• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,044 Views, 3,671 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 41.1 Little Star's Epic Everfree Adventure

Little Star sat hoof, idly rubbing her fetlock. She could just not get the image of Candice’s broken and burnt body out of her mind. She wished her mother’s chosen could heal as she could. All the pain and nasty looking burns would be gone in moments.

A third and then a fourth cleaning spell worked through her coat, yet Little Star still felt dirty, she felt wrong. Like after the second time, she found nothing to add to the collection. She had carefully pulled each spec of ash from her coat depositing each in a new dimensional pocket she made. She did not know what she planned on using it for though. Still, ash from Candice would definitely be an uncommon alchemical ingredient, and one she dearly hoped no more of would ever be made.

Her gaze settled on a scroll full of her horn writing and numbers. It had not taken long to calculate; it had been simple. This many thaums of magic could produce that much heat. The conclusion was there spelt out in ink. She screwed her eyes up and looked away. It made a terrifying amount of sense now why others kept telling her to be careful with her magic.

Little Star’s mind drifted back to the ponies she tried to help. Some of them looked at her as if she was a timberwolf bearing down on them. Yes, she knew she had more power than them, that was simplicity itself to work out. How could she get them to not judge her by what she could do, but only by what she would do?

Another scene came to her, back when she rescued her mother. Those distinct cracks as surgical blades broke the sound barrier and demolished the area the bad ponies had been in. She had not meant to hurt them; she was only trying to defend her mother. She gulped. Running the numbers for kinetic force was just as simple as for fire. Her miss-calculation probably killed them. Luckily, they were bad ponies. They deserved it after what they did. All that blood, each drop counted, each incision recorded.

Little Star’s ears flattened, the image of her mother Twilight’s body, vivisected on a stone table, settled beside Candice’s charred form. Her mother had gotten better, it had taken a week, but she got better. Why was there no way to share her healing ability with Candice?

"Whoo" One hundred, percent chance Candice's existence will continue, in one form or another...

“She will?” Little Star ears perked up. She looked at her trusted friend, a great weight lifting from her. If Grey said Candice would survive, then she would. “Thank you, Grey.” She nuzzled her friend, the sensation of her soft coat against Grey’s hard wooden body was still a little odd.

She blinked and focused on Grey’s body as if seeing it for the first time. Her friend in the body she had constructed for her. A few thoughts clicked into place in her mind. A wide smile broke out on her face.

She had a plan. If Candice's body was unrepairable, she would just need a new one. It would be easy, after all, she helped one friend get a new body already. All she would need was some more raw materials.

Two of her S-fives popped into existence, words rapidly appeared. One note explained her absence. The other held a checklist of everything she would need.

Little Star summoned her adventuring gear in place. It had become like a ritual, a declaration to the world it was time to get serious. She spent a moment settling her new additions in comfortable and accessible positions. A diamond-shaped buckler strapped to her right side, a crimson glass dagger on the left. Finally, a bandoleer of wooden throwing blades each with metal engraved spell runes caved in to then.

The games at the fair had given her so many ideas. It had been such a fun time, even if they still had not proved the Pink One was really a disguised Alicorn. If she had more time to prepare, she could fill all her magic item slots.

Grey covered her eyes with a wing. Zero, times has an Ogres and Oubliettes book been a definitive text on any magical subject.

Little Star paused. “Is it still alright to use it for inspiration?”

Grey lowered her wing and nodded. Her friend’s permission granted, she continued her musing about what she could make for each item slot.

Her hoof found her enchanted necklace. Her mind focused on her friends. The look on their faces, their happiness that first time they all went flying. They were never afraid of her, they never feared her powers. Yet there were some things they were not able to cope with. Like the play fight, Mummy Twilight and Mummy Luna had, some things that would give them bad dreams. So would Candice’s current state. She would not do that to them, so she could not share her worries with them.

