• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Thirteen

A/N: Special thanks to Me8Myself for creating the colourized version of the title image for the story and I'd like to also thank Geotastic herself for creating the original image.


"Uh, it was nothing..." Fluttershy's heart nearly skipped a few beats, she didn't want to reveal the information to the child too early, and Scootaloo looked at Fluttershy with a nice smile and looked away from her for a moment before returning eye contact to her.

"Okay." Scootaloo merrily said. "Was it something to do with your animals?" She asked.

"Er, I guess you could say that." Fluttershy tried her best, she kept herself strong so that she would neither blush nor blurt out any of the secrets that she said to Rainbow Dash a few seconds ago.

"I hope its okay." Scootaloo smiled.

"Sorry... what?" Fluttershy lost it for a moment.

"Your animal, is he okay?" Scootaloo asked.

"Y-Yeah." Fluttershy nodded. She started to feel her body shake as she began to search for some of the diapers that would perfectly fit a girl around Scootaloo's age; she lowered herself to check under the changing table to find the packages of diapers that Scootaloo had previously pulled out to try and rip into the packaging. She expertly opened the correct package with her fingers and grabbed a handful of diapers; she then backed away from the changing table and counted how many she had in her hand.

"One... two... seven... here we are... seven diapers for Scootaloo." Fluttershy shook her fears and looked at Scootaloo and shown her the diapers that she had picked up from underneath the changing table.

"Cool! I got diapers that'll last me for a week!" Scootaloo excitedly yelled, she raised her fist up in the air and looked at Fluttershy with excitement.

"Uh... they're kind of like pull-ups but they have the diaper tapes on them for some reason... I don't know what type of diapers they are." Fluttershy examined one of the diapers that she had picked out from the changing table and saw that she had picked up a very strange combination of a baby design diaper and a mix of a pull-up that an older child would use for proper bed-wetting. The overall design of the diaper was a nicely coloured girly pink plastered all over the diaper, there was small images of dolls, numbers and letters of the alphabet spread all over it.

Fluttershy placed down the diapers onto the changing table and reached for Scootaloo's clothing and handed it to the child, Scootaloo immediately reached for one of the diapers instead and took a good look at what she was going to wear later tonight in bed.

"Whoa, so I get to wear these?" Scootaloo inspected the diapers, turning them around taking a good look at their sides and front.

"Yes, do you like them?" Fluttershy smiled.

"They're awesome." Scootaloo smiled back. "Can't wait to wear them at night."

Fluttershy giggled a little just off Scootaloo alone, she couldn't believe how excited she was to wear and try-out some pull-ups for her night time sleeping.

"I'm glad." Fluttershy nodded, she walked away from Scootaloo and turned her back on her to give Scootaloo some privacy as she started to dress herself, she didn't want to embarrass her in any way.

Scootaloo knew what Fluttershy was doing and she put down the diaper she inspected and placed it on the pile, she began to pick up her clothing and began to put them on. Feeling awfully relaxed at how clean and nice they feel after Fluttershy had cleaned them, she couldn't just stop smiling.

"So uh... when are you going to adopt me?" As Scootaloo lifted up her legs through the holes in her shorts, she politely asked Fluttershy, causing her to blush and quickly turn round in surprise.

"Wh-What?!" Fluttershy gasped, a silver lining had been passed by Scootaloo. Time and space froze itself for Fluttershy as she felt a tidal wave of fear and absurd humiliation began to arise within her.

"Oh... uh... when are you going to adopt me?" Scootaloo asked, not actually affected by asking this question.

"H-How did you?" Fluttershy slowly walked over to Scootaloo and placed her hand on her mouth, feeling incredibly awful that she wasn't able to hide the secret from Scootaloo for much longer, she had let her down.

"I heard you and Rainbow Dash talking about adopting me so I don't have to live with my stupid foster parents, I didn't wanna say anything." Scootaloo finally pulled her shorts up and smiled at a sad looking Fluttershy.

