• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 39, An Old Friend

It was early Tuesday afternoon now, and Equestria Girls Rainbow Dash knew she had to lead Soccer Practice in a while. Still, they all decided to head to school, and explain to Principal Celestia what had happened, and why they missed school.

Principal Celestia was truly saddened for Summer's sake, but was more than grateful that Summer survived the ordeal. The Principal explained that she would excuse them all for today, and the next few days if they wanted to stay home.

Principal Celestia also asked about the previous Friday, when these same people were all absent.

Noone said anything for a minute, then Summer said quietly "We were in Equestria, Principal Celestia."

Principal Celestia said softly "I suspected as much, we can excuse that one as well."

Principal Celestia's next question shocked everyone. "Is it likely we will see Sunset Shimmer return?" she asked, softly again.

Summer answered again simply "No ma'am, never again".

Principal Celestia smiled at this, then stood up and said "Well ladies everything looks to be in order. Make sure you come talk to me if you have any questions."

They all made it out to the bleachers just in time for the last bell to ring. Rainbow Dash was quickly at work with practice.

Summer and the rest of the girls sat in the bleachers for a while and talked.

Summer needed to cry at one point, but her friends quickly surrounded her and tried to comfort her. Summer just clung to Fluttershy and cried for a little while.

Dawn came by too, and hugged Summer and cried with her a little. Evidently a similar thing happened to Dawn, so she understood.

Summer actually asked Dawn if she had any children at this point; this was the first time she had the chance. Dawn had a young daughter named Camille whom she loved dearly. Dawn's mom watched her for Dawn when Dawn was at school or out with her friends.

Dawn offered to bring her daughter by, which she did. Summer enjoyed every minute, and even got to hold Camille. She was so cute. Camille was just leaning to talk, and did sound a lot like her other friend Dawn's daughter. That part was uncanny.

Dawn and Camille were soon on their way.

After Soccer practice was over, Rainbow joined everyone talking in the bleachers.

After a few minutes, Rainbow asked "Summer what sounds good for dinner?"

Summer was silent for a minute, then said "A nice salad in a quiet place with just you special people."

Pinkie said "Party in my room!" and everyone laughed, and quickly agreed.

Rarity spoke up and said "Why don't we all bring sleeping bags and just spend the night? We could all be together that way. Would that be ok Pinkie?"

Pinkie and Summer said at the same time "That would be amazing!"

Rarity also mentioned that she had some more clothes for Summer, and would bring them by.

Applejack left with Rarity for clothes and sleeping bags soon afterwards.

Rainbow talked to Fluttershy, and was soon on the way to the store to get Dinner stuff.

Pinkie, Summer and Fluttershy then walked to Fluttershy's house to get their sleeping bags, and were soon quickly heading up the stairs to Pinkie's room.

Entering the restaurant gave Summer the creeps, but she was quickly up the stairs and in Pinkie's room.

Summer sat down in the chair at Pinkie's desk. Pinkie didn't have much furniture. It would still be so nice to all be together.

Fluttershy headed into the bathroom, and Summer looked at Pinkie's compy.

"Can I mess with your Compy a little Pinkie?" Summer asked.

Pinkie said "Sure" and was then quickly busy making room for six people in her small room.

Summer wanted to pull up Facebook, but couldn't find the picture thing.

"Pinkie, how do you start Facebook on your compy?" Summer asked.

Pinkie stopped in the middle of sweeping the floor, walked over, and brought Facebook up on her Compy for Summer. Then she asked "Who do you want to find? I'll start it for you."

Summer said simply "Twilight Sparkle".

Pinkie bent down past Summer and started to type it in. Before Pinkie finished typing this in, her face went immediately blank.

"Summer please move" Pinkie said very quickly.

Pinkie evidently was very familiar wirth Facebook, and was soon quickly scanning through pages very rapidly.

Summer suspected that her 'Pinkie Sense' was probably in high gear.

Fluttershy came out at this point, and asked what they were doing. Summer said simply "Shhhh" and motioned Fluttershy over to watch.

As soon as she saw 'Twilight Sparkle' Fluttershy put her hand to her mouth and said "oh my" very quietly.

Pinkie quickly scanned through maybe 200 or more pages then abruptly stopped. Pinkie looked at the profile and said simply "wow..."

