• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 15, Rebuilding Bridges, Part 4

Summer had a much easier time getting ready for school this second morning. Fluttershy said the day was 'Tuesday'. Summer needed a little help from Fluttershy, but they were both ready to leave for school on time.

The outfits that Rarity had supplied were working well, but Summer still had her sister check everything before they left.

Summer and Fluttershy both worked together to quickly get the apartment locked up and they were on their way.

The walk there was simple enough, and a few people said 'hi' to them both. Summer made it a point to look for strange objects on the ground next to the Portal wall, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

They were soon in the hall and on their way to Fluttershy's first class. There was a boy waiting outside Fluttershy's classroom, and he stopped Summer as they were about to enter.

"Hey Summer, welcome back. My name is Carl, and I was just wondering if you had any plans for Friday night. Maybe we could do dinner and a Movie, I don't know."

"Carl, thanks, but I have plans already" Summer said slowly, and they left Carl there, and Summer hurried Fluttershy into the classroom.

"Fluttershy what was that? He wanted to go on a date right?" Summer asked quietly.

Fluttershy sighed, then said "Ya. He and Summer went out for a while. He probably thinks you have forgotten."

"That's scary, I don't even know him." Summer replied.

"Well he knew my sister, so I don't know." Fluttershy answered.

After a minutes silence, Fluttershy said "Summer..."

"Yes Sis?" Summer said

"You might brace yourself, I doubt he will be the only boy who asks." Fluttershy said with a sigh.

"Thanks for the warning Sis" Summer said. "It's ok though, they will all get the same answer. I plan on being with my friends whenever I can."

Class was quickly started, and still didn't make a whole lot of sense to Summer, but that was probably ok.

At the end of class, the bell rang, and Summer followed Fluttershy to her next class, only to be stopped in the hall by a completely different boy, who asked basically the same question. Summer simply gave him the same answer and walked on to catch up with Fluttershy.

This next class made a little more sense, but there were two girls in the back who were talking constantly, and so it was hard to concentrate. Summer wasn't too worried, she did the same thing in school too, and got in trouble for it though.

The bell rang again at the end of class, and Summer wondered if she could disappear and follow her sister like that. Sure enough, she was stopped in the hall by another boy with the same general question. This time Summer said simply "No thanks, I have plans."

By the time Summer was behind Fluttershy in the lunch line, 3 other boys had asked, and gotten the same answer. Summer wasn't real happy about this, and realized that she would be answering the same question for weeks maybe if she didn't do something about it.

Summer waited until most everyone was in the lunchroom and sitting down eating. By this time, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow and Applejack had joined she and Fluttershy at their table.

Summer stood up, took her spoon and knocked it against her cup a few times. It was loud enough that everyone could hear it, and it was suddenly dead quiet in the lunchroom.

"Excuse me, a word or two if I may" Summer started.

"Since this morning, six boys have asked me out, and I suspect this would likely continue. I don't mean to hurt these boy's feelings, I was flattered that they asked. But it needs to stop, so please don't ask me if we can go out.

"You know, I don't think it is very fair that boys are just asking me. I mean seriously, look around! This school has so many amazing girls. I think you would find that out if you would take the time just to be their friend and get to know them. It simply doesn't seem fair to me that I'm getting all this attention.

"It also seems backwards to me to try to put together a long lasting relationship by just looking at the outside. True friends are what they are because of what is on the inside, and you really should start there I think. But this means that you actually need to get to know them as friends to begin with, but I think you will find that a rewarding, even amazing experience.

"For me, my main focus right now is my true friends, and how we can learn more about that together. If you want to pursue long term friendships, you should probably start there as well. Generally, in order to have good friends, you need to learn to be a good friend too. And that is something we can all work towards.

"And remember Fluttershy would like more volunteers to help at the Animal Shelter, so let her know if you are interested.

"Thanks for listening, I'm done, enjoy your lunch" Summer concluded, then sat down.

Loud applause erupted at this point as just about all of the girls present seemed to resonate with what Summer had said. But it was soon over, and everyone was again eating their lunch. Summer hoped the boys listened anyway.

