• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 44, Day of Remembrance

When Sunset Shimmer took Equestria over, it was like the entire realm quickly and simply went to sleep.

However, in less than 12 hours, Equestria pony Summer Rain and the five Equestria Girls came back, and in maybe 24 more hours, had amazingly rescued Equestria. That was just two weeks ago.

Ponyville was the starting point for the actual 'resurrection', and the focus then shifted to Canterlot, as Sunset Shimmer was destroyed.

It would be up to two full days in some cases, for the rest of the cities in Equestria to actually be rescued from the Green eye zombie spell by 'the touch of a friend'.

Even after they were rescued, very few ponies in Equestria even knew ANY of the details of what had happened. They knew nothing of the mere handful of brave mares that stood up between Sunset Shimmer and Equestria's extinction.

That would all change... ...today... ...by order of Princess Celestia herself.

There would be no parades, or royal ceremony, even though Princess Celestia would have preferred that for Summer and her friends. They truly deserved this and more.

But Princess Celestia wanted everypony to know that Equestria was one pony away from oblivion. It was that harrowingly close.

Ponyville was the initial focus of the rescue, and bounced back quickly as a result. The energizing presence of seven amazing twins would simply accelerate that process.

The military presence in the Crystal Empire also rapidly restored the Crystal Ponies' home town, and they too were well on the road to recovery.

Under two Princess' direction, Canterlot, with all it's stuff and nonsense, was also rapidly coming back on line.

Cloudsdale was above the magic cloud of zombie-ism, but would have quickly suffered due to a lack of food. Their food supply was rapidly restored. Aside from some rationing, Cloudsdale was doing well.

But for the many other towns scattered across Equestria, it was a far grimmer picture. It would still be a few weeks for the rest of the cities in Equestria to get even close to experiencing a 'normal' day.

Princess Celestia had committed Equestria's military to the oversight of this process. Even so, the needs were great.

Ponyville lost no foals, thanks to Summer accidentally touching Dawn and Sunny Rays in the midst of the rescue. After the Magical Rainboom, both these mares ran quickly through Ponyville, and most of this town was free of being zombies by that evening.

Sadly, most of the other cities were still grieving the loss of many precious foals, Equestria's future. It was heart-breaking.

Already in the morning of this day, not yet knowing what the day would hold, Summer Rain enjoyed her first, and only, rather comical lesson on the use of her magic. This account is recorded elsewhere ("On a clear day... Wait...")

The rest of this day would hold no humor.

At noon, a Military Pegasus arrived at each city in Equestria. By royal decree, the evening for every city in the realm would go like this.

At dusk, the Rainbow Twins in Ponyville would perform a Double, Reverse Sonic Rainboom. This would be seen and heard all over the realm.

Each city would then gather in their respective Town Halls, and the text for the "Day of Remembrance", exactly as written, without any additions or omissions, would be read aloud, by a pony chosen by the Mayor of each city. Each Military Pegasus brought that text with them.

Any other activities, such as each city might decide on, could take place after this.

Soon after the arrival of the Military Pegasus, Princess Twilight gathered all seven sets of Twins to the Library. They were all soon sitting, Twins next to each other, before her. Twilight Sparkle was sitting at her Princess' side.

Princess explained the special purpose given to this day, and outlined the events of the evening, and the Rainbow Twins were both excited and humbled by the honor.

The Ponyville Mayor asked Princess Twilight to select someone to actually do the reading at tonight's ceremony. Princess Twilight wanted Equestria pony Summer Rain to do this, and Summer simply bowed at the honor, and said softly "Of course..."

Princess Twilight said next that they would plant memorial gardens at the rest of the tombstone sites around Ponyville this afternoon. Like Rarity said when they did the one for Princess Twilight, it wouldn't be fun, but it needed to be done.

Princess Twilight had mentioned the memorial gardens to the Mayor, and it seemed like half the town was already out in the meadows now, gathering seeds. They didn't have to do this part.

As a few days ago, only the Twins would be doing any planting.

While weeping softly, Princess Twilight said that they would plant the memorial gardens in the order Summer and the Equestria Girls had actually rescued her precious friends.

At this point, the Mayor came in and said that the seeds were ready.

Princess Twilight and the seven sets of Twins led the way to Sweet Apple Acres.

The Twins all wanted to hold hands -- with their Twins, and with their friends. They lined up with the two Twilights in the center, with the Rainbow Twins, then the Rarity Twins, then the Pinkie Pie Twins on one side of her, then the Applejack Twins, then the Fluttershy Twins with the Summer Twins on the outside.

Equestria pony Summer Rain transformed into her Equestria Girls form, then reached out and grasped the hoof of her Twin, then helped her to a standing position as she immediately switched forms herself. This process was simply continued along the line until all seven Twins were standing up together in their Equestria Girls form and clothing... ...arm in arm... ...hugging tightly... ...weeping softly...

