• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,044 Views, 3,671 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 63 A Noble Host

Noble Guide, like many others, stood apparently transfixed by the approaching convoy. Inwardly, his mind churned. Was this his chance to get out of here or a threat to his grand work? His eyes strained to see who his new guests were, but at this range, the magenta barrier that protected the refugees repainted all he saw.

He slipped past the crowd and pushed through the water-like membrane. He shivered, even the secondary contact with an Alicorn's magic was an experience. Just another thing to whet his appetite for all the wonders he would perform once he achieved his rightful place.

Five wagons approached in good order, despite the intense battle they fought not an hour ago. The smallest of them’s colour still seemed distorted by the barrier. It was bright pink and garish compared to the more natural colours of wood and metals of the others.

In times of need you use what you have. He mused, clearly it would have been inefficient to repaint it and a functional wagon was a function wagon after all.

A few of the braver ponies pushed through the barrier and stood a little behind him. It was not long before there was something that could be mistaken for a welcoming party set to receive their guests.

As the atmosphere of celebration built around him, he could not help but let his eyes linger in Ponyville’s direction. Am I in range of that artillery even here?

He had not had a telescope, but the arcing fire of those glowing projectiles was clearly enchanted artillery. He had no clue what they had been enchanted with. It was too far for even his studied eyes to even guess, all he could be certain of was they were in no way Guard issue. But it was clear now that it was used to support this incoming food delivery.

Each wagon had several ponies atop them. Likely mages or archers… It was sensible, if a little simplistic. Fortunate for you that the Blighted lack any ranged complement.

A sun blond mane caught in a breeze, the white-coated unicorn it belonged to held a position atop the lead wagon. Recognition hit like a bucket of cold water.Blueblood? Noble’s eyes found Blueblood’s and he wanted to face hoof. What are you doing here?

The Prince stood tall beside what appeared to be a beautiful goddess of war. The only thing missing was the wings and the ethereal mane, if you added them, she would make a perfect mini Celestia.

The wagons moved closer, and most of the ponies atop dismounted. The rattle and clank of their armour were drowned out by the cheer from the crowd. Noble stepped forward and put on his best welcoming smile.

The flyers in the group spread out and circled above, weapons still held ready in their hooves. Just how many blighted are left out there? He shrugged off that lingering sense of dread that he might be in too deep. He then double-checked he was presentable and then went to meet his guests.

“Prince Blueblood.”

“Lord Noble Guide.” The Prince's respectful tone held an undeniable edge of pride. “May I introduce Lady Rarity.”

Despite her distinctive mane colour, nothing about the mare before him made him think of the vapid seamstress. Gleaming scales of gemstone hugged her form as she performed an elegant courtesy.

The normal courtesies were exchanged with practised ease. All three of them were experts. The words flowed back and forth in the age old dance, but he paid them little mind.

Instead, he studied his accidental creation. Blueblood still had all the regal bearing his upbringing afforded him, but without his arrogance. Without that edge of a snear to everything he said, in every glance he gave to his lessers, it was as if a completely different pony stood before him.

You’re likely the greatest service I'll ever do for Equestria as a mortal.

The conversation moved on as Noble Guide escorted them within the shield. Again the majesty of Twilight’s magic brushed over his senses.

He closed his eyes for just a moment, just a fraction longer than a blink.

The world erupted in too bright colour and sound. His heart skipped a beat, and his mind raced before he recognised what he saw.

The meeting square had been utterly transformed. Streamers and decorations littered the place, and joyous notes of music filled the air.

He rubbed his eyes with his fetlock. No, what he saw before him was no mere temporary hallucination.

"That mare has quite the talent, does she not?" Blueblood said, nodding.

"What… how?" Noble Guide could not help but stare. The numbers just did not add up. No matter what you did, two plus two would never equal six. Managing projects had given him an idea of how long things took to achieve. There was no way this could have been set up in less than an hour without any extreme amount of magic, magic he would have felt.

"Just don't think about it, darling. That way madness lies. If Twilight can't figure Pinkie out, I doubt anypony else can."

“I’m not sure we can afford this extravagance.” Noble Guide said.

“I will see what can be done to make sure there is at least some food left by tonight.” With a resigned sigh, Rarity trotted off to manage her fellow Element barer.

“Much appreciated.” Noble Guide nodded to Rarity before he focused fully on Blueblood. “This is not quite the situation one might expect to find you in, Prince Blueblood.”

The Prince was quiet for an awkwardly long movement as he looked around the gathered ponies. “Perhaps not by my past actions, yet that does not change the fact that this is where I need to be.”

Definitely a hero complex, now for the next test. “I'm afraid the accommodation here is little more than cots and shelter from the elements.”

Blueblood waved his hoof, “I don't believe even my refined constitution would be seriously harmed by a little bit of discomfort.” The prince looked around from pony to pony as the crowds enjoyed the impromptu celebration. “It would be the height of selfishness to demand anything better than those here are forced to endure.”

I wonder how repeatable your reformation is… Perhaps that spell might not be so useless after all. It would need to be compared to the more predictable results of conventional mind magic. His mind played over the possibility of somehow combining both methods.

