• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 46, Thankful for What We Have

[Hi, it's me Shysage. The next chapters all focus on the Twins. As a result, if you can, please cue up 'The Capital City -- Al Taieu'* from the Chains of Promethia* expansion for Final Fantasy XI*, *=c2014 by Square Enix.]

Helping Dawn's Foal understand the way true friendship worked in her mom's simple efforts to befriend 'Corn', Summer's Twin, was just priceless...

After crying for a while, everypony wandered out into the street, just talking. It was around noon, and a very nice day. All the rest of the Twins soon left to have another fun day doing 'Twin' things together. Summer couldn't blame them. Summer was hugging her Twin at the moment too.

Summer noticed that a few stallions were working on the building next to Dawn's shop. She had noticed this run-down building before; it had looked deserted. It was not looking so run-down any more.

"Dawn do you know what is happening with this building?" Summer asked.

Dawn laughed, then said "Maybe you should ask that stallion behind you."

Summer turned around quickly, it was Shysage. He read her mind, and replied quietly.

"Its my new house Summer. I'm moving all my stuff down here.

"Princess Celestia felt that, since so much of what I am now recording is happening here in Ponyville, it would just be easier if I could be closer to everypony.

This really makes a lot of sense. The addition of everyponies' Journals also means that I may occasionally need to double check, and just being here will save me a lot of time.

"And by the way, your story is also a sanctioned Canterlot work now, so I, er, we have a an important reason to finish it.

"They are adding an extra room for you, so we can work together on it, then you can sleep when you want to. I don't think I'm allowed to sleep though. Besides, Volume 4 of Princess Celestia's commentaries is also..."

Shysage just stopped and sighed...

Summer gave Shysage a hug, then said "Thank you Shysage. I can't wait..."

Summer turned to her Twin next "Can we head to Twilights? I have an errand to run.

Her Twin just said "necklace, check" and laughed, and they headed off across town for the Library.

Summer actually knocked at the Library first, and Princess Twilight quickly said "Come in please".

Everypony hugged everypony.

Equestria pony Summer asked both Twilights to come sit facing her.

Summer then transformed into her Equestria Girls form. Summer was soon weeping softly.

Summer gently took the 'Shield Necklace' from her own neck, and carefully placed it around Twilight Sparkle's neck. Then she gently kissed Twilight Sparkle and then her Princess on the forehead.

Summer changed back into pony form, and then both Summers bowed... weeping...

They both loved their Princess...

Then they both got up and walked quickly out the door.

Princess Twilight was soon weeping too, but she realized that Twilight Sparkle didn't understand the significance of this simple gesture.

"Twilight, the night we fought Sunset Shimmer, all the other Twins had already traded their necklaces with each other. They loved each other dearly, even then, and were embracing each other's worlds... and their pain too...

"Right before the battle, I stopped Summer, and we traded necklaces as well, because we just had not done it yet... It was deeply moving... She is so amazing... I had her necklace, and she had mine...

Princess Twilight was crying now...

"And she just now gave you, the necklace that I gave to her that dark night... ...just like the other Twins... ...You now have my shield necklace..."

The Twilight Twins just cried together for a while...

In the midst of that, Princess Twilight said through her tears "Summer will give until she has nothing left..."

They cried a little more, then went back to work on magic.

"Get your wings out girl, lets go find Rainbow" Summer said.

They were soon in the air over Ponyville, and the Rainbow Twins quickly found them.

They landed at Summer's Tree.

"Lets play Shadow for a while maybe?" Summer suggested.

They all knew how to play by now, they were Twins.

"But no hiding in clouds" Rainbow said with a laugh.

They played this for the better part of the afternoon. First, they played with only one leader, but it was too easy for the Twin to know what their Twin was doing. For the rest of the afternoon, they just played this game two on two. It was amazing fun.

They were about to play 'Town Square', but Princess Twilight found them and asked them to gather everypony to the Library.

Rainbows headed to Applejacks, and Summers headed to Fluttershys.

In Equestria Girls form, the Fluttershy and Summer Sisters walked together, hugging, back into town to find the Pinkies and Rarity's.

Everypony was soon back at the Library, and in pony form, sitting next to their Twin.

Princess Celestia was there as well.

For a brief minute, Equestria pony Summer was afraid they were going to make her a Princess, but the topic was even more serious. It would be time to leave in a few days, and they needed to plan that part...

Princess Twilight handled the discussion with the Twins.

"If I understand correctly, your 'Spring Break' is just a week, well 9 days including both weekends, correct?"

The Twins all frowned, and the Equestria Girls all nodded yes.

Ok, well today is the fourth day you have been here, if I count correctly. So, we have six days left, is that correct?