She clicked on a link and it went to an index of stuff Twilight had written. Pinkie opened the first one and said "what is this stuff?"

Summer recognized the event immediately. She was describing the time Princess Twilight first found her special pony friends in Equestria.

"Pinkie close this and open another one" Summer asked quietly.

This one was about when Princess Twilight came back from the future and tried to warn herself.

"Ok Pinkie listen a minite please." Summer said.

Summer stopped as Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity came up the stairs.

"OK listen everyone" Summer started.

"Pinkie has found Princess Twilight's Twin in your world. Not only that, but evidently Princess' Twin has been seeing what Princess Twilight has been seeing, and has written accurate descriptions of what I know actually happened in Equestria."

"Summer" Fluttershy said softly, "Both Pinkie and I knew Twilight a few years ago. I don't think she lives very far away."

Pinkie already had an IM request going.

"Hi Twilight, it's me, Pinkie" Pinkie typed in.

"PINKIE!!!! How are you doing?" Twilight quickly typed back.

"Twilight, it has been WAAYYYYYY too long, can you come over and visit us tomorrow afternoon?" Pinkie quickly replied.

"Sure, I don't live very far -- Fluttershy's apartment maybe?" Twilight typed back quickly.

"Perfect, after school is out, we will be waiting." Pinkie typed back.

"Awesome, see you then! Tell Fluttershy I said HI too :)" Twilight typed, and then she closed the IM.

Summer was crying... "Princess Twilight's Twin..." she said through her tears.

Summer got up and hugged Pinkie, and said "Thank you..."

Pinkie looked into Summer's eyes and said simply "Summer it was your idea, and I can think of no better way of honoring our Princess."

"I love all of you, can we hug?" Summer asked, and they did.

Everypony was crying anyway, this would be such an amazing surprise for their special Princess...

"Pinkie, Fluttershy, can I come with you tomorrow to visit with Twilight?" Summer asked.

Fluttershy answered softly "Of course Summer, I'm not leaving you anywhere by yourself any more" and then she smiled at Summer.

"Thanks sis..." was all Summer could say.

Summer next hugged Rarity and thanked her for the clothes, and she went into the bathroom and changed quickly.

Summer loved them, and everyone else did too.

"Dear, they are a little less flashy than I think Summer would wear, but maybe that is a good thing, I don't know."

"They are perfect Rare, thank you." Summer said and hugged her again.

Rainbow brought stuff for both salad, as well as what she called 'grilled cheese sandwiches', along with Granola and milk for breakfast, and a bunch of water. Rainbow also brought some bowls and spoons made of 'plastic' to keep things simple for Pinkie.

They were all soon sitting down eating salad and just talking.

Applejack said "Well it's not Oat hay, but this is good."

Rainbow added "I don't know, that Oat hay tasted pretty amazing in Equestria."

Summer said "Make sure you try an Oat Pie when we go back, they are pretty good too."

Summer tried half of the sandwich, it was good too. Rainbow was a pretty good cook Summer thought.

They all helped clean up after dinner, then they took turns getting ready for bed, and were soon in a circle on the floor with their heads to the center, just like they did at the farm.

They talked the evening away together, then Pinkie set the alarm, turned on a small light, and said they should get some sleep.

Summer just had to say this... "You are all such precious, true friends... I feel so torn between these two worlds..."

They all just hugged her.

They were all soon fast asleep.

Summer woke up crying at one point, but Fluttershy and five other friends quickly woke up as well, and comforted her for a while, and she was soon back to sleep herself.

When the alarm went off in the morning, Summer woke up with a start, found Fluttershy, and hugged her tightly for a minute. Five friends eased her worries again, and she was soon fine.

They all took turns getting ready for school, and eating some Granola, and Summer and her friends were soon walking together to School.

On the way, everyone looked at Summer's new schedule, and made arrangements that Fluttershy would not leave Summer until one of the others were there. Summer really appreciated this, and the day went fine.

A few new friends came up and talked with Summer some, and Summer tried to stay focused, but as the day wore on, she kept thinking more and more about Twilight Sparkle, and what it would mean if they could bring her with them.

Summer knew this was Pinkie's goal, but Summer was mostly a spectator for that process, and could only hope everything worked out. It really depended on whether or not Twilight wanted to go. They would just have to wait and see.

