• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Twenty-One

"So... are you wearing the diapers that you bought from that shop? I thought you would have went home after I fell asleep..."

"Nah, I wouldn't leave you when you're upset. But yeah, I did put on one of those diapers and I just watched some TV for a while and then mooched around in the kitchen and had some food, Scootaloo walked in drenched, I took her to the nursery and we just started to mess around."

"Oh my..." Fluttershy quietly gasped. "Is her school uniform in the nursery? I could clean it right away if she needed me to..."

"Hey, hey. Relax, just relax with your little babies and have some fun. m'kay?"

"Yes... fun..." Fluttershy nodded.

Both of them started to descend down the stairs to hear the sound of the TV and the cartoons that it played, soft high-pitched giggling could be heard as they got closer to the ground floor both knowing that Scootaloo was up to something. They reached the bottom of the stairs and took a good look around the living room and noticed that all of the curtains were closed. The living room was now dark, just like Fluttershy's bedroom. The only source of light that kept the room illuminated was the colourful images of the TV quickly flashing and passing by as Scootaloo continued to giggle.

Scootaloo was lying down on the couch, her body spread out as if she was resting on a bed with her large orange pacifier somewhat hanging out of her map as she couldn't help but laugh at what she was seeing on the TV screen. A pillow was wrapped round her arms to give her support and a clear view of what was going on, she looked away from the TV for a moment to see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy standing by the stairs looking around dazed and confused of what is going on.

"Hello mommy! Hello Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo leaned up and happily waved over to the adults, both of them looking at each other and smiled. Fluttershy was the first to walk over to the happy child and sit down beside her on the couch; she lowered her arm and drove her fingers through Scootaloo's wet purple hair.

"Hello Scootaloo, how's my little baby doing today?" Fluttershy instantly got into character, she leaned forward and gave her daughter a quick kiss on the forehead and leaned back. She positioned her arms under Scootaloo's back and lightly picked her up and adjusted her so that she was now sitting on her lap. With the overalls and the pacifier helping the infantile image, Fluttershy blushed and hugged her child.

"I'm doing fine mommy, I'm just watching cartoons!" Scootaloo wrapped her arms around her mother and nuzzled her way into Fluttershy's chest.

Rainbow Dash chuckled at the sight and sat down beside Fluttershy on the couch. Fluttershy turned her head a little and smiled at Rainbow for a moment.

"And how is my big baby doing?" She asked Dash with a wink.

"Never felt any better mommy." Rainbow nodded and put emphasis on 'mommy', she leaned her head onto Fluttershy's side and also wrapped her arms round her and started to hug her tightly.

"Aww, both of you are so happy to see me... Did both of you have a good play-time while I was sleeping?" Fluttershy never felt so close with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, it was like magic. With a sudden wink and some details she had planned out in the back of her head, her dream was starting to come true.

"Yeah! Me and Dashie played dress-up together!" Scootaloo now sounded excited, as if her most recent game was important as ever. Like a massive accomplishment.

"Whoa! Did you like playing dress-up too Dashie?" She turned her head and looked at Rainbow Dash with a smile on her face.

"Yep!" Rainbow nodded.

"Aww... do you both want something to drink? My little babies must be really thirsty, Uh, I have some milk in the fridge if you... well, want some..." Fluttershy started to blush, her streak of courage died down in a playful defeat. As she was still wrapped round Rainbow and Scootaloo's arms she started to politely move them out of the way allowing her to stand up. She slowly placed Scootaloo down onto the couch and stood up in front of her little babies.

"I'll have a milk bottle!" Scootaloo was the first to yell out her request, Fluttershy smiled and looked at Rainbow Dash who was now positioning herself into a comfortable spot on the couch.

"How about you Dashie? Do you want a milk bottle?"

"Hmm..." Rainbow thought for a moment. "Have you got... uh... a sippy cup? I'd love to have some orange juice or something."

"Ooh! Ooh! I'll have what Rainbow Dash is having instead!" Scootaloo playfully raced over to Rainbow Dash and landed onto her chest, the child quickly climbed up and sat up on Rainbow's lap which caused both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to giggle slightly.

"Are you sure Scootaloo? You don't want any milk?"

"Yep! I want some orange juice!"

"Okay... I'll go into the kitchen and make the drinks for my little babies..." Fluttershy turned to the kitchen door and walked through the archway, leaving both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo alone. Rainbow wrapped her arms round Scootaloo and pulled her back so that she was properly lying down on her chest.

"How you likin' being treated like a baby again Scoots?"

"Its fun!"

"What's it feel like to be wearin' overalls?"

Scootaloo paused for a moment and felt her clothing with her hands.

"Its weird Rainbow Dash... every time I try and walk my legs get spread apart 'cause of my diaper."

"But are you comfortable?"

"Yeah!" She happily yelled and then paused again and looked down to her legs and then stared back at Rainbow Dash with a blush on her cheeks. "Rainbow Dash?"

"Yeah Scoots?"

"Do you use your diapers?"

"Use 'em? I'm still wearing mine yeah."

"No..." Scootaloo looked from side to side making sure that her mommy wasn't around to hear what she was about to say, the child leaned her head close to Rainbow's ears and began to whisper. "I mean... do you pee in them?"

