• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 14, Rebuilding Bridges, Part 3

School meant getting up very early, and Summer Rain was still not very good at this here. Summer felt like a little pony as Fluttershy patiently helped her get ready. Showering, dressing, eating; everything seemed to take too long. So much of it was still new to Summer, and she apologized a few times to her sister.

Summer grabbed her backpack and removed two of the three books in case she needed the room. Fluttershy showed her how to wear it with just one loop over her shoulder. She said it was easier to get on and off this way, and it was.

When they were ready to leave, Summer asked Fluttershy to check her outfit one more time just to make sure everything was ok.

"Just make sure the hem of your skirt stays low where it is; sometimes the top of the skirt will slowly move higher around your waist as you move around" she said.

Fluttershy paused a minute then said "Gosh, you look just like my sister."

"No escaping that Sis" Summer replied.

They were soon out the front door, after carefully making sure the apartment was locked up.

Walking to school didn't take long, and Fluttershy looked at her cell phone and said they were late, the first period classes had already started.

Summer apologized, but Fluttershy said it was ok, they had to go to the Principal's office anyway to get Summer back in class. This sounded very scary to Summer, but she trusted Fluttershy to take care of everything. Summer had no choice.

Walking past the wall where the Portal was, Summer noticed something way out of the ordinary on the ground, picked it up, and stuffed it in her backpack. She would deal with it later.

Summer Rain and Fluttershy were soon sitting outside in the hall, next to the Principal's office. The sign on the door read "Principal Celestia", and Summer tried to prepare herself mentally for the meeting. She didn't think they bowed out of respect here.

Principal Celestia soon opened the door, and welcomed them both in. She looked a lot like Princess Celestia, same colors, same voice, and evidently the same personality. But she was a person and not a pony.

Principal Celestia began by saying "Summer Rain, nice to see you again" as she pulled a small folded paper thing from a large drawer along one wall.

Principal Celestia was reading some of the papers in this folder thing, and it was quiet for a minute or two.

Principal Celestia next pushed a little box on her desk and said "Vice-principal Luna can you join me in my office for a few minutes?" She then turned on a small lamp in the corner, and turned the bright overhead lights off.

Vice-principal Luna came in and sat up straight in a third chair next to Summer Rain. She likewise was Princess Luna in a person body. This was all very eery.

Principal Celestia began speaking quietly.

"I need to ask you a question Summer, because I need to know. However, this question is completely off the record, and I will deny ever asking you. Are you from Equestria?"

Summer Rain quietly answered "Yes I am."

Principal Celestia looked over at Vice-principal Luna and smiled, then said "Thank you Vice-Principal".

Vice-principal Luna returned to her office, and the lights were again turned back on, hurting Summer's eyes.

"Well girls, I think everything is in order. It will take a few days to come up with a class schedule for you Summer, so just attend classes with Fluttershy for now. I think that's it" the Principal said. She walked them to the door, and then said "One more thing, don't hesitate to come talk to me should any needs arise."

Summer and her sister both thanked the Principal, then they headed to Fluttershy's first class, which was already half over.

Fluttershy led Summer to her first class. The door was thankfully in the back with the teacher up front, and they were able to quickly take two empty seats in the back row.

The teacher appeared momentarily stunned by what he saw, but quickly resumed teaching.

Fluttershy called this class 'Geometry', and it made little sense to Summer, but that was ok. Fluttershy could help her.

According to Fluttershy, the teacher stopped about a minute before the bell actually rang. He smiled and said "Welcome back Summer" and the whole class turned around and looked.

Summer said "Thank you" as calmly as she could, and smiled.

The teacher then said "Class dismissed", and everyone headed out into the hall. Then the bell rang, and the halls were soon packed.

Walking to Fluttershy's next class, Summer saw the same pattern repeated many times. People would stare, then whisper among themselves. Word about her was spreading.

As they both sat down in the next classroom, Summer leaned over next to Fluttershy and said quietly "Wow this isn't going to be easy."

Fluttershy was very reassuring "Just be yourself Summer" she said as she smiled at Summer.

Summer took a deep breath and said "Ok".

Class again, lectures not making much sense, stares and whispering, Summer was getting used to this now.

They were both soon out in the hall, heading for her sister's next class. Stares and whispers. A few people actually said "hi" to Summer, and she just smiled and said "hi" back.

It occurred to Summer that part of the problem was that she should probably know more; more of the people here, and more about the people here. Summer couldn't help that, but hoped she could address this at some point. Who knows.

It also dawned on Summer at this point, and she thought to herself "Wow, a whole school to make friends with!" That was an amazing thought.

