• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Ten

One Morning Later...

Fluttershy took a sip of her tea and then placed her cup back down onto the kitchen table and flipped a page in her newly bought magazine, reading up all the latest tips on how to look after children in her Parenting Weekly magazine. The sun was shining through the kitchen blinds and the birds outside were chirping and the stove was turned on, Fluttershy put down her magazine for a moment and stood up from her table chair and walked over to her stone and twisted a few of the knobs on the front of the stove to cool down the contents it was cooking.

She picked up a pot which had a large amount of nicely cooked porridge inside of it and began to pour the porridge into the one of the bowls that were placed on the work space, letting the porridge fill up the bowl to half-point she stopped and put back the pot on top of the stove and left the cooker to slowly warm up the porridge for when her babies come downstairs.

After placing the bowl on her kitchen table, she then grabbed a spoon and a small container that had fresh honey inside of it and began to pour it out on top of the porridge and used her spoon to mix it in with the porridge. After she poured in the right amount of porridge, she then began to eat the porridge while looking at the magazine while it was still on the table.

Fluttershy felt happy eating her morning porridge knowing that today she would try and summon up the courage to try and adopt Scootaloo, yet feeling scared at the same time knowing that she was going to take the responsibility to look after an eight year old child.

As Fluttershy was eating her delicious porridge, she noticed that Rainbow Dash was standing in between the door frame connecting to the living room and the kitchen. Still wearing only her diaper and her tank top she slowly walked over to Fluttershy and wrapped her arms around her, Fluttershy couldn't say anything as she had a mouthful of delicious honey porridge.

"Morning Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash hugged her best friend.

Fluttershy quickly swallowed the hot porridge and looked up at her baby.

"Good morning Rainbow Dash, did my baby have enough sleep?" Fluttershy asked, panting a little from how hot the porridge in her mouth was.

"Yeah, I felt pretty comfortable." Rainbow Dash let go of Fluttershy and grabbed one of the table chairs and placed it right next to Fluttershy so that she could sit with her while she ate her breakfast.

"As long as my baby gets her hours rest then I'm happy." Fluttershy turned to Rainbow Dash and gave her a slight pat on the back, Rainbow Dash blushed a little as she reached within her own tank-top and pulled out of her pacifier, and she then inserted it into her mouth and began to suck on it.

"Does Dashie want her breakfast now?" Fluttershy took another spoonful of porridge and put it into her mouth and then swallowed it down, she then grabbed her bowl and stood up and placed it in her kitchen sink and slightly turned on the tap.

Rainbow Dash didn't respond; she only nodded up and down with the pacifier still in her mouth. Fluttershy smiled as she walked over to the fridge and opened the fridge door and reached in for the baby bottle with milk in it, she pulled it out and closed the fridge door and then walked over to Rainbow Dash.

"So... uh... do you wanna hold the bottle or do you want me to?" Fluttershy blushed as she asked her baby.

Rainbow Dash grabbed hold of her pacifier and plucked it out of her mouth.

"Nah, I'll hold it." Rainbow Dash smiled, she reached over for the ice cold bottle full of milk and slowly grabbed it off Fluttershy and she quickly inserted it into her mouth. Now suckling the milk from the bottle, Fluttershy gave off a small smile and walked back over to her kitchen workspace and then opened her cupboards to look for food in preparation for what Rainbow Dash was going to ask for.

"Dashie, is there any food that you would like to eat?" Fluttershy pulled out a few cans of food and various breads in preparation for her breakfast meal, Rainbow Dash pulled her bottle out of her mouth and then put her hand on her chin.

"Do you have... any... tomato soup? The one without the chunks in it?" Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy.

"Uh... let me see..." Fluttershy looked inside her kitchen cupboard to have a look for the tomato soup, she rummaged in between certain cans and containers full of food when she found some tomato soup. "I found some." Fluttershy said to Rainbow Dash, she then plucked out the can of tomato soup and walked over to the stove and grabbed one of the pots and placed it on top of the stove.

"Cool, I'll drink it from a bowl." Rainbow Dash had finished her milk in her bottle and she put the bottle down on the kitchen table and now waited for Fluttershy to finish her breakfast.

As the cooking went on, Rainbow Dash sat down and patiently waited for the tomato soup without talking to Fluttershy, this went on for about thirty minutes and only the sounds of the stove and the tea kettle were only heard. Rainbow Dash broke the silence, she got up from her chair and walked over to Fluttershy who was busy cooking and she wrapped her arms around Fluttershy's waist which seemed to startle her.

