• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Sixteen

The next morning...

The room was terrible, the peeled off wallpaper, the dirty untouched curtains and the ensemble of dirty clothes and lingerie everywhere.

Rainbow Dash was lying in her bed, the dirtiest bed in all of Equestria. The rainbow haired woman lay down peacefully with half a cyan coloured blanket with the image of her own sporting rainbow on top of her, she was lying on her back-side with the blanket pulled up only up to her legs. Her arms were spread out on her double sized bed, she was still wearing her very revealing cyan tank top, her basic white socks that went up to her ankles.

The loud burst of air filtered through the room, Rainbow Dash was now broken of her slumber as he rose her head up in complete shock. Beams of light penetrated her eyes as the noise ringed in her ears; a slick pain ran through her forehead and temple to make matters even worse.

"Aah, Rainbow, you're awake." A familiar voice cheerily acknowledged.

Rainbow grabbed her forehead with her hands and quickly leaned back down on her pillows to bear with the sudden pain in her head, her eyes had adjusted to the strange light that she had never seen before.

"Aah! My head!" Rainbow groaned, she dug her fingers into her pressure points and began to mush her fingers around the pain which hurt the most.

"Sorry about waking you up Dashie, I just needed to use the hair-dryer." The voice apologized.

"Who's in my room?! Pinkie Pie? Is that you?" Rainbow leaned up and rubbed her eyes, the pain in her head began to die down and her vision started to clear, on the other side of her bedroom was someone she didn't expect her in room.

"No, I'm not as crazy as Pinkie Pie. But last night was crazy." She said.

"Cheerilee?! What are you doing here?" Rainbow's mouth dropped wide open at who it was.

She wasn't wearing her usual school teacher attire that Rainbow Dash remembered that she wore last night; instead, she was wearing nothing but a familiar cyan towel with the icon of a multi-coloured lightning bolt as its image. The school teacher was blowing hot air into her wet light purple hair as he held on tight to the towel.

"I'm sorry Dashie, after all the effort it took to get you back in your apartment, I felt terribly tired myself. So I fell asleep on your couch, sorry about that, I wasn't able to ask for your permission to sleep on the couch; you were too drunk to talk by the time I threw you down onto your bed." Cheerilee smiled at her friend, still confused at what was going on.

"Hold on..." Rainbow moved her hands back up to her forehead, feeling more imminent pain going through her. "I was drunk?" She choked out.

"Yes." The teacher nodded. "It's six in the morning, funny though, we fell asleep at seven. So you at least got a good number of hours sleep in preparation for today."

"Sorry... what?!" Rainbow spat out. "I don't remember being drunk, how is that even possible..." She slammed her back onto her bed pillow.

"Wait- You don't remember a single thing about last night?" Cheerilee raised an eyebrow at her friend.

"No..." Rainbow nodded. "Nothing."

"In the middle of strip poker, you drank nearly a whole pint of Apple cider, you couldn't even walk straight. We had to end the game when we all got to our bras and undies because of you." Cheerilee explained to her friend, she started to continue drying her hair as she giggled at Rainbow's reaction.

"Oh man..." Rainbow's mouth widened even more in disappointment; she couldn't believe what she had done. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay Rainbow Dash, I was pretty close to losing anyways, I would have been nude if I lost another set of cards... if it wasn't for you breaking up the game that is." Cheerilee had finished drying her hair, with the towel still around her body; she walked over to Rainbow's bed and sat down opposite to her friend who still had a hard time believing last night.

"Did I do something stupid to break up the game? Just tell me... quickly..." Rainbow leaned up and kicked her blanket off from the rest of her body, revealing the diaper she wore the night before.

"You tripped over a table in the Sugarcube Corner... which woke up the Cake family..." Cheerilee extended her fingers on her hand and began to list off what Rainbow had done. "You pulled down your trousers and shown off your diaper in the middle of the game... kissed Pinkie Pie on the lips... And while in the streets, you kicked over a garbage can... shouted out your love for diapers... and you wouldn't make it easy for me to take you home after we had to end the game." Cheerilee gave up; she put her hand on her lap and looked at Rainbow in the eyes.

