• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 50, Games Twins Play, Part 2

There was not a lot of the afternoon left, but they made time to play some Soccer.

Fluttershy had picked up the ball from her apartment.

Both Principals and Fluttershy's parents stayed for this part too. Nopony wanted to leave.

The first, short game would pit the Rainbow Twins against the Summer Twins. It was amazing fun, all four laughed the whole time, and they called the game at 5-5.

They next tried the game with all seven Twins, placing the Equestria Girls against the Equestria ponies. This round didn't last long. The Twins all knew what the other was doing, and it just wasn't working. Neither team came even close to scoring, and the game just became tedious, so Princess Twilight stopped it.

For the last game they just split the Twins up. Rainbows, Pinkies, Rarities and Fluttershys against the Summers, Applejacks, and Twilights. It was a close game, and the sun went down at 3-3 so they quit.

Fluttershy's and Summer's parents ordered 'pizza', and so everypony just sat in the bleachers, waiting for it to arrive.

Everypony knew what would soon happen, and nopony was smiling any more. It would be hard from this point on.

Still, the meal was good, and they all thanked 'mom and dad' for it.

After the meal, 'mom and dad' needed to talk to their daughters. Ordinarily they would have taken Summer and Fluttershy home for some much needed time together.

Fluttershy's mom was starting to understand what she was seeing between all these girls, and realized that their would be plenty of time later for family.

Summer also explained Fluttershy's extreme difficulty with being in her apartment alone, and so they let both girls stay for tonight, but warned them that they would probably be spending some afternoons with their special daughters to 'get caught up'.

Then they hugged their daughters and their daughter's Twins, and cried some more, then left.

Principal Celestia spoke briefly with the Summer and Fluttershy Twins.

"Am I correct that the Twins are all going home tonight?" she asked.

Equestria pony Summer looked down then said "Yes, we will return to Equestria tonight" and then promptly teared up.

Principal Luna hugged first Summer then Fluttershy tightly, as her sister said softly "Summer that is probably best. Having to explain both of you tomorrow at school would not be easy. I anticipate seeing you again in the future anyway."

Principal Celestia then hugged both Summer and Fluttershy.

Principal then addressed Equestria Girls Summer and Fluttershy "Girls just follow Fluttershy's schedule tomorrow, and I will let you know what we will decide. Summer has some catching up to do."

The two Principals hugged them both as well. then worked around the group hugging the rest of the Twins, taking a little extra time with the Twilight Twins.

They were soon gone as well.

It was dark outside now.

Princess Twilight said, crying, "To the Portal Girls, I'm sorry..."

All seven Twins soon stood at the Portal crying with their Twins for maybe fifteen minutes.

Then Princess Twilight started sending the Equestria ponies back through. This was simply heart-breaking.

Princess Twilight sent Summer and her sister through, then she asked Shysage to come last, then Princess went through.

Equestria Girls Summer stopped Shysage briefly before he went through. "Shysage... I think being abducted has triggered this in my Twin, but she both really needs you and increasingly wants you. I don't know what to say..."

Shysage thought a minute, then replied quietly "Your input means a lot to me Summer, thank you. She is absolutely amazing, well you both are. But you also know that she is very damaged. I am committed to being her true friend no matter what. But beyond that we will just need to see how everything works out. And I am scared for her... And honestly, I think I want her too... My options are just limit--"

Shysage had to stop a minute here.

"By the way, I wish I had a brother for you, you certainly deserve a good man. They are just so painfully rare here..."

"Thank you Shysage." Summer replied. Then she smiled and said "I understand what my Twin sees in you." Summer gave him a hug, then said "Until we meet again."

Shysage was quickly back in Equestria.

Every one of the Equestria Girls Twins were weeping softly now.

Summer and Fluttershy were crying on each other's shoulders too.

Before they even moved, Twilight Sparkle said "Can we stay in someponies' place together tonight? I really think we should stay close. I think we will need each other a lot in the next few days.

Fluttershy's apartment was closest, and all the sleeping bags were there, so they headed there. It was tight, but they were quickly all ready for bed and in their own sleeping bag.

Everypony was still weeping softly.

Twilight said softly "Girls, I am so glad I came with you precious ladies. Coming back to this world will be tough, but I will always treasure my time in Equestria, and look forward to being able to return.

"But we have to make it through how ever many days we have until that time comes. I hope I can count on your help for that, I know I will need it.

"I love you all, I hope you know that. Princess Twilight asked me to tell you girls that every chance I got, but I mean it too."

Twilight was weeping softly now too.

Their weeping soon trailed off as they drifted to sleep.

Each of the Equestria ponies were a complete wreck soon after clearing their end of the Portal.

Three Princesses were there waiting, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were also quickly weeping as Princess Twilight explained the meeting with their Twins.

It was late, and Princess Cadance led the group down to the Air Coaches waiting in front of the Crystal Palace to take them home.

On the way through the halls, Shysage mentioned to Summer that his new house was ready, and that maybe Fluttershy and Summer could sleep together there.

He thought of inviting the whole group, or suggesting that they all stay in one place, but Shysage didn't feel that was his place.

Still Summer and Fluttershy decided to stay together at Shysages' house for tonite.

Shysage knew it would be a rough night for everypony, no matter where they stayed. Summer and her sister would have each other, Shysage had at least worked that much out.

Tomorrow would just be tough...

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