• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 5, A Change of Plans

Summer Rain woke up shivering on the floor of her cottage. Evidently she had fallen out of bed during the night, and didn't wake up.

It was still early, with the sun just coming up. Summer couldn't sleep any more, so she just got up, and took her time brushing her tail and mane.

"Wow, right on four moons today, I hope the rest of the day isn't like this" she thought to herself.

Summer was hungry, so she headed out the door to Fluttershy's cottage; Fluttershy always had plenty of food. It would probably be too early for Fluttershy to be up so Summer reminded herself to try to be quiet.

As Summer went to open the door, it opened by itself, and Fluttershy almost ran Summer over heading out the door. Fluttershy stopped, and they hugged.

"So where are you headed at this early hour?" Summer asked cheerfully, almost jokingly.

Fluttershy did not immediately respond, and when she did it made little sense. "I'm, uhm... well going..."

Summer knew this was turning into a problem for her gentle sister. "Sis, it's ok" she said calmly.

After a pause, Fluttershy said "I can't tell you Summer, I'm so sorry. Oh please don't be angry with me."

Summer immediately responded "Fluttershy! I could never be angry with you, not any more. Hey, I know sometimes Twilight and her team does things that nopony else is supposed to know about. It's ok Fluttershy."

Summer again gave her sister a big hug, and realized from Fluttershy's eyes that she may have been crying, but it was hard to tell.

"Take care of... er, wait... neverm.." Fluttershy's voice trailed off at this point.

"Dear sister, pretense is not one of your skills. Its ok sis -- I love you very much. Go and do whatever you and the girls need to do. And be sure to send Rainbow Dash if I can help." Summer said trying to reassure her sister.

Fluttershy said "I love you too..." and flew off towards the Library.

After Fluttershy was out of sight, Summer Rain just stood there for a while in silence looking out across the morning landscape. "What was that all about" she thought to herself.

It was still early, so to pass some time, Summer Rain did some cleaning in Fluttershy's cottage, then her own. She headed into town after the sun was fully up over the trees. Ponyville was starting to wake up for the day at this point, and Summer briefly chatted with a few ponies as she wandered towards the Cake's shop.

Summer Rain had seen no sign of Princess Twilight or any of her girls, and really didn't expect too, but stopped by the Cake's shop anyway.

"Oh no, Pinkie left early this morning I think" Mrs. Cake offered, then she had to run back and save something from the oven.

Summer didn't really know what to think. Fluttershy was acting very strange this morning. However, Summer also knew from her reading that Princess Twilight and her friends did sometimes have to face formidable foes. This had not happened since Summer arrived, so maybe that was what was going on.

Summer Rain had a sudden twinge of concern for her sister, but then realized the magic they wielded had preserved them this far in the face of many perils. Summer could only hope everything went well.

Summer left the Cake's shop and headed back to Fluttershy's cottage, chatting with more ponies as she walked. She passed Quizical and his mom, but it must have been too early for the young colt, he simply smiled and kept walking.

Summer Rain passed her sister's cottage, and headed for the meadow outside town. After wandering aimlessly for a while, she found herself at 'her tree'. "Wow so much has happened here" she thought to herself.

It was almost lunch time. "Ok, today is the four moon mark. What do we have." Summer thought to herself.

Summer was soon drawing a blank, and she even tried to re-focus a few times. Every time she tried to think through the events of the past moon, she ended up thinking about her sister. Summer had missed Fluttershy more than she realized. Summer didn't want to lose her sister again.

But the four moon evaluation wasn't working. Nothing was working. So without making any progress, she sighed and then floated back to simply staring across the meadow.

In her head, Summer started going back over her brief conversation with Fluttershy earlier this morning. "That just didn't make sense" she said out load.

Summer replayed the conversation a few more times in her head then sighed again, and thought "I don't think the four moon evaluation is going to happen today. I guess it can wait until tomorrow, maybe then I will know more."

For the longest time, Summer Rain just stared off into the distance thinking about her sister, Twilight and the other girls, and Summer's many new friends in Ponyville.

Out of nowhere, Summer said to herself "Something is up. This day feels different. Ponyville feels different." It wasn't defeat that Summer Rain felt, she knew that feeling well. No, it was the auguring, biting feeling of the unknown, of the un-accounted for. Summer would just have to wait and see, and sometimes the waiting was the hardest part of all.