"I'm really sorry Scootaloo..." Fluttershy began to tear up, slowly wiping her tears with her fingers. "I was going to tell you later on today... I'm really sorry that the surprise was spoiled..." Fluttershy squeaked out loud, Scootaloo jumped off the changing table and quickly walked over to Fluttershy and began to hug her.

"Hey, it's okay." Scootaloo started to comfort the sobbing adult. "You didn't have to hide it from me."

"But I was really concerned whether you liked me or not... I didn't know if you wanted to stay here, I heard so many bad things about your foster parents I couldn't believe what Rainbow told me..." Fluttershy lowered herself onto her knees and wrapped her arms around Scootaloo, both Scootaloo and Fluttershy hugged each other in what seemed for an eternity, slowly after a few minutes, Fluttershy began to calm down and was now afraid of what Scootaloo might have thought of her panicking more than she would normally do.

"Fluttershy, you could have told me, I would love to be adopted." Scootaloo whispered into Fluttershy's ear, still wrapped around her friend’s arms.

"I'm sorry, I really am... I just want to make you really happy; I want to be your Mother..." Fluttershy sniffed, she looked down at the purple haired child and saw something she did not expect. Scootaloo herself was starting to cry. Tears were falling down from her face, yet, she wasn't sobbing or sniffling. Fluttershy quickly noticed and rubbed her backside to try and calm her down.

"What's wrong? Please tell me..." Fluttershy asked Scootaloo.

"I'm gonna have a real mom that likes me..." Scootaloo planted her face into Fluttershy’s sweater and began to speak, though her words were muffled up and Fluttershy was unable to properly hear what she was saying.

Fluttershy didn't know what to do; she leaned back which allowed Scootaloo to rest on her lap whilst both sobbed in the middle of the nursery unable of what to say to each other. Scootaloo tightly hugged Fluttershy as hard as she could, not wanting to be separated from the person who wanted to take her away from the evil beings known as foster parents. Fluttershy on the other hand placed her hand on Scootaloo's purple hair still feeling the left-over water particles untouched by the towel from earlier; she began to slowly calm the child by stroking her short hair feeling sick to the brim about making Scootaloo cry.

"Hey I heard cryin-" Rainbow Dash opened up the nursery door and peeked her head through to check up on Fluttershy and Scootaloo, when she saw both of them lying on the ground both silently crying together Rainbow pushed the door wide open and quickly landed beside her friends and quickly placed her arms around both Fluttershy and Scootaloo.

"What happened?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Are any of you hurt?" Rainbow Dash added.

"No..." Scootaloo sobbed, peeking her face out of Fluttershy's yellow vest, tears and snot still running down her face. "Fluttershy is gonna adopt me!"

Time had passed, it was getting close to mid-afternoon and the day was still young. Fluttershy and Scootaloo were both sitting in the bedroom together along with Rainbow Dash slowly pacing back and forth in the middle of the room with her arms crossed, the room was silent and no one dared to say a single word, Scootaloo and Fluttershy both held themselves and constantly hugged each other not wanting to let go of each other at all.

Rainbow Dash stopped her pacing for a moment and looked at Fluttershy and Scootaloo, she walked up to both and them and sat down on the bed right next to them still keeping her eyes locked on her friends.

"Adoption is a serious deal, how are ya' even gonna do it?" Rainbow Dash broke the silence.

Fluttershy looked up at her friend and blinked.

"I uh- don't know..." Fluttershy squeaked, she looked away from Rainbow Dash and then down at Scootaloo.

"C'mon, isn't there some legal booklet or something that you have to sign... Scootaloo, you've been moved to a few foster homes in your time. What do foster parents do to look after you? Do they sign a book or do they have to go speak with the Mayor for permission or something?" Rainbow Dash began to talk to both of her friends, she noticed that Scootaloo had dug her face into Fluttershy's sweater once again to try and hide from conversation.

"I don't know..." Scootaloo squeaked, in a similar fashion to how Fluttershy whispers.

"You must’a been there for when they take you to a different house every time, did you ever have to do anything? Like signing your name in a book or something to make sure the foster people look after you?" Rainbow Dash leaned closer to Scootaloo, placing her hand on the childs backside and lightly tapping her to regain her attention as she turned her head away.