"Is anyone mad at me?" Rainbow moped; she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"We all thought it was funny to be honest... well... at first... and when you woke up Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake... Pinkie's mood was wearing thin, so we called it a night. Lyra didn't mind seeing how she was also mildly drunk and even I started to dislike what you were doing." Cheerilee reached for her hair and began to position it into her usual place, knotting and smoothing her hair until she thought it was perfect.

"Oh..." Rainbow continued to rub her head, allowing the pain inside of her to escape. "I'm sorry..."

"I don't think you should be saying sorry to me, just Pinkie Pie. But atleast I can work on a lot of things today, I'd like to thank you about telling me Scootaloo's adoption plans before you got drunk." Cheerilee folded her arms; she covered up her chest and tightened the towel wrapped around her.

"The adoption!" Rainbow's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that she forgot about something so serious. "Fluttershy's gonna adopt Scootaloo today!" She jolted herself up to try and get out of her bed, she tried to climb off her bed but Cheerilee had grabbed her.

"It's okay Dashie; you said that the meeting isn't going to happen until eleven, so I wouldn't worry." Cheerilee grabbed hold of Rainbow's tank top and pulled her back on the bed.

"Oh... is it?" Rainbow was confused even more. "What am I supposed to do in the meantime?"

"I'm going to leave the apartment in a few minutes, maybe since you woke up with such a headache, you could possibly get back to sleep and wake up later in the day." Cheerilee turned her head to look at Rainbow; she lightly crawled over to the middle of the bed to where Rainbow Dash was lying and sat beside her.

"Once I wake up, I wake up. Ain't gonna go to sleep again." Rainbow stretched her arms outwards and wrapped it round Cheerilee's neck.

Cheerilee felt Rainbow wrap her arm around her neck, she knew what Rainbow wanted, but she wasn't going to give in.

"I'm going to grab my clothes... diaper girl..." Cheerilee leaned forward and climbed off the bed and walked towards the bedroom door, she turned back to face Rainbow Dash to see a bright red blush on her face. She instead stuck out her tongue in a playful way, causing Cheerilee to smile a little as she walked out of her friend’s bedroom.

Two Hours Later...



"Scootaloo... it's time to wake up..." A soothing voice echoed through her delicate ears, the perfect wake-up call that any child would get up to hear. She felt the warm cotton blanket wrap around her body just like how it was the previous night, it was still perfectly warm and unruffled.

"Ugh... huh?" Scootaloo opened her eyes, a small shot of light shot through her eyes which caused her to rub them.

"It's time to what up little one; you have school in an hour." Scootaloo opened her eyes once again to see her beautiful mother sitting beside her on the bed, a ray of light shined through the bedroom window which shined in her face to make it golden.

"Fluttershy..." Scootaloo turned herself onto her backside and poked her arms out of the bed covers and reached out for Fluttershy. She grabbed the child's hands and began to rub them with her fingers.

"It's time to have some breakfast, little one, do you want some porridge?" Fluttershy began to smile as she looked down at the child; Scootaloo leaned up and rubbed her face, still feeling tired from last night.

"Uh..." Scootaloo shut her eyes and then re-opened them to give way to the bright light coming through the windows, it was so bright outside, it must be a perfectly sunny day. "Yes please." She gave out a quick nod and proceeded to kick the blanket off from her body.

Scootaloo looked down to see that she was still in her diaper and onesie, the pacifier she used was under the sheets as she figured it dropped out of her mouth. Luckily, the onesies buttons were undone.

"Oh, looks like someone didn't wet their diaper in the night." Fluttershy pointed out, trying her best to sound amazed as she pointed at Scootaloo's dry diaper.