"I peed in one of my diapers this morning cause I was lying in bed and I didn't wanna get up for the toilet, so I guess yeah." Rainbow shrugged, she also lowered her voice and whispered to the child.

"Well... its just... uh... I did something... in my diaper... I kinda peed... and I was wondering... if you could change my diaper for me?" Scootaloo looked away in slight worry, Rainbow Dash just raised an eyebrow and casually nodded her head.

"Can't do that Scoots, I'm just a little baby." She smiled. "When did you pee in your diaper?"

"I watched the cartoons... and they made me laugh so hard... it made me pee a little..."

"Hey, don't worry. Fluttershy will change your diaper. You should've told her when she was still here though."

"Sorry Rainbow Dash..."

"Its okay."

Rainbow wrapped her arms around the child and gave her a hug.

Fluttershy came back into the room from the archway out of the kitchen holding a small food tray by the handles with a baby bottle, a sippy cup and a food bowl on the top of it. She walked over to the table in front of the couch and slowly placed it down making sure that nothing on the tray spilled or fell over.

"I have two bottles filled up with some concentrated orange juice... I hope you like it..."

"Yay!" Scootaloo threw her arms up into the air and jumped off from Rainbow's chest and leaned over towards the table to grab her baby bottle full of orange juice.

"Thanks 'mom'" Rainbow smiled, she slowly leaned over to pick up her sippy cup and before drinking, she took a good look at what she had in front of her.

She took a close look at the sippy cup and noticed the cute pink images of butterflies and flowers on the transparent plastic, the top lid of the sippy cup had a white area where she would put her mouth. Rainbow Dash inserted the sippy cup into her mouth and began to drink down the orange juice.

Scootaloo soon followed and began to drink from her bottle like a good baby, Fluttershy smiled and sat down next to the child and picked her up onto her lap. She gently rocked Scootaloo back and forth in a comforting notion and ran her fingers down the childs purple short wet hair.

"This is some pretty good orange juice Fluttershy." Rainbow plucked her sippy cup out of her mouth and licked her lips, feeling the weak taste of orange still on her lips.

"Thank you Rainbow Dash."

"Hey mommy, what are we going to do now?" Scootaloo also pulled the bottle out of her mouth and turned to face her mother, Fluttershy looked at her and thought for a second.

"Oh, I don't know Scootaloo, what would you like to do?"

"I wanna play!"

"What do you want to play with?"

"I wanna play with you and Rainbow Dash!"

"I'll always have the free time to play with you and Rainbow Dash, but what do you want to play? I have some Lego blocks in the toy chest upstairs and some dolls that you could play with."

Scootaloo placed a finger on her chin and thought for a moment of this offer.

"Can we all... uh... um... I dunno what to do..." Scootaloo blushed, she continued on with her bottle of orange juice and shoved it back into her own mouth.

"It's okay Scootaloo." Fluttershy turned her head to face Dash, with her hands on her exposed belly and with an empty sippy cup in hand. "What about you Rainbow Dash?"

"I say we look inside the toy chest and find some other stuff to play with, I'm sure you bought loads of rattles, plushies, animal dolls, and blocks. Y'know, all that sorta' stuff."

"Ooh! Thank you Dashie, you reminded me about something."

"What did I do?"

"I did actually buy some rattles and other little toys, I did buy a... well... I don't know how to explain it... but... er... its like a blanket... but it has lots and lots of toys attached to it..."

"Cool! A blanket with some toys on it!" Scootaloo squeaked with the bottle still in her mouth.

"Let's go upstairs."

Fluttershy wrapped her arms around Scootaloo and picked her up, the child quickly grabbed onto her mother’s shoulders using one arm and using the other to hold the bottle. Both of them made their way towards the stairs and Rainbow Dash soon followed, she put down the sippy cup down on the coffee table and started to make her way over to Fluttershy.

The nursery door slowly slid open, Fluttershy was the first one to walk in with Scootaloo still wrapped around her holding tightly to make sure that she doesn't fall down to the ground. Both of them took a good look at the nursery to see where Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash had been playing, the blankets and pillows within the crib were all slightly ruffled and out of place.

The weather outside still retained its haunting feeling, the lightning shined through the cracks in the curtains just like they did a few minutes ago. The thunder kept of echoing throughout the cottage putting Fluttershy on edge.

Rainbow Dash was the last one to enter the room, she poked her head in after slowly ascending the stairs to see Fluttershy put down Scootaloo on the changing table. She walked into the nursery and headed over to her friends to see what was going on.

"So what you are doing?" Rainbow placed her hand on Fluttershy's shoulder and leaned forward to get a good look at Scootaloo just sitting on the table.

"Oh... Dashie... uh, I'm going to change the babies diaper..." Fluttershy blushed.

"What? How did you know about Scootaloo's wet diaper?" Rainbow leaned back for a second and raised an eyebrow at her friend.

"I heard Scootaloo talking about her diaper when I was in the kitchen... sorry, was I supposed to guess that she was wet? Sorry..."

"No its cool." Rainbow Dash returned and tapped her friend on the shoulder.

"Don't worry mommy, I'll tell you when I felt like I peed myself." Scootaloo smiled at the two.

"Okay Scootaloo. Uh, lets just help you lie down and then I can change you."

Fluttershy placed her hand on the childs back and moved her so that she was now lying on the changing table, her legs were slightly hanging off from the edge on the other side and her head was too big for the little pillow that she was resting on. It dawned to Fluttershy that she would need some larger equipment for what she is dealing with.

"Uh, Dashie... you can open the toy chest if you want to... I just need to change Scootaloo and put her into some different clothing if that's alright with you..."

"Yeah sure, take your time. Just make sure Scootaloo looks really cute as possible."

Fluttershy's face blushed lightly.

"Do you want to help me pick some clothes for Scootaloo?"

"Sure. What does mommy have in mind?" Rainbow winked at her friend.

Fluttershy smiled and looked back at Scootaloo who was still relaxing on the changing table, she turned back to Rainbow Dash with a plan in mind.

"Dashie... if it isn't too much trouble... could you get Scootaloo's onesie out of the wardrobe please?"

"Ooh! Ooh! My onesie!" Scootaloo quickly leaned up and threw her arms up into the air and yelped with joy.

"Sure thing."

Rainbow Dash turned round to walked over to the wardrobe and opened it up, now that she had actually been through some of the clothing, they were much easier to indentify and were a breeze for her. She grabbed the largest blue onesie that she could find and closed the wardrobe doors with her feet and walked back over to the changing table where Fluttershy had started to undress Scootaloo.

Rainbow placed the onsie down on the other side of the table and turned over to the toy chest that was in the corner of the room near the crib, she walked over to it and leaned down onto her knees and unlocked it by moving the plastic switches to reveal a mountain of toys and necessities alike.

Building blocks, dolls, rattles, teddies, stuffed animals, plushies, board games, toy boats, pirate ships, Micro Machines, Lego blocks and so much more could be found within this wooden chest. It was like a light was shining out, slowly pulling Dash closer and closer to the treasure ever more.

"Woah... didn't think there would be that many..." Rainbow whispered to herself, she honestly didn't know where to start with all these toys. So many to choose from. Rainbow was at a loss for a moment here, she instead reached within the chest of opportunity and blindly grabbed the first set of toys that her hands came into contact with.

She turned her head away to get the satisfaction of getting a random toy out of the chest, her hand brushed against something made out of a hard plastic, her fingers also tipped on something soft. Two toys for the price of one? She was definitely ready for this. This was the time, Rainbow wrapped her fingers round the object that she felt and locked them round to pick it up.

Rainbow lifted up the object resulting in a clash of plastic and wool within the box and the pulled out... two plastic blocks with basic numbers on them and a small white bunny rabbit plushy. Rainbow eyed up the two toys and the little white bunny rabbit and dropped the two blocks onto the carpet, instead wrapping her arms round the bunny rabbit and started to hug it tightly.

"Aw, is my little baby enjoying her toys?" Fluttershy called over, all in this time Rainbow didn't pay any attention to what Fluttershy and Scootaloo had been doing. She looked up to see Fluttershy looking at her with Scootaloo sitting upwards with her pacifier in her mouth and a change of clothing, the child was now in her onesie. And she looked more adorable than ever.

"I found a bunny, and it reminds me of Angel."

"How cute, Angel is supposed to come back home in a few days. I just hope he has been a good little bunny with all of his new bunny girlfriends." Fluttershy pondered, she set Scootaloo down on the floor next to Rainbow Dash, circling around the toys with them being in the middle. Fluttershy moved over to the toy chest and began to pluck certain toys out and put them in the middle of the pile.

"Angel is gonna be okay, 'specially with all of his new friends." Rainbow giggled.

"I just hope he hasn't been wearing himself out too much, I know how he likes to relax in his little basket in my bedroom all the time."

Rainbow turned to Scootaloo who was still sucking on her pacifier, the child looked down at the toys that Fluttershy was placing in the middle of the pile and began to pick them up one by one. She inspected a plastic toy boat out of the pile and gave it a good look. Rainbow looked back at Fluttershy and crawled over to the chest and rested besides her and leaned her head against her best friend.

"He'll be fine, trust me. A little tired or so, but he'll be fine."

"Well... I'm always worried about the woodland critters this time of year because of you know..." Fluttershy blushed a little and leaned close to her friend’s ear. "Mating Season..."

"Its normal for them ain't it?"

"Yes..." Fluttershy nodded. "But I get so worried about them when they aren't at home, I worry about the birds sometimes when they lay eggs sometimes, I think that a mean badger or squirrel will find them and steal the eggs..."

"You shouldn't worry too much, don't they just put a nest or whatever you call it in a tree where the squirrel can't climb?"

"But... squirrels are very good climbers..."

"Are they? Woopsie-daisy."

"Its okay Dashie, sorry for making you worry about the animals... I'm just trying to get the toys out of the chest."

"Nah, don't lay it on yourself. You should be concentratin' on lookin' after your babies for now, animals later."

"Yes, you're right..."

"Now c'mon, lets play with some toys."

To be continued...