They would walk from tombstone to tombstone like this, but would plant the gardens as ponies.

They were soon to the dirt area where Applejack's tombstone was.

A large crowd from Ponyville had followed, and they stood back, and just watched.

Equestria pony Summer knew that the Townsponies simply would not understand what the significance of this spot was, and without even having to ask, her Twin, Equestria Girls Summer Rain walked over to the crowd and addressed them.

"The night that Discord betrayed Equestria, he brutally murdered Princess Twilight and her five friends. At each of these locations, he formed a large tombstone that rose three stories out of the gound, and was maybe 2 stories wide.

"Discord then simply stretched each pony, alive and screaming, across their tombstone, and left them to die."

Summer was having trouble continuing, but she knew the rest of the story was important too.

"Summer and the five Equestria Girls tenderly and amazingly rescued each of these ponies from their tombstone, and then simply held them, together, as first Princess Twilight, then each of Princess Twilight's friends cried through the rivers of pain they had endured, on their way back to life.

"This large patch of dirt marks the base of the tombstone that Applejack was murdered on..."

Summer could no longer speak, and was weeping loudly. The Townsponies had heard enough though, and many of them were crying as well. All the Twins were weeping and holding each other as well, they were here that terrible night two weeks ago.

Princess Twilight and her Twin, Twilight Sparkle, stood with Equestria pony Applejack and her Twin at the spot they actually held Applejack as she came back to life.

The rest of the Twins quietly planted the seeds in the dirt.

This done, the two Rainbow Twins flew off, brought a cloud back, and watered the freshly planted seeds. Nopony minded the water.

The seven twins then formed back into their line, quickly transformed back into their Equestria Girls form by Summer Rain.

They next gathered in a tight circle, standing next to Applejack's garden and cried together for a few minutes...

As the line unfolded, they then walked to the spot in the meadow which was 'Summer's Tree'.

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance had joined the group as well, and simply walked in a line behind the seven Twins. They were soon weeping softly as well. They had still been dead for this part, except for Princess Cadance, who miraculously arrived just in time to save Fluttershy.

As before, Princess Twilight and her Twin stood with Rainbow and her Twin at the spot where they brought Rainbow back.

The rest of the Twins, as ponies, planted the seeds.

The Rainbow Twins had to water their own garden, but didn't seem to mind.

After that, the seven Twins were back into a circle in their Equestria Girls form, and wept softly next to Rainbow's garden.

They moved next to Rarity's tombstone, and followed the same general pattern. Rarity and her Twin wailed loudly the entire time.

After planting seeds, and watering them, they all gathered again in a circle near Rarity's garden and cried together softly.

More of the Townsponies were crying now too. They had seen these patches in the gound for days, and only now found out why they were here.

Pinkie Pie's tombstone was next and close. Equestria pony Pinkies' hair went straight while they did her tombstone, and her Twin just held her.

The Rainbows watered her garden, then the seven Twins gathered again in a tight circle, and cried softly for a few minutes.

On that dark night less than two weeks ago, they had to handle saving Fluttershy differently, for a lot of reasons. This would be similar.

Even before they got to Fluttershy's tombstone, Equestria pony Summer Rain was quickly a wreck, and simply fell to the ground crying before they even got there, tumbling the Twins all to the ground as they changed back to pony form.

Summer had almost lost her precious sister Fluttershy, forever, on that terrible night. She was almost as hysterical as she was then.

Her twin helped her get there at least.

Next, Fluttershy's Twin, Equestria Girls Fluttershy collapsed into tears next to Summer, as she realized she too had narrowly avoided losing her sister, forever...

Forever is such a long time...

Both Summers and both Fluttershys were laying on their bellies in a tight group weeping loudly, and stayed there the whole time.

Princess Twilight asked both Dawn Flower and Princess Cadance to join them, then the two Twilights did as well. All eight of them cried together as the rest of the Twins planted the garden.

The Rainbow Twins brought the water, then the rest of the Twins simply joined the Fluttershy and Summer Twins crying...

It would be a while before the Fluttershy and Summer Twins would get back up...

This was the last garden though, this task was done.

After crying, then resting together at Fluttershy's garden for a few hours it was almost dusk.

Princess Twilight moved the seven Twins to Town Square. Dusk quickly settled over Equestria, and it was time for the Sonic Rainboom.

Princess Twilight suggested that they do the Rainboom in their Equestria Girls form, and with the help of Summer's magic, to lend both speed and magic to the Rainboom, as they had done in Canterlot.

All of the Twins saw the Unicorn horn and felt the rumbling, and simply wondered why they had not noticed it that night. Some of the Townsponies who were close, gasped and stared as well, but it didn't matter.