Scootaloo didn't believe herself, she quickly pulled over the onesie to show off her diaper even more to have a good look at her diaper, it seemed that Fluttershy was right, she wasn't wet. Not a single drop, a big smile erupted over Scootaloo's face as she looked at Fluttershy.

"Oh my gosh... I didn't wet my diaper..." Scootaloo gasped as her eyes widened and then she began to blush.

“Yes.” Fluttershy squeaked. “C’mon, let’s get you out of bed and eat some porridge together.” Fluttershy placed her hand on Scootaloo’s back-side and gently manoeuvred her towards the edge of the bed, the child jumped down onto the floor still feeling a little weak at the legs.

“Can I have a big bowl of porridge with some honey please?” Scootaloo turned and asked her mother, she noticed that Fluttershy was still sitting down on the edge of the bed.

“Sure, you can have some. I also cleaned your school uniform this morning and I also have some old books that I think you might like, I don’t know if you want them… but I guess you can decide on that…” Fluttershy rose up from the edge of the bed and began to walk over to the bedroom door, Scootaloo soon followed and waited for her mother to go through first.

"You have books for me?" Scootaloo raised an eyebrow at her mother.

"Yes, I found some books in the nursery that might help you with your school work." Fluttershy lowered her hand and placed it over Scootaloo, the child reached up and grabbed it again and held Fluttershy's hand tightly as they both walked out of the bedroom.

"What are they like?" Scootaloo asked; feeling pleased as she was holding Fluttershy's hand.

"Well, I read them... and it they happen to be books that help kids learn their ABC's and their numbers." Fluttershy replied to Scootaloo, they had made it to the top of the stair-case, Fluttershy took the first few steps and soon Scootaloo followed.

"Sweet, do you think they'd get me an A+ in my lessons?" Scootaloo thought up, the idea of her getting good grades was crazy, even for her. But she'd take any chance she would get to impress her mother.

"I don't know Scootaloo, but I will give them to you after you've gotten into your school uniform." Fluttershy replied. "We could even read them together a few minutes before you go to school." She added.

"That'd be really cool!" Scootaloo squeaked, she let go of Fluttershy and allowed her to walk down the stairs, she soon followed her mother until they walked down into the living room. Some of the curtains were closed and the lights were on, it was light outside, yet Fluttershy kept the curtains together.

Scootaloo ran over to the couch and sat herself down; she picked up the TV remote on the side of the couch and turned it on. She flicked through the channels until she got to the cartoons that she was watching last night, Fluttershy watched for a moment and made her way into the kitchen to begin Scootaloo's porridge.

As Scootaloo was left on her own for now, she decided to place her thumb into her mouth and she started to suck on it like her pacifier. She lay down on her side and rested her head on one of the couch pillows.

"Um, Scootaloo... do you want a drink while I make you breakfast?" Fluttershy walked into the living room to see Scootaloo lying down on the couch watching cartoons, she smiled a little and moved closer to the child and sat down on the arm of the chair.

Scootaloo looked up to see her mother standing over her.

"What have you got?" Scootaloo asked; her thumb was still plumbed into her mouth.

"I have got orange juice, milk, apple juice, water, tea, coffee... oh... you might not like the last two... I'm sorry..." Fluttershy apologized; she placed her hand on Scootaloo's head and lightly rubbed her fingers through her short purple hair.

"Uh..." Scootaloo put a finger up to her lips and thought for a moment about the selection of drinks available. "Can I have.... some... tea?"

"Tea? Are you sure?" Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at the child.

"Yep." She nodded in return.

"Okay, if that is what you really want." Fluttershy got up from the couch and made her way into the kitchen, she kept on turning her head back on forth to look at Scootaloo, making sure that she was comfortable and okay with how she was. Fluttershy entered her kitchen like any other normal day and made her way towards the kettle; she picked it up from the top handle and lightly shook it to hear the sound of water inside it. Happy with what she had heard, she placed it back down on its pedestal and flicked the switch to turn on.