"So how are you gonna look after little Scoots? Have you prepared anything?" Rainbow Dash lowered her voice and whispered into Fluttershy's ear.

"Uh... I was thinking of turning the guest room into a bedroom for Scootaloo... and I could you know... walk her to school every morning..." Fluttershy began to blush now that they were both on the subject of Scootaloo, Fluttershy felt very odd now that Rainbow Dash had wrapped her arms around her.

"That's a pretty cool idea." Rainbow acknowledged, hugging her friend even tighter.

"I uh... could play some board games with her and we could watch TV together..." Fluttershy continued to cook the tomato soup for Rainbow Dash, ignoring her friends hugging.

"What about taking her out to places like the park and stuff?" Rainbow asked.

"We could go to the park and have some picnics together... you can come along if you want to..." Fluttershy said.

"That's nice." Rainbow said. "What about things like reading books to her, giving her baths and helping her with homework?" Rainbow added.

"I'll try my best to make her happy." Fluttershy was nearly finished with the tomato soup; all she had to do is pour it into the spare bowl for Rainbow Dash.

"Wow." Rainbow Dash replied, sounding rather impressed. "You're really planning this out aren't ya'?" Rainbow kept her arms around Fluttershy; she then rested her head on her friends back and waited for Fluttershy to pour the soup into the bowl.

"Well... I didn't have much time to think it out... I sat down this morning before you woke up and I was reading this magazine about looking after children and babies... it's on the table..." Fluttershy explained to Rainbow Dash, she let go of her friend and walked over to the table to pick up the magazine that Fluttershy was reading. Rainbow only skimmed through the pages, not taking much interest in the information but she saw that it had very helpful ways of looking after children and techniques to calm them down and making them happy.

"So you’re reading all of this stuff to try and learn about looking after Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash put down the magazine and left it open on the page that Fluttershy was reading and walked back over to her friend, but by the time she had walked over, it seemed that Fluttershy had poured in the soup into one of the bowls and was ready to serve Rainbow Dash.

"I'm going to try my best and make her life happy." Fluttershy said to Rainbow Dash as she walked over to the table and placed down the bowl of soup onto the table, Rainbow Dash then sat down and grabbed one of the spoons and began to tuck into her breakfast. She inserted it into her mouth and was amazed by the perfect cooking that Fluttershy had pulled off; she turned around with warm soup in her mouth and smiled at Fluttershy.

"This soup is pretty good!" Rainbow muffled as liquid soup was still in her mouth.

"I'm glad you like it Dashie." Fluttershy smiled, knowing that Rainbow Dash had a good and delicious meal to eat while she had to do one last thing. Fluttershy walked over to the corner of the kitchen and reached in the crevices of the corner of the room and pulled out a highchair designed for babies.

"Is that for Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash asked her friend.

"I think so... I don't know if she would like to sit in the high chair... I mean... she might get a little embarrassed about it." Fluttershy placed the high chair next to the table, Rainbow Dash inspected the high chair and saw that the plastic tray attached to the highchair could be taken off and there were small straps that kept the baby from slipping out.

"Nah, she'll do it." Rainbow Dash replied, going back to her soup.

"Okay... uh... I'll go upstairs and wake up Scootaloo..." Fluttershy began to blush, she took a deep breath in and started to turn around and walk out of the kitchen, but as she walked out, Rainbow Dash put down her soup and watched her friend go upstairs.

"Don't forget to change the baby’s diaper!" Rainbow giggled rather loudly, Fluttershy ignored Rainbow's quick teasing and continued on upstairs to wake up Scootaloo.

Fluttershy slowly opened the nursery door to be then welcomed by a shade of darkness, small beams of light was making its way through the nursery windows as Fluttershy made her way in. Looking at the crib, Fluttershy noticed that the crib guards were still down to their original places and Scootaloo was still sleeping in the crib.

She took a few more steps closer to the crib and grabbed onto the top of the guards and began to lower herself down to try and wake up Scootaloo, but instead of calling her name, Fluttershy instead used her hand to take the crib blanket and take it off Scootaloo. Revealing her diaper and her orange t-shirt which she had been wearing all night, but something was very strange. Even in the dark, Fluttershy could see something on Scootaloo which she hadn't noticed before, Fluttershy hesitated for a moment but she slowly placed her hand on the back of Scootaloo's diaper and felt it to make sure that she wasn't in that certain situation.

