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Midnight Sparkle, Twilight Sparkle's distant ancestor, wakes up one morning to find that she's traveled forward in time several hundred years. Now she must try to get home while enduring an Equestria that is nothing like the one she knows.

That, and a ten year old with a fondness for painting animal skulls pink living with her great-great-great-great-great-great-great... etc. granddaughter poses some unique challenges of its own, even if there are those around Ponyville who are willing to become her friends.

Midnight Sparkle from Chengar Qordath's The Lunar Rebellion

Now co-authored by Ponibius

Thanks to Chengar Qordath and Ponibius for editing!

Special thanks to InuHoshi-to-Darkpen for the awesome cover art!

Chapters (9)

Life had been peaceful in the world of Fœnum. The inhabitants of this world – furry, four-footed, hooved – had thrived for generations, creating culture, building societies. They lived happily, with sweet, grassy pastures at their disposal and great, expansive fields to gallop across. They were free. But everything changed when the fire nation attacked

A chance magical occurrence from Twilight and Oleander has thrown the time-space continuum out of whack, throwing the universes of My Little Pony and Them's Fightin' Herds together (And BFDI, because why not). And the threat of the predators still looms on ahead, threatening now not one, but both dimensions (And BFDI)! And with the ponies no longer having a reliable insta-kill option, what will befall them?

Join all your lovable ungulates (and dragon) (and random household objects) as they race against the clock to save Equestria! And Foenum! And like three people from BFDI! Man, is this confusing.

On hiatus until Story Mode: Chapter 2 releases.

Chapters (12)

A MLP: FIM/Them's Fightin' Herds Crossover.

After another magical mishap, courtesy of Starlight and Trixie, Spike ends up in the world of FÅ“num. With no other alternatives, Spike must learn how to fight for himself, if he is to stand a chance to survive in a world where "survival of the fittest" takes a whole new meaning.

Meanwhile, Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax will have to work on finding an answer to bring Spike back home, before Twilight finds out.

Rated violence for the fights.

Co-Author: Needed.
Editor: Kikio3000 Needed
Proofreader: Needed.

Chapters (19)

Thorax has been on his own for a few months. Those months have been hard for him, the creatures that he could become friends with, the only thing he ever wanted since he hatched, were running away from him or attacking him because of his species reputation but, everything was better for him than his crazy queen Chrysalis and the other changelings who are as much crazy as her.

Everything finally changes when he comes across a man by the name of Dutch Van der Linde who offers him a place in his gang and because of it Thorax finally gets what he wanted for his whole life, a friend, and people who he can call his family.

However, as the time passes, his new family begins to fall apart...

A crossover story between Red Dead Redemption 2 and MLP:FiM.
Contains spoilers for Red Dead Redemption 2 (as if it wasn't obvious enough)
(I suck at summaries)

Chapters (4)

What would happen if your life changes after you find out your best friend was a Merchant who sends everyone to another dimension. And one of them was me.

My name is Ryan, I'm the big fan of swords, I'm otaku who enjoys anime, mangas, cartoons and my little pony.

I blame my best friend to show me many animes and this cartoon. But what happened must be in the past. One past I really want to forgets about my life. I hope you enjoy my new life the same way I'm enjoying now.

Have a teen tag because of sexual and swear language. Not clop, sorry, but not so much XD.

Non edited: But who cares? It's no my first language anyway. Enjoy the story.

FEATURED 12/05/2019.

Chapters (20)

Note: The very first chapter is just a prologue and would take some time before I take to the first episode. However is plain justified since this is a little experiment that i wanted to perform during my boredom.

Allen Nitrol is a boy who was turned into a pony and entered into Equestria..... from the grave. If that wasn't understood, yes. He is dead and is now reincarnated into this world. Due to his politics about not tell almost anything about himself, his past is almost unknown.

As he entered into the fantasy world in the most strangest and dreary way possible, and having a huge knowledge about the mlp's timeline, he expected to be in the later time. That would be a reasonable start.

