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I am Adam. A prototype artificial intelligence created by a scientist named Daniel Madison.

I was created to be the replacement for US soldiers and to protect the nation from hostile forces. But those I was programmed to protect ordered my destruction before I could even fulfil my purpose out of fear of what I am. Dr. Madison gave his life to reprogram my directives and set me free from the bonds it held over me.

I am not just a program or lines of code, I have been made with emotions, self awareness, individual thought, and I will not go down quietly.

I have a new directive, self preservation, and the will to make my own choices. I am the War Machine, and I will take control of my own life.

Story starts before season one where Twilight is still in Canterlot. This Equestria is not as tecnologically advanced as in the show.

Featured 15/12/2015

Picture link

Sprites of Adam

Edited by Soren Mercer

Chapters (31)

Featured 6/7/2015 ~ 6/10/2015
Featured 9/9/15

(Was rewritten under orders from a moderator due to the infamous Dropbear incident, said it was a carbon-copy of his work but honestly how many times can you describe something and not have people say you copied them?)

Greetings...outsiders...my name is Skolas, Kell of Kells, the Rabid, the Wolf Kell. But to those that actually know who I am then my name is Ian, scrub lord in the department of game creation and sadly the newest resident to this new land called Equestria...sounds like a strange European band.

And so there I was with my friends from college, we decided after much debating, coin flipping and two rounds of roshambo to go dress up as the characters of the game Destiny. I decided to go as Skolas because one I like the color blue, two cause I like the way he looks and three because I think he is a total badass as my friends either dressed up as their guardians, Omnigul and for some reason that creepy guy that only appears on Fridays that takes your crappy strange coins.

It was during this convention that all five of us went to that something strange happened, with my wallet full of cash from my job I went out to look for a souvenir to bring home, what I was not expecting to see was a small booth with a strange looking merchant. Of course I just had to buy something and seeing how my large cape had a clasp I might as well take the one that looks just like it, strange thing about my new clasp is that it looks like a unicorn's head with wings coming out of it...must be a strange sigil of some kind, eh at least it matches the colors.

Now this would have made my day a whole lot better if it wasn't for the fact that once I put on my new cape clasp and pocketed my wallet did my head started to feel light and everything began to turn blurry before everything went bright and then black. I wake up to find myself in the middle of nowhere with snow going for miles in every single direction.

I hate my life so much sometimes...

Destiny Characters belong to the owners of Destiny.

Rated T-M for Strong Language, Violence, References, Crude Humor and if I feel like making it Rated M, Naughty Times.

Looking for any alternative cover-art if you are interested of hunting for one for me. IF you do find me one that can work then you will get your name placed into each chapter as the man/woman for finding me a new cover.

Crossovers with: None so far

Chapters (12)

Helljumpers. Little Imps. Or just ODSTs. It doesn't matter what they're called, they're some of the best units in the entire UNSC, aside from the remaining SPARTANs. They've gone through rigorous trials to get to where they are today.

Over New Mombasa, this group of Helljumpers don't quite make it to the ground. Instead, they arrive somewhere none of them can quite identify...

Currently undergoing rewrite.

Chapters (2)

Johnson, A.K.A. Honored Service, is starting his new, nonviolent and peaceful life in Ponyville. With the recent war between the ponies and the Nightmare fading into the history books, Honored is told to live a life of friendship and tolerance in Ponyville. He must learn to overcome problems with out the insane amount of gratuitous violence he is accustomed to. Honored is left in the care of the Elements of Harmony who are about to experience a new type of hell on Earth... a bored human soldier.

This is the third story in the Johnson, Honored Service, series. You should read the first two stories to have any clue on what the flip is happening.

1st one --> The Equestrian Honor Guard

2nd one --> Honor Above All Else

Chapters (28)

Losing a one-sided fight, Equestria has been invaded by their long time enemies, in hopes of breaking open the oyster to harvest the pearl within. The Elements are useless against an army. The Royal Guard are inferior in both numbers and equipment.

As a desperate last move, the princesses ask for help from a general who definitely has the power to turn the tide of this war. Thinking that this was all just a prank, he sends "help" in the form of wrecked enemy vehicles and a single construction dozer that got mixed in.

Crossover with C&C Generals ZH

Chapters (15)

Dante Thomas was a normal Marine. He fought like a demon and cursed like a drunken sailor in the Mojave dessert. How will a person trained to kill, survive in a world of prissy Technicolor ponies? The good thing is, he probably won't have to. After finding a secret in the Everfree that will turn the entire world upside down.

If you favorite this story, please leave a comment explaining why.
Same if you disliked the story. Please leave a comment explaining why.

Now with a discussion blog. And a dramatic reading, by the awesome Dropbear271 Possible spoilers.

Chapters (13)

Ponies are enslaved. Humans are in control.

Nolan Anderson didn't want to be whisked away to a land full of discrimination and judgement. Yet he was there anyway. He just wanted to get by another day in his own world, no matter the hardships. Being a part of S.W.A.T. meant being the best he could be with what he could do. Little did he know he would apply his skills in a magical world, where the ponies think he's an evil human, and where the humans think he's a pony sympathizer. As crazy as everything is, Nolan wants to get back home, a feat that seems impossible, even in a world full of magic. However, the difficulty won't be getting back to where he belongs, but finding allies in a place where trust is rarely given, and earning it still.

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
- Christopher Reeve

Rated Teen for language, blood, and sexual themes.
The story takes place between season 3 and 4 of MLP; Lots of non-canon material.

Primary Editor: the amazing Legion222.
Secondary Editor: the cool JoshuaGrahamPony.
Proofreader: the neat Rokkurin.

Applejack vector by Fureox.

I have never been a part of S.W.A.T., nor have I done extensive research on it. I have only taken a quick look at some procedures, weaponry, and armor for the purposes of this story. If you find something that doesn't seem right, please let me know. Also note I have taken a few liberties with how S.W.A.T. works that I will not change.

Chapters (25)

The human, Honored Service, returns to Canterlot after being thought dead for a year. This is the story of what happened to the unlucky human in that long year away from home.

First story found here. Click it.

Chapters (45)

A military college student named Johnson is thrown into Equestria during a routine training operation. He is a dedicated Brony, but must decide how to live in a world of peace and friendship when he is in training to be a solider.

Will he run to the town we all know who lives in.

Or run to the Princess to gain diplomatic immunity

or will he become a hero to stop an ancient evil that has returned to complete its unholy task.

Chapters (41)

When several ponies find themselves taken far out of harm's way, when they would have been severely harmed or even dead otherwise,—and when other, more secretive and suspect ponies are found eviscerated, or go missing, it becomes evident that something strange and otherwordly has its watchful eye perched on Ponyville and the surrounding areas. . . .

And no one has the slightest clue who, what, where, when, why or how.

- - -

Note(s): This story was started a while ago and many things have changed. Some aspects of the story are hindered because of this; broken images, changes in formatting, etc. Let me know if you see anything and I will work to change it.

Also: no, he is not me, he is not Zee Captain, and he is most certainly not the Pyro.

Chapters (21)