how to permanently deal with it later. For now, one of her recovered daggers, through its shadow, held it in place the same as anything else.

Applejack said nothing, but her judging eyes made it clear. Once the foals were safe, she would demand answers.

How long had she been following this trail? Without her connection to the moon, it was all merely guesswork. No… it was Luna's moon. It would never move to Night’s will again.

What was Luna up to? For her not to be here, this attack would have to be part of a larger hostile action. The question was, why? Was whoever had cast this using this dark magic for the destruction it was meant to be or to conceal something darker? Was this the extent of their machinations?

Was this just an attempt to try and catch an Alicorn alone again? Now Twilight was here, and Cadance has her personal army of fragments. It would be a performance most amusing to observe.

Both of her companions were sure hooved moving through the rough terrain of the tangled forest, but only Trixie came anywhere close to a semblance of stealth.

With the addition of earth pony strength and a bit of training to perfect her veiled casting, the showmare would become an ideal little assassin. Night was definitely keeping Trixie Lulamoon.

Fear quickened Trixie’s reactions, and her ability to turn a charging tainted timberwolf into a teacup was as hilarious as it was potent. Not quite as classic as using a foe’s hollowed-out horn to hold wine, but it would still send a subtle message to any that knew as one enjoyed a beverage.

Oh, how the crowds would have reacted to such a spell in the arena. You would only have to use it once, and then your foe would have to split their focus or keep a transmutation ward active the whole battle.

Applejack, as expected, was an unrelenting wall of muscle barded in thick metal. The calm brutality which she despatched her foes with was far too similar to the impassive slaughter sister’s Warmind often used.

The intensity of her target’s scent grew. It would not be long now. As she closed in, there were more and more signs of battle. Razor edged slashes through plants and rock alike. The chaotic dance of little hoof prints told of frantic and, fortunately, victorious battles.

It was like a small tornado of devastation, and it was beautiful. Somehow, her daughter had turned the sometimes destructive Crusaders into a hooned and directed combat force. Night smiled. It was a shame she had not been her to observe it.

A distant roar and Night’s ears swivelled that way. It had sounded pained, it had sounded angry. A few softer tones teased the edge of her hearing. Every sound pounded in her head as she strained to hear more. Trixie’s heartbeat hammered like a grand drum. Applejack's hooves sounded like thunder strikes mixed with an industrial accident.

“Sweetie, now!” Little Star’s voice barely carried over the cacophony.

“This way.” Night surged into a full gallop.

Trees, undergrowth, boulders, nothing would stand in her way. She lept, flew and cleaved her way round or through anything that would delay her. A cowering Timberwolf was bisected in passing with a casual lash of her tail.

“Hey, hold up,” Applejack bellowed from behind.

The sounds of the battle drew nearer. Her daughter was just over there. Slowing down was the last thing she was going to do. Night erupted thought the splinted remains of a tree her magic had torn asunder. The conflict revealed itself before her.

A large hydra bellowed in rage. Four young ponies darted around it. In less than a heartbeat, Night took it all in. Every scratch, every bit of disturb ground. The intense focus in her daughter’s eyes, the reflexive way one of them would defend another. It was coordinated chaos turned into a lethal game.

Night flared her wings killing her momentum. Yes, the battle was hard-fought, but they might yet win. Her daughter battled defiantly, her blazing horn rebuffing the attacks of the hydra. Night smiled, pride stirring in her chest.

Sweetie Belle slashed a blade towards one head, a line of crimson erupted from the hydras flesh. It howled in pain, rocking back, missing its attempt to snatch Scootaloo from the air.

It was good Twilight was not here. She would not have the wisdom or self-control not to interfere. She would race in and take this moment from their daughter. Speaking of interference. A two pony stampede approached from behind.

Despite the worry on her face, Trixie slowed, taking her place beside Night. On the other hoof, Applejack pushed past, her armoured body surging forward to rush to the rescue. “Apple…”

Night enveloped the Bearer of Honesty in silence as she casually restrained her. Night’s aura held fast, arresting Applejack's interference.

Applejack's eyes blazed with anger even as Night could feel the delightful terror radiating from her. "Twi, let me go!"

"No." Night simply shook her head without even a glance back. She was not going to miss one moment of her daughter's first real battle.

“No!? Twi, what’s wrong with you?” Applejack shouted, struggling, trying to brute force her way through Night’s iron hold. “They’re in danger. Applebloom’s in danger. Your daughter's in danger.”

“You would deny them this chance? You wish your sister to always be in your shadow?”

“That's a bucking hydra. It’s going to kill them.”

“Kill them?” Night chuckled. “If any is going to die, it's going to be that beast. Watch them. See how they move in sync with each other. How when one is about to be attacked, the other intercepts it?” Night didn't even try to hide the pride in her voice.

“You let me go right now or so help me, Celestia...” A simple silence spell let Night focus on the battle without Applejack's incessant complaining.