Her stomach reminded Summer it was lunch time, so she headed back into town to get a bite to eat.

She ran into Dawn Flower on the way. Dawn and her foal were headed to the meadow to collect some flowers. "Rarity asked me to make some florals for her. She said she probably wouldn't be back until tomorrow though. We are getting a jump on the project today, wish us luck!"

Summer did, then thought to herself "Ok, so maybe I will know more by tomorrow then."

Summer Rain had just finished lunch, and was sitting there, enjoying watching the ponies of Ponyville. "Such a calm place" she thought to herself.

Almost out of nowhere, and over the course of a minute, the rumbling of a number of big ponies headed into town. A few ponies of Ponyville had to run to keep out of their path.

Once they got very close, Summer realized from their attire that they were from Canterlot, it was a royal Air Coach. Pulled quickly aloft by four powerful Pegasi, they traveled fast.

Summer was sure they would keep going, but they strangely pulled to a quick stop in front of the Cake's shop. The lead Pegasus, in full guard gear, quickly bucked the harness and walked smartly over to Summer Rain. She then realized how big he was.

"Are you Summer Rain?" he said quickly and forcefully.

"Yes I am" Summer replied sheepishly.

"Princess Celestia of Canterlot requires your presence. Please step into the coach and harness up" was his matter of fact, almost surly response. Summer did so, and the townsponies that were present watched as if frozen. The lead Pegasus quickly re-attached his harness, gave some orders, and the Air Coach was quickly in the air, and really quickly on its way back to Canterlot.

"Oh no... Oh no.... Oh no..." was all Summer Rain could think to herself.

The trip went fast, and Summer Rain really didn't have much time to think about anything else. She knew the view was spectacular since she had flown this route herself a number of times. But not now. She didn't even bother looking.

Before very long, Summer Rain was waiting outside the huge doors that led to the audience hall in Canterlot, wishing she really had done the four moon evaluation. After a few short minutes, Summer was motioned into the hall by one of the royal attendants. The hall really was huge, and now largely empty.

Princess Celestia was standing at the top of the stairs, and Summer knew she must walk to the bottom of the stairs, and then bow out of respect, She did this.

"Summer Rain please come join me up here so we can talk" Princess Celestia said, and the Princess sat down. Summer Rain slowly climbed the stairs to the platform, and Princess Celestia motioned for Summer to sit facing her.

"Summer Rain, I have received your carefully written progress reports, thank you.

"But I would like for you to tell me some of the things you have done and learned, and some of the ponies you have met in the last four moons. Focus on the ponies of Ponyville, and what you have experienced with them."

For the next 20 minutes or so, Summer Rain slowly told about some of her experiences in Ponyville. Summer had fortunately remembered most of the three moon evaluation, and also added some experiences that happened more recently.

Princess Celestia seemed like she was being attentive to what Summer was saying, and did ask a few simple questions at various points. But it just seemed to Summer that the Princesses' thoughts may have been elsewhere, or that some other issue was also on her mind.

When the 20 minutes was over, Summer thought to herself, that this didn't seem like very much. In fact, Summer could easily understand why Princess Celestia might want to cancel the whole project all together. Summer Rain concluded her description, feeling very much like a completely unprepared student, then lowered her head slightly.

After a brief minutes silence deep in thought, Princess Celestia broke the silence and said "Well Summer Rain, we appreciate what you have done, but I think a change of plans is in order."

After another brief pause, Summer spoke up sheepishly, without even raising her head. "Yes, you are right, I suppose I could get a job in Ponyville and support myself, and maybe pay for the beautiful cottage you had built for me."

At this, a very puzzled look swept Princess Celestia's face, and she said "I'm sorry, I didn't understand, could you repeat that?"

Summer Rain tried again at this point and said "I apologize Princess, it seemed like such a good idea four moons ago, and I wouldn't blame you if you decided the project had served its purpose."

Princess Celestia sighed at this point and said "Dear child, you misunderstand my intentions.

"Princess Luna and I have talked not only to Princess Twilight and her friends, but also to a number of the ponies of Ponyville, and we can gladly report that your explorations in the spreading of friendship have greatly exceeded our expectations.

"It is clear that, at least at this point, you know more about the inner workings of 'true friendship' than just about anypony else in Equestria."

With this, Princess Celestia walked over and hugged Summer Rain reassuringly and said "We are all so pleased with what you have done. But it is precisely for this reason, that we need your help with a new, far more important task.

