• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 40, Fluttershy's Sister, Part 4

As usual, Rarity knew exactly how Summer Rain should look, and within maybe 30 minutes, Equestria Girls Summer was cleaned up and took everyone's breath away at how close to their friend she actually was; they were Twins after all. The only difference was that her mane was shorter. Still, Rarity played with it some, and it looked great.

This done, they all lay on their bellies in a circle, and the girls told Summer about her Twin, and the terrible tragedy in Equestria she was able to narrowly stop.

They also explained the crucial role that each of the Equestria Girls played in rescuing their Twins from their respective tombstones. Nopony could talk for a few minutes.

The girls also recounted the final battle against Sunset Shimmer, and the monster she had become.

Equestria Girls Summer was amazed, and kept saying "My sister helped with all this?"

Fluttershy said at one point, in response to this question, very quietly of course "Summer, your sister is my Twin, and I love her a lot..." Fluttershy planned to say more, but could not talk for a few minutes.

Summer just hugged Fluttershy and cried with her. Summer missed her own sister a lot more than she realized.

They also told her about their beloved Princess, and some of the amazing things that they had all done together in the last few years.

It was the middle of the night, and everypony decided to just sleep in the Boutique. Nopony wanted to leave anyway.

The next morning, Princess Twilight woke up after a good night's sleep. She felt a lot better.

She remembered that last night, Summer and the girls were all at Rarity's Boutique, so she grabbed her crown, and quickly headed there.

Princess Twilight opened the door slowly, they were all fast asleep, in a tight circle. She walked up to them, quietly lay down on her belly, and was soon napping again herself.

After maybe half an hour, Princess Twilight awoke to noise around her. Six ponies were before her in a half circle, kneeling in respect.

Princess Twilight said first "Oh girls..." then she realized that this was for Summer's benefit, she needed to learn this after all.

Twilight rose to a sitting position, raised her head just a little, then said softly "Please arise, loyal subjects", then started laughing, and worked her way around the circle hugging each pony individually and tightly.

When she got to Summer, she said quietly to her as they hugged "The fact that you are alive will bring amazing joy to some very special ponies. I'm so glad you are here."

Summer realized that she would probably never be teased again in Equestria, and this brought tears to her eyes.

Princess Twilight then asked "Dear girls, what should we do together with Summer today?"

Rarity spoke up quickly, but a little timidly, and said "I have an idea, and it won't be amazing fun, but I think it needs to be done."

Pinkie next said softly "Rarity, you are amazing..."

Rarity quickly made everypony a small saddle bag that fit nicely over their backs, and had two small, well, sacks on either side.

Next, she led them to the meadow, and said simply "We are after wild-flower seeds. Collect as many as you can in your sacks, and just mix them all together."

Even though Twilight and Rarity were able to collect more seeds than the others because they could use their magic, it didn't matter to anypony.

After about an hour, Rarity called everypony together, and checked how many seeds they all had. "I think we have enough" she said quietly, then asked everypony to follow her.

Rarity led them to the spot behind the Library where Princess Twilight's tombstone was.

Like Rainbow's tombstone out at Summer's Tree, it was just a large spot of bare dirt, half a story across by maybe 2 stories wide.

Summer was aghast... The girls had told Summer about that terrible night... It was all suddenly very real...

Nopony was smiling at this point, but that was ok.

Rarity quietly asked Princess Twilight to sit at the spot where she was when she woke up.

Princess Twilight was already crying softly.

"Girls, plant your seeds in this dirt" was all Rarity said.

Applejack helped Summer with her seeds.

When everyponies' seeds were planted, Rarity simply walked up to her Princess and bowed. The rest soon joined her.

Crying, Rarity said through her tears "Girls, I don't ever want to forget how close we came to losing our precious Princess. Hopefully the flowers here will remind us how priceless she is to us."

Everypony was crying at this point, even Summer.

Equestria Girls Summer didn't understand such devotion...

Up until she met Dawn, then these ponies, she had only been concerned for herself. Even after she was dumped into Equestria, she resented that she was even here, and had still lived the same way that she did in her world -- for herself, caring only about herself.

Now, Summer was a part of this group, who were honoring their dear Princess, whom they held as more important than life itself.