Taking note of what Rainbow Dash had said about Scootaloo and her bed wetting problems, it seemed that Scootaloo had actually used her diaper during her sleep and was not affected by it in anyway. Fluttershy somewhat expected this slight turn of events and took the challenge herself to wake her up and alert her of what she had done during her sleep.

"Um... excuse me Scootaloo..." Fluttershy whispered to the purple haired child in an attempt to wake her up, she used her hand and tapped the child on the shoulder. The result of Fluttershy's light tapping was that Scootaloo groaned in her sleep a little before turning round onto her back.

Scootaloo raised her arms up to her face and start to rub her eyes, groaning and sighing, Scootaloo slowly opened her eyes to see that she was in a very dark room with a figure hanging over her. Scootaloo first noticed the crib guard either side of her; she yawned and then raised her arms into the air trying to grab the silhouetted figure standing above her.

"Good morning Scootaloo..." Fluttershy whispered, she leaned forward and lowered her hand and grabbed hold of Scootaloo's hand.

"Morning Fluttershy..." Scootaloo weakly yawned, feeling very tired and comfortable in the crib which she realized that felt like she had slept in, which was a strange feeling for her.

"It's time to wake up little one." Fluttershy kindly spoke with a nice smile on her face, although in the back of her mind she dreaded the reaction that Scootaloo would have when she would find out about what she did during her sleep, it was only a matter of time until it happened.

Fluttershy leaned down even more and grabbed Scootaloo by her side and started to pick her up, slowly making sure that Scootaloo didn't hurt her while she was being lifted out of the crib. After that, Scootaloo was now held in the arms of Fluttershy, she was being moved over to the changing table, yet Scootaloo was unaware of her wet diaper until Fluttershy moved her and placed her down on the changing table.

Scootaloo instantly felt something wet and squishy protrude her backside when she felt like she had sat down in a bucket full of water, she looked up at Fluttershy who had a spare diaper in her hand and then it all sank in of what she had done to herself. Tears began to well up in Scootaloo and the child began to cover her eyes letting out small quiet sobs and sniffles, Fluttershy noticed that Scootaloo was now starting to cry; she put down the fresh diaper on the surface of the changing table and quickly attended to Scootaloo's tears.

"It's okay Scootaloo... it's just uh... an accident... its okay..." Fluttershy calmly spoke to the crying Scootaloo; the purple haired child moved her hands out of the way to reveal to Fluttershy that tears were now falling down her face while she sat in the wet diaper.

"I can't believe this is happening... I'm such a big dumb baby!" Scootaloo sobbed, feeling scared and very upset about what she had done in the night. She couldn't believe that she had done it again, especially in someone else's home; after all of the scolding she got from her foster parents started to add up, she couldn't help but properly cry out loud.

"Scootaloo... please don't cry... it's only an accident... you're not a dumb baby..." Fluttershy tried to calm down Scootaloo, she quietly hushed her to make her stop, but it really wasn't working.

"I tried to wet the bed again, didn't I... please don't tell my foster parents!" Scootaloo sobbed and pleaded to Fluttershy, she held onto Fluttershy's yellow sweater tightly hoping that she wouldn't tell anyone about what had happened.

"I'm not going to Scootaloo... it's okay... it's just an accident... you aren't in trouble... its okay... you just... well... went in your diaper instead..." Fluttershy picked up Scootaloo from the changing table, still leaving her in the wet diaper and held her in her arms once again like an infant.

"I-I'm not in trouble?" Scootaloo choked, she didn't understand what was going on, she expected someone to either scold her or wait to be punished, but she didn't get that from Fluttershy. All Scootaloo got from Fluttershy was love and care like what a real mother would do, she wasn't being punished for wetting her diaper, she got attention and perfect care from her friend.

"No." Fluttershy hushed Scootaloo, rubbing the child’s back in an attempt to calm her down just like a real baby. "I would never hurt my babies if they did something they weren't able to control... um... I won't tell anyone about what happened." Fluttershy put her hand on Scootaloo's purple hair and then rested the child’s head onto her chest.

"Rainbow Dash told me... you know... about your bed wetting problems... and it's okay... you don't have to be... uh... ashamed of it..." Fluttershy began to lose words, she didn't know what to say that would keep Scootaloo from crying, but she knew that the child needed to be changed and cleaned up for one thing.

"You mean... you aren't going to tell my foster parents... I wet the bed..." Scootaloo sniffled, it seemed that she had calmed down and was taking the time to listen to what Fluttershy had to say to her.

