• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 2, Friendship's Magic

Summer Rain had been walking for a while. She had recently left Cloudsdale, and was on her way to Ponyville. She could have easily flown the distance in short order, but she was walking at a leisurely pace so she could have more time to think.

As she stopped for a snack, the gentle morning breeze made her faded gold mane and tail dance. Summer turned, looked at them and sighed. She remembered them being much brighter when she was younger. At least her light tan coat seemed unchanged for as long as she could remember.

Summer's eyes caught her Cutie Mark, and she quickly looked away. Three small water droplets, golden yellow at the top, fading to aquamarine, the color of water, at the bottom. And this meant "What?" she said out loud to herself.

For most ponies, their Cutie Mark came at a particular time, or clearly related to a particular talent or ability. Summer Rain's simply appeared out of nowhere late one evening. The other ponies at school made great sport of what it meant, but no pony, not even Summer herself had any idea. Just another enigma.

Attempting to leave the past behind, Summer resumed her journey.

Summer Rain was really not sure what awaited her in Ponyville, and this uncertainty constantly worked to drain her resolve, and slow her steps. In fact, the closer she got to town, the more slowly she walked. But Summer knew clearly where she needed to go.

Her sister was there too, somewhere, and that scared her, but that was not her real goal.

As Summer walked, she entered a great meadow near the outskirts of Ponyville. The grass was standing tall, waving gently in the breeze. This endless sea of grass was punctuated with green Oak trees of various sizes.

Summer Rain wandered until she found a fairly large tree, walked under its branches, and sat down. She knew which direction Ponyville actually was, but sat down facing away from town, underscoring her apprehension.

Summer Rain was here. She was afraid. She had no idea how to accomplish what she felt she must. It was all very unsettling. She just sat there, gazing off into the distance across the meadow.

How could Summer Rain live beyond her past she wondered.

From the time she decided she was 'grown up' until very recently, her life had been a wreck. She had hated other ponies, and other ponies hated her. She was hard to be around, and so found few who wanted to be around her. Finding less and less coming her way, Summer spent even more energy trying to take, but this just made everything else worse. It was a rapidly shrinking, constantly sinking spiral.

"But that was the old Summer" she thought to herself, hoping she was right.

She could say that it was Cloudsdale's fault, but this was surely only partially a factor. Almost on cue, another Pegasus flashed far too rapidly across the sky leaving a rainbow trail, and a lot of painful memories flooded in.

Almost from the time she could fly, Summer wanted to be the fastest pony. Ever. In spite of her slight frame, it became an obsession, only fueled by an endless stream of 5th, 6th, 11th place finishes in countless races. No matter how hard she practiced and trained, she couldn't even get close to the front runners, a fact many of her peers constantly pointed out, with laughter of course.

It became a fight really, and the more Summer tried, the more she focused, the more she trained, the more she pushed; 8th place, 9th place, and so on. Summer Rain hung her head in shame, remembering again the sense of defeat she was so accustomed to, along the jeers that usually resulted.

She had become a mean, bitter, defeated pony, oblivious that her pursuit was ruining her.

Beginning to feel her old anger flare, Summer lifted her head, and shook herself out of that nightmare, shaking away some tears too. She paused and said to herself quietly and calmly "I was that way, but I have decided to follow a better path. I will not go back to that."

This brought Summer a small amount of peace, so she again simply gazed across the meadow as the grass rustled quietly in the wind.

Summer Rain really was different, and she had just been in Cloudsdale trying to apologize to as many as she could; she had hurt a lot of ponies there. Most just shrugged her apology off. Some laughed and walked away. She did what she felt she could, and yet suspected that it probably wouldn't make much difference. She did it anyway.

Now Summer was where she wanted to be, where she had chosen to be. She just wasn't sure what lay ahead, or what she needed to do.

Princess Twilight Sparkle headed out the door of the library, using magic both to open the door as well as shut it after she was out. Even so, she reminded herself that her body needed the exercise from even the smallest of tasks, something she read recently.

"It really was a nice day in Ponyville" Twilight thought as she left the Library, inhaling deeply. The new Princess had no real plans for the day, and so simply headed into town.