"Everypony else is already at the Crystal Palace waiting for us, and we must leave at once." the Princess said.

She called in an attendant. "Is the Air Coach ready?" After receiving the answer she expected, she said "Excellent, we will leave immediately."

Like Summer's earlier ride, the Air Coach trip was fast, and she and Princess Celestia were quickly at the main arch-way of the Crystal Palace.

This is the closest Summer had ever been to this beautiful palace, but at this point, this offered her little enjoyment, not now.

Princess Celestia said very little during the trip. Summer knew that the Princess' words back in the hall were sincere, Summer just had absolutely no idea what was going on. Summer suspected that she would know soon however.

Princess Celestia and Summer Rain were greeted at the Crystal Palace main gate by Princess Cadence (whom summer had obviously never met) and the Captain of the Crystal Palace guard. They were both glad to meet Summer, but things just seemed too subdued.

Besides Summer Rain wasn't 'royalty' in any form or fashion, why should they care past common decency about her?

And everypony around her, even Princess Cadence, was bigger than Summer was. Summer did feel a little intimidated at this.

The four of them walked together for quite a while. Every guard they passed saluted heartily to their Captain. Summer guessed they were around the back, and fairly high up in the palace, but this was just a guess.

At the end of their walk they were standing in front of a large door which was flanked on each side by four, fully geared guards. Summer Rain could only briefly consider what important things must be behind these doors.

At the guard Captains command the door was quickly opened, and the two princesses, the Palace Guard Captain, and Summer Rain headed inside.

Summer Rain and the two princesses were quickly through as the wide doors swung open.

Princess Twilight was at the far side of the room facing her, along with 'her girls', including Fluttershy. Fluttershy's head was slightly down, and she was looking at the ground, and it looked again like she had been crying.

Almost without thinking, Summer Rain walked quickly towards her sister, towards Princess Twilight and Summer's other close friends. Summer would have run to the safety of her true friends if she could, but simply walked quickly to where she considered her place should be. Summer felt like she needed her friends at this point.

Halfway across this distance, her eye caught something off to the right that she should remember, and it stopped Summer Rain dead in her tracks. She turned slowly to face the object and froze instantly.

The border was that of a large horse-shoe, in brown, made of thick wood. In the center was a mirror, except that she could only faintly see her own reflection.

Summer Rain instantly made the connection with what she considered to be Princess Twilight's 'nightmare'. This was the portal Twilight had used to pass to an alternate world to retrieve her crown. It was real. It was all real.

Summer Rain wished she had taken better notes of that discussion.

"But why am I here" she quickly thought to herself.

Soon after, she quickly thought "Oh no..."

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had now taken up positions on either side of the Mirror, as Summer Rain was now transfixed directly in front of it.

Princess Celestria spoke first.

"This Portal leads to an 'alternate world' from our own. It is a very different world in a lot of ways. The inhabitants call themselves 'people' and actually stand and walk on their hind legs."

Summer Rain did remember her 'spider legs' thought at this point.

Princess Celestia continued.

"However, there are also some very important similarities.

"I understand that Twilight has at some point briefly discussed her experiences there. And I fully understand that much of what she mentioned would be extremely hard for you to take in."

Princess Celestia took a deep breath and then continued.

"While Princess Twilight was on the other side of this mirror, she found five 'people' with the exact same names, and with the exact same general characteristics as Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

"The similarities were so strong that Princess Twilight was able to quickly secure their mutual cooperation, and use the Magic of Friendship, based on the common contributions of these five po.."

Princess Celestia realized her mistake at this point and quickly corrected it.

"...with the help of these five people, Princess Twilight's magic assumed a form powerful enough to easily defeat Sunset Shimmer as she sought to usurp it. And Princess Twilight was able to thus defeat Sunset Shimmer even without her crown, and the Element of Harmony it holds. Indeed, none of the others had a physical Element of Harmony either.

"Clearly the magic that Princess Twilight used that night drew from the latent abilities and character of these five inhabitants of this parallel world. And we simply cannot ignore this. We simply do not know what interaction our two worlds might otherwise share. And we need to do what we can to find out.

"Since Princess Twilight's return, there has been a lot of discussion among Equestria's leaders about exactly how to accomplish this.

"Princess Twilight was willing to return, but that is unthinkable. Given her pivotal role in the magic she and her friends wield to protect Equestria, we and our ponies would be extremely vulnerable were she to leave again.