"No, of course I wouldn't and... uh... you wet your diaper..." Fluttershy corrected the child. "Let's get you changed..." Fluttershy walked back over to the changing table with Scootaloo still in her arms and placed her back down on the changing table, she picked up the spare diaper and some of the baby wipes that were on the shelves and prepared her to change Scootaloo.

"I'm really sorry Fluttershy... I didn't mean to wet my diaper like a stupid baby..." Scootaloo apologized to her friend.

"It’s okay baby, its okay... these things happen... please don't cry... I feel sad when you cry..." Fluttershy sweetly replied to Scootaloo, she put down the spare diaper on the changing table and began to change her wet diaper so that she would be cleaned up, dropping all fear and using her motherly instincts to make sure that the whole situation was done quickly without too many problems.

Rainbow Dash had finally finished off her delicious warm tomato soup as she took her bowl and spoon and placed them in the kitchen sink, she turned on the tap and began to wash up the contents in which she had ate from. She was busy with her cleaning until she heard a thumping coming straight from the living room, Rainbow quickly wrapped the spoon and bowl around with a small towel and walked out of the kitchen to see that Fluttershy was walking downstairs with Scootaloo in her arms.

"Well, look who's awake!" Rainbow Dash cheered at Scootaloo and Fluttershy, Scootaloo gave a little wave and a smile, feeling pretty happy that Rainbow Dash was still around.

Fluttershy carried Scootaloo down to the base of the stairs where Rainbow Dash waited for them to come down, Scootaloo turned herself to see that Rainbow Dash extended her arms out so that she would carry Scootaloo into the kitchen so that they would have breakfast.

"How’s the little baby doing?" Rainbow Dash grabbed Scootaloo from Fluttershy after she was passed along, Scootaloo grabbed Rainbow Dash and wrapped her arms around her idol and started to hug her tightly.

"I'm okay Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo replied to her friend and gave a little smile to give the all clear.

"Did you sleep well?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah." Scootaloo nodded.

"Good, are you ready for some breakfast?" Rainbow asked.

"Sounds cool." Scootaloo rested her head on her friends shoulder and waited to be carried into the kitchen.

"Uh... Scootaloo... what would you like to eat?" Fluttershy broke in between their conversation and moved a little closer to Scootaloo.

"Um..." Scootaloo thought for a moment, she hadn't eaten anything good in a long time that filled her up properly. "I don't know..." Scootaloo finally replied to Fluttershy.

"You like cereal don't you?" Rainbow Dash asked her little friend, Scootaloo tilted her head and looked upwards at her idol.

"I guess..." Scootaloo shrugged.

"I have some... well... it's not cereal... but porridge... cooking on the stove... its okay if you don't want it Scootaloo..." Fluttershy realized about the porridge in the pot she had forgotten and mentioned it to Scootaloo, both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy waited for a response from the child.

"Uh..." Scootaloo groaned, not being able to make her make up. "I guess porridge sounds cool..." She added.

"I'll warm up the stove again and get a spare bowl from the cupboard." Fluttershy turned around and walked into the kitchen, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo soon followed as Scootaloo took first glance of Fluttershy's very nice and clean looking kitchen, compared to the one at her home with her foster parents, this one blows it out the water. Scootaloo also noticed that Rainbow Dash was carrying her to a large highchair that most likely would be able to fit her, she didn't like the idea of sitting in a highchair, but it was all part of the fun and the experience while it lasted.

"I'm going in that highchair?" Scootaloo asked Rainbow Dash, she stopped in her tracks and looked back down at Scootaloo.

"Why not? You're still a baby, might as well have some fun before you go home." Rainbow Dash replied to Scootaloo.

"Okay..." Scootaloo whispered.

Rainbow used her spare arm to grab hold of the plastic tray attached to the highchair and managed to rip it off its plastic locks, she then leaned forward a little and placed Scootaloo onto the seat of the highchair, after Scootaloo felt more comfortable, Rainbow Dash then put the plastic tray back on the highchair. It was a tight fit for Scootaloo, but she felt fine. Getting a nice view of the kitchen, but also feeling young and helpless for being in such a babyish contraption.

"Oh gee, Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash turned around to face her friend cooking the porridge on the stove.

"Yes Dashie?" Fluttershy politely replied.

"Where is that bib?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"In the cupboard." Fluttershy replied.