After school was out, the good news was that Rainbow had asked someone else to run Soccer practice today, Rainbow loved Princess Twilight, and didn't want to miss this meeting.

However, Summer was concerned that they not overwhelm Twilight. She thought a minute, then came up with this plan.

Pinkie, Fluttershy and Summer would wait for Twilight at Fluttershy's apartment. The other girls would wait in the grass next to the bleachers. They would then bring Twilight there to meet everyone.

Pinkie seemed to know Twilight the best at this point, and she thought it was a good idea.

So Pinkie, Fluttershy and Summer walked to Fluttershy's apartment, and Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow sat in the grass near the bleachers and waited.

Twilight Sparkle was waiting for them outside Fluttershy's apartment, and Pinkie led them up to her, and immediately gave Twilight a big hug.

Summer almost started crying on the spot.

Both Fluttershy and Summer hugged Twilight as well.

"Wow Summer and Fluttershy, glad to see you two back together again." Twilight said with a smile.

Fluttershy reached over and pulled Summer close with her arm, and put her head down on Summer and smiled.

They didn't even go in Fluttershy's apartment.

Pinkie next said this...

"Twilight, break is next week, and my friends and I are headed to the most awesome place in... ...well, the whole world. And we want you to come with us. I promise that it will be an amazing time. Please say yes!"

Twilight thought for a moment, then said "Well Pinkie, you seem to have a strange way of knowing, so OK, I'll come."

Pinkie jumped up and down then hugged Twilight and said "Yippiee!"

Twilight looked at Fluttershy and Summer, and said "Are you two coming as well?"

Fluttershy said softly "Oh yes, I can't wait!"

Summer was near tears, and croaked out a "yes" as best as she could.

Pinkie next said "C'mon Twilight, let's go meet the rest of the group!"

They walked together quickly to the other three in the grass, and everyone stood up.

Pinkie introduced Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, and they each gave Twilight a big hug.

Twilight got this really dazed look on her face, and said simply "I know this is strange, but I feel like I know you all. Weird."

Rarity spoke at this point "So Twilight dear, are you coming with us?"

Twilight answered and said "Yes I am. Pinkie said it would be absolutely amazing, and I know she is usually right."

Twilight pulled out her cell, then said "I need to head to work, but where should we meet?"

Pinkie answered and said "Let's all meet at Fluttershy's apartment on Friday evening at around 5 pm."

"Awesome" Twilight said, then she hugged everyone again before she headed off to work.

The brief meeting with Twilight Sparkle changed something in Summer Rain.

Since Tuesday morning, she had felt so broken, and was increasingly acting that way.

Twilight Sparkle reminded Summer of her precious Princess.

Summer decided she was not going to let two monsters ruin her life, along with the lives of those around her.

Summer chose to continue to live.

Just then Rarity said "Summer dear, can you put your head down a minute please?"

She did, and Rarity then gently placed Princess Twilight's 'Shield Necklace' back around Summer's neck.

There were tears in Summer's eyes, everyone knew she loved her Princess. Summer hugged Rarity tightly.

"Lets go have dinner at the Cakes', can we?" Summer asked.

Fluttershy was fiercely protective of Summer, and spoke up immediatly "Are you sure that's a good idea Summer?"

Summer quickly gave Fluttershy a big hug.

"Yes Sis, it will be fine. If we ever meet those monsters again, they will be sorry, and behind bars I hope... Besides, I have five of the most awesome friends with me, what can go wrong?" Summer said reassuringly.

Everypony started crying as they stood there on the grass, they all saw the clear change in Summer's outlook.

They just all cried together for a few minutes.

Summer said it again "I love you all, I hope you know that."

Dinner at the Cake's went fine, and they just chatted.

Dawn brought Camille in, and they simply made more room around them, and welcomed her into their group. Everyone took a turn holding Camille, and each of the girls quickly adored her.

Summer knew this time would be a lot more meaningful when they met Dawn and Camille in Equestria.

Dawn and Camille were soon on their way.

Summer could still go nowhere without one of the other girls with her, but Summer still appreciated that.

After dinner, they headed together to Fluttershy's apartment for some Ice Cream. They just sat close together and talked.

Summer noted that more and more of their discussion involved their Twins and Equestria. It would be amazing. Summer knew her five precious friends could hardly wait. Summer herself couldn't either.