"And honestly, your presence among us gave us a real ray of hope as you so quickly integrated with, hmm, no befriended Princess Twilight and her five friends. You have given us all hope, and I think we all agree that sending you there would be by far the best option available. Out of all the ponies in Equestria, you are uniquely qualified for this task.

"However, we also all agreed that there was no rush, since it was still many moons before the portal opened back up."

Princess Celestia sighed, put her head down, and continued. speaking a little more quietly.

"Sunset Shimmer's sudden return through this portal two days ago has changed all that. She was of course immediately arrested, and put under both physical and magical guard. She seems truly penitent, and has shown no signs of magical activity, but we will deal with that carefully and slowly."

Princess Luna spoke at this point.

"Our understanding had been that the portal is active every 30 moons for a period of 3 days. Sunset Shimmer's sudden return, much earlier than we had expected suggests that we really don't know exactly when the portal is active. I think it is likely that her use of the Portal has reset the 30 moon interval. However, we really have no guarantee when the portal will again allow you to return."

Summer Rain heard Fluttershy quietly gasp at this point, and this didn't help any.

Princess Celestia spoke softly at this point.

"While we are not really sure on the timing, the portal will probably be active for at most 3 days from Sunset Shimmer's return. In other words, there is not much time.

"Everypony in this room agrees that we simply don't know what hazards await you in this parallel world. And as you have heard, we also have no idea how long it will be before you can return.

"Nopony here would blame you for walking away from this task. However, please realize that you are probably our only hope. The rulers of Equestria agree together that sending anypony else there, would result in a dismal failure or worse.

"I think I speak for everypony in this room, based on what we have seen, that you are so perfectly, uniquely suited for these two tasks; resurfacing the power of Friendship in Twilight's five friends, and researching what links there might be between our worlds as a result.

"We also all know how great a sacrifice we may be asking you to make.

"I ask you again, will you please help us?"

Each of Princess Celestia's statements piled more weight on Summer Rain's soul. Summer's first thought was "They can't be serious..."

When Princess Celestia was done speaking, Summer's mind was racing with fragmented thoughts.

"How could they... And for who knows how long? ...Surely there's somepony else... But my sister..."

Summer was also slowly but surely inching back away from the Portal. A small step here, a little slide there.

For what seemed like a long time, nopony said or did anything.

Princess Twilight then walked up to Summer, hugged her then spoke softly to her new friend.

"Summer, sending you was my idea, made after knowing you for only three days. I knew from that point that you could make this work, and have seen nothing to change that. In fact, I am more sure now that you are the only pony out of all Equestria who can make this work.

"We are asking you to take my place in the lives of five people on the other side of that Portal, to teach them the friendship that you enjoy here. I would not ask that just anypony take my place anywhere. But you are a special pony, and my dear friend.

"This is the reason I am asking you to go. While I was there, I felt the true friendship of five amazing people there. They gave of themselves, and gathered around me, they helped me, they chose to be my friend."

At this point, tears began to trickly down Princess Twilight Sparkle's face.

"Since my return, my heart has ached for these five people, and I desperately yearn to go there and help them find what I have here with your sister and the others. But I cannot.

"In a way, I feel like they gave, and helped me, than I left, and abandoned them.

"Please, go to them, be my substitute, show them the way of true friendship, show them that I, that we care about them. Please Summer Rain, do this for me, do this for them."

Pony wisdom has long held that, when a pony is faced with a life or death situation, their lives quickly flash before their eyes. This did not exactly happen to Summer Rain, but something similar did.

As time seemed to stand still for the other ponies present, a song flowed through Summer's thoughts, accompanied by various memories she shared with ponies close to her. There also seemed no plausible explanation for this either.

What follows is a faltering attempt to capture both of these stream currents mingling in Summer Rain's tortured mind.