Summer also began to notice that some of the looks she was getting were not friendly. Remembering her first experience with Rarity, Summer could guess why. Remembering as well what Summer herself used to be like, she knew why.

During the fourth period class, the teacher was sick. A different teacher called a 'substitute' was there, and just showed a movie about 'the American Indians' which Summer found very interesting. The class went quickly.

About five minutes before the bell rang, and interrupting the movie, Principal Celestia's voice boomed through-out the school. She said "Good morning students. We will be observing the Assembly Schedule for the rest of the day. Thank you."

Fluttershy said that this meant there was a 30 minute assembly after lunch. Summer supplied a blank look, and Fluttershy said the assembly is when the all the students gather in the gym for a meeting or presentation or something. Fluttershy said that made the rest of the classes shorter, and so the day went faster.

Fluttershy also said that Lunch was next, and Summer was hungry, so this was good.

Summer Rain followed Fluttershy into a large room full of the nice aroma of different kinds of food. Some she recognized, most she did not. She and Fluttershy walked to the end of a long line.

There were a lot of people nearby, the closest this many had been to her, and she felt a little uncomfortable. Summer also realized that now would probably not be the time to ask Fluttershy questions, so she just watched her sister and did the same.

One of the older women serving was certainly Granny Smith, and she actually said "Hi Summer, nice to see you back at school."

"Hi Granny, how's the farm doing?" Summer answered.

"Pretty good considerin' I can't move around like I used to. Big Mac and Applejack are doin' a good job of takin' care of things though so I can't complain" Granny answered.

"Well have a good day" Summer said as the line moved past her.

Summer soon had a tray full of whatever Fluttershy got, and they both headed away from the crowded line. Fluttershy said she was looking for a table.

Summer was noticing more stares and whispers, some she knew were not very nice. Summer put her tray down next to Fluttershy's tray just as a loud voice echoed from across the room.

"Hey Summer, did you learn how to play Soccer yet?" The unidentified boy who said this and his whole table were laughing or snickering.

This would have infuriated the old Summer, and probably Fluttershy's sister as well. Was that boy in for a surprise. She looked him straight in the eye and said loud enough for everyone to hear "You know, I really like soccer, but I've realized that there are a lot more important things in life."

Summer paused to let this sink in. She was about to continue, but Rainbow Dash had walked right up behind Summer and said it for her "Ya, like true friends! Hey Summer."

A bunch of people chuckled as Summer, Rainbow and Fluttershy sat down. Someone said "Ewww, burn" in the background, which Summer figured was their way of agreeing with what Rainbow said.

Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie soon joined them at the table, and for Summer, the sea of people in the room seemed to melt away. Summer was with her true friends, and felt a lot more relaxed, and she told them so with a smile.

Summer watched Fluttershy eat her food, and tried to do what she did, and it worked pretty well. Some of the food she liked, some she didn't, but that wasn't important.

Summer's friends wanted to know how her day was going, and she mentioned what she felt comfortable saying in this crowd.

Rarity mentioned that Summer had a mean streak that had left more than a few victims. Rarity wasn't sure what the solution was though, short of knowing who they were and apologizing to each one.

Fluttershy took one of Summers hands and quietly said "Summer we know you've changed, and we are here for you." and everyone else at the table agreed.

"What would I do without these dear friends" Summer thought to herself.

With her friends nearby, the lunch period went by far too quickly. The bell soon rang for the next class, and Fluttershy said they needed to go to the 'gym' instead. They all went together since they all had to go anyway.

There were no chairs, and everyone just walked in and stood wherever they wanted. Fluttershy suggested they stand near the back so they could get out faster when it was over, and the rest agreed. However, it seemed like many others had the same idea, and so Summer and her friends ended up half way between the doors and the raised stage.

The program was evidently not some sort of stage production, the lights inside the gym weren't bright, but weren't dim either.

Principal Celestia walked up on the stage with some sort of thing in her hand and waited patiently for everyone to come in and find a place. Fluttershy said the thing she was holding was a Microphone, and it made her voice louder.

When the Principal felt everyone was in and standing still, she held the microphone near her mouth and began speaking. Her voice was a lot louder, but she didn't have to yell.

Bright lights on the stage were turned on at this point too. Maybe it was some big production Summer thought to herself.

The Principal was cheerful, but short and to the point. "Good afternoon students. As many of you already know, one of our students has returned, and I thought I would have her come forward and say a few words. Summer Rain, please come."