The Equestria Girls all nodded yes again.

"Princess..." Equestria pony Summer said.

"I... I... We would really like to play Soccer with Rainbow and the Twins.

"Also, I really should be present with my Twin for both Principal Celestia and Fluttershy's parents.

"I know it's dangerous, but can we all go back the day before School starts, and all be together in the Equestria Girls world for a day? Then I can come back the next day maybe? ...please..."

Summer was weeping softly at this point. She couldn't help it...

Princess Twilight looked over at Princess Celestia, who simply nodded.

Princess Celestia spoke at this point. "This will probably be fine. I will insist that Shysage accompany you all however. And Summer, you are to remain with him at all times."

Summer just bowed before Princess Celestia "Yes Princess... and thank you Princess..."

Princess Twilight then said in summary. "Ok, so the Twins have five more days here, not counting today, then another day in the Equestria Girls world. Then we will have to return.

There was a brief pause, then Summer spoke up again, but timidly. Princess Twilight, can we all spend the night here tonite? The Equestria Girls and I did that the week before we came, and it was amazing to all be together like that.

"That does sound amazing Summer, lets do it" Princess Twilight said. "And we have five nights left, we can stay at one of the Twins homes every night."

Princess Celestia quickly added "Canterlot will provide meals for your evenings as well. The realm treasures each and every one of you."

Everypony was so excited at this.

After a break in talking, Princess Celestia broke in and said simply "Summer Rain."

Summer quickly ran over to Princess Celestia, and fell to her knees bowing. Summer's Twin didn't know quite what to do, so she just followed her Twin and bowed before Princess Celestia.

"I do feel bad that the state of Equestria will prevent us from a more formal recognition of what you and five other brave mares did for Equestria. The Day of Remembrance certainly helped everypony at least know what happened at any rate. And the book you and Shysage will write, will make a lot of the details known.

"And please know that, if I have any say, you will be made a Princess. It is not if, so much as it is when."

Summer tried to softly protest here "Princess please, I--"

Princess Twilight walked slowly up to Summer, and drew both of them to their feet. Then she spoke softly.

"Summer turn around please, and look around this room.

"Do you know what I see? I see eleven precious treasures... I love all eleven of these special ponies, and I would die without even one of them, you know that.

"Summer, you brought them all back to me...

"Summer since that first day when we met at the tree... you have been doing nothing but giving... ...everypony in this room... ..half of Ponyville... ...and now all of Equestria... ...because you gave...

Well the Twins were all weeping softly in agreement.

Princess Twilight was crying, and trying to think... It wasn't working... She just walked up and hugged Summer tightly and started crying. Summer was already crying.

"You are so amazing..." Princess Twilight said through her tears.

They both cried together for a few minutes. Then Pincess Twilight pulled herself away, and said "Girls, you have five more days to show Summer how much you appreciate her."

Princess Twilight directed Summer and her Twin to sit back with the rest of the Twins, and Princess Celestia left.

Princess Twilight spoke. "Girls, I have a serious concern at this point, and I want to hear from you.

"The whole reason I sent Summer to the Equestria Girls in the first place, was to show the Equestria Girls that they were all close to my heart. I... I want to see what we can do to help you all stay close, to each other, to Equestria, to us. I don't know how to do that.

"I think that once a day, for the next five days, we will all gather together and talk about this more, so please be thinking about that.

Princess Twilight then said softly "I hope you all know that I deeply love each and every one of you. I so want us all to stay close, regardless which side of the Portal we are on."

After a minute of silence, Princess Twilight said 'Twin up' girls, lets go to the Cakes for dinner.

They were all soon on their way.

Summer and her Twin walked slowly, she needed to talk a minute, and the others were soon far ahead.

"Twin, I'm scared... I feel like I have this growing hole inside me... I'm not trying to make it grow, but it is anyway, and I'm not sure how to stop it. I think the monsters started it but I don't know... I just don't know what to do." She was weeping softly at this point.

Equestria Girls Summer put her head up against her Twin's head... Then she sighed. "Well, Shysage needs to know, maybe he will know something. But I think you will just need to wait and see..."

"I hope I can..." Summer said through her tears.

Dinner was very good, and they were soon back in the Library. Summer noticed the patched hole in the wall, smiled, but said nothing.

Everypony was soon all laying together on the floor. All the Twins were together, just talking softly.

Equestria pony Summer sighed, then slowly shook her head sideways and said softly "Five days is too short..."

Summer's sister and her Twin were next to them, and she heard this, and sighed herself, then said "Ya..."

Summer's Twin said softly "Well we should be thankful for the time we have."

"You are right" Summer said as she planted her head next to her Twin's head. They were all soon fast asleep.

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