Full block summary form is used, as each section of text, taken all together, describes a particular event coursing through Summer's thoughts.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summer and her sister were sitting calmly watching the sun set off in the distance. Fluttershy gently lay her head against Summer's head, and Summer reached her leg around and hugged her sister just as the sun slipped over the tree line.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If I never told you, well I always meant to say
That if I could I'd always try to help things go your way.
The needs you face, I chose as mine to carry as I may.
But now I see the mounting costs... So great...
True Friends, for such a time as this...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summer was sitting at a table in the Library reading a book. Immersed in her reading, Summer slowly grew conscious of an increasingly noisy interchange between Princess Twilight and Spike. Evidently they were both looking for a lost book, and were not very happy with each other that it could not be located. Without looking up, Summer calmly asked if it was the book she was reading. Both Twilight and Spike looked at it and laughed, then Twilight hugged Spike, and they were friends again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Quizical hesitantly reached his hoof towards Summer's patch of purple hair. After touching it, he quickly pulled his hoof away in disgust, and made the most terrible face, as Summer and Quizical's mom burst into laughter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summer had ditched a speeding Rainbow Dash by hiding in a cloud, then sneezed exploding it, then began laughing hysterically at the look on Rainbow's face as she realized she had been had. Rainbow started laughing too.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The friendship that we savor now is built with serving heart.
The extra mile or two or three, I'll help you 'till we part.
No pretense here or inward goal, its just an honest choice
But what you ask me now seems harsh... So hard...
True Friends, for such a time as this...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summer dropped by Rarity's boutique. Summer realized that Rarity just had a pretty tough day, and so suggested some time relaxing in the spa. They were both soon in, and before long, Rarity started in on a ferocious and long rant, at just how, uhm, difficult a few of her customers were. Summer became increasingly sheepish as Rarity ranted on, getting louder and making the most terrible faces in the process. After a while, Rarity stopped, and said to Summer "I was ranting wasn't I?". Summer nodded, then said "Do you feel better now Rare?" Rarity simply smiled, nodded and gave Summer a big hug. "Thank you Summer" she said with a sigh as she finally began to relax.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Applejack and Summer were calling it a day after collecting apples at the farm. As they started walking away, another apple fell out of the tree. Thinking nothing of it, Applejack simply added it to the closest bucket. Again walking off, another apple fell, and Applejack put it in the bucket as well. Applejack stopped and waited for a minute, then started to walk off. Then another apple fell to the ground. Applejack stared at it for a bit then quickly put it also in the bucket. Applejack was ready to bolt off when two more apples dropped from the tree. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were hiding up in the tree and could not keep quiet any longer, and began laughing hysterically. The CMC shouted "thanks Summer" to the guilty accomplice, as Applejack herself realized what had happened, and burst into laughter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The world had always taught me that I had to have my way
But shattered dreams and broken tears now around me lay
A giving heart... Until we part... this choice is here to stay

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Spike had pulled a bunch of trash papers out of the waste bucket in the Library, and fashioned them into a ball. Spike and Summer then made a game of trying to kick the ball back into the bucket, and were having a lot of fun at failing to do so. Princess Twilight watched this for a while, then asked if she could try. She took one kick, and made it easily in, but a faint purple glow around the ball as it went in led Spike to glare at Twilight while Summer just said "disqualified" and laughed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summer, Dawn and her foal were out in the meadow picking flowers. Dawn used magic to carefully pick specific, individual flowers, and then both she and Summer were smelling them and appreciating their scent. Dawn's foul found a Dandelion on the ground and tried to smell it, only to get a bunch of seeds in her nose, causing her to sneeze repeatedly for a few minutes. Dawn the mom was just a little bit concerned and both she and Summer tried not to laugh too much to avoid hurting the little one's feelings.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Princess Twilight and her special friends had just heard the story of Summer's life. They promptly surrounded her in a group hug, and Summer was completely overwhelmed that they still wanted her as their friend.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I guess in truth I thought that it would never come to this
To own your pain, and risk it all, that threshold now I kiss
Its clear to me I can't refuse to carry this, your burden

Yes... Just Yes....
True Friends, for such a time as this...

Princess Twilight had just said "Please, go to them, be my substitute, show them the way of friendship, show them that I, that we care about them. Please Summer Rain, do this for me, do this for them."

Summer Rain knew she must go. "I will go" she said quietly.

Summer Rain ran over and hugged her sister tightly for a little while, and soon Twilight and the girls were all holding Summer and each other really. There were tears in everyponies eyes.

After a few minutes, Princess Luna said "I'm so sorry, but time is short..."

Summer looked at Princess Twilight, and said "Take care of my Sis please."

Then Summer walked back in front of the portal.

"I will go" she said, "because that's what true friends do."

And with this, she quickly turned her head to the side, shut her eyes tightly, and bolted for the mirror.

After a bright flash, Summer Rain was gone.

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