A playdate to Silver Spoon's house leads to an uncovering of what may be one of Ponyville's most horrific tragedies. The young foal known as Silver Spoon is missing, as is her family, and all are presumed dead. Can Applejack get to the bottom of this with the aid of her friend Twilight Sparkle, her sister Apple Bloom, and Squirt the Changeling and Shinedown T. Mare, two crime experts from of the Peacekeeping Council of Special Investigations?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The NLAC Has To Deal With What?!

Scarlet Scribe believed his problems would be over when Diamond Tiara's plot to destroy the NLAC ended in utter failure. He was wrong. Now, with the start of a new semester looming at CHS, he finds himself manning the helm of the school's newspaper. Having to face an entirely different set of challenges that are going to test both him and his resolve. Along the way he's going to have to rely on his friends, old and new alike, if he wants to make it through with his sanity intact.

When shadows of mistrust spread across Canterlot, Scarlet Scribe was tasked with discovering the truth behind Anon-A-Miss for Diamond Tiara. This was when he first met Shady. The two of them now reminisce about when mistrust and disharmony spread through Canterlot High, and discuss the developments now facing them within the NLAC and Canterlot High in particular.

Odeinoichus and Charlie_K present A Tale of Anon-A-Miss.

Chapters (1)

Emerald Key and his family move away from Manehattan after his dad's boss transfers him to another workplace in Ponyville for an entire year, much to Emerald's dismay. Trying to adapt in this small, strange town, Emerald Key continues his education at Ponyville Elementary, hoping for some normality, but instead falls in love with one of the school's bullies, Silver Spoon. He wants to date her, but a pink coated, tiara wearing friend of hers, makes that extremely difficult.

Chapters (6)

Adapted from 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' Season 4 Episode 15: Twilight Time, Nyx and her friends took advantage in using Twilight Sparkle's fame in becoming popular at their school while dealing with their new member: Ronald the Squire. Twilight Sparkle must make impression of her teachings and skills to Princess Celestia's old friend: Azure Phoenix.

Chapters (5)

Cloppenhagen: Once a large trade city at the south most border of Equestria. Cloppenhagen was trading with anyone who had things to trade and bits to buy, but once the war started, the trade with the Zebra lands started to stop, even if the city was still willing to trade with the foreign country. When the bombs fell, it landed outside the city, so it wasn’t irradiated, but it was still hit by the shockwave. When the ponies of Cloppenhagen emerged from the Stables in and around the City, they started rebuilding the city as best as they could; it took years, but eventually they created what was more or less a society; they even went to the Zebra lands and established trade with the remaining Zebras in an effort to help them restore their country as well as themselves. Now 2 mares from the only stable left in Cloppenhagen goes into the wasteland, to seek adventure, and maybe find grand treasures from the past.

Chapters (9)

A long time ago, two princesses of light battle a tyrant of darkness, they lost.

With their defeat there was nothing to stop this dark tyrant from taking over the kingdom of the two princesses and to conquer more land beyond. But as his empire grew, as his power increased, he began to notice, ever so slightly, ever so slowly, that he didn't remember why he started in the first place.

Chapters (2)

Prequel to Button Mash and The Quest to Rescue Sweetie Belle. Its spring time in Ponyville and 14 year old Rumble best friend of Button Mash for five long years and the coltfriend of Scootaloo heads out of town to visit some relatives. While waiting for his train he soon sees Silver Spoon one of the fillies who bullied him and his friends.

Chapters (1)

You've never had so much random in your entire life. Join Amber on her adventures as she fights and discovers many things.

Chapters (4)

When a multiverse to another world is open, it's obvious that Hasbro is getting involved. Now you have Derpy coming to live with you... I just don't know what went wrong.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Silver Spoons' New Life

Thirty years have passed since she graduated from high school and much has changed. Sweetie Belle is far removed from her once girly nature. She is the police chief of the Canterlot PD, has taken on a more masculine look and has an ax to grind with a former classmate. She has vowed that one final bit of revenge must happen.

This story is the third part of a series centered around Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle.

The first one is "Sweetie Belle's New Experiences" written by me.
The second one is "Sliver Spoon's New Life" written by Shadowfire1997

Chapters (21)