Now that was boiling, she moved over to her pots and pans at the oven, luckily, she had some warm porridge remaining from when she ate after she got up for her round of breakfast. She checked how much porridge was left and saw there was still half a pot left, she turned up the heat dial to the correct number and now waited.

15 Minutes Later...

"Here you go Scootaloo!"

Fluttershy walked into the living room with a small white food tray in hand, she now slowly walked over to the child to see that Scootaloo was still watching the cartoons, her thumb was still in her mouth and she was glued to the screen. It was only Fluttershy's soft voice that broke her concentration, she saw her mother walking towards her with a food tray that had a bowlful of porridge and a cup full of warm sugary tea.

Scootaloo didn't say a thing, she watched Fluttershy put down the food on the small coffee table and sit back down next to Scootaloo. Fluttershy leaned forward and grabbed the coffee table and slowly moved it closer to her so that she could reach over as well.

"Here is your breakfast, I put some honey in the porridge and I put one teaspoon of sugar in your nice warm cup of tea. Is there anything else you want?" Fluttershy smiled, she placed her hand on Scootaloo's back and began to embrace her into a small hug.

"Wow..." Scootaloo gasped, she looked at the food that was in front of her with amazement. "I can't remember the last time I had breakfast before, this is so cool!" She squeaked.

This was another big step for Scootaloo; she was going to have a proper breakfast with her mother sitting beside her. It was a dream come true, all in reality she didn't know what to do properly, she wanted to make her mother proud. Scootaloo leaned forward and picked up the bowlful of warm delicious porridge, she looked at it for a moment and felt the heat engulf her hands.

"Ack!" She quickly dropped the bowl back down onto the food tray, the child placed both of her hands under her arms to try and soften the pain.

"Ohh, Scootaloo, are you hurt?" Fluttershy leaned over, always watching out for what Scootaloo was doing.

"Yep." She winced. "I'm okay, I didn't think it was gonna be that hot..." Scootaloo laughed.

"I'm really sorry Scootaloo; I forgot to tell you that it was going to be hot." She apologized to the child.

It was now lighter outside, the sun had decided to make it's ascension into the blue sky to light up more of the world around them. Residents of the town had begun to make their way to their jobs, the sound of hundreds of voices echoed throughout town and so did the rustling life of Rumsville. Rainbow Dash and Cheerilee had now left the apartment and began to make their way towards the school, the place of all education in this town.

As Rainbow Dash walked alongside Cheerilee, she was still tired from last night, her eyes were heavy and the pain in her head was still ringing from when she woke up. But Cheerilee on the other hand was perfectly fine, her light pink sweater and her neatly done hair was the complete opposite to Rainbow, she was clean, and her friend was not.

"People everywhere have their kinks Dashie, and you shouldn't be ashamed that acting like a baby is your little kink." Cheerilee comforted her rainbow haired friend and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"I'm not ashamed of it." Rainbow Dash quickly replied back, correcting her friend on what she had just said. "Y'see, when Fluttershy was lookin' after me like a baby, I felt really chilled out that someone was looking after me. I didn't have to do anything; she did all the cooking and activities with me."

"That seems rather unfair." Cheerilee pointed out. "So you just sat down on your padded butt while Fluttershy did everything for you?"

"I couldn't help it." Rainbow butted in. "She believed I was a little baby, I just wanted to make her happy and then I sorta liked wearing diapers the longer I had 'em on!"

"And you still are..."

"I just played with a couple of stuffed toys and did what I was told!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Okay Dashie, I believe you, I think you don't have to tell me twice about Fluttershy shoving baby bottles into your mouth every once in a while." Cheerilee's irritation grew into a slight boil of anger; she was starting to get annoyed with the conversation, not forgetting about Rainbow's foul attitude.

Rainbow Dash didn't reply, though, she was going to. She opened her mouth to reply back to what the teacher had said, but she then stopped, Rainbow crossed her arms and looked away from her friend and instead turned to have a good look at the people that they were passing by as they walked down the pathways.

Cheerilee had calmed down rather quickly; she started to feel rather sad at what she said to Rainbow Dash. Cheerilee turned herself to get another good look at her friend and sighed.

"Apologies Dashie, it's just when... well... I hear all of this news about Scootaloo; it puts me on edge..." Cheerilee placed her hand on Rainbow's shoulder.

Rainbow Dash turned round to face Cheerilee, one eyebrow was raised and even she wasn't smiling.

"What puts you on edge? You're Cheerilee, the most kick-ass teacher in all of Equestria." Rainbow laughed.

"Well, since that you told me about Fluttershy wanted to adopt Scootaloo, is she... you know? Doing okay? Are they both creating a close relationship together?" Cheerilee felt her stomach turn as she spoke about Scootaloo, there was so much information about that child she could write a book about her.

"They're doing fine; they keep on hugging each other. Scootaloo follows Fluttershy around no matter where she goes." Rainbow yawned and explained to the teacher. "Don't know why she does it though." She added.

"It's because she just wants to be accepted by Fluttershy, she's receiving a lot of love and affection and she doesn't know if Fluttershy is really meaning it." Cheerilee replied back.

"How do you know that, smarty pants? You haven't even seen them together." Rainbow said.

"It's obvious Dashie, I'm a school teacher, I get to know my students and I also benefit when I learn about child behaviour." Cheerilee wrapped her arms into a cross and placed them on her chest.

"So what happens when you learn about how kids work?" Rainbow was confused; she scratched the back of her head waiting for Cheerilee to answer.

"It's mandatory that teachers learn how children learn and see the world Dashie, learning their behaviour allows me to tell when they are simply sad, happy or even angry. I've met a lot of children. And I have met children who were adopted or were going to be, isn't far too common, most children are confused when they haven't got an adult to look after them properly: just like Scootaloo, she is sticking very close to Fluttershy because she doesn't know what to do." Cheerilee began to explain, Rainbow still did not understand what she was talking about.

"I dunno... I've known Scoots since I finished college... she was just four years old the first time I saw her." Rainbow Dash said.

"She was very scared the first time I met her, it was her first day at school." Cheerilee remembered. "She was wearing a little dress with a little purple bow in her hair an-"

"Wait! She wore little frilly skirts and dresses? Woah..." Rainbow's eyes widened up, her mouth dropped a little as she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Yes, she likes wearing girly outfits, I suppose all girls her age would." Cheerilee continued on. "She once told me that she'd love to wear a little summer dress for the right season, of course. But her foster parents wouldn't allow her to spend any money on it, plus, has she even told you anything about wearing dresses?" Cheerilee asked.

"Nope, never told me anything about it." She shrugged.

"Oh..." Cheerilee paused. "Is there anything I should know about Scootaloo that I personally don't know, but you do?"

"Uh, she likes to wear diapers and act like a big baby just like me."

Cheerilee raised her hands and planted them on her face; she rubbed her temple not believing because of what Rainbow Dash had just said to her.

Fluttershy used the towel to rub Scootaloo's wet skin; she started with the front of her chest and then began to move the towel upwards up to the child’s head. The towel ruffled through her short purple hair, she was now pleased. Most of her body was strangely dry because of how warm and thick the towel was; now it was time for the school uniform.

"Right." Fluttershy leaned backwards; she pretended to dust off her hands as if they were dirty to show that she was finished with drying Scootaloo. "It's time to get you into your school uniform." She smiled.

"Uh-huh." Scootaloo happily nodded as she held tight onto the warm towel, carefully placing it over herself so that she wouldn't reveal herself in front of her mother.

"Did you enjoy your breakfast? Did it fill up your tummy Scootaloo?" Fluttershy turned and began to walk over to the recently setup ironing board that she placed down in the corner of her bedroom, she make her way over to it and saw Scootaloo's school uniform hanging on the edge of the board. All held in the air by one small coat hanger, she picked up the coat hanger and unhooked the board and slowly carried it over to her bed.

