• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 11, Rebuilding Bridges, Part 2

Both Summer Rain and Fluttershy slept in the next morning. The Sun was fully up before they decided to 'get going' as Fluttershy put it. After the events of the last few days, sleeping in felt good to both of them, and they probably needed it anyway.

They took their time getting up, actually sitting in their beds while brushing their hair. Still in pajamas, they talked again about life in this new world over a Granola breakfast.

Fluttershy talked about washers and dryers, blow dryers, Ice Cream, Computers and Printers (which still left Summer mystified), and more about cars and driving.

Fluttershy talked about the different types of driving things; cars, trucks, airplanes, boats, trains; this was all very new to Summer and she tried to take it in.

They talked more about electricity, and plugs on the wall especially.

While the electricity that 'outlets' supplied was helpful, they were very dangerous.

Summer told Fluttershy that she could take care of them for now.

However, Summer said she really appreciated electric lights, and not having to be confined to the rising and setting of the sun. Summer did like to read after all.

Fluttershy then talked about other electric lights; street lights, car headlights and car taillights (which cracked Summer up), neon signs, billboards, airplane lights.

Summer decided the people in this world liked lights too.

After a while, Fluttershy was done talking. "Tell me about your world" she said.

Summer thought for a minute, then said "Hmmm, would now be a good time to get one of my books out?"

"Oh yes" Fluttershy replied, "That would be very nice."

They both acted like sisters (enjoying every minute together), and sat down on the couch next to each other.

Summer Rain pulled Volume 1 of Princess Celestia's commentaries out of her backpack, and opened it to the first chapter.

The first two chapters talked about Princess Twilight actually meeting her five special friends, and was one of Summer's favorites.

Summer basically read the words while Fluttershy would occasionally stop Summer to ask a question or make a comment.

Summer reminded Fluttershy a few times that this wasn't just a story, it was real, and actually happened in Summer's world.

Fluttershy laughed, then quickly put her hand to her mouth when Princess Twilight said the ponies in Ponyville were crazy. "My, she has changed a lot" was all Fluttershy could say.

Twilight's realization that she needed, even wanted these five new friends made a real impression on Fluttershy. "That's like what happened when she came here, right?" she asked.

Summer had not thought of this before, but was almost stunned by this observation, because Fluttershy was right.

Fluttershy was amazed that the crystals which were called the 'Elements of Harmony' actually chose their new owners, based on specific characteristics in each of Twilight's five new friends.

"Wow they all had to have those five characteristics to begin with though right?" Fluttershy asked.

Summer Rain barely got a "Yes" out because this observation likewise had profound implications.

"Fluttershy, do you see this?" Summer began. "To strengthen Princess Twilight's magic, the physical Elements of Harmony chose their 'carriers' based on characteristics already present in Twilight's five friends.

"When you five became Princess Twilight's true friends, that same magical power chose you five special people because all five of you ALREADY possessed those same five qualities. And this all happened WITHOUT the crystals referred to as the Elements of Harmony.

"And now all five of you carry Equestria Cutie Marks. I honestly don't know what significance all of this has for either world, but I seriously think your common friendships are certainly worth preserving. It's like you five are being marked out for something, even though we don't know now what that is.

"To me this is all very amazing, and clearly makes the task of bringing you five back together a very important one."

"And you are here to help us do that, right?" Fluttershy said.

"Yes. I am not completely sure what I need to do, but that's why I'm here." Summer said slowly. Summer Rain really did feel dwarfed by the needs that she felt she had to address.

"Well, like I said, I'll help any way I can" Fluttershy said softly.

Summer put her hand on Fluttershy's hand and said "Thanks Sis."

Summer knew her sister very well, and she suspected that sitting down and reading through Princess Celestia's commentaries would work pretty well.

However, Summer had no idea how to approach this same process with the other four. She suspected that Rainbow especially might have issues trying to sit for too long. Summer hoped she could figure this out when the time came.

After they went through the first two chapters together and talked about them, Summer decided Fluttershy probably had enough to think about for a while.

They both took turns getting dressed in the bathroom, and Summer again found some of Fluttershy's clothes to wear.

Summer made it a point to ask Fluttershy if her 'outfit' (Fluttershy's word) looked ok just to make sure.

Summer next suggested that they tidy up the apartment some.

Fluttershy had even more involved ideas. Fluttershy did not have a lot of furnature, just enough to make her small apartment comfortable and presentable. However, with Summer living there, things were too cramped for Fluttershy, and she wanted to rearrange things to give them both a little more room.

Fluttershy moved her cot over next to the front window, and moved the small chair that was there into a little shed out behind the apartment. The small table and lamp were moved to the end of the cot. This basically opened up the center of the 'living room' somewhat, although they both thought the 'coffee table' should stay, at least for now.