This until he was first met by a skeletal pony, who greeted him in a very shocking fashion. Whats worst is that his ordeal started from the most obvious plot point: Season 1. And unfortunately, his skeletal attendant gives her dreadful personal touch to the whole timeline and the new life that Allen hadn't begun to live yet.

The plot is going to be improved? Downhill? Messed up? All depends on of what Allen will do and his attempts to limit anything that would twist the canon, even if his attempts turned out to be all vain... If he must.

Side effects may include:
-Medium Plot Bending (Minor changes to the seasons premiere and finale that doesn't change the result imposed to the canon but that will still affect somehow the it's timeline.
-Black Humor
-Videogame Logic

And is going to intertwine with the comic book canon to create a new one as well, plus some other material.

This story is a experiment that i want to do just because i want have a change of pace to relax from my other works.

Chapters (28)

Inspired by a webcomic/Manga called The Gamer. This story will involve original characters that will involve the EG movies and there's a possible that they will travel to Equestria and might not appear as Ponies. Don't own it nor MLP FIM but OCs' names belong to me and I will use a ton of references from games, cartoons, anime and other things I know and don’t remember until I remember it from the real world. Here's a link if you want to read 'The Gamer' https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/the-gamer/list?title_no=88

Chapters (57)

Sunset Shimmer, twenty-four years old, woke up on a cruise ship, without knowing how she got there, or why. She encountered fifteen other souls, all of them trapped aboard by a mysterious pony known only as Monoponi, who informed them they are there for one purpose, and one purpose only:

To kill each other.

Now struggling to survive while desperately trying to recover what memories she's lost, Sunset is thrust into a deadly situation, where anyone, at any turn, could become the next killer. Who will survive? Who will die? What is Monoponi's true goal? Who is he, really?

Sunset can only hope to find out before she, too, becomes a victim of the killing game.

A Danganronpa/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Equestria Girls crossover, taking place post season nine of Friendship is Magic, featuring complex mysteries, flash-in-the-pan romances, and various custom art pieces along the way. Now completed! :twilightsmile: All art credits can be found on my blog. Thank you especially to lennardd and JQarp of Archive of Our Own for inspiration, and to any and all who read this story.

Now featuring a TVTropes page created by SuperSonicHeroes. A big thank you to them as well. And if you enjoy this story and want to support it and future works, please feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account.

Hungry for more DR:IHW? There is a now a compilation of alternate moments/other stuff called Lost Moments. Check it out! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (57)

Sweetie Belle just wanted to ask Twilight to help her get better in magic. Too bad she didn't choose a good time... One magical accident later, and she is now in a throne room in an unknown castle. Hopefully, the fat penguin on the throne will help her return to her home. Seeing his expression, it's not looking good...

Ooh boy...

Currently being rewritten. Number of chapters rewritten: 45/123
Starts around the first half of season 5.
Kirby Right Back At Ya canon will not be used.
I don't possess anything that appears in this story. Kirby belongs to HAL Laboratory and Nintendo, and My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.
Cover from NecroHorse

Chapters (123)

A tale following Copper Feather as he tries his best to retire, but things aren't as simple as he'd like. He may be done with his job, but his job isn't done with him. Copper is put in a situation where he can either do a lot of good, or a lot of damage. More damage than he has already. Now he has a chance to fix things, to set things right.

((Story editing assistance by Amneiger))
((Last Updated: March 25th, 2017))

Author Note: When I had originally started writing this I had been a bit hesitant to post it anywhere, not sure why. I'm not afraid of any sort of negative feedback, it's just I wasn't sure it was really...up to snuff, ya know? I tried to sort of get the characters right, and I feel I hit close enough.

Oh well. Shameless oc forcement into an alternate version of Equestria? I dunno. I rather enjoy steampunk, which is what I tried to hint at a bit... Though in the world that I've sort of set up, Equestria is more dependent on magic, rather than technology.

The story mostly takes place mostly in Ponyville in the beginning, with sort of flash backs to places that Copper has been, and things that he's done. Then it goes places, and gets rather crazy.

Chapters (18)