Once things calmed down, Rarity spoke up "Summer you are such a contradiction. What you just did is so something Summer Rain would have done. However, what you said is almost the exact opposite of what Summer would have said."

Summer was silent briefly then said quietly "I hope they listened Rare."

The rest of Summer's classes were quiet at least, with Summer understanding varying amounts of what was discussed. No other boys asked her out, which she appreciated. She was here for Princess Twilight's friends after all.

The afternoon went fairly calmly. Summer, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack sat in the bleachers again as Rainbow ran soccer practice.

When soccer practice was almost done, Fluttershy received a text, gasped loudly and immediately turned ashen.

"Fluttershy what's wrong?" Summer quickly asked.

Fluttershy was crying openly at this point. Through her tears and she said "My parents are waiting in my apartment, and want to meet you..."

Fluttershy was beside herself and started saying very quickly "Oh Summer, what do I say, what do I do... Where do I even start. I don't know..."

Summer stepped in at this point. She quickly moved up a row and sat next to her sister and looked into her eyes, and held both her hands, and said softly "Fluttershy stop a minute. You are not saying anything. I caused this problem, and I'm not about to just dump it on you. I am your friend, and I will take care of you."

Fluttershy was still crying, and put her head on Summer's shoulder and tried to relax. "I am very scared Summer."

"Fluttershy, we will tell them the truth. That's all we can do."

Pinkie had gone down to the field to tell Rainbow, who simply closed practice. It wasn't much longer to quitting time anyway.

"Fluttershy, let's go" Summer said, helping Fluttershy up.

Applejack spoke up at this point "I wanna come, would that be ok? Actually we are all in this together."

Looking around at all her new, dear friends, Summer realized they all were coming regardless of what she said. "You girls are all Fluttershy's true friends and I thank you. I think for the most part you should wait outside however, if that is ok" Summer said.

They all walked together the short distance to Fluttershy's apartment. Outside, Rarity said "Fluttershy dear, are you ok?"

Fluttershy said "No, I'm scared, but it really helps that my friends are with me."

Rarity gave Fluttershy a hug, and soon they all took their turn hugging Fluttershy outside the apartment door.

"Fluttershy, let's go" Summer said, as Summer led the way into the apartment. Fluttershy's mom gasped as Summer walked throiugh the door, and Fluttershy's dad looked quickly at the floor.

Fluttershy's mom and dad were sitting on the couch, so Summer and Fluttershy walked over to the cot and sat down.

Summer Rain spoke up immediately but slowly.

"I know that you are both very special people. I want you to know that your daughter is one of my true friends, and we all know she is extremely sensitive. What is happening here is not her doing at all, it is mine, and I would hope our conversation would reflect that.

"Also, I will withhold no information from you, but it is crucial that some of what I say be kept strictly confidential.

"Finally, I want you to know that I can't even imagine the pain you both must have felt at the death of your daughter. I want you both to know that I feel deeply for you, and want to avoid causing you any unnecessary pain."

After a brief pause, Fluttershy's mom spoke. "You talked briefly at the High School yesterday, and I watched the video of it on the Internet. While your appearance and voice is breathtakingly like our daughter, it is clear you are not her. She would never have said those things, at least not recently. I just want to know what is going on."

Summer Rain took a deep breath and began to explain. Again she talked slowly, both to allow Fluttershy's parents to take things in, but also to allow Summer to pick her words carefully.

"I am from a parallel world.

"A bad person from our world stole the crown belonging to one of our leaders, and then fled here, forcing our leader to come here to retrieve her crown. That bad person was Sunset Shimmer."

Fluttershy's mom cut in immediately with disdain "Figures... She had it out for my daughter."

Summer kept going.

"While our Princess was here to retrieve her crown, five dear people became her close friends and helped her, and actually assisted her in protecting the students and defeating Sunset Shimmer. These five people were Fluttershy and her other four friends now standing outside. These five people from your world helped our Princess, and she was able to return to my world with her crown.

"While I think the existence of my parallel world should be kept strictly confidential, your daughter and her four friends witnessed all of this, and can verify what happened. Also, during the struggle, Sunset tore a large part of the front of the school away, and that damage is still clearly visible.