With this, Fluttershy gasped, and said "Summer she wants you to go up and say a few words." And she sort of nudged Summer towards the stage.

Summer Rain took this in quickly, checked her skirt, and then headed to one of the steps leading up to the stage. It seemed most of the students already knew who she was and easily cleared a path. She did not know that Fluttershy and the rest of her friends followed Summer and stood, together, right below where Summer would be speaking.

In her head, Summer was terrified. "Oh no, what am I supposed to say" she thought over and over.

She made it to where Principal Celestia was, and the Principal handed Summer the microphone, then stepped back. She saw her true friends standing below, holding hands, and took a deep breath.

As time slowed to a crawl for the audience, Summer realized that she needed to have a conversation with herself.

Probably both old Summers would have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to both brag and show off, as well as throw in a few insults at her enemies. Summer really was different, and she reminded herself that this wasn't going to happen ever again.

Summer realized that she couldn't change who she was, even if it wasn't Fluttershy's sister. Even so, she decided she would not intentionally lie.

Summer also realized that, just like Rarity, Fluttershy's sister had hurt a lot of people. Dealing with that was probably necessary before anyone would listen to what she had to say about true friendship.

Even with the bright lights on the , Summer could see most everyone in the audience. She saw her five special friends again and relaxed.

Summer took another deep breath, smiled, held the 'mic' thing to her mouth, and started talking. Summer talked very slowly and carefully, and intentionally paused between each sentence.

"Hi, it's me Summer.

"I can honestly say that I remember very little of what has happened the last few years here.

(The smile went away at this point.)

"But I do know that I have not been a very nice person.

"I have been cruel, mean, and very selfish, and usually angry.

"I also know that I did and said a lot of very bad things, and I hurt a lot of people, many in this room.

(Tears began to trickle down Summer's cheeks at this point.)

"If I said or did hurtful things to you, I'm deeply sorry. I'm so sorry.

"I know I can't take back words said or awful things done.

"All I can do is apologize for what I did, and ask you to forgive me.

"For some of you that will not be anough, and I understand that.

"The road I was on lead me perilously close to death.

"But I learned that it didn't have to be that way.

"I learned that life is too short to waste it on myself.

"I learned that true friendship means putting others first.

"I decided that's what I really wanted.

"And I am a different person today because of this.

"Please don't think that I am trying to force my views on anyone else in this room. We each choose our own path after all.

"But if you are hurting today, maybe theres a way out. Maybe you need a good friend to come alongside you and help you through. I know I did.

"Or if you know someone who is going through a tough time, or just having a bad day, maybe you can be a friend to them."

(Summer was trying to think of other things to say, then decided she had probably said enough, so she finished with this.)

"I probably would have been dead by now.

"True friendship made all the difference.


Summer gave the mic back to Principal Celestia, and headed for the stairs, and especially for her special friends. They immediately enveloped her in a group hug. as wild applause broke out in the audience. It lasted for a little while.

Principal Celestia was evidently done speaking, so Vice Principal Luna came out holding the mic, and the bright stage lights were turned off. When things had settled down enough, she said simply "Thank you Summer for sharing your heart. I think we can all learn from this. You are dismissed."

Few made it to the next class. A lot of po. er, people, especially other girls, came up and cried with Summer, and thanked her for what she said. A few guys did too, but they mostly shook her hand. It didn't matter.

Summer knew she wasn't a great speaker. What happened wasn't about Summer. It's just that most everyone needs a good friend. That's why she was here. Summer was just amazed that she had a chance to talk about that before the whole school.

The last two classes with Fluttershy were a lot less stressful; more smiling, and less whispering. A few of the other girls in Fluttershy's classes came up and talked with Summer briefly. What Summer had said about not remembering probably spared her from looking like a total idiot. And Summer thoroughly enjoyed meeting new friends.

Even so, Summer was never far from Fluttershy. She followed Fluttershy wherever she went. If Summer was talking to someone, and Fluttershy needed to go, Summer excused herself and stayed with her sister. Even though Fluttershy was not popular, or very comfortable in a group, Summer knew she was Fluttershy's sister first of all.

After school was out, Rainbow Dash had to run Soccer Practice, and so Summer, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack sat in things Fluttershy called 'bleachers', so they could watch Rainbow. They all just chatted together. Other girls (mostly) also wandered up and would chat for a while then leave.

One rather embarrassed guy walked up to the edge of the bleacher, and simply said "I don't care what anyone else says, you are still a knockout, welcome back Summer" and he turned and walked off.

After he was beyond hearing distance, Summer said to Fluttershy "Did he just tell me to get knocked out? I think I'm missing something here."