Rainbow quickly walked over to the kitchen cupboard and opened it up to reveal the cans full of various foods and soups, she moved them around to find a small bib lying in the back of the cupboard, and she grabbed it and gave it a quick inspection. It was made out of plain white cotton and there was small reading of pink text that said "LITTLE GIRL" on the front of it.

"Found it! Rainbow Dash yelled out, she closed the cupboard door and walked back over to Scootaloo who was still in the high chair. " Let’s put dis wittle bib on the baby... " Rainbow started to do her childish voice again, causing Scootaloo to elicit a giggle. She moved around to the back of the high chair and wrapped the bib around Scootaloo's neck, tying a tight bow on the end of the strings so that it wouldn't fall off.

"All done." Rainbow Dash patted Scootaloo on the back and then walked around to stand in front of her; she crossed her arms and noticed that Scootaloo placed her hands on the plastic tray, waiting for some delicious food.

"Uh... Dashie... the porridge needs to be heated up again... but I have a bottle of milk for Scootaloo..." Fluttershy stopped her cooking and walked over to the work space to pick up one of the baby bottles she had filled with ice cold milk earlier and walked over to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, now seeing that Scootaloo was now in the high chair, she noticed her little feet dangling from the top of the high chair, such an adorable scene that Fluttershy couldn't help but smile at.

"Seems that wittle Scoots has to wait a wittle bit wonger to get her num nums." Rainbow Dash continued her childish voice, causing Scootaloo to smile and giggle again. While they were playing, Fluttershy slipped in the bottle of milk and placed it on the plastic tray for when they were over with their little games.

"Here is your miwk bottlwe wittle Scoots, c'mon, take a sip." Rainbow Dash continued to play with Scootaloo, she then picked up the milk bottle and directed it slowly to Scootaloo's mouth, it was soon inserted and Scootaloo began to suck on the bottle, allowing the milk to disperse and come out of the bottle, she drank from the bottle with Rainbow Dash holding it making sure that it wasn't out of place.

"Oh... uh... the porridge is ready... I'll just put it in a bowl..." Fluttershy announced, she turned off the stove and picked up the pan and started to pour in the delicious porridge into one of the food bowls for Scootaloo. She opened one of her kitchen drawers and picked up a small plastic baby spoon and placed it inside of the bowl, she then picked up the bowl by its edges and slowly walked over to the small purple haired child and now was ready to feed her.

"Here you go Scootaloo..." Fluttershy placed down the bowl on the plastic tray, Scootaloo pushed the half-empty milk bottle out of her mouth and got ready to dig in. She picked up the plastic spoon and scooped up some of the porridge and shoved some into her mouth and began to feel its delicious honey taste inside her own mouth, it felt pretty hot inside but she could cope with it.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both took a step back from Scootaloo and let her eat her own food, Rainbow Dash turned round and walked back over to the table and sat herself down keeping an eye on Scootaloo as she ate her delicious porridge. Fluttershy walked over to Rainbow Dash and sat right behind her, she lifted her hand and placed it on Rainbows back and started to rub it up and down.

"Ooh... that's cool..." Rainbow groaned; feeling relieved of the pains in her back, she felt like she was in heaven by Fluttershy's little massage. "How was ah... Scootaloo... when she... ooh... woke up?" Rainbow whispered to her friend, she turned her head and gave off a small smile.

"Well... uh... I don't know if I should explain... Scootaloo might not like me telling you what she..." Fluttershy began to quieten even more. "Did this morning..." She finished.

"I think it's alright, Scoots has told me loads of stuff- ah! Before..." Rainbow continued to whisper to her friend.

"Well... I went upstairs... and I... uh... noticed she wet her diaper... she got upset and thought she wet the bed instead..." Fluttershy explained to her friend.

"Bummer..." Rainbow sighed; she turned round to look at Scootaloo who was apparently having the time of her life sitting in the high chair. She was quickly gulping down the porridge with the little spoon, only resulting in some small bits of porridge falling out of the spoon and landing on the bib, causing her clothing to get a little messy.

"I told her that... you know... it was only an accident... and she doesn't have to be ashamed of it..." Fluttershy kept on explaining.

"So you... changed her right?" Rainbow Dash turned her head to look back at her friend, raising an eyebrow to whether she actually did. "I thought you weren't able to do it, because Scootaloo is a child?" She asked.

"When a baby is in need of help... I acted brave and helped little Scootaloo..." Fluttershy blushed.

"That's really cool of you to help Scootaloo out when she's upset... but... aren't you gonna break out the news that you're going to adopt her soon?" Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy.