• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Seven

" Rainbow Dash... "

" Rainbow Dash... are you alright? "

Rainbow Dash immediately opened her eyes; a shining light pierced her pupils like a hit knife going through butter in a millisecond. An instant electric shock of energy burst through Rainbow's body jolting her into an upwards position, her vision was blurred and the light wasn't helping. She heard a giggle and a voice calling out for her, but it didn't sound anything like Fluttershy at all. The voice was significantly higher and it sounded like it was on the verge of breaking,

Rainbow Dash looked to the left, she saw no one. She looked to the right, and saw no one. She quickly rubbed her eyes and reopened them to get another glimpse of the park once again. The whole entire world around her had drastically changed; a small yet calm wind blew through Rainbow's hair. The temperature and the weather had gone for the worst and a rainstorm was about to make its way into town. The clouds were a subtle mix between white, gray and black. Small roars of thunder could be heard from the distance and it seemed that all of the happy families and people walking through the park had disappeared.

She immediately pulled her pacifier out of her own mouth and placed it in her hoodie pocket, a small string of saliva followed as soon as Rainbow Dash pulled it out of her mouth. Rainbow Dash yawned out loud and she stretched her arms into the air, feeling the cold wind scrape across her face.

"Guess it's time to go home..." Rainbow Dash whispered to herself, feeling terrible from her little nap. She back started to hurt from lying on just a flat and hard surface; she preferred the crib over most beds.

Rainbow Dash groaned as she started to lift herself up from the park bench, knowing that the bad weather was going to get worse and the thunder storm was getting louder she needed to get home quickly. Rainbow Dash immediately stuffed her hands into her pockets and picked out her house keys from her pockets, she lifted them up and placed them into her hoodie pocket.

In the corner on Dash's eye, something moved. A small blur of a shape whizzed past her eye making it hard to identity, Rainbow Dash paused for a moment and began to turn around to the path behind her.

She turned around to see a very small figure in the distance, hard to see with the world being so blurred after Rainbow's little nap she squinted her eyes and noticed that the small figure was strangely wearing a very thick orange coat. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, waiting for the figure to get closer so that she could get a very good look at the passer-by.

The figure soon made their way closer to Rainbow Dash, she saw who it was. It was Scootaloo.

Although something was wrong, she had her hands in her trouser pockets and she had her head hung low to the ground, she wasn't smiling and she didn't look very energetic at all.

As Scootaloo walked up to Rainbow Dash, she slowly stopped in front of her and looked up at her idol, not feeling in the mood to be excited that she had seen Rainbow Dash.

"Hello Rainbow Dash..." Scootaloo meekly spoke to Rainbow Dash, her voice was weak and she was very quiet.

"Hey, Scoots. What's wrong?" Rainbow Dash walked up to Scootaloo and put her hand on her head, rustling through her short purple hair with her fingers.

"Nothing..." Scootaloo looked away from Rainbow Dash, not feeling in the best mood to talk about what was going on.

"C'mon, tell me." Rainbow Dash leaned down to the ground and put her hand on Scootaloo's arm.

"Nothing’s wrong, I'm just tired." Scootaloo yawned in front of Rainbow Dash.

"You sure?" Rainbow Dash crossed her arms, she was curious about Scootaloo, she didn't look right to her.

"Yep." Scootaloo nodded up and down.

Rainbow Dash turned around and walked over to the park bench, Scootaloo slowly watched as her friend sat down on the park bench and put her hands into her hoodie pockets.

"Why don't you sit down?" Rainbow Dash said, looking at the spare space next to her.

"Why?" Scootaloo asked, wondering why Rainbow Dash wanted her to sit down.

"I just wanna talk, is there something wrong with that?" Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders; she kept on gesturing with her eyes to tell Scootaloo to sit down on the park bench.

"Okay." Scootaloo nodded, she walked over to the park bench and sat down next to Rainbow Dash, keeping her head down looking at the ground as if she was trying her best not to gain any attention from anyone else.

"How have you been today?" Rainbow Dash placed her hand on Scootaloo's shoulder.

"Fine." Scootaloo quickly answered.

"I've been practicing my running and jumping for a few hours today for the big race, what have you been doing at school?" Rainbow Dash calmly and kindly asked Scootaloo.