The Rainbow Twins performed flawlessly, the Sonic Rainboom was almost deafening, and flew quickly outward radially. The wavefront was thick purple, followed by a brilliant rainbow section, followed by a white trailing edge.

The Rainboom traveled quickly to the outermost reaches of Equestria, as the Rainbow Twins came back down and landed.

The seven Twins were all soon back in their pony form for the reading.

Moving to Town Hall, the stage was lit, and ponies were already filling the hall. Still they quickly bowed, then made room down front for the three Princesses, as well as Princess Twilight and the rest of the seven Twins.

Nopony had any idea why all of Equestria's leadership was present here for this.

It was clear there would be more ponies than room tonight. Ponies just crowded around the doors and opened the windows so everypony could hear.

The Mayor made no official comments. She told Summer the official text was already on the speaker's platform waiting, and that Summer should just go ahead up to the stage. It was instantly quiet in the hall as she did this.

It was dark in the audience, but this didn't matter.

Summer realized that just a little over three weeks ago she was standing in the Gym at Equestria High talking to students about true friendship...

Equestria pony Summer Rain moved to the speakers platform, looked at the papers there, and just started reading the text as written.

"Fourteen evenings ago today, two powerful magical foes succeeded in overcoming Equestria's leadership, and took control of the entire realm of Equestria. These foes were Discord, a strange magical being, and Sunset Shimmer, a Unicorn from Equestria.

"The details of the overthrow are really of secondary importance. However, understanding the results of their take-over is absolutely essential.

"Discord forceably pillaged specific magical 'emblems' from Princess Twilight and her friends. He then in some cases tortured them, and then he murdered all of them in a disgustingly painful manner.

"This done, Discord supplied these same emblems to Sunset Shimmer in Canterlot, who killed the nearby guards, then quickly, magically embedded the emblems into her body, and became a huge pony monster over three stories high. She then turned Princess Celestia and Princess Luna into statues.

"The monster that Sunset Shimmer had become, then cast a spell that turned every pony in the realm into Green eyed zombie ponies, barely able to even function on their own.

"In addition, Sunset Shimmer placed a magical, thick cloud up in the atmosphere that ensured that it was always Dusk in the realm. This thick cloud cover also re-cast the zombie spell on anypony flying through it.

"And Equestria simply went to sleep...

"There was no-pony left in Equestria to rescue the realm...

"If left this way, all the young foals and the entire population of Cloudsdale would be dead in maybe two weeks. In just one generation, Equestria would be empty... Our culture, our history, our accomplishments, everything... ...would simply be lost forever.

[Prescribed intentional pause here]

"Scarcely a week prior to this rebellion, the leadership of Equestria had quietly sent a lone Pegasus mare to a different, potentially dangerous world. Nopony really knew how successful this mission would even be, and this mare made a great sacrifice to go in the first place.

"This mare found five amazing friends, beings who were amazingly parallel to Princess Twilight's friends in Ponyville.

"Having been in this different world for only seven days, the leadership of Equestria was able to get the following message to this mare, before they too succumbed to the zombie spell.

"The message read simply 'Discord, Sunset Shimmer, Equestria lost' "...

[Prescribed intentional pause here]

Summer had been doing fairly well with the reading up to this point, but that night, this note shook her to the very core of her being, and it did again.

Summer just backed maybe five steps back from the speaker's platform, lay down on her belly and started crying...

She could not go on.

All of the Equestria Girls were weeping softly at this point too. They were there and read that note too...

After a few minutes of silence, Princess Twilight went up to the stage and tried to take over for Summer.

She found where Summer had stopped, and just continued reading from that point.

"This lone mare brought these five other friends, and as ponies, they all came back to Equestria. These five friends insisted on coming, even though they had been warned that they very well may die.

"These six brave mares first confronted, then were amazingly able to contain Discord.

"They then made the journey to Ponyville on that dark night, and found the grisly discovery of first Princess Twilight then her five friends, each stretched out across huge tombstones.

"With little else besides just their pure devot--"

Princess Twilight remembered waking up in the Equestria Girls 'people' arms, hearing Summer's voice tenderly, repeatedly calling her back from the dead that night... Princess was quickly crying...

She backed away, and just lay down next to Summer and joined her. All the Equestria ponies were weeping now too.

It was silent in the hall for a few minutes except for the sound of ponies crying, ponies that had experienced that terrible night.

Princess Celestia was hoping to be able to just watch, and certainly wasn't expecting this, but she took to the platform, found where Princess Twilight had stopped, and continued reading.

"With little else besides just their pure devotion, these six brave mares succeeded in bringing Princess Twilight and all her five friends back, from the dead, it seemed.

"They were also able to rescue one of Princess Twilight's other friends, as well as the Captain of the Guard, who then rescued Princess Cadance.