"Yep, the honey was really tasty." Scootaloo nodded, she slowly got off from the bed and watched Fluttershy neatly place down her school uniform. The uniform itself now looked completely different than what Scootaloo remembered, it was clean. All the paint marks were gone and so were some of the holes in the main jumper, it was unbelievable, she had never seen anything like it.

"I cleaned your uniform and ironed it to make it feel nice when you're wearing it... I hope you don't mind that." Fluttershy took a step back, allowing Scootaloo to take more of a view of her cleaned up uniform. The child took a few steps forward without uttering a single word for a few moments.

"That. Is. Awesome!" Scootaloo squeaked out loud, she looked at Fluttershy with a big smile on her face and dashed over to her, she adjusted the towel and her arms to make sure she was able to hug her mother. "Thanks Mom!" Scootaloo wrapped one arm around Fluttershy's legs and squeezed tightly; Fluttershy giggled and hugged Scootaloo back.

"It's okay Scootaloo; if you want some privacy then I can leave the room while you put on your uniform." Fluttershy let go of Scootaloo and gestured towards the door, Scootaloo looked up and thought for a moment.

"Uh..." Scootaloo put her finger on her lips for a moment to think about her options. "Can you stay with me? I mean... could you help me put my uniform on?"

Fluttershy's cheeks began to redden, she moved closer to her bed and sat down next to the school uniform and looked at Scootaloo.

"I'd love to help you." Fluttershy nodded, she started by digging through the uniform to find Scootaloo's white underwear, once she had found them she handed them to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo blushed for a minute; she knew that she would have to lose the towel to change into her clothes. But she didn't know where to start, still holding her white undies in her hands she didn't have a single clue on what to do. It was like she had forgotten how to dress herself.

"Are... are you okay Scootaloo? Do you need some help?" Fluttershy leaned forward and gestured for Scootaloo to come closer, the child slowly walked over to her mother and blushed.

"I... I don't know... can you... uh, put my undies on me? I don't... uh; know what to... do..." Scootaloo's stomach began to churn; she tried her best to keep eye contact away from Fluttershy as much as possible.

"Do you need some extra help? It's okay Scootaloo, let me help." Fluttershy stood up in front of Scootaloo and then leaned down to stand on her knees; she was now properly up to Scootaloo's height and this made everything easier. "Uh, Scootaloo... I don't know what I should do, is it okay if you take off your towel? I don't want you to catch a cold or anything..."

Scootaloo understood what she had to do, even though she didn't want to do it. She let her grip go from the towel; it immediately fell down to the ground. Piling around her feet as Scootaloo was completely naked in front of Fluttershy.

"Okay..." Fluttershy closed her eyes because of Scootaloo's nudity.

It didn't take long for Scootaloo to put on her underwear, she quickly pulled the clothing underneath her and stuck her thin legs in between each hole, she pulled them up which covered her area. Scootaloo tapped Fluttershy on the shoulder which caused her to open her eyes.

"Are you... you know... finished?" Fluttershy opened one eye; she saw that Scootaloo had successfully put on her undies without trouble. "Well done Scootaloo, you did it!" She congratulated her.

"Yep, I'm a big girl now!" Scootaloo giggled.

"But you'll always be my little baby..." Fluttershy smiled, after she was done giggling along with Scootaloo, she now reached over and grabbed her t-shirt, it was a white shirt that had buttons on the front of it, no doubt that it was part of the school uniform.

Scootaloo grabbed the shirt from Fluttershy and began to poke her arms into the holes; the only thing that was left was the buttons. Scootaloo always hated this part; she never managed to get the button right at all. She began to try and shove the buttons through the correct holes, but they just wouldn't budge inside. And just like before, she began to feel rather heated, she was starting to get upset that she wasn't able to do it on her own again.