"Stuff..." Scootaloo turned her head away from Rainbow Dash; she crossed her arms and quickly answered to get the conversation out of the way.

"What stuff?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"School work..." Scootaloo quickly replied back.

Rainbow Dash paused for a moment, she knew what type of mood Scootaloo was now in, and it was enough to tell her to cut the act and asked her what is wrong.

"Okay Scoots, what's wrong? You're usually not this sad." Rainbow Dash gave a little nudge on her shoulder, Scootaloo turned around looking sad. She looked up at Rainbow Dash and slightly yawned, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

"I'm bored." Scootaloo acknowledged.

"So?" Rainbow shrugged her shoulders, confused at what Scootaloo was trying to say.

"So what? I'm bored." Scootaloo stretched her arms and placed them on the top of the park bench, trying to copy Rainbow Dash and how she relaxed on the bench.

"Then... why don't you go and find your friends?" Rainbow Dash suggested to her friend.

"I'm not allowed to see Applebloom or Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo sighed.

"Why not? Have you had an argument with them or something?" Rainbow rose an eyebrow at what Scootaloo was saying, still confused but was achieving some answers to what was going on.

"I'm grounded... my foster parents didn't like it when I came home covered in mud last week... they took away my comics and action figures from me and I can't do anything..." Scootaloo whimpered, feeling upset about her loss of entertainment and pleasure for the rest of the week.

"Sucks..." Rainbow Dash leaned to her side and rested her hand on Scootaloo's shoulder and began to comfort her. Scootaloo turned her head and looked up at Rainbow Dash; she tried her best to give off a small smile without trying to cry a little because she was so bored.

"Rainbow Dash... you listen to me, right?" Scootaloo whispered to her idol, hoping that this conversation became close and personal.

"Yeah sure." Rainbow Dash leaned her head forward close to Scootaloo and listened to what she had to say.

"I think growing up stinks." Scootaloo blurted out, plain and simple.

Rainbow Dash quickly burst into a small fit of laughter, Scootaloo looked up hoping that her idol wasn't laughing at her for what she said.

"I couldn't agree anymore Scoots." Rainbow Dash finished her laughter, wiping a small tear off her face.

"R-Really?" Scootaloo raised an eyebrow; she was surprised at Rainbow's agreement.

"Yeah." Rainbow smiled. "Why do you think it sucks? You can do loads of things when you are grown-up." Rainbow Dash added.

"Well..." Scootaloo paused. "My Foster Mom told me when you grow up... your body changes..." Scootaloo tried to talk, feeling a little scared talking about private matters to her friend.

"Oh, that's normal." Rainbow Dash said, calming her voice down to help with the mood of the situation.

"You sure?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Yeah, you've only get a few years to go until that happens." Rainbow leaned back and rested her arms on the back of the park bench, she breathed out trying to think of something different to talk about instead of growing up. She started to dislike the thought of growing up, and after her experience with Fluttershy it's shown her a few new ways to look at the idea of growing up.

"Uh... does any of it hurt?" Scootaloo pondered, trying to think of changes to her body that might hurt her.

"Nah, nothin' serious." Rainbow Dash sighed. "Besides, Cheerilee will teach you all about it at school." She added.

Scootaloo had her finger on her chin for some time, trying to take in all of the information she got from Rainbow Dash and compile it into something that she could understand. Her body would change with very little pain involved.

"I still think it sucks... I'd rather be a baby rather than an adult!" Scootaloo yelled in protest.

Rainbow Dash quickly turned her head, strangely interested in what she just said.

"What did you just say?" Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo.

"I said: I'd rather be a baby than a boring grown-up..." Scootaloo repeated.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at her little friend.

"Babies well... you know... don't have to go to work... and uh... they are looked after by someone..." Scootaloo tried to explain, although not very well. Rainbow Dash kept herself silent while her purple haired friend tried her best to explain.

"Uh-huh..." Rainbow Dash nodded up and down.

"Grown-ups have jobs and babies don't... um... have to do anything..." Scootaloo blushed; she didn't know what else to explain.

"So you're saying that babies don't have to do anything?" Rainbow finished her off.

"Yeah..." Scootaloo nodded.