Rarity spoke up "When he called you a 'knock-out' he was saying that you are very beautiful."

"Oh like you girls?" Summer asked "You are all amazingly beautiful."

Pinkie Pie jumped in and said "Oh Summer you are so nice!"

Summer was quiet for a minute then said "I really meant it though."

"That's because you are so sweet dear" Rarity said kindly. "But if you ask the boys at this school, on a scale of 1 to 10, the rest of us are maybe in the 5-7 range I think.

Summer said quietly "That's disgusting, you are all amazing."

"Well these boys usually start looking at the outside anyway, and most don't seem too concerned about much else." Applejack said summing it up.

"Well that's backwards. They should be looking for true friends first." Summer said dejectedly.

"My you really have changed Summer" Rarity said. "A very good change I think."

"I feel like I'm from another planet" Summer began, then quickly added "Oh wait, I am..."

Everyone laughed. However, they could tell Summer was really bugged about this. "Group hug" Pinkie shouted, and it was so.

Rainbow Dash was done with practice at this point, and joined them up in the bleachers. "I'm hungry, wanna go to the Cakes' for some food?" Rainbow asked.

Everyone liked the idea.

Summer spoke up and said "Sounds good, but can we go to Fluttershy's apartment afterwards and spend some time together, just us six? I feel like I've talked to just about everyone else in the school today besides you precious people."

Dinner at the Cakes shop was interesting. Mrs. Cake had to leave because their kids got sick, and Mr. Cake seemed overwhelmed. Summer volunteered to help, and the rest of the girls jumped in as well.

A lot of the students from school got to watch Summer and her true friends wait on tables, which Summer hoped would at least get them to think about ways they can help others out.

They all arrived at Fluttershy's apartment far later than planned. Summer had requested it so they all made sure it happened, even though they all had to get up early for school tomorrow. Before long, everyone had found a place to sit and had a small bowl of ice cream to eat.

Summer did some talking at this point.

"Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity and Rainbow, you are all amazing friends, and I want to thank you for everything you did for me today. I had no idea I would be speaking to the whole school, but I could only do that becuse you were all there with me.

"Princess Twilight asked me to come so I could help you learn about true friendship. But today, you have all simply been my true friends, and I thank you all."

Summer got up at this point, and with tears in her eyes, she worked her way around the circle giving each one of her dear friends a well deserved hug.

"I do feel bad because it seems like everyone wanted to come talk to me today. Maybe this is because I came back to school, or maybe there are other reasons, I don't know. I just want you all to know that you five special ladies are the reason I am here, and I won't forget that."

Summer got up at this point and grabbed something out of her backpack.

"I think you might all be interested in this" Summer said. It was a rolled up sheet of paper sealed with a red wax seal. It looked smaller than Summer remembered, but this didn't matter. Summer passed it to her sister so everyone could look at it.

"It is from Princess Twilight" Summer said simply

"Boy howdy, let's open it then! Applejack said.

Rainbow had it at the time, so she carefully broke the seal free and opened the paper up, then read the note. It said:

"Dear Summer and Precious Friends,

Thank you for the amazing note and picture, we will treasure it for a long time! We are glad to see Summer made it there safely, and that you are all doing well.

I wish I could come again, but deeply appreciate Summer Rain being my substitute, at least for now.

Each of the girls here send their greetings, especially to their oh so awesome counterparts in your world.

Lovingly, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

It also said "Sis I miss you too" along the bottom.

Summer couldn't speak, and Fluttershy put her arm around Summer's neck and hugged her close.

It was quiet for a little while.

"I hope we get to see Princess Twilight again at some point." Rarity said, and they all agreed.

"And I want to see my oh so awesome counterpart!" Rainbow said with a smile. Awesomeness times two!"

Everyone laughed, but this thought was shared by the rest of the circle as well.

Summer spoke softly at this point and simply said "I know each of you in both worlds, and you are all amazing."

Everyone hugged at the door, and Summer's friends were all soon on their way home.

Summer and Fluttershy were soon snug in their own beds and the doors locked and lights out.

Summer said "Today was amazing. Tough but amazing. And I couldn't have done it without you Sis, and the rest either. You are all amazing.

Fluttershy replied quietly "Rarity told me that she thought that in the course of 10 minutes of you talking, and acting like a true friend, you probably healed much of the pain my sister caused over many years. That makes you pretty amazing too I think. Thank you."

Summer got out of bed long enough to hug Fluttershy briefly at this point. Summer was quickly back in her bed, and they were both soon fast asleep.

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