"A growing group of military guards escorted Princess Twilight and this lone mare, along with 10 friends, to Canterlot to confront Sunset Shimmer.

"For the final confrontation with Sunset Shimmer, these twelve mares bravely approached the monster that Sunset Shimmer had become... ...alone...

"Together, their magic was successful in destroying Sunset Shimmer.

"After her defeat, they made another grisly discovery. Sunset Shimmer had turned both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna into huge statues facing aw--"

The prospect of forever facing away from her dear sister had destroyed this rock of a Princess that night, and only Princess Cadance' quick link had allowed them both to fight their way back.

Princess Celestia and her sister both cried a lot that night, and she was crying again.

Princess Celestia simply backed up, lay down next to her student, and wept softly.

Except for the sound of more weeping ponies, it was quiet in the hall. There seemed no one left to come forward.

After maybe five minutes, a quiet stallion's voice could be heard in the darkness of the audience. He started reading where Princess Celestia had stopped.

The audience didn't care who this stallion was, it didn't matter. They all knew they needed to hear this.

"After Sunset Shimmer's defeat, they made another grisly discovery. Sunset Shimmer had turned both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna into huge statues, facing away from each other.

"Once the statues were turned to face each other, Princess Cadance, Princess Twilight and these other mares were able to coax Equestria's leaders back from the dead.

And with this...

The monsters were vanquished...

Our leaders were rescued...

Equestria was rescued...

And as you can see, Equestria will live on...

"But it was a terrifying, horrifying night for six brave mares who came from a different world to rescue the realm.

"And only... ...ONE... ...of them was a pony from Equestria."

[Prescribed intentional pause here]

"On that dark night...

"Our world...

"Our culture...

"Our very lives...

"Equestria was just this one pony away from oblivion...

[Prescribed intentional pause here]

This one pony...

This mare who came back and rescued us...

It does not so much matter who this mare is, as much as it matters what she is.

She is deeply committed to Equestria, to her friends, to her Princess... ...to true friendship...

She is a true friend...

That was one of the main reasons she was sent on the dangerous mission to a different world to begin with...

Ponies don't like to be told how to live, and that is not the goal here.

However, everypony in Equestria needs to hear that it was a simple mare, deeply committed to these things...

...that stood up one scary night...

...between Equestria and Forever...

[Prescribed intentional pause here]

Please leave quietly tonight, and be grateful beyond words that a mere handful of brave mares "stood in the gap"... ...for you... ...for those around you that you both love and hate... ...and for Equestria...

Please reach out as well to those stallions and mares that have lost Foals, they need us all right now. Our future will hurt for a while, they will be missed.

This reading is done.

Many ponies were weeping at this point, and the ponies in the hall began to get up and slowly leave.

They quickly heard a very important Princess say "Just a minute please."

Princess Celestia was at the Speaker's platform, still wiping tears away.

Everypony within earshot stopped where they were and bowed immediately.

Princess Celestia left everypony bowing.

Princess Celestia had cleared the text that Shysage had written. However, in hindsight, she felt it a serious lack to not acknowledge the role Summer had played.

Princess Celestia had warned Shysage that the Phantom Alicorn aspect need to stay out. Maybe that was why he had left the one pony anonymous.

Princess Celestia felt compelled to at least acknowledge that "on pony" now.

Princess Celestia assumed a very serious tone, and spoke, even fighting back tears as she did.

"I approved everything that Canterlot Recorder Shysage wrote, then partially read tonite.

"In restrospect however, failing to acknoledge Equestria's 'one pony' who rescued the realm, with the help of five other true friends, seems completely unfair to this brave mare, especially because she lives here in Ponyville.

"After we introduce to this mare, please arise at that point, and leave quietly as Shysage suggested.

"That one, brave mare, who 'stood in the gap between Equestria and Forever' was Fluttershy's sister, Summer Rain."

Some knew this, many just gasped...

Princess Celestia then walked from behind the platform to the edge of the stage and sat down.

Princess Twilight said to Summer "You need to at least join Princess Celestia", and she helped Summer up.

Summer was still crying, and Princes Twilight helped Summer over next to Princess Celestia, to a seating position, then loyally sat next to her friend, and was soon joined by Princess Luna, who sat next to Princess Twilight.

Summer could sit up no more, and quickly lay on her belly on the floor again, and continued to cry. All three Princesses quickly joined her.

As soon as Summer lay down on the stage, the entire audience did too, wherever they were, and were soon weeping softly with Summer.

The rest of the Twins quickly joined Summer on the stage...

Someone turned the stage lights off at this point, but it didn't matter.

For almost two hours, Ponyville again mourned their close brush, but more importantly, simply cried with those that had even made 'today' possible. That was Princess Celestia's goal.

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