A touch snapped his wandering mind back to the moment. Blueblood, of all ponies, had laid a supporting hoof on him. Even with the fact he knew what had changed the Prince’s personality, the surealness of it still left Noble Guide speechless.

Blueblood smiled. It was not a practised political move, no it was an honest and natural smile. “You need to get some rest. You've been working too hard. Let somepony else take your burdens for a time.”

Noble Guide could only nod.

A glance was enough to summon two of the refugees who respectfully, but insistently, guided Noble Guide to his room. Once alone, a simple timer spell danced over his horn. He had something to do in the dead of night.

Tired limbs pushed him forward. The tight passageway pressed into his sides. His altered flesh yielded, it shifted uncomfortably, a flock of tight cramping sensations made him grit his teeth. A deep yawn made the blood rush in his ears, and his misplaced sense of balance would have toppled him if not for the wall that so diligently supported him.

Finally, he emerged into the ritual chamber, his masterwork carved in all its perfection. He spent a long moment admiring it. It's a shame nopony else will ever get to see this. He lamented as he planned how best to ‘modify’ his magnum opus.

The first dozen ideas were discarded, they were either too easy to detect or too variable in their timing.

He closed his eyes and took a slow breath. Even unwittingly Twilight had managed to complicate his plans. Her protective barrier was simply too well made. It had far more functions that it could possibly need, and even extended to the higher realms. There was no way he would be foalish enough to risk using his magic to activate the sacrificial ritual remotely.

His mind drifted back through his life, looking through all he had learned in his many years. When the idea struck him his lip curled in disgust. “Well, if a foalish idea works…”

He set to work. A few simple changes and a few simple items would be all he would need, a magically charged gem and a stone cup.

The single drop of liquid glistened in the glow of his horn. It only took a thought to release it from his aura.

The faintest hiss rose from the stone as the distilled decay began its work.

"Not quite the grand ritual I envisioned." He sighed, conflicted, whether in regret or relief even he could not tell. Everything was in motion.

A simple spell checked the exact rate of the stone's erosion. It was One tenth a hoof per day. Well within tolerances.

He expected to smile, or want to dance, but instead, a chill settled in his chest. You celebrated too soon last time.

He looked over the chemical timer and the slow wisps that rose from it. The almost undetectable scent brought back a long list of misbehaving students. It was so crude, a simple thing that many third-rate alchemy students found and abused for their pranks.

He snorted. "To think, I have Miss Lulamoon to thank for some of this…" He shook his head. "Perhaps it is just fate?" He mused as his mind recalled the long hours scrubbing the dye out of his coat.

With the distance of time, even he had to admire she was both determined and ingenious. If only she had a better mind for mathematics, she could have been one of the greats.

The train car was empty, which suited him just fine. The day had been far too long for anypony, let alone for him in his state.


The sudden cry from behind caused Noble to flinch. There was only one pony that voice could have come from.

“Have a safe trip home.” The bearer of laughter called through the open window, her head upside down as she peered in from the roof of the train.

“Thank…” Noble started before the pink pony was off with the high intensity only a foal on a sugar rush could manage. With a spring-like noise she bounded off. A pony-shaped dust cloud slowly dispersed and a slip of paper floated down to land upon Noble’s Muzzle.

A glance told him all he needed to know, it was a party invitation. He slipped it into his jacket and made his way to the first sanctuary the train offered up to him.

Noble Guide finally got off his hooves, the cushions blessedly accepted his weight as he settled on his seat. A wave of fatigue washed over him. He let his eyes close and rested his head. Each day wore on him more and more. “Only a little bit longer now…”

The so-called Friendship Express was by no means the height of luxury, but compared to a wagon over unprepared land, it may as well have been. Compared to the refugee town, it was heaven itself.

The scent of clean fabric and floral cleaners filled his nose and he shifted to get comfortable. A part of him wanted to laugh, in a state of emergency like this and they were still keeping on top of the cleaning. All he needed was a blanket and he could happily fall asleep.

His ears still ached from the repeated canon blasts. He still could not believe Pinkie Pie was legally defined as sane enough to be trusted with explosives. That too wide manic grin as she gleefully proclaimed her high score. A shiver tormented his spine. The twinges of pain were an ever-present reminder that his current form was not his own. I never want to see what would happen if that mad mare gets blighted.

The ride back to Ponyville had been an experience. The escort talked, bickered and in the case of one pink example, somehow performed a dance number while still pulling a wagon. As rag-tag and undisciplined as they acted, they still had been as efficient as anything the Royal Guard could have done without a single properly trained combatant. You certainly made sure your student was surrounded by potent individuals, Celestia.

He shook his head. It was still hard to believe that ponies so powerful simply lived in poverty in a backwater village. It must be more mind magic. Most the ponies in their antique armour could have lived a much better, far more luxurious life elsewhere.

What am I to do with Ponyville when I rule Equestria? On one hoof, they were useful, on the other, they seemed to simply do whatever they wanted to. Then there were the Element Barers as additional complications. No, there will be time for that later… He thought as his mind settled back on the political maneuvering that was to come.

Sixty-seven days, eight hours and nine minutes.

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