• Published 16th Mar 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain - shysage

Just Fluttershy's sister... Across two worlds... Who would have thought that true friendship would make so great a difference...

  • ...

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Chapter 17, Cutie Marks

Thursday seemed like good day too, maybe just another school day. So many new friends, and five close friends around her. What more could Summer Rain want.

Laying in bed that morning, she noted mentally that she, well really they all, had at least been able to make good progress on one of her tasks. Fluttershy and her other four friends were truly together and seemed to be growing in their committment to each other. Summer had no clue about the other task though.

Summer and Fluttershy were up, fed, ready and out the door easily on time, and soon sitting in Fluttershy's first class.

Overall, Summer felt she was really getting a handle on this School thing; that is, until Principal Celestia called Summer to the office just to tell her that her new class schedule would be ready by Monday, and Summer would get a bunch of her own classes.

Principal Celestia did point out that she kept Summer in as many of Fluttershy's classes as she could, but at least one of her other friends were in each of the new classes.

Summer thanked the Principal and gave her a hug before she left.

Lunch was amazing since her five special friends were there, and she again talked briefly with Granny Smith in the lunch line.

While they were eating, Applejack mentioned they had to pick a bunch of apples this weekend at the farm. Almost at the same time, everyone else said they wanted to come help, including Summer. Applejack teared up, and thanked everyone. It was a done deal, and everyone was looking forward to a fun weekend on the Farm helping Applejack.

A timid girl named Dawn also came up and introduced herself during lunch too, it was Dawn Flower. Summer quickly stood up and gave her a big hug, althought Dawn didn't have any idea why. Dawn was soon on her way. Summer knew getting to know Dawn here would be awesome.

As usual, the last three classes seemed to drag so slowly.

After school, Summer and her friends again relaxed in the bleachers chatting, while Rainbow ran Soccer Practice.

Rainbow seemed very preoccupied, and after practice was done, they all found out why.

Rainbow walked up to the bleachers, and before saying anything else, said "Summer let me get this straight. A few days ago when we welcomed you back, I played you a game of Soccer, remember?"

"Yes, it was very fun!" Summer replied with a smile.

"But wait, before then, how much Soccer had you played?" Rainbow asked again.

Summer saw where this was going, but really couldn't do anything about it. Rainbow had finally realized the truth, and maybe just felt a little bad about it. Summer took a little while to respond.

Fluttershy spoke up at this point and said softly "I had just told Summer how to play the game about 20 minutes before you showed up. We were just doing goal practice."

Rainbow began to tear up at this point. "That was so not fair..."

Summer took both of Rainbows hands in hers and said softly "Rainbow, you are awesome at sports and that is fine. I enjoyed playing with you and that's what counts, because you are my friend. It didn't matter to me who won, I was just having a blast playing a fun game with an amazing friend."

Summer gave Rainbow a hug, and looked around at her friends. "You are all amazing" she added with a smile.

At this point, Summer said "I brought one of my books, let's just sit down on the grass and talk about Cutie Marks. Will that work?"

The response was unanimous, so they moved to the grass, and sat down in a small circle.

Summer had Volume 1 with her, and turned to the chapter called 'the Cutie Mark Chronicles' and simply read it. This chapter basically covered how Princess Twilight and her five friends all received their Cutie Marks at the exact same time.

The pursuit of the Cutie Mark Crusaders meant little to this group, but they were all deeply affected about the details surrounding how each of their counterparts got their Cutie Marks. These five friends quickly identified with their counterparts in Equestria. After a brief discussion, they decided to call their counterparts their 'twins'.

Summer also pointed out she was again amazed that, like Princess Twilight and her five friends, the five girls sitting with Summer all likewise got their Cutie Marks at the same time.

They sat there in silence for a minute or two.

Out of the blue, Pinkie Pie screamed "Incoming", and Summer felt it too. At first she thought she was seeing double and was going to pass out, but it was Ponyville that she was seeing.

"Girls quickly, stand up and join hands." Summer said.

Summer's Cutie Mark was warm at this point, as was the top of her head for some reason. Summer quickly assumed it was because Princess Twilight used her horn for magic. The scene in Ponyville became a little brighter, and Summer thought she could see some of her friends, also in a circle.

"Girls, close your eyes, and focus on your marks, and your special element" Summer said slowly, not even understanding why she said that.

"Applejack, your element is Honesty
"Pinkie Pie, your element is Laughter
"Rarity, your element is Generosity
"Fluttershy, your element is Kindness
"Rainbow Dash, your element is Loyalty"

While she was saying this, she thought she heard Princess Twilight say 'try' or something similar. And just as Summer finished reviewing the elements, Summer and her friends were all knocked apart, even though there was no sound or sign of force where Summer and her friends were.