While at Fluttershy's, they all decided to sleep in Pinkie's room again, so they headed there next.

They were soon fast asleep in their sleeping bags in a tight circle.

The next day was Thursday, and school was going fine.

A number of girls came up and talked with Summer and her friends, and Summer was again so amazed at the opportunity to make new friends. Summer was also even more excited that some of the girls were not specifically coming up to her, but to Fluttershy, Rarity and the others as well. This was totally awesome as far as Summer was concerned.

About half-way through lunch, Summer stood up, tapped her spoon on her cup, and it was instantly very quiet.

Summer said simply this.

"This last Monday, I was abducted, and uhm 'taken advantage of'. I can probably count the intervention of a true friend as the only reason I am alive today. Even so, this will probably haunt me for a long time."

Tears began to trickly down her face at this point. She continued.

"I would just hope that none of the boys here would ever do such a terrible thing to one of us girls. Each one of us are worth far more than to be treated like that. Thank you."

Summer sat down.

Summer soon had to stand up again, as probably 40 other girls in the lunchroom quickly came up to Summer, crying. Dawn was one of them. Summer was crying herself, and tightly hugged each one, and cried with them. Aside from Pinkie, the rest of Summer's true friends quickly stood up and helped console shattered lives.

Pinkie was standing back recording the whole thing on her phone. Her 'Pinkie Sense' alerted her before Summer even stood up. Pinkie thought that what Summer said was the important thing, but she kept recording. Comforting the sea of hurting lives that had resulted from selfish monsters was the important thing.

Pinkie got 15 minutes of the beginning of this process that probably took over an hour.

Then Pinkie joined her friends comforting others.

True Friends...

Summer caught sight of Principal Luna watching this unfold. There were tears in her eyes as well, and she soon joined Summer and her friends comforting the 'wounded'.

Summer and her friends missed most of their next class, but that didn't matter.

After school was over, Pinkie and Applejack want to Pinkie's room briefly. Pinkie posted the video from lunch when she got to her room. Pinkie said she hoped it would go 'Viral', even though Summer had no clue what that meant.

Summer and the rest again headed to the bleachers as Rainbow ran Soccer practice.

Even more girls came and cried with Summer and her friends there in the bleachers. Evidently it was now well known where Summer Rain and her friends could be found after school.

Summer and her friends just all cried together with each of these hurting girls...

"What is wrong with this world" Summer thought to herself. "How could they ignore this epidemic of treating girls this way, and the shattered lives that resulted..."

Summer doubted she would ever get an answer to that question.

After Soccer practice was done, Rainbow joined the girls, crying.

"I so wanted to help you..." she said through her tears.

Summer answered quietly and lovingly "Rainbow, it's ok. I know you would help if you could, and that is enough. Thank you." Then Summer hugged Rainbow tightly.

Well, they all did.

They were soon back at the Cakes' for dinner.

Dawn brought one of her friends to Summer, also crying... another victim... Summer just cried with both of them.

Dinner was good, and otherwise quiet.

They again headed to Fluttershy's apartment for Ice Cream and time together alone.

Summer waited for a lull in conversation, then said slowly "less than 24 hours, and we will be back in Equestria."

It was very quiet for a minute or two, as everypony was fighting back tears.

Pinkie jumped up and said "Let's send them some airmail again, can we?"

Everyone knew this was an awesome idea.

Fluttershy brought out a piece of paper.

Rainbow shooed everyone back and wrote simply this.

"Less than 24 hours...
We can hardly wait...
Equestria Girls"

Fluttershy picked the paper up, and made a 'paper airplane' out of it.

They walked quickly to the Portal, it was dark out.

Fluttershy skillfully flew the 'airmail' into the Portal. A brief flash, and it was gone.

They all decided to spend tonight at Fluttershy's apartment. It would be tight, but they would make it work.

They all walked together to Pinkie's room at the Cakes', and got their stuff, and headed to Fluttershy's apartment.

The Cot was folded up and put away, and Summer insisted that Fluttershy sleep on the couch.

Five more sleeping bags fight tightly but comfortably on the floor.

They were soon filled with tired, close friends. They insisted that Summer be in the middle.

With the lights out, it was quiet. For a few minutes, noone said anything. Then almost at the same time, they all said "I love you all..."

They were soon fast asleep.

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