Summer realized how disgusting her own self-centeredness actually seemed compared to everything she had experienced with these ponies in such a short time... Summer saw how pointless it was to just think only about herself... Summer realized that life held so much more for those who gave, who consistantly, intentionally put others first...

Summer vowed to live this way until she died.

Just like her Twin had.

Everypony was still bowing, and Summer felt she may have broken some kind of rule, but she flew up from the ground, and threw her leg around Princess Twilight's neck, and hugged her tightly, sobbing deeply.

Princess Twilight, suspecting the change, hugged her tightly back and cried with her. "Oh Summer..." Princess said through her tears.

Fluttershy immediately sensed the change too, and everypony else quickly came to the same conclusion.

Twilight's girls soon crowded around them holding Summer, crying too.

Life from death...

Friendship is magic...

They cried together with Summer for half an hour maybe.

Summer stopped crying, pulled away from her Princess, bowed to the ground, and said softly "Princess Twilight, can we go visit Dawn"

Equestria Girls Summer Rain had changed before their very eyes.

This was simply amazing...

Rarity asked that they wait a few minutes first.

Rarity led everypony a good distance around past the front of the Library. Then she said "Rainbow dear, can you water our plants for us?"

Rainbow quickly said "Say no more", and took to the air.

After a few minutes, a raincloud rolled up, that Rainbow had dragged from who knows where, and it rained steadily for a few minutes on the freshly planted memorial garden, and the area around it too.

The girls caught a few sprinkles, but nopony minded.

Rainbow then dispersed the cloud and rejoined the group.

They walked together to Dawn's shop.

Summer didn't even bother knocking, she just walked in, and everypony quickly followed her.

Dawn was in her showroom, and Summer walked quickly up to her, already crying, and hugged her tightly, saying over and over again "Thank you Dawn..."

Dawn immediately sensed the change, and was holding Summer just as tight, and crying too.

Camille started sniffling, but Princess Twilight quickly pulled her close and hugged her.

Camille looked up at Princess Twilight, and said quietly "Is Corn happy?"

Princess Looked down into Camilles' eyes and said "Yes Camille, Corn is very happy. And your mommy helped bring her back, and that makes us all very happy too." There were tears in Twilight's eyes after all.

Summer was crying because she realized she had come perilously close to permanent 'Green eye' oblivion herself, and something as simple as Dawn reaching out and 'just being a friend' had truly rescued her from that. Summer was also crying because she had found her way back to friendship, back to life itself, it seemed to her...

Well, there was no question in Dawn's mind any more either.

"Corn, I hope I can help you learn to be a true friend. I think life really isn't worth living any other way."

Dawn had told Corn, er Summer that just the other day. This deep outpouring of thanks from Summer, this earth-shaking change that Dawn herself had helped bring about... Dawn was just overwhelmed. Dawn would never live any other way.

And Dawn didn't even know yet about Twins or Equestria Girls Fluttershy and the loss she was living with.

Friendship is magic...

An hour later, they left Dawn's shop, of course after everypony hugged Dawn tightly and thanked her.

Once outside, Princess Twilight stopped and said softly "Summer"

Summer bowed her head and said softly back "Yes Princess?"

"Summer, you need to know this. You need to know that your Twin is simply amazing. Among other things, it was your Twin who initially reached out to Dawn and was 'just a friend' to a nopony having a hard time. Your Twin's friendship with Dawn is what paved the way for Dawn to reach out to you."

"I will thank my Twin then as well" Summer said softly.


It was way after noon at this point, and so Princess Twilight said "Can we go get some food? I'm very hungry."

They all headed to the Cake's Shop.

Lunch was very good, and they all enjoyed being together.

After some discussion, they decided to plant memorial gardens at each of the other tombstone sites as well. They would wait for the Equestria girls to return first however.

While they were discussing this, a rather official looking, and fairly large Pegasus landed in the center of town, and walked quickly over to Princess Twilight.

Princess Twilight soon had two pieces of paper in her hands.

One said

"Less than 24 hours...
We can hardly wait...
Equestria Girls"

Everypony began to cry at this...

The other message read simply

"Air Coach

Princess told everypony "We need to get to the Library soon girls, so finish your lunch and lets go."

In about 3 hours, Princess Twilight, her five special ponies, and Equestria Girls Summer Rain were in the Portal room...

...anxiously awaiting...

...the unimaginable...

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