Little Star's eyes blazed defiantly as her magenta shield blocked another blow. Sweetie Belle’s horn glowed, she swapped with Little Star, her own shield took the next hit. Little Star turned, gathering even more power in her horn. Scootaloo darted back and forth in the air, harrying and distracting.

As intense as the battle was, there was a methodical precision to it. Baiting one of the heads to overreach before Little Star's magic or Sweeties blade punished the mistake.

It was a joy to watch. Little Star had equipped them with artefacts of war far more potent than any modern guards had. Artefacts that the Crusaders put to good use.

Night’s wing lifted, feathers tracing the motions they would take through fresh paint to record the moment. Why did everything she wanted have to be trapped in Twilight’s pockets?

One head shot down, wide jaws eclipsed Applebloom’s armoured form. Applejack thrashed, railing against the magic restraining her.

“Princess!” Trixie said.

Be calm.” Night's eyes were fixed on Applebloom's location. She poured some of her power into the shadows, just in case.

The maw snapped closed and lifted. Fear, rage and anger burned brightly beside Night. Applejack flexed as she channelled all her might, almost breaking free.

A bright flash of magenta magic obscured the hydra's head. Half of it vanished as if a perfect sphere was simply removed. Applebloom appeared in a second flash surrounded by a flood of gore, unharmed and still in fighting spirit.

The battle continued, the hydra now definitely on the defensive. Little Star held back. If she could do that, she could have ended this fight in seconds. Night smiled contentedly. Her daughter was training her companions.

“You can do that!?” Trixie’s voice trembled. She was clearly overawed by the offensive use of teleportation.

No, she could not. That was Twilight’s trick, not that Night admitted that, she still had plenty of her own equally potent abilities. “It is as decisive as your transmutation trick against an unprepared opponent.”

The battle lasted five more minutes. By the end of it, Applejack slumped against the magic holding her.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders, Monster Slayers. Yay!” Never in the history of Equestria had something so adorable sounding spelt doom for so many threats to its ponies.

“Well done.” Night stomped her hooves in approval.

Little Star's head shot round. “Mummy!”

A flash of light and a mildly blood-covered ball of adorableness decked out in battle gear nuzzled into a loving hug. “I’m proud of you, my Little Star.”

Scootaloo, Sweetie-Belle and Applebloom all approached, joined by Little Star’s constructed pet owl perched on Applebloom's armoured back.

Night looked over her daughter and into Applejack's eyes. She held the gaze for a moment before she released the farm pony. Applejack did not hesitate. She raced forward and swept her sister up in a tight embrace, their armour creaked in protest.

The horned owl lept to safety, only barely avoiding being crushed by an overly affectionate earth pony. “Whoo,” it said indignantly as it hovered in the air above the group.

There would likely be a few minutes before Twilight's friend's anger fought its way past her relief at her sister being safe.

“Little Star?”

“Yes, Mummy?”

“Can you take us home?”

The twisted forest vanished under the blinding flash of Little Star's arcane might.

In an eruption of magenta magic, they appeared before the Crystal Castle. Weapons were raised and relaxed, the town defenders disciplined enough not to attack the group that suddenly appeared in their midst.

“Head in and get cleaned up.” Night said.

Applejack nuzzled her sister and released her from the crushing embrace. The farm pony’s eyes locked on to Night’s own.

“Yes, Mummy.” Little Star gave one last hug before dashing off towards the castle with her friends. She led the battered, bruised and still hyperactive Crusaders into the castle.

The excited greetings and tall tales reached Night’s ears within seconds of the little ones getting inside. Before the day was out, all of Ponyville would know some version of their adventure. Night smiled fondly, waiting for the words she knew were coming.

“You had no right to stop me.” Applejack's voice was calm. It was the only part of her that was.

“I'm a princess, my very word is law.” Night almost let her eyes narrow to slits as she leaned in close. “Our history gives you a lot of latitude, but you will do nothing to disrupt the bond between my daughter and her personal guard.”

“Guards? You mean Applebloom?”


“You can't…”

“They have already bound themselves to her. Nothing but their deaths can free them of their pact with her.”

Applejack's stomp fractured the ground. “For goodness sakes, Twi, they're foals.”

“Who defeated a blighted hydra in combat. They are heroes that defeated a threat before it rampaged through the town.”

“That’s beside the point.”

“There will need to be a celebration… With a kill like that, they have earned their adulthood.”

“You expect me to respect that? That’s barbaric.”

“Yes, Applejack, I do. It’s still the law of the land.”

“Twi, you changed… and it ain't for the better.” Applejack clanked past, a boiling mass of seething emotions.

You have no idea… Night thought. “Either way, be supportive of them. The town needs heroes, not an overprotective big sister berating her little sister.”

Applejack glared back.

“Please, do not force me to make that a royal command.”

Applejack snorted, turning from Night. It was good the guards opened the doors to the castle, they might not have survived Applejack's attention otherwise.

Night pretended not to hear the stream of insults concealed under Twilight's friend's breath.

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