"Ooh, ooh, Scootaloo... its okay, let me do this part." Fluttershy leaned forwards with her arms out ready to help Scootaloo; she grabbed onto the first button and pulled it over to the other side of the shirt. She used her other spare hand and connected the first button into the hole, Scootaloo blushed, and she couldn't believe that Fluttershy did the first row of buttons so quickly and so easily...

"How did you do that?" Scootaloo asked her mother, Fluttershy stopped what she was doing and looked up.

"Do what Scootaloo?" Fluttershy asked.

"How did you do the buttons? I can't do them good." Scootaloo pointed at the buttons with much disgust, she absolutely hated the button on the front of her school shirt.

"Oh, I don't know..." Fluttershy blushed. "I just know how to do them... maybe I could try and teach you?"

"That'd be awesome!" Scootaloo started to smile, she felt much better knowing that Fluttershy would help her with the buttons.

"Okay, I can teach you know if you want to..." Fluttershy grabbed onto the second row of buttons with one hand and used her other to grab Scootaloo's hand. She moved the child’s hand over to the top of the button and moved her fingers into the correct places.

"You um... you grab the very edge of the button with your fingers like this." Fluttershy moved the child’s hand into place; her thumb was under the button while her pointing finger was placed on the top. Scootaloo slowly moved the button to the hole and managed to get it halfway through, this is the part that she didn't like.

"Now just use your thumb and push it in." Fluttershy ended her little tutorial.

Scootaloo listened to what Fluttershy said and used her thumb to push the button in from its side, soon after; the button was connected with the hole in the shirt.

"Yay!" Fluttershy clapped, she exaggerated her amazement to the child by giving her a quick hug. "Well done Scootaloo! I am so proud of you!"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo smiled, she had done up a button all by herself, and with the help and support from Fluttershy she felt even happier.

"Now uh, since you already have your socks on... we can sit down for a few minutes. I'll help you put on your dress and your little shoes right before we leave. Is that okay with you?" Fluttershy stood up and placed her hands on her sides, she looked down at Scootaloo and looked at how smart and grown-up she looked in her school uniform.

"Can I be a baby again?" Scootaloo placed her hands behind her back and smiled.

"But you're going to school soon, I don't know if you could be a baby for just fifth teen minutes..." Fluttershy pondered.

"Its okay, can I be a baby when I come home after school?" Scootaloo asked.

"Uh... I thought you had to go home... you know, back to your foster parents?" Fluttershy was confused, she was unsure if Scootaloo was allowed to stay another night. Her foster parents would be absolutely livid if they didn't know where she was.

"But this is my home! I wanna stay here... with you!"

Fluttershy bit her lip, she knew that the child’s foster parents were going to be angry if she didn't return home once again, but she also didn't want to let Scootaloo down.

"Please! Can I stay here Mom? Please! Please!" Scootaloo rushed up to Fluttershy and grabbed onto her yellow sweater, she lightly tugged on it pleading for Fluttershy to rethink about what she said.

"I uh... don't know... Scootaloo... I mean, wouldn't your foster parents be scared that you're gone?" Fluttershy whispered, she leaned down again and placed her hands on Scootaloo's shoulders to calm her down. But she could see that Scootaloo was obviously getting worked up over it, tears were falling down her face, looking so scared as if she'd be taken away from her new mother so quickly.

"No!" She whined back at her mother, even more tears began to fall from her face. "They don't like me! You like me and I wanna stay with you! I don't wanna go back!" Scootaloo explained, she quickly grabbed onto Fluttershy's sweater even tighter and made sure that she didn't let go.

"Please Scootaloo... calm down... it's okay... come here..." Fluttershy didn't know what to do, she wasn't prepared for something like this, the only thing she could think of to do is to hug her. She pulled Scootaloo closer and rested her head on her chest, fully wrapping her arms around the scared child to try and calm her down.

As Scootaloo was lying in Fluttershy's arms, she began to rock the child just like how she rocked her when she was still a baby yesterday, Scootaloo's sobs turned into moans and then died down into small whimpers.

"Shh... its okay, I'm not going to leave you... I promise..."

To be continued...