It was by no means 'the crack of dawn', Ponyville was already buzzing with activity. No wonder, Twilight had been up half the night reading, and so got up late. After brushing her mane and tail, and a quick breakfast, she was on her way.

Up in the sky Twilight caught a rainbow colored streak followed by a disappearing cloud, and she knew Rainbow Dash was enjoying her day.

Twilight wandered into town, but it was still a bit awkward, to say the least. Her crown and wings were hard to hide, and many ponies in Ponyville still had a little difficulty adjusting to Twilight being a princess now, even though Twilight felt mostly the same.

The general approach for everyday encounters still seemed to be bowing in silence followed by Twilight reassuring them that they could relax and were all her dear friends.

It just wasn't comfortable, except when Pinkie Pie literally walked straight into Twilight. Pinkie was carefully balancing an almost full tray of cupcakes she had just made, and was eating, on her head while blindfolded. Twilight's magic saved the cupcakes as Twilight and Pinkie tumbled to the ground laughing.

Cupcakes and laughter lightened everypony up, everypony around anyway. "I guess we all need more time to adjust to this" she thought to herself.

Twilight headed down one of the many roads leading out of Ponyville. She knew which ones led to her good friends homes, but deliberately chose a different one. Today she just wanted some time alone to think.

She loved the ponies in Ponyville, but needed to think more about how to adjust her new-found princess-ness to allow her to still enjoy her many new friends. She knew from experience the difference between princess-ness and the royal egotism so common in Canterlot. Princess Celestia had shown that she could manage that divide, and Twilight made up her mind she would too. "I hope" she said out loud to herself.

It was a very nice day, now around noon, with a warm gentle breeze.

The road out of town Twilight chose led into a large grassy meadow, dotted with big trees. After wandering aimlessly across the meadow for a while, she simply stopped, closed her eyes, and smelled the air. It was all amazing, and Twilight was so glad that she did not have to leave Ponyville, at least for now.

After some time, Twilight opened her eyes, squinting at how bright the sun was. As her eyes began to work again, she noticed that there was a large tree ahead in the distance, and she began walking slowly towards it. As she drew nearer to the tree, she noticed a form under the shade of the tree. It was another pony. This was not too strange, since she were still not far from town.

Twilight was still pretty far away, and the pony was facing away from her. Twilight's first inclination was to backtrack, and wander somewhere else. She hadn't pondered this thought very long before she saw Pinkie Pie's stern face in her mind, scolding her for avoiding the amazing opportunity to make a new friend, and she knew Pinkie was right after all. So Princess Twilight slowly made her way to the tree.

"What do we have" she thought to herself. "Light tan coat, with a faded yellow mane and tail, definitely a mare. Folded back wings clearly indicate a Pegasus." She was sitting, gazing off into the distance away from Twilight. "And what's this? A fairly large book open in front of her!" Twilight's eyes widened at this, and she thought to herself "...oooooooo! Yes Pinkie, you were right. Thank you."

Princess Twilight knew sooner than later this new pony would hear her steps, and she hoped not to alarm the poor mare. She had no idea.

At the sound of Twilight's approach, the pony slowly rose to all 4 and began to turn around, and they soon made eye contact, and Twilight smiled warmly. In a friendly return, the new pony smiled and gently began "Hi, I'm Summer R--" and stopped right there, eyes suddenly growing very wide. Summer tried to continue "You are Twilight Sparkle! Oh, no wait, you are a Princess now".

Summer realized it was too late for much more, and slowly knelt down on her front legs, bowing in respect. "I'm so sorry" she whispered.

At this point, in her mind, Twilight may have begun to resent this Princess thing. "I can't even talk to a pony I don't know?" she thought to herself in dismay.

Quickly brushing this thought aside, she determined not to lose this new Friend, especially a reader of books. "Please, you may call me Twilight" she said softly. "Please arise, and lets get to know each other better." Twilight couldn't think of anything better to say, but was still glad for how it came out.