What Summer was seeing stopped.

They were all sitting on the grass trying to catch their breath. The force had knocked the wind out of them all.

"That was scary" Summer said when she could talk.

"I think I saw Princess Twilight" Applejack said.

"It was Rarity and Pinkie for me" Rainbow added.

"I saw Applejack I think" Pinkie said.

"I saw Rainbow too" Rarity said.

"Fluttershy did you see anyone?" Summer asked.

"I don't know..." Fluttershy said slowly. "I think so but I'm not sure."

"Did all of your Cutie Marks feel warm?" Summer asked.

Everyone said yes except Fluttershy, and again she wasn't sure.

"Well what was that Summer?" Applejack asked.

"I think Princess Twilight was trying to tap our elements for her magic again" Pinkie Pie said, "but I don't know if it worked or not."

"Well, Pinkie would know" Summer said quietly. "That was very weird though.

There was silence for a few minutes.

"Can we hug please?" Summer asked quietly.

They hugged for a while.

"I love you all, I hope you know that" Summer said, and they were soon all crying softly.

After a little while their crying trailed off. Summer said "Girls, I know it's still early, but go home and try to relax the rest of the evening and get some sleep. Maybe we will know more tomorrow."

After saying this, Summer Rain remembered thinking the exact same thing about a week ago. She didn't like the looks of what she saw just now, but again would need to just wait and see.

Applejack walked Rarity home, and Rainbow walked Pinkie to the Cake's.

Summer Rain and Fluttershy were soon in the apartment.

"Fluttershy I'm hungry, but don't really want anything filling. Do you have any suggestions?" Summer asked.

"Let's have a little Granola maybe" Fluttershy said.

They were both soon eating.

After they were done eating, they sat down on the couch together.

Fluttershy asked quietly "Summer tell me what you saw and felt back there. Did you actually see ponies from Equestria?"

"Yes Fluttershy, it was very dim but I saw some of my Equestria friends." Summer said quietly.

"And your Cutie Mark?" Fluttershy continued.

"It was very warm. Not burning, but I surely felt it" Summer added.

Fluttershy responded very slowly. "Neither of those two things happened to me..."

"I know Sis. You would have noticed it if they had." Summer replied.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" Fluttershy asked, worried that she had.

Summer was sitting on the couch next to Fluttershy, and she hugged Fluttershy and said "Oh Sis, you didn't do anything wrong."

After a brief delay, Fluttershy said slowly "What does it mean do you think?"

Summer got out Volume 3 of her books, and read the chapter named 'Keep Calm and Flutter On'. Summer didn't say anything extra, she just read the text.

There was tense silence for a minute or two as Fluttershy thought about what she heard.

"Is Discord a bad person?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"Well he was, and even tried to separate Princess Twilight and her friends at one point, that account is in another book. But then, as we read, he finally accepted my sister's offer of friendship, which was a very good thing at the time." Summer said quietly.

"Could he turn bad again?" Fluttershy asked slowly.

"I don't know... But if you made a promise to someone to win their friendship, would you break that promise? Ever?" Summer asked.

Fluttershy quickly said "No, I would never--" and stopped right there, and Fluttershy's eyes grew instantly huge as she realized the problem. "But... that would leave Equestria... defenseless..."

"I hope I'm wrong though Fluttershy." Summer said choking back tears.

They just held each other for a little while. Then Summer said "Let's get some sleep Sis."

Summer Rain slept terrible. The visions of what she had dimly seen kept repeating, and with new more frightening ones beside. Summer tossed a lot, and couldn't really get to sleep for the longest time.

Summer finally did get to sleep, but then dreamed she heard Princess Twilight saying "Help me" over and over. Then she heard Princess Twilight scream...

Summer sat up in her bed with a start, and yelled out "Aaahhh", and promptly fell on the floor.

This woke Fluttershy up, and while still groggy, she said "Summer is that you? Are you ok?"

Summer was sitting up on the floor, and said "That was a terrible dream." She was still shaking.

Fluttershy picked up her cell to see what time it was, and bolted upright quickly.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. It wasn't a dream Summer, Pinkie is at the Portal and is beside herself. She has already sent me 30 texts. She wants us there right away!" Fluttershy said quickly.

Summer Rain and Fluttershy were quickly dressed and out the door, locking it behind them. They were soon at the Portal. Everyone else was already there, and crying softly. Pinkie pointed to a piece of plain white paper on the ground below the Portal. Definitely from Equestria, but not rolled up and no seal.

Just five words.

Sunset Shimmer
Equestria Lost"

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