• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 32, Picking Apples

The next morning (Saturday), everything was moving very slowly. Equestria Girls Fluttershy said it was 'Equestria Lag', and she was partially right.

The other part was that Summer Rain and her friends had just been through a harrowing three days, and Summer should have known better than jumping so quickly at this.

By maybe mid-afternoon, they were all climbing into the back of Big Mac's 'pickup truck' for the trip to Sweet Apple Farm.

Summer didn't like the prospect of sitting on this moving thing with seemingly so little protection, knowing that other 'cars' would also be speeding quickly around them. However, she went along with the rest and hoped for the best.

For Summer's sake, Big Mac was taking it easy. It didn't matter, after about 5 minutes of driving, Summer was as white as a ghost, clenching tightly to the side of the truck.

Everyone noticed immediately, and Big Mac quickly found a spot to pull over, and they just sat there for a few minutes, holding Summer as she slowly calmed down.

Summer and Applejack then moved into the 'cab', with Applejack next to the door, and Summer felt better.

They made the trip the rest of the way to the farm without any more difficulty. Summer seemed back to her normal self by the time they got there, well, as normal as possible given the last four days of her life.

Summer decided she did not like 'cars' very well, and definitely didn't like 'pickup trucks'.

It was a little late for picking many apples, that task would wait until tomorrow. Summer and her friends really didn't feel like picking apples anyway.

Summer just led them out into the middle of a large field nearby, and they sat down in the grass for a few hours. It was mostly quiet, and they just enjoyed the sounds of nature -- birds, crickets, farm animals.

Often, one of the girls would start crying, and the rest would quickly gather around and just hold them. At times they all cried together.

Summer realized there was a lot of deep emotion and pain packed into just a short period of time, they often didn't have much time to cry it through. They all cried a lot during their dark journey, but it surely wasn't enough.

It was all coming out now, and really needed to.

As the sun passed over the trees, they all stood up together, and hugged tightly.

Summer said "I love you all so much..."

Then Rainbow said it too...

Then Rarity...

Then Fluttershy...

Then Applejack...

Then Pinkie...

Within this circle, everypony knew everypony meant it.

With the sun setting, Applejack led them back to the farm house. Granny Smith was putting the finishing touches on an awesome meal, and both Big Mac and Apple Bloom joined them.

No one said anything about Equestria or what happened there, they decided to let Applejack take care of that however she decided to. Dinner was kind of quiet as a result, but everyone was enjoying Granny's cooking.

After dinner, they all sat and talked a little around the table. Granny had some pretty pronounced views about the politics of their rulers, and it made little sense to Summer.

Granny also talked some about when Applejack and Applebloom were younger, and everyone enjoyed that.

Granny Smith could tell the girls were all tired, and so had Applejack lead them to a large guest room with six sleeping bags and pillows, ready for their use.

Then everyone else went to bed.

Summer and her friends arranged their sleeping bags so they were in a circle, with their heads all near the center. Summer then explained that if anypony had any bad dreams, to wake someone nearby up. They were all in this together, even now.

This actually happened a few times in the night, and Summer and her friends were quick to help each other in this way.

Morning started early on the farm, and the girls did a pretty good job of getting up together.

Granny Smith made an amazing breakfast, and Applejack and her five helpers were quickly in the orchard picking apples. Everyone was working hard to try to ease Applejack's load, and got most of the apples in by sundown.

Summer decided that this physically hard task was probably also a good way for she and her friends to put some distance between them and what had happened in Equestria. All the girls seemed to be doing better.

After another awesome meal, everyone climbed into Big Mac's truck for the ride back. Summer and Applejack were up front again. Big Mac dropped everyone off where they needed to be.

Summer and Fluttershy were last, and they both hugged Applejack before she and Big Mac drove off.

After taking turns showering, brushing teeth and getting pajamas on, Summer and Fluttershy were quickly in bed.

Summer was not looking forward to tomorrow, but would do her best.

Summer again hugged Fluttershy tightly, and cried a little, before climbing into bed herself.

After a few minutes silence, Summer asked, half thinking out loud "I wonder if we will ever be the same after this?"

Fluttershy thought for a moment, then answered softly "I don't know, but I wouldn't do anything different if I had to do it again."

"Fluttershy, that's because you are amazing. You are all amazing" Summer said with a smile.

After a few more minutes, Fluttershy spoke up softly again, and sort of timidly.


Summer answered softly as well "Yes sis?"

"I really love your sister..."

"Fluttershy, she really loves you too. I think you both are the only two ponies on either side of the Portal that truly understand each other." Summer said quietly.

Summer paused a minute, then continued.

"That is probably true of the other 4 sets of 'Twins' as well. It is just plain amazing how alike you all are to your Twin. Each of you instantly became 'true friends' with each other. I'm just amazed." Summer said quietly.

Another minute's silence...

"I'm sorry you don't have a twi--" Fluttershy said and burst into tears, and was sobbing deeply.

Summer got quickly out of bed, knelt down next to her new best friend, and just held her, and said "Oh Fluttershy..." and was quickly crying with her.

There was just nothing anypony could do about this, and they both knew it.

After a while, Fluttershy relaxed, and her sobbing tapered off. While still sniffling, she said "I'm so glad you are here with me Summer, this is so hard... I just don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you..."

Summer hugged Fluttershy tight, and said "Listen Fluttershy, I have two of the most amazing sisters I could ever ask for. What more could I want?"

Fluttershy smiled at this.

Summer meant every word.

Summer looked in her eyes and said "Sis, I'm here for you. If you are hurting, let me know and I will drop everything and run to your side."

"I know Summer, and that means more to me than you will ever know." Fluttershy answered quietly.

Summer climbed back into her bed, and they were both soon sleeping soundly.

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