After moving things around like this, and some light cleaning, both Summer and Fluttershy looked it over, and generally felt it was better.

Fluttershy mentioned that she wasn't wild about sleeping next to the window however, but said she would make it work.

Summer Rain didn't understand this, her sister loved fresh air as much as Summer did. "Fluttershy, why do you not want to sleep next to the window?" she asked.

Fluttershy sighed, then took Summer by the hand, and led her back to the couch and they both sat down.

Fluttershy began to describe a very dark side of her world. She spoke slowly, and had to search for words at times. It was clear to Summer that Fluttershy wasn't even comfortable talking about this. It was also clear that Fluttershy felt very vulnerable.

"Summer, there are many bad people in this world.

"I carefully lock my doors both when I'm inside, and when I leave, especially at night.

"I try to NEVER be outside alone at night.

"There are bad men in this city who would not think twice about 'breaking in' to my apartment, by breaking a window or something else.

"Sometimes they just want other people's money, or anything they have that might be valuable.

"Sometimes, they force women to do things that only married people should do."

It became clear to Summer that this whole thing horrified Fluttershy.

Fluttershy continued.

"The curtains on my windows are very thick. The main reason is so that people cannot see in, especially at night.

"And we have talked about clothing; if women are not careful, their clothing can cause a bad man to do bad things, or cause bad men to follow them around until they can.

"This is not as much a problem at school, but has more to do with the rest of the city.

"And I haven't even talked about guns yet, they can kill you in a matter of seconds.

As Fluttershy haltingly described this, she was slowly gripping Summer's hand tighter and tighter.

Fluttershy was also edging closer and closer to Summer, as if seeking a place of safety.

"Fluttershy stop" Summer gently said.

Summer put her arm around Fluttershy and just held her, Fluttershy was shaking, probably with fear, and held Summer tightly.

These kind of things were not unheard of in Equestria, but each occurrance was dealt with very swiftly and severely.

Besides, compared to the vast openness of Equestria, there were so many of these 'people' living in such close quarters here, Summer could easily see how such problems could arise more often.

Summer's new body was smaller but still very capable. In contrast, Fluttershy would probably be helpless should the un-thinkable happen. And Fluttershy couldn't fly away like her sister could.

Friend or family, Summer gladly accepted that she would largely be responsible for Fluttershy's safety, while she was here anyway.

"Hey, hey, hey Fluttershy, it's ok, I'm here to protect you" Summer said calmly.

Fluttershy relaxed and wiped a few tears away and said "I know. I just don't think you have any idea how thankful I am that you are here with me. I don't think my parents even understand how hard this is for me."

"Well I do" Summer Rain said, "And I will do all I can to keep you safe."

After a brief silence, Summer said "Fluttershy, I'm sleeping in the cot under the window, and you are sleeping on the couch."

Fluttershy gave Summer a big hug and slowly said "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

It was early afternoon, and Summer Rain realized that it might be helpful to do something fun about now.

She found a large brown piece of paper, shaped like a sack, in where the food was, and she carefully used her hands and squeezed it into a little ball like she watched Spike do one day. Next, Summer found a small bucket thing, and set it up near the cot. She then tried to kick the paper ball into the bucket.

Summer found that this was a LOT easier with the feet she had now, and also a lot more fun. After making the ball into the bucket the second time, Summer asked Fluttershy if she wanted to try.

Fluttershy got this very strange smile on her face, and said "Maybe we should use a real ball."

Fluttershy opened the door to a small closet and after some digging, pulled out a much bigger ball. It was made of some stiff but bouncy material, and alternately shaded with black and white shapes.

Fluttershy called it a 'Soccer ball'. "We can't use it in here though, let's go to the school. They have a Soccer field there."

Summer helped her sister get the house all locked up, and they were soon on their way. Walking past the front of the school (still mostly boarded up), Fluttershy led Summer to a large grassy field behind the school.

Fluttershy pointed to a large frame with some sort of netting covering one side. It was about 30 feet away, and Fluttershy said it was called the 'goal'.

"You score by kicking the ball into that net, into the goal" Fluttershy began.

"When you play Soccer, there is usually a 'goalie' guarding the goal, and also some other players trying to get the ball from you.

"You are usually part of a team though, and your other players help you.

"I'll play the goalie, and you can try to kick the ball into the goal. But PLEASE be careful. Summer used to kick the ball so hard it knocked me over, and then she would laugh when I couldn't breath."

"Fluttershy, I have never played this before remember?" Summer said with a grin. "I'll be happy to even get it to you."

Summer Rain decided she really liked this game. Her new body seemed pretty good at it, and she was having a lot of fun. Summer also realized that if she took her time and tried to aim the ball, her sister didn't need to work as hard to retrieve the ball and kick it back. Summer also realized that she could run and kick the ball while running, it was all very satisfying.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. If you're gonna play Soccer, at least play by the rules." The voice came out of the blue.