Summer Rain slowly rose to her hooves again, and really couldn't think of anything to say. Twilight looked into Summer's deep blue eyes, and they smiled at each other. "So you know me, but what was your name? Summer?" Twilight began.

Quietly, Summer said "I am Summer Rain, and I am pleased to finally get to meet you."

Twilight quickly skipped over this last part. "Well Summer Rain, I am pleased to meet you as well." Twilight responded, along with a genuine smile, which was also warmly returned.

Secretly, Twilight Sparkle's real desire was to find out what book Summer was reading, because this could help her find out a lot about this new friend. The Princess knew it would be awkward if she just used her magic, grabbed it, and opened it in front of her like she always did with her own books. Instead she just asked "So, what are you reading?"

Summer Rain's words became very fragmented at this point. "This book... I want to..." she stopped talking and tried to pick the book up, but this was very difficult, since she was a Pegasus, and could not use magic.

After fumbling around some, Twilight gently asked "May I?"

"Yes, please" Summer Rain quietly replied.

Using her magic, Twilight gently pulled a single piece of grass up, and laid it carefully in the book to mark Summer Rain's spot. After this, the book was closed, and quickly before Twilight.

The cover was a sturdy brown, clearly imprinted with the title in gold. Within seconds, Twilight recognized which book this was, and then she really DID wish that she had back-tracked, and wandered elsewhere in the meadow.

"Quests in Friendship -- A narration of the experiences of Twilight Sparkle and her dear friends in Ponyville and all over Equestria -- Collected and edited by Princess Celestia of Canterlot -- Vol. 3"

Twilight Sparkle had received all three volumes just two days ago, delivered via courier from Princess Celestia herself. Evidently the Princess had enlisted both Spike and her other friends over the last few seasons, to get all the details right (an observation that Spike be-grudgingly confirmed).

Princess Twilight liked reading books, but this set wasn't exactly on her 'good read' list.

She realized very quickly that she was the main character in these books. This wasn't especially bad, except that Twilight was a modest pony Princess, and didn't even give a second thought to elevating herself above the others in her own mind. Besides, all that had happened in she and her friends lives was as much a product of their character and contributions as it was hers.

She did not for a second fault Princess Celestia for these books, she just had little inclination to read them herself, and feared the dangers involved.

So now Twilight's problem became how to continue to build her friendship with this new pony, who was reading a book about Twilight herself.

"Ugh... Now what do I do?" she thought to herself.

After what seemed like hours, Twilight simply said "I have this set too, just haven't read them much though." This was true, but Twilight knew it did sound weird, but it was the best she could do.

Summer Rain began to speak, timidly and again very haltingly. "Princess, please.. I have read these books... a lot... and they have... well... changed my life... And I was thinking... I would really like to... uhm, you know, get to know..." Summer Rain was looking down at the ground at this point. "Uhm, you and your friends better... and maybe be... well, be better at telling other ponies..."

Summer Rain was painfully aware she was in the presence of a very special pony, and this growing awareness pretty much brought her words to a halt at this point.

Twilight was honestly listening, and what Summer Rain was saying was rather disjointed and awkward.

Twilight certainly didn't mind welcoming more friends into her life, not now, but from what she could tell, this sounded like a little more than that. And telling others about Twilight and her friends left her wondering. After all, just the other day, Snips had asked Twilight if he could sell back-scratchers with her picture on them, seriously?

Trying not to hurt her feelings, Twilight said genuinely "Well I do hope to get to know you better Summer Rain, and I hope to meet you again in Ponyville soon."

Summer Rain pulled up a faltering smile, and bowed as Princess Twilight used her magic to gently return the book to the exact spot she had moved it from, and then slowly turned, and headed off to Ponyville.

Frozen until Twilight was a good distance away, Summer Rain watched the Princess walk off. "Of course, this was dumb" Summer Rain thought to herself. "How could she know..."

Summer began to sniffle quietly, and brushed away a few tears as she lay down in the grass, and slid her books back into her bag. But it was no use, she was soon crying, quietly but bitterly, hoping nopony would hear.

Princess Twilight didn't feel right about her encounter with Summer Rain. She felt she had good reason to leave, and had genuinely left the door open for a friendship. Still, a nagging voice in the back of her mind said there was a problem, something that needed to be addressed, something she didn't quite understand, and just couldn't put her finger on.

She guessed that most of her girls would just say that she should give it some time. "Hmm, all but one" she thought to herself. So she decided to pay Fluttershy a visit, just to run the afternoon's events past another close, very sensitive friend. The road to Fluttershy's cottage wasn't far, so Twilight headed there.

Twilight didn't worry about her special friends and the awkward bowing everypony else seemed to still be having trouble with. The new Princess very clearly told 'her girls' that they did not need to bow at her arrival, unless the situation or circumstances made it appropriate, such as a public gathering, or Twilight's presence to address some issue.

They all understood, and caught on fairly quickly, so Twilight didn't feel she had to worry about that, even from Fluttershy. Twilight didn't expect any trouble here.

But as Twilight headed up the hill to the cottage, she was suddenly startled by Fluttershy running down the hill as fast as she could, almost knocking Twilight over. Fluttershy was specifically looking for Twilight, and was visibly upset. From past experience, Twilight knew one of her beloved animal friends must be in serious trouble.

"Oh thank goodness you are here Twilight" Fluttershy gasped.

Twilight said quickly "Fluttershy what is it?"

"oh" "oh" "oh"... "It's Angel" (her pet rabbit), "He's stuck" "oh" "oh" "up in a tree. He's so scared! You have to help me please Twilight." "oh" "oh" "Hurry, this way!"

Fluttershy quickly led Twilight to a large tree behind the cottage. Angel WAS stuck up VERY high, and COULDN'T get down, and so he WAS very scared.

Fluttershy lay down in the grass on her belly, and could only go "oh" "oh" "oh" and cover her head with her front legs, only peeking occasionally at Angel.

Twilight still wasn't very good at flying, but she had plenty of magic, and this was still her automatic response. She quickly enclosed Angel in a small purple aura, lowered him down, and carefully set him down in front of Fluttershy, who quickly scooped Angel up and held him close.

"I hope you learned a less... Oh Angel please don't do that again!" (said of course as only Fluttershy could.)

Twilight thought to ask Fluttershy why she didn't just fly up and get Angel, but she knew there was probably a reason, and it didn't matter anyway. Angel was safe, and all was well once again at Fluttershy's cottage, and so Twilight simply laid down on her belly in the grass facing Fluttershy, who was recovering from the ordeal.

"Such a sensitive soul" Twilight thought to herself admiringly.

A little timidly at first, Fluttershy said "Twilight, I've wanted to tell you something for a while. I usually don't say much, but" (Fluttershy paused briefly then continued) "I, I want you to know that I really love and appreciate you. You have done so much for all of us really, thank you."

Coming from both the quietest and most sensitive pony Twilight knew, this was quite a compliment, and Princess Twilight tried to return it in kind. "Fluttershy I appreciate you in so many ways. All of you, my dear friends, have as much a part in who I am as I may have been to you. Thank you!"

Twilight thought to herself that maybe, just maybe, she could get a handle on this Princess stuff after all. With close friends like this...

Princess Twilight remembered Summer Rain at this point. "Fluttershy I need to talk to you about something that happened to me this afternoon. It has been bugging me, and I would like to run it past you to see if you have any advice."

"Gosh Twilight, I'd be happy to help any way I can." Fluttershy said quickly and enthusiastically.

Twilight began "I was walking in the meadow near here earlier today, and I met a new friend, a nice mare named Summer R--"

Fluttershy's eyes instantly grew huge at this and she quickly said the name again, finishing it for Twilight "Summer Rain"? Fluttershy was momentarily stunned with wild-eyed amazement, or was it concern, or both?

"That's my sister Twilight! Where did you see her? Is she still here, I mean in Ponyville? Twilight, we gotta go see if we can find her please!"

Twilight didn't fault Fluttershy for tumbling Angel to the ground as she quickly got up.

"Twilight, where do you think she is? We have to go find her. Where Twilight, which direction? Oh please hurry Twilight."

At this point there were tears in Fluttershy's eyes.

Twilight didn't argue, but simply said "This way" as they ran off together towards the meadow.

Twilight had this sinking thought that Summer Rain may not even be there anymore. This would surely crush Fluttershy by the looks of it. Twilight could only hope.

Summer Rain hadn't moved. She cried for the longest time, then got out one of her books, and started reading.

Summer Rain knew she was where she needed to be. She had nowhere else to go, and really wasn't sure what to do next. Her chance, first meeting with the pony she came here to talk to, had taken Summer completely by surprise, and was a dismal failure.

Twilight and Fluttershy ran towards the road that led out to the meadow. During that time, and between breaths, Fluttershy shared her sister's story with Twilight.

Fluttershy and Summer Rain grew up together (being sisters) and played together incessantly. As an example, Fluttershy hurriedly described their favorite game, having to do with numbers, and tickling or something, which Twilight didn't even try to understand. However, she gathered that Fluttershy and Summer Rain were very close.

When Summer Rain got older though, she changed, a lot. She became a very selfish, mean pony, hard for Fluttershy to even be around.

Soon after, Fluttershy fell from Cloudsdale, discovered both her woodland creatures and her Cutie Mark, and has been in her cottage in Ponyville ever since.

She rarely saw her sister, and only heard a few bad rumors about failed friendships and a lot of pain and anger. Fluttershy said she hurt for her sister, a lot, but it hurt to be around her too.

They weren't far from the shady tree, when Twilight remarked that this didn't sound at all like the pony Twilight had met mere hours before.

As they approached the tree, Princess Twilight realized that Summer Rain was not there. Twilight's heart sank, and her mind was immediately racing, trying to figure out how to handle Fluttershy's sorrow, until she realized that this was the wrong tree, much too small.

Twilight quickly apologized "Sorry, wrong tree."

A very large tree was off in the distance, so they headed towards it. There were a lot of trees in this meadow, and Twilight hoped they didn't have to search long.

Fluttershy saw her sister long before Twilight did, and beckoned Twilight to a stop, still a good distance away. Fluttershy looked sternly at Princess Twilight and said "Twilight, I know you are a very wise pony, and I respect you a lot. However, this is my sister, please let me handle this."

Twilight quickly realized from the seriousness of Fluttershy's tone that she meant it, and that Twilight would probably taste 'the stare' if she didn't comply. Twilight however fully trusted Fluttershy's judgment at this point and so quickly said "Ok. What should we do now?"

"Walk along with me, and stop when I stop, and let me do the rest." Fluttershy directed.

"I will" Twilight replied softly, and they both walked slowly towards Fluttershy's sister.

As soon as Summer Rain heard them, she got up quickly and turned around, and recognized both of them instantly. Summer Rain clearly had absolutely no idea what to say or what to do. The two most important ponies in her life were heading towards her, together, and she had no clue how to respond. Summer couldn't respond at all. As a result she simply stood there, frozen, bowing her head towards the ground.

Fluttershy and Twilight walked slowly up to Summer Rain, and then Fluttershy sat down, and Twilight quickly followed.

After tense silence, Summer Rain timidly began. "Sis, I--"

Summer Rain got this far, and Fluttershy quickly raised her right hoof as if to signal Summer Rain to stop (she did), and then Fluttershy quickly closed her eyes, and turned her head far to the left, away from Summer Rain, suggesting, of course, that she had no interest in what Summer Rain was about to say, and also scaring Twilight to death.

Fluttershy raised her voice (well, for Fluttershy anyway), and said curtly "I have just one thing to say to you sister."

Twilight thought she was going to pass out, and wondered if letting Fluttershy handle this was a good idea after all.

Fluttershy simply said the number "3".

Immediately, Summer Rain smiled broadly, and in the space of about a second, Summer Rain bounded up into the air and pounced on Fluttershy, who just as quickly arched her back, and spun sideways and jumped, turning a full 180 degrees in the air, landing on all 4, so that Summer Rain landed on the grass with a thud.

After just a few seconds, both Summer Rain and Fluttershy were laughing loudly. In mid-laugh, Summer Rain shouted "16", and Fluttershy lunged through the air at her sister on the ground. Summer Rain just as quickly rolled to the side, and so Fluttershy landed in the grass this time.

"Something has changed Summer Rain" Twilight observed in her thoughts. "Whatever it was, it was very good!" Fluttershy and her sister were laughing hysterically, "probably just like they used to" Twilight thought to herself.

Even though the numbers made no sense to Twilight, both Fluttershy and her sister were thoroughly enjoying themselves. After one or two more numbers, Twilight decided she should at least be friendly and join the fun, so she said, sort of questioningly "7?"

Summer Rain would not dare pounce on Princess Twilight Sparkle, but Fluttershy obligingly expanded their game, and quickly jumped on Twilight, who remembered to tuck her wings close as she fell, but lost track of her crown as it flew off into the meadow.

Laughing loudly, she fell to the grass. On the way down she shouted the number "11", which she thought was cheating, only to watch Summer Rain fly through the air and knock Fluttershy into the grass next to Twilight. Everyone was laughing and giggling.

Out of nowhere (surprising no-one), Pinkie Pie jumped up and shouted "300", only to be mobbed by both Summer Rain and Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash, passing overhead and seeing the fun, quickly gathered Rarity and Applejack from town, and before long, close pony friends were bouncing all over, laughing and having the time of their lives, it seemed.

Spike walked up with Twilight's crown in his claw, stood at a distance, shrugged, and said "girl stuff", rolling his eyes.

This went on for a little while, then Princess Twilight instantly sensed something was wrong, very wrong. She hushed the girls to a complete stop. It was Summer Rain. She was over by her book bag, sitting, sobbing quietly.

Fluttershy ran over, sat next to her sister, put one of her front legs around Summer Rain's neck and hugged her. "Summer, what's wrong?" Fluttershy said, asking really for all of them.

It is very hard to talk while you are sobbing deeply, but Summer Rain tried.

Between tears, gasps and sobs she blurted out "Its, Its just not fair. You are all so close, such close, true friends, and so capable of enjoying each other's company. It's just not fair. What about the rest of us?" Summer Rain continued sobbing.

After an awkward silence, punctuated by Summer Rain's sobbing, Twilight walked over, and gently said "Summer, you were playing with us though."

Summer quickly replied "I know, and that meant more to me than you will ever know." Summer Rain had to stop briefly at this point and cried some more. Then she tried to continue.

"But that's not the point. You six ponies freely enjoy a friendship that, that the rest of us can only dream of. But you are keeping it all to yourselves. What about the rest of us?" Summer Rain's tears stopped her again briefly.

"The thousands of ponies scattered all over Equestria, what about them?" Summer Rain stopped even trying to talk with this and continued crying.

Fluttershy, silent thus far, simply said softly "Gosh Twilight, she's right."

Twilight was stunned.

Summer's crying slowly subsided, she sniffled a time or two and then began speaking more slowly. "This isn't how I pictured this happening, I'm sorry. I tried to ask you earlier, but the words, they didn't come out right." Summer Rain shook her head briefly, then continued.

"Princess Twilight, just reading about the quests for true friendship between you and your friends, my life has been amazingly transformed."

Summer walked up to Twilight, put her head down, and said calmly and quietly "Please Princess, I want to experience the magic of you and your friends 'friendship' first-hand, and learn all I can about this gem you have found, so I can try to share it with the rest of Ponyville, and maybe beyond. The rest of us need this." (and Summer Rain choked back more tears.)

Summer remained there, silent and motionless, head bowed, waiting for Princess Twilight's response.

Indeed, they were all waiting to hear what their new Princess would say.

After but a moment, Twilight quickly used her magic to retrieve her crown from Spike, and place it properly on her head. Next Twilight used her front foreleg to gently lift Summer Rain's head.

"Summer, I am sorry that this has been so hard for you. I guess in a lot of ways we are all still learning. Thank you for your amazing insight and compassion. I think I speak on behalf of your sister and the rest of these special ponies, as we gladly welcome you into our circle, to learn along side us, with the understanding that your true purpose is to carry this 'Magic of Friendship' as far as you can."

Then Twilight used the same foreleg and hugged Summer Rain tightly, and quietly said "thank you" to her.

A slight glow, multiple gasps, the quiet thud of hooves landing on the ground, followed by the hushed sound of ponies bowing in the grass, all marked Princess Celestia's sudden appearance behind Twilight.

Twilight knew who it was right away, stopped hugging Summer Rain, walked around to Summer's side opposite Fluttershy, and bowed down as everyone else was.

Princess Celestia gently raised Twilight back up, and began speaking.

Her eyes were wide, not with fear, but with amazement.

"I think I understand now" she said.

Princess Celestia exhaled deeply, and began. "Every Princess wants what is best for her subjects." Princess Celestia dropped her head at this point, then continued.

"For eons, I have sought diligently for any sort of magic that would, well, enrich my ponies, and for just as long have found little. Helping them, protecting them was one thing, and magic has usefulness for such things.

"But helping my ponies find happiness, joy, fulfillment; I despaired for just as long finding magic for that. And I wasn't alone, Starswirl and others invested lifetimes, and we could find nothing."

Princess Celestia lifted her head.

"I realize that Princess Cadence has the unique ability to bring love to ponies in a particular situation, and that has its place. But that ability is only temporary, and seems dwarfed by the needs of all Equestria. Besides, I think what is needed must be chosen, and not in any way coerced after all."

Princess Celestia next looked quizzically, straight at Twilight.

"But Twilight you were different. Very gifted magically, yes, yet you inadvertently at first, and later wisely cultivated the power of friendships, and used that to augment your magic, which has now become so very strong, easily stronger than such a sage as Starswirl the Bearded."

At this point, Princess Celestia tenderly worked around the circle, 'raising ponies up' as she spoke.

"But Twilight Sparkle, your magic isn't your real gem. You and your friend's common 'friendship' have brought you all a deep joy and happiness the rest of Equestria can only dream about, as Summer Rain clearly realized."

Full circle, she looked at Summer Rain.

"And Summer Rain, I am amazed at your concern for the happiness of your fellow ponies, in spite of all you have been through. You are right, what about the rest of us. Like you, I too deeply yearn for this same joy for all my subjects."

Princess Celestia gazed off into the early evening sky above Summer Rain.

"I had been looking for some sort of magic, but the answer was much simpler. The account of Hearth's Warming Eve should have led me in the right direction.

"As far as I can tell, your rich friendships are built on simply this: the commitment to think of each other ahead of yourself. This 'change in thinking' lies at the core of the very gem you six experience daily. There is no magic for this, its just a simple, sustained decision to put other ponies first. And any pony can do this, although I realize that not all will want to."

Princess Celestia sighed contentedly, as if a huge weight had been lifted.

She looked approvingly at Twilight, then after a brief pause, said quietly. "Friendship IS magic, and you special ponies have certainly proved it's power.

"But the 'Magic of Friendship', the very heart-beat of Friendship is simply this, the commitment to put others first. Lived out, the results can be amazing and deeply fulfilling, as your lives and experiences prove. With all my heart, I deeply yearn that all the ponies in Equestria would at least have the chance to experience this for themselves."

Regaining a more regal tone, Princess Celestia continued.

"However, I am embarrassed to say that I do not know much more about this. It does seem that the three young Phillies who call themselves the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' are already finding their way. And Pinkie Pie's affect on the ponies in Ponyville is nothing short of amazing. But I just don't know much more."

"Summer Rain" Princess Celestia continued, looking again directly at Summer, "Your sensitivity and concern for your fellow ponies have brought us to this wide open door of amazing possibilities for my subjects. Princess Twilight's wise acceptance of you into this circle is the only first step I can see as well. And by the way, you will not need magic for this task. The court of Canterlot will officially take care of your needs, and you will report directly to me with your findings. I am assigning a high priority to this undertaking."

Princess Celestia stopped speaking at this point, and walked up very close to Summer Rain, and spoke softly.

"As the ruler of Equestria, I could command it, but instead I ask you, will you help us?"

"I will" Summer quickly replied as she bowed.

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