The thought made something inside feel cold. Despite how much they accepted her, she was still different. She was not a normal pony. She had power and could cope with the sight of things others could not. Was this all just because she was the daughter of two Alicorns? Was there more to it than that?

“Whoo.” Grey’s loud hoot interrupted her chain of thought. Her glowing eyes looked into Little Star’s own. Zero, times do you have to tell them why. They are your friends. Countless times the Cutie Mark Crusaders have ventured into the Everfree for little to no reason.

Grey was right, she could not tell them everything, but she could bring them on this adventure.

She wondered who else she could invite. This was an epic quest to save Chosen Candice. Emerald Shade was nice and made some of the best cookies and was infinitely better company that the oversized pink foal that gave out cupcakes. Unfortunately, with Mummy Twilight gone and Mummy Luna in Canterlot, she was too busy looking after the guests of the castle.

Little Star considered inviting Spike, but after a quick scrying spell, she found he was asleep, half-buried in paperwork. A quick bit of magic replaced the paperwork with a warm blanket. You looked after family, after all, she even had a note reminding her of such.

She placed her hoof on the wall and asked to be taken to her mother’s room. Warmth, sympathy and sadness radiated from the Castle and then as suddenly as always, they arrived.

For once, Little Star was glad she was so small she could not see what she knew lay on the bed. Not if she kept her head down. It only took a moment with her horn to check that the temporal spells keeping Candice frozen were still all functional.

Grey gently alighted on Little Star’s back. The soft reassuring. "Whoo." Helped calm her.

Little Star turned to her Timber hound next, petting their head. "Now, Thorn. You stay here and guard Candice ok?"

"Woof woof whine."

"I'll be alright. I'm ready for this, and I have Grey with me."


Thorn licked Little Star’s face leaving trails of sap on her. Little Star laughed and pushed her affectionate pet away.

"Guard," Little Star Commended.

Thorn sat attentively, focused on the doorway, ears and glowing eyes alert. "Woof bark." Some of the rune carved into her pet’s body started glowing. Shield runes, stun runes and even the last resort, disintegration runes on Thorn’s teeth and claws, all came to full readiness.

"Good boy." Little Star smiled at her creation, and after she double-checked the spell array surrounding Candice again, she lit her horn. She teleported to the edge of the Everfree forest safe in the knowledge her mother’s Chosen would be safe.

She glanced around, she seemed safe. Nopony was heading her way, they must have missed the flash of light from her arrival. That was something she was going to need to do something about. Teleporting was great, but the giveaway burst of light did not make it very well suited to stealth. Maybe she could somehow copy how the Castle moved ponies about?

Her magic reached out for her friends. The unique glows and vibrations she could almost taste pulled her in three separate directions. She could have just teleported them to her, but if this was an adventure, she had better make sure her party was equipped first.

Thanks to the temporal magic round Candice, she had at least a few thousand years, not that she wanted to spend that much time on this. She sorted through her extradimensional pocket full of her prizes from the fair. The O&O core book opened to the description of the character classes.

A small crossbow for Scooterloo. She could be the mobile ranger. Little Star would have to make her some wing blades later, for dual-wielding.

Applebloom with her physical might and powerful buck would make an excellent melee fighter. So she would need heavy armour. The old fashion looking armour might be only thin plate mail and light replica chainmail, but with a little magic that could be fixed. Each price only needed a strengthening rune to turn the costume into real armour. This way she would even get to keep her full movement speed, like as if it was mythril.

Sweetie Belle took the longest to prepare. A full set of the unicorn duel equipment that the adults used. The blade and shield she augmented each with an individual customised version of Mummy Twilight’s lab safety spell version four. The shield would reflect things back at the attacker. The blade on the other hoof adjusted the spell more. It would part anything it came into contact with, be it matter or magical effect. Little Star smiled, proud of herself. She diligently recorded her modifications down in her very own little spellbook. The tome had been Grey's idea, and Little Star loved it. It made her feel like a real wizard, like Starswirl the Bearded or Mummy Twilight.