"What now follows is my story. Friendship is a very important thing in our world, and our Princess felt absolutely terrible that she had essentially abandoned five special people in this world who gave of themselves, and helped her.

"My Princess could not return, and so asked me to come in her place, to try to help Fluttershy and her four friends to enjoy the true friendship that is so important in my world."

Summer stopped here and began to tear up, and Fluttershy knew instantly, and put her arm around Summer. "I left my own Fluttershy behind to come here..."

After a brief delay and a few tears, Summer continued.

"But these five girls are amazing, and have become true friends in the deepest sense of the word, even though I am not sure how much of that is my doing."

Fluttershy's mom spoke up again "But your talk, you lied."

Summer was ready for this.

"I said that I couldn't remember what had happened here and that was correct, because I wasn't here. I also realized that your daughter had caused a lot of pain, and as a true friend I needed to accept responsibility for that and seek to heal what I could before the others would be able to hear what I said about true friendship. So I did that."

Fluttershy seemed to know what was coming now too, and took one of Summer's hands in hers.

Summer put her head down at this point and talked more slowly as tears trickled down her cheeks.

"Our worlds are parallel in so many ways. I was just like your daughter... and headed down the exact same path... But like I said, I learned that it didn't have to be that way, and I'm convinced true friendship saved my life. And the other students needed to hear that."

After a brief pause, Summer continued.

"Fluttershy and I have already talked about this. I know I can't bring back her sister, your daughter. But I promised Fluttershy that while I was here, I would be the very best friend she has ever had. I can only offer that same promise to you. I wish I could do more."

There was a few moments silence. Then Fluttershy spoke up and said quietly "I like my new sister."

There were tears in Fluttershy's mom's eyes at this point as she and Fluttershy's dad stood up, and Summer and Fluttershy followed.

Fluttershy's mom quietly said "Parallel world or no, you are Fluttershy's devoted sister, and every bit the Summer Rain I remember. That makes you family. Can I hug you?"

"Of course" Summer said, and they were quickly all hugging. Fluttershy's mom cried for a while. Summer felt bad for her and cried too as did Fluttershy.

When the hug was over, Fluttershy's mom again spoke. "The well-being of Fluttershy is very important to us, and people seem to find it easy to take advantage of her. I appreciate that you are also deeply concerned about taking care of her."

Summer took Fluttershy's hand and said "Your Fluttershy is just as amazing as mi..." and could go no further.

Fluttershy's mom and dad walked out the door of Fluttershy's apartment. They both knew all of Fluttershy's friends, and spent a few minutes greeting each one together, before they got in their car and drove off.

"I hope we did ok Sis" Summer said quietly.

"We told the truth, and I think it worked out for the best." Fluttershy said softly.

This had all been draining on Summer, she really did feel Fluttershy's parent's pain.

After Fluttershy's parents left, Summer called all her dear friends together and simply hugged them all, well, and cried a little more too.

"You girls are all amazing" Summer said.

"You are too Summer!" Pinkie said and they all agreed.

"Dinner at the Cake's on me, lets go!" Rainbow said.

"As long as I can stay with you girls that's fine." Summer replied.

While walking to the Cake's, Summer said, almost thinking out loud "Why is it that wherever I go, I find true friends that I don't ever want to leave."

"Because, Summer, you are a true friend" Rarity quickly said, and everyone agreed.

Summer was beat, but still, they all helped Mr. Cake with the serving again. It was really a lot of fun, and Summer and the girls had a blast. Mr. Cake really appreciated it too.

It was late though, so they all hugged outside the shop and then everyone went in pairs to each of their homes for the night.

Summer and Fluttershy were soon in their beds with the doors and windows locked and the lights out.

Laying there in the darkness, Fluttershy said "Thanks Sis."

Summer softly replied "I love you Fluttershy."

A few minutes later Summer said quietly "I do wish I could bring your sister back though."

After a pause, Fluttershy said "I know, but unless she learns to be a true friend, it would just be very difficult to have her back, so I don't know.

Summer sighed and said "Well, we can't rewrite the past anyway."

And they both nodded off to sleep.

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