"I wanna stay here again... I don't wanna go home..." Scootaloo whimpered.

"But it's Sunday." Rainbow Dash replied.

"I don't wanna go!" Scootaloo childishly pouted and crossed her arms and looked at Rainbow Dash.

"Well, that's up to Fluttershy, not me." Rainbow leaned back, slightly surprised at Scootaloo's quick-fire anger.

Scootaloo turned to face Fluttershy and looked at her deeply in the eyes, she didn't want to be taken away from her friend that promised so much and taken back to her old foster parents, she wanted to stay with Fluttershy no matter what.

"Well... uh... you have school tomorrow and... I don't really know... are your parents going to be alright with you staying again?" Fluttershy didn't know what to do, she was in that type of position where she didn't know what to properly do any more, she couldn't think of what to do, keeping her away from her Foster parents would raise suspicion and keeping her here without the consent of the Mayor sounded like a bad thing to do.

"B-But... I don't wanna go home... I feel loved here... I have a mommy that wants to look after me... I never had that before... can I stay for one more night? We can go back and get my stuff at the foster home... my stupid foster parents are out by now... please... Fluttershy..." Scootaloo grabbed onto Fluttershy's arm and began to plead for her safety and care, the childs words were sinking into Fluttershy like a brick, and however Rainbow Dash also understood what it meant for Scootaloo to have someone that actually wants to look after her.

Fluttershy bit her lip, she didn't really have a choice, the words Scootaloo was trying to get across had sank in and she tightened her grip on the purple haired child and hugged her even tighter. Scootaloo also did the same and began to loudly sob in front of Rainbow Dash.

"Oh alright, I'm gonna get your stuff..." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and groaned, falling into Scootaloo's need to attention and love.

"But you aren't dressed..." Fluttershy sniffled, feeling a little better now that everything had seemed to calm down.

"I'll just put my shorts over the diaper." Rainbow Dash jumped off the bed and walked over to where she put down her clothes and pick up her shorts and proceeded to put them on.

"But... what if someone sees you wearing a diaper in the street? Especially one of our friends?" Fluttershy asked.

"Then they should mind their own business, no one interrupted me and Twilight when we did that Daring Indie book marathon together. Heck! I won some money 'cause I beat Twilight in reading the second book faster than her." Rainbow groaned she then grabbed her running shoes and put them on one by one; she was ready to leave and was safely padded for the journey.

"I'm gonna use the key under the mattress outside the house to get into the foster home and I'll take your stuff and bring it here, is that alright Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo.

Scootaloo turned round to face Rainbow Dash and silently nodded, she then went back to hugging Fluttershy and dug her face into her sweater.

"Do you need a bag or something to carry all of her stuff?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.

"Nah, I can use Scootaloo's school bag." Rainbow Dash mumbled.

And with that, Rainbow Dash walked out of the bedroom still waddling from side to side a little, she walked down the stairs and began to leave Fluttershy's cottage in search for Scootaloo's essentials for staying over.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and then exhaled; it had been thirty minutes since Rainbow Dash had left to obtain some of Scootaloo's clothing and essentials. Leaving Fluttershy to ponder by herself alone in the kitchen, all the lights in the house were turned off and the curtains were rolled down meaning there was no light that was getting through the windows.

Fluttershy lifted up her cup of nice warm herbal tea and began to slowly drink from it, the warm liquid went down her throat and she swallowed which was followed by a loud sigh. She closed her eyes and began to slowly breathe inwards and then outwards to try and calm herself down from light of recent events.

She heard the front door open from all the way inside of her kitchen and quickly stood up still holding the tea in her hand, she walked into the living room to see Rainbow Dash making her way through into the house holding a large school bag she had wrapped around her arm.

"Is that Scootaloo's school bag?" Fluttershy walked up to her best friend and pointed at the bag.

"Yeah, where is she?" Rainbow Dash replied, looking not very happy with what she had to do.

"She's upstairs." Fluttershy replied.

Rainbow Dash walked past Fluttershy and began to make her venture upstairs, but before she could make it to the stairs, she was interrupted by Fluttershy who grabbed onto her t-shirt and lightly pulled her back.