She turned her attention to the enchanted horn ring. Currently, it blocked disallowed spells and allowed any unicorn to cast a marking spell. She quickly removed the blocking effect and copied the framework of the marking spell multiple times. The ring had the potential to hold three more spells.

A shield spell was a must, her hoof found her necklace again. She could make it a party buff. A defensive spell anchored by the friendship and willingly given blood of the group. It was simple to weave the blood and dark magic together. The more Sweetie Bell cared for and worried about her friends, the more powerful the shield would be. It was a perfect way to offset her friend’s comparative lack of magical reserves.

“Who, Whooo” One, time I have truly been impressed with your spell work today.

Little Star almost pranced on the spot. But that would not do, today she was a respectable adventure, a wizard and it would not do to be seen acting like a foal. Her thoughts did nothing to stop her standing proud chest thrust forward and a happy smile that could melt the heart of the cruellest wendigo in seconds.

Two more spells. Well, Sweetie Bell wanted to teleport, the only problem was teleports were very complex spells with many variables. No, she would have to teach her friend that spell the normal way. Again she considered her small library of spells, even flicking through the pages of her spellbook. Once more, she found her way to her improvement of her mother’s lab safety spell. Her eyes going over the spell forms and runes. She traced the patterns looking for inspiration.

The energy redirection section. That could work. She carefully slotted that part to a copy of the marking spell. Kinetic energy would reverse direction, and colours would be inverted. That could be really fun to play with during mage tag or even hoof ball if the referee would allow it. She quickly added her new invention to her spellbook.

She could fit one more spell in. Thinking to the O&O classic again, she considered a fireball spell but rejected the idea. Grey's comforting nuzzle was the only thing that stopped her shuddering. Yet again she promised fire would be her last resort. It was too painful. Too cruel. Clearly whoever had written the O&O books had never seen what fire could do. Or felt it, a small voice whispered in her mind.

Thoughts of fire brought her mind to Candice, her burnt body. Little Star shook her head, trying to banish that horrible image, the memory of the smell.

One, time I have reminded you that you are here to help Candice. Be strong Star.

Little Star nodded, she could be brave, she would be brave. She was a good filly. She had rescued Mummy Twilight from the bad ponies. She could, she would do this. “Thank you, Grey.” She pulled her friend into a hug.


“Ok, one more spell.”


Little Star looked up only to see Grey's beak held a scroll. She carefully took it with her magic unfolding it. It was definitely a complex spell and would be hard to squeeze it in. But Sweetie Belle would love it. It was perfect. She warped Grey up in another hug and then set to work.

Little Star stood back and looked at her work, three ponyquins, sized for her friends, were clad in the adventuring gear she has created. Scootaloo’s with just the crossbow decidedly looked under-equipped. She tapped her chin with her hoof. She sat back on her haunches and turned her attention back to the vast number of pockets connected to her.

Scrolls, more scrolls, books, more books. Ice cream, cookies, ink, ice cream, and many many more labelled pockets flashed by her senses. One day she was going to have to make a list and do a full inventory of them.

“Whoo,” One, time you only had to ask for such an inventory.

“Oh, thank you, Grey. So, any recommendations?”

Grey nodded. Her constructed horn glowed with her ash coloured magic and with a twist of reality, a scroll appeared. Little Star took it and eagerly unrolled it.

“Heartwarming Eve pageant costumes?”

Grey nodded again and hopped closer, her wingtip trailed down the list. It stopped under one entry. Commander Hurricane costume, Armour one piece, Plumed Helm one piece.

“That's perfect.” With a simple push of magic to her horn, Little Star pulled forth the two times. The dark armour with a lighting bolt on its chest and the helm would be perfect for Scootaloo. Her friend was so going to think this was ‘awesome’, to use her own words. They were a little large and needed some special touches to make them adventure-ready, but they were the final bits needed to fully outfit her party.

