• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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Act 2 CH 2 The Darkest Night: What makes a Nightmare

What was beneath Night's hooves was not the soft wood of Twilight's Golden Oaks nor the firm obsidian of her realm. Despite its lack of realism, its texture was as familiar as it was alien. I'm back/home. A part of her said, but it sounded hollow.

Standing here now should have been a victory. This should have been cause for celebration. She was finally home, and yet she was not. Knowing they were gone, having seen them all burn, did nothing to prepare her for the fact they were not here. "As fate be mine Oathkeeper, thy will pay for thine actions both this day and yesteryear, dearest Sister."

Her fangs barely showed before she buried the ancient turmoil in the blackest ice. There would be time to act on it, but that time was not now. In their place, the sting of more recent events had their say. Twilight Complex emotions roiled in Night's heart. Pride for her conviction and disdain for how she yielded to her death savaged each other as loss just ignored them. How dare you die. We were to raise our daughter together. Night's feelings for Twilight twisted into something unique, a novelty she, even with so many long years, could not find a name for. She would know the right word..

Even as she passed where once a golden obelisk stood, not a hint of her emotions showed on her visage nor in her gait. She was the Nightmare. She was once the Queen of Blood, the Mistress of Battle and the Sovereign of Death. Not a single one of these accolades allowed weakness, and her softer ones did not get a say on days like these.

Yet again, she bore witness. Once again, she survived to see the evidence of Celestia's true nature. Seeing the edifice of Celestia's control reduced to a smouldering crater brought little solace when surrounded by the legacy of all those it executed. Hundreds of alicorn bones and fragments of wood littered the ground around it.

As she advanced, what remained of the pack of wooden hounds parted for her. The magenta flames they called eyes were just yet another reminder of what was lost today. I can't believe you almost had me ready to try to trust her again… Only raw will restrained her magic from lashing out and doing anything it could to blot each and every thing out of existence.

Seeing Luna's graceful form laid low was almost too much. Eternal night started to whisper to her, and there was no Faithful Student to nieghsay the idea.

Luna… Nightmare wanted to reach for her, comfort her, but another was already there. One of Twilight's inheritors tenderly held Luna's hoof. As much as seeing Dancer here just hammered home that Twilight was truly lost, it was her familiarity with Luna that had a sharper sting. Like so much else this day, she let the ice claim it. This just means I can do what is needed.

Nightmare gave a curt nod and turned to walk off. Cold fire danced through her mind as moonborn whims solidified into concrete causes of action. A dark joy shook free the dust from its wings.

“Night.” Dancer said.

Nightmare froze for a second, then slowly turned to glare at the impudent mare, rebuke on the tip of her tongue. Luna's slightly crossed eyes stole the verbal barb from her lips. Luna…

Luna's words were nought but a whisper, but that was no challenge to an Alicorn's hearing. "We beg of thee, do not seek to slake your ire on the common ponies."

As much as darker thoughts rebled, Nightmare held those cyan eyes, then nodded. My Luna… The things I do for you… This will make things complicated. She turned to leave again, and a reaching hoof stopped her. The leg it belonged to was not Luna's. Another insult readied itself.

'We're family.' The ghost of Twilight's voice whispered in her ear. With a sigh, Night looked over her withers to Dancer. "Come, bring her, and we will set dearest Luna on the path of recovery."

The smaller mare showed no sign of her struggle. As they walked, the hounds fell in as if honour guards. Her eyes traced over their forms; some still bore burn marks from Celestia's magics, but despite their wounds, they stood tall, even the one missing a leg. Despite their inequine forms, they were warriors worthy of respect. She acknowledged them with a nod.

Her hooves carried her down the well-worn path to the endless gallery. Again, another momentous moment relegated to a rushed necessity. The click of her armoured shoes echoed into eternity as she stalked to the burnt-out section. She knew what she was going to see, but like with the obelisk, being forewarned did nothing to stop the emotions.

Where faces should have looked out from hoof-carved frames, only black shadows and scorch marks marred the heat-warped walls. Even the echo of Celestia's defilement burned so much that as she stepped closer, her hooves started to smoulder.

The pain would have been easy to ignore, simpler to shunt to her spells, but instead, she welcomed it. Its bite brought clarity, and the mere physical pain helped distract from the void in her heart that would never be filled again.

"Stay with her." Nightmare commanded before her tone softened. "…some of these memories will be hard on her…"

Dancer just nodded.

"Thank you." Nightmare closed her eyes and dredged up a particular memory spell, the one that was the lynchpin for Discord's defeat. Thank you again, Twilight. Moisture built behind her eyelids, but the darkness wicked it away. She was not some sentimental filly about to cry over that which history had already set in stone.

Even past her closed eyes, she could see the colours. Bright light, both umbral and mundane, flared.

Nightmare did not take what she needed. She did not demand, threaten or plead. She reached out, lightly touched Luna's magic and waited. After a moment, the magic spoke in its wordless way. Thou willeth shelter all whom we call ours, thou wilt spare all whom souls be unsullied by this?

"We will." As soon as Nightmare spoke, the world shifted. The magic she touched was no longer merely Luna's. No, it was theirs.

Every sense cried out in revelry as an almost forgotten presence claimed her. The Moon, a part of her that had been gone for so long. This time, she could not stop the tears that traced their way down her muzzle. As much as vengeance called, as much as action was needed, there was something she had to do first.

A few quick strides brought her to Luna's side. She settled next to her and drew both her and Dancer into an embrace. After a moment of surprise, Dancer returned it. All Luna could do was a lopsided smile, but it was enough. The Nightmare leaned in and placed a kiss on each of their foreheads.

"Guard her well."

"We will." Dancer solemnly said, and the hounds howled their accord.

Nightmare slipped from the bastion to their body, a body that felt at once oh so right and oh so wrong. You will be avenged Twilight.

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