"Wait... you can't go upstairs yet..." Fluttershy squeaked.

"Why not?" Rainbow Dash stood still and turned to look at her friend.

"She's asleep..." Fluttershy said.

"Why?" Rainbow asked.

"She fell asleep in my arms when you went to get her stuff, so I put her in my bed for now." Fluttershy explained.

Rainbow Dash silently nodded and walked away from the stairs, she walked up to the couch and began to rest herself by sitting down. She crossed her legs and placed the school bag on the living room table and rubbed her head, Fluttershy slowly sat down right next to Rainbow Dash and placed her drink on the table and wrapped her arm around Rainbow's neck.

"I changed her clothes and put her in one of the pull-ups I was going to give her... if you wanted to know... because of her bed-wetting... I just wanted to..." Fluttershy tried to pick up some conversation, but felt unusually shy around Rainbow Dash, feeling curious to why she looked sad.

"Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash began to speak. "I'm a little worried about Scoots."

"Why?" Fluttershy's eyes widened.

"This whole adoption idea, do you think it'd be good for you?" Rainbow asked.

"I'd love to have a child; I can teach Scootaloo how to look after animals and how to plant trees." Fluttershy began to list off the many things she would be able to do with Scootaloo.

"No, no." Rainbow Dash interrupted. "I mean, will you honestly be able to look after little Scoots like an actual mother would do? Tuck her in, feed her, bathe her, give her love, help her when she grows up, that sorta' stuff." Rainbow Dash explained.

Fluttershy paused for a moment, she thought of all of the things that she had learnt from reading the parenting books that she had borrowed from Twilight and then looked back at Rainbow Dash.

"Yes, I promise I'll look after Scootaloo. I'll never let her go..." Fluttershy responded.

"I just find all this stuff with the adoption goin' a little too fast, how did she find out that you were going to adopt her?" Rainbow Dash leaned her head to the side and rested it on Fluttershy's chest; Fluttershy used her fingers to stroke Rainbows hair.

"She told me that she heard us talk about it." Fluttershy said.

"She heard us about talk it... I felt really scared when she told me in the nursery." Fluttershy told Rainbow Dash.

"Hmm... I'm little angry at Scoots." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"For what?" Fluttershy quickly replied.

"That she's gonna have the best mom around." Rainbow Dash grinned; she sat back up and watched Fluttershy's reaction change from a scared and worried expression to a nice calm smile.

"Oh, you're so cheeky!" Fluttershy playfully giggled out loud, she leaned forward and kissed Rainbow Dash on her forehead.

"You’re gonna do great as a mom, I think you're the perfect one." Rainbow Dash began to giggle along with Fluttershy.

"Thanks Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy stopped giggling and continued on with her drink until she had finished it; she drank the last drop and then got off the couch to put the cup in the kitchen sink.

"Wait- are you going to make another drink?" Rainbow Dash asked before Fluttershy left for the kitchen.

"Well, no. But are you thirsty?" Fluttershy replied.

"Kind of, yeah." Rainbow nodded.

"I don't really have much except for tea and orange juice though..." Fluttershy pondered.

"Surprise me." Rainbow lifted her legs up onto the chair and rested herself on the couch as she did earlier, she undone the buttons on her running shorts and pulled them down which revealed her diaper.

"By the way, uh... did anyone notice you were wearing that... under your shorts?" Fluttershy watched as Rainbow Dash took off her shorts and put them on the table.

"Nah, no one asked. Though, it felt a little hard to walk around in it." Rainbow Dash stretched her arms and placed them on the back of her head.

"Okay, it's just... well... I was a little worried that someone might have noticed you wearing one and... Well I thought you would get upset..." Fluttershy replied back to her friend, now making her way back to the kitchen.

"Worse has happened to me, remember college? Getting my trousers pulled down in the middle of the corridor?" Rainbow Dash turned her head to see Fluttershy standing next to the door.

"Yes, and you punched Gilda in the face..." Fluttershy blushed.

"Yeah, worse." Rainbow turned back round to relax and now awaited her drink.

To be continued...