“Crusaders, Assemble.” Little Star took what the comic books proved was an epic pose as her three friends appeared from her summoning spell. Well, she knew it was just a teleport, but today she was calling it summon-party-members. Maybe she should record it as a spell in her book, she could even add those cool bursts of colour she could make with just a bit of wasted magic.

Scootaloo shot forward, narrowly avoiding Applebloom. “What the hay?” Applebloom shouted, ducking only just in time.

Sweetie Belle looked around. “Hi, Star, why are we in the Everfree again?”

“Adventure,” Little Star shouted, changing her action pose showing off her gear.

“Adventure?” Applebloom asked hesitantly.

“Yes, and an important one. We are on a Royal quest to help Candice, and as this is a Royal quest, we have real adventuring gear made by a princess.” Little Star swept her hoof to the three covered ponyquins. All three Crusaders followed the motion. Grey, Que Dramatic reveal.

“Whoo,” Grey’s talons grabbed the cloth, and she shot to the side.

“That is awesome!” Scootaloo shouted as she zoomed right up to hers.

“Why are there … Character sheets here?” Sweetie Belle asked, confused. Her aura lifted the paper and brought it closer.

“Oops, there for later.” Little Star dropped the three offending bits of paper into the O&O pocket.

Applebloom looked over the armour. “Star, you made this stuff didn’t you?”

She nodded.

“From the prizes from the fair?” Applebloom continued.

“Some of it.” She admitted, she was not going to lie to her friends.

“You said this was made by a princess.”

“Well, I am a princess. Come on, try it on, try it on.” Little Star bounced in place, giving her best pleading eyes. “Please?”

A few minutes later, all her friends had been gathered and fully equipped for their adventures. Each wearing their Crusader Cloaks, they looked like a real adventures guild. Little Star stood between them, her magic holding the camera for a group photo.

“Say Adventure!” The camera flashed, and another memory was immortalised. Not as good as one of her drawings but far quicker. She would have to use it as a reference later when she depicted some of the epic scenes from this coming adventure.

“So, Star. Thanks for all this stuff.” Applebloom started.

“So what are we doing?” Scootaloo cut in, aiming her crossbow this way and that. “I want to test this thing out.”

Little Star deepened her voice, as much as she could, even though that wasn’t much. “Gather around and listen. We four seek to venture deep into this forest of darkness, and retrieve the mystic items to allow the legendary artificer to complete her important work.”

“So you want more of that fancy wood to make more pets?” Appleblood asked.

Scootaloo rocketed in stopping just before Little Star’s muzzle. “Hey if I’m the ranger, aren't I meant to have an animal companion? Is that what the quest is for?”

With the sight of her friend's enthusiasm, she just could not say no. Little Star nodded, “That’s part of the reason,” she said, mentally increasing the amount of wood needed.

Scootaloo flipped in the air. “I’m going to have the most awesome pet ever!”

Grey’s wing covered her eyes. “Whooo.” The quiet sound was almost a sigh.

“We’re not meant to go into the Everfree alone,” Applebloom interjected.

Little Star smiled. “We’re not alone.” She pointed her hoof at Grey.

“Whoo,” The wooded owl said, bowing with a flair of her wings.

Applebloom shrugged, “I’m not sure…”

Scootaloo flared her wings. “Come on, we got all this awesome stuff, to adventure!”

“What's the worst that can happen?” Sweetie Belle asked. Her voice did not hide her enthusiasm.

“And lo, the Famous Four set out.” Little Star started.

“Can’t we be the Fabulous Four?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo crossed her forehooves. “Nah that’s lame, the Furious Four.”

Little Star smiled at her friends, then raised her voice. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Adventures, Yay” She did not even get past the first syllable before all of them joined in.

So the party ventured forth. The Everfee had no idea what it was in for.

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