"Hey Rainbow" Summer Rain said without even turning around.

This was all totally wrong in Summer's mind, she felt totally unprepared to meet any of the other four. That didn't matter now, Rainbow Dash was here, and Summer would make the best of it,

"Hey Summer. I haven't seen you for a while, but let's do it, one on one, just you and me, first to 5 wins." Rainbow suggested.

"Summer smiled and said "Sure Rainbow" then kicked the ball to her.

"Where is the other goal though" Summer asked.

Rainbow pointed to a matching goal some 100 feet away and said "Over there, duh, that's my goal, but I doubt we will spend much time over there" Rainbow said with a grin.

Rainbow kicked the ball over to her start position, and the game was on.

Fluttershy was very scared; such a challenge would have infuriated her sister, and she would have fought tooth and nail to win, and then would have been furious for days that she had lost, and would then make everyone else suffer with her.

Fluttershy was soon relaxing though, Summer Rain was laughing the whole time.

Sparing any of the details of the game, Summer Rain made three goals to Rainbow's five.

Summer didn't have the heart to tell Rainbow that she (Summer) had only been playing Soccer some 20 minutes before the match. Besides this would have led to too many questions. Summer didn't mind losing, not any more, and simply enjoyed the contest.

Somewhat out of breath, they both ran back to Fluttershy together.

"Nice game Summer, but you lost." Rainbow teased.

Summer started laughing and said "Losing to you is an honor Rainbow, because you are awesome!"

This response stopped Rainbow right there, and she was speechless for a minute.

Rainbow pulled out her own 'cell phone' thing, did something on it, then said "Summer you are different, but it is a good different. Welcome back."

Rainbow was soon joined by Applejack and Pinkie Pie, and they both welcomed Summer.

Summer quickly asked Pinkie not to say anything yet.

Pinkie Pie just said "Ok" and smiled.

Applejack said "I wonder whats keeping Rarity. Oh there she is."

Rarity was still walking across the field towards them, slowly, and she walked to within 100 feet of Summer and stopped. Summer noted that she didn't seem very happy.

Rarity almost screamed out "YOU!"

And again "You _____ !"

This word made no sense to Summer, but Fluttershy understood, put her hand to her mouth, blushed, looked down, and said "Oh my, she is really mad."

Rarity started into a rant that distinctly reminded her of one day at her boutique in Ponyville. Only this time, it seemed Rarity was talking to, and at Summer, and actually meant what she was saying.

"Summer Rain you are such a _____ !" (same word again)

"How dare you show your face around here, and after what you did to me!"

"Oh don't pretend to be so innocent.

"You ruined me. You ruined me, do you hear?

"You insulted my fashion creations.

"You drove all my friends away from me.

"You spread lies around the school about me, all LIES!"

"Welcome you back? Hah -- I Hate you. I don't want anything to do with you. Ever."

And with this Rarity turned around and began to slowly walk away.

Summer Rain's first impulse was to try to explain to Rarity that it wasn't her. Summer realized Rarity would never believe this. Summer realized that the only way to be a true friend here was to accept responsibility for Fluttershy's sister's past deeds, apologize for her, and seek forgiveness from Rarity. Rarity would later realize the real situation, but her pain needed to be addressed first, and evidently Fluttershy's Sister had caused Rarity a lot of pain.

Summer quickly walked most of the distance to Rarity, leaving the rest far behind, and said quietly "Rare, can we talk?"

Rarity stopped, but didn't bother turning around.

Summer took a deep breath and began, softly and very slowly.

"Rarity, you are right.

"Everything you said is true.

"I'm sure I did everything you said, and probably more.

"I know I have hurt you a lot.

"And I'm sorry.

"I know that I can never take back what I have done or said.

"And I fully understand why you are furious with me.

"But I'm sorry.

"Tell me what I can do to be forgiven.

"Rare, I want to be your friend, because you are awesome.


Tears were streaming down Summer's cheeks. Regardless of who did what to who, Summer desparately wanted to be Rarity's friend. Summer was also crying over the huge chasm simple selfishness had created between two people. Summer also knew that she had probably done similar thing to others.

What Rarity heard was probably the last thing she expected, but was also what she needed to hear.

Rarity turned around, and they hugged.

Rarity was soon crying as well.

Summer said while crying "Rare I'm so sorry..."

They just held each other for a little while.

After this Rarity spoke up "Summer Rain you are different. I think I want to be your friend too."

As the group watched this unfold, there were tears in Fluttershy's eyes.

"I like my new sister" Fluttershy said to herself, and then too late realized her mistake.

Applejack said "What?"

Pinkie said "Me too."

Rainbow Dash said "Summer Rain is very different, a very good different.

Arm in arm, Rarity and Summer walked slowly back to the others talking.

Once they were all back in a group, Applejack said "So why are we here. Rainbow's text just said to welcome Fluttershy's sister back.

Summer Rain was stunned. The five were all here, and they had no idea why. Summer felt totally unprepared for this. Summer had to tell them. Now. The whole focus of her trip away from Ponyville might even depend on the next 20-30 minutes, and what she would tell these precious people. Summer was scared. Running them off was the last thing she wanted to do.

She again took a deep breath, and asked that they all sit down in a small circle on the grass. Fluttershy was to Summer's left and Rarity to her right.

"Do you all remember Princess Twilight?" Summer began.

Applejack spoke up immediately.

"Wow yes, she was so nice, and brought us all back together. I guess we found out that Sunset Shimmer was the one who drove us apart to begin with, and I felt bad that we all let that happen.

"Then Princess Twilight saved the rest of the school from this monster that Sunset Shimmer had become. I think Princess Twilight used magic or something, and we all had a big part in that.

"Seems Princess Twilight's whole goal was to get her crown back after Sunset stole it, then she had to leave and go back to her world or something. It all happened so quickly, then she was gone.

"Honestly, I kinda miss her too. It just seems that she completed our circle of friends so well, I don't know."

Rainbow Dash jumped in at this point. "Wait, how do you know about Princess Twilight?"

Summer Rain was a 'straight shooter' and simply played her cards.

"I am from Princess Twilight's world. Princess Twilight specifically asked me to come to you."

Rainbow said "Seriously? Then why are you here?"

Summer turned to Pinkie Pie, and said "Pinkie?"

It seems Pinkie Pie was waiting for the opportunity and knew a lot already.

"Summer Rain is from Princess Twilight's world, and came here through the same Portal that Princess Twilight used. Summer is here to show us the way of true friendship, and to find out if our friendships are somehow related to her world. There might be more, but that's the basics."

"Pinkie you are amazing" Summer said with a smile.

Rarity spoke up next, and said very slowly and carefully "If you are from Princess Twilight's world, where is Fluttershy's Sister? I heard a lot of rumors, but none of them made any sense."

Summer Rain put her arm around Fluttershy, held her, then said "Tell them Fluttershy."

Fluttershy was already starting to sniffle at this point, and spoke slowly and haltingly as she dissolved into tears.

"This happened about a year ago.

"My sister was mad because she lost again.

"She had also been drinking a lot.

"She was driving, and probably going way too fast.

"She crashed down into a ravine.

"The car was burnt so bad they couldn't even find--"

Fluttershy could say no more at this point, and was crying loudly, and Summer just held her.

Soon they were all holding their close friend.

Rarity said "I'm so sorry Fluttershy, of all the people to lose--" and Rarity could go no further either.

They all cried together for a while, sharing Fluttershy's pain.

After several minutes, almost in unison, their crying trailed of, and after a few sniffles it was quiet again,

As the truth about Summer was dawning on Rarity, she reached over and took Summer's hand and said "Summer Rain if you are from Princess Twilight's world, then I was yelling at the wrong person before, wasn't I?"

And Rarity had to choke back tears again at this point.

Summer took both of Rarity's hands in hers, looked into her eyes, and said softly "Rare, it's ok, and for a number of reasons. Sometime I can tell you my story, it matches Fluttershy's sister's story except in a different, parallel world. If I didn't do that to you I am sure I did it to others. But I realized that, in order to be your friend, I had to accept responsibility for Fluttershy's sister's actions, and seek to heal the wounds she had caused you. That's what true friends do."

"I like my new sister" Fluttershy said again timidly.

Rarity spoke up quietly "Well if that's the kind of friend you are Summer Rain, then I really do want to be your friend."

Everyone else in the circle agreed quickly.

It was Summer Rain who had to choke back tears at this point, because she remembered six amazing ponies welcoming her into their circle even after hearing all that she had done.

But this wasn't why Summner was here, and she knew it. Summer had to communicate the true reason WHY she was here, so she began.

"You girls are all so amazing, and I will cherish every moment we spend together. But that is not the real reason I am here."

Choking back tears again, Summer had a hard time saying "I didn't come here for myself, I came here for my friend Princess Twilight.

"Princess Twilight told me you five people were very special, and I clearly see she was right. I am not here just so that I can take Summer Rain's place, and enjoy you all. I had to leave my world behind to come here, and I almost chose not to.

"But with tears in her eyes, Princess Twilight pleaded for me to come. For you. Because she deeply cares about each of you.

"Princess Twilight told me that she felt like you special people joined together and helped her, and then she just abandoned you because she had to leave.

"Given her responsibilities in her world, there is no way she could come again. She specifically asked me to come in her place.

"Because Princess Twilight cares about you five special people, that's why I'm here.

"For her.

"For you."

Fluttershy summed it up for everyone saying quietly "She remembers... She cares..."

This precipitated another group hug.

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