"Why do you want to be a baby again? So that you don't have to grow up? I mean... I think everyone in the world would want to be young again when they get to my age." Rainbow Dash explained.

"I don't know..." Scootaloo blushed. "My foster parents say that I have responsibilities... but I don't want them..." She added.

"Well..." Rainbow Dash groaned, she lifted herself from the park bench and stood up. She stretched her arms up into the air and looked at Scootaloo. "If you want my advice, kid. Come with me to Fluttershy's house and we'll talk it over, if you want to be a baby again I could help you out." Rainbow Dash extended her hand out to Scootaloo; she reluctantly grabbed it and stood up from the park bench.

"What do you mean?" Scootaloo was a little confused at what her idol was trying to say.

"Fluttershy has loads of baby-sitting equipment and supplies, I'm sure if we ask her nicely then she'd look after you like a baby or somethin'." Rainbow Dash let go of Scootaloo and put her hands into her trouser pockets.

"That sounds weird..." Scootaloo blushed.

"Hey, if it makes you feel better. I had to pretend to be a baby for Fluttershy this morning to help her out with some stuff." Rainbow Dash said.

Scootaloo paused for a moment to let what her friend just said to sink in, she immediately broke out into hysterical laughter as Rainbow Dash stood there waiting for her to stop. Rainbow Dash didn't frown or smile, she just kept her face straight and looked at Scootaloo who looked like she was about to fall to the ground.

"Let's just go..."

"Oh no, Rarity... Rainbow Dash was such a good girl when I looked after her, she just didn't like some of the food that I gave her, that's all." Fluttershy spoke to Rarity, holding the house phone next to her ears still sitting down on the couch soon after Rainbow Dash had left. With the living room lights dimmed and the TV turned on, Fluttershy was now relaxing after taking care and letting go of her baby.

"No, she didn't take a bath. But she did sleep in a crib, she looked very cute." Fluttershy continued on with her conversation with Rarity. Taking a small sip of warm tea while Rarity spoke on the phone.

"We both arranged that she would come over every Saturday and pretend to be my baby for a few hours, she liked the idea and I wrote it on my calendar on the kitchen." Fluttershy spoke down the phone again.

"I don't she would like everyone knowing that she liked to sleep in cribs, it sounds very mean." Fluttershy took another sip of tea as Rarity spoke down the phone.

As Fluttershy was talking to her friend Rarity, a loud banging on the front door was heard outside of the house. Fluttershy turned her head to see that someone was standing outside.

"Excuse me... um... Rarity... I have to go now... someone is at the door... please excuse me..." Fluttershy put the phone down back into its socket and got off the couch and slowly walked over to the front door. She put her hand on the door knob and slowly twisted it to make the insides of the door click open. She pulled the door to and saw Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash standing next to one another.

"Oh..." Fluttershy blushed. "Hello Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo." Fluttershy opened the door some more and revealed herself.

"Hey Fluttershy, I've just came to help Scootaloo talk to you about something." Rainbow looked at Scootaloo and nudged her in the back of her shoulder.

"Please come inside, it's so nice to have guests." Fluttershy moved out of the way allowing Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo to walk into the house.

Rainbow Dash walked past Scootaloo and made a quick dive for the living room couch, she leaped onto the top of it and positioned herself on top of the pillows and crossed her arms at the back of her head. Scootaloo looked around Fluttershy's living room and saw many shelves with books and flower pots, bright yellow wall paper to give a very nice looking mood and a soft carpet under her feet.

Fluttershy walked past Scootaloo as she stood in the middle of the room and rested herself on the couch next to Rainbow Dash, who politely moved her legs out of the way allowing Fluttershy to sit down. Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo who seemed to be a little scared and curious about Fluttershy's house.

"So as I was sayin', Scootaloo wanted to tell you something." Rainbow Dash continued on with what she had to say.

"Oh? What's wrong?" Fluttershy leaned forward a little bit and kept her eyes fixed onto Scootaloo.

"Oh... I... said to Rainbow Dash that... growing up stinks..." Scootaloo felt a little shy, not really wanting to talk to Fluttershy at this moment now that Rainbow Dash was watching her talking to someone else about the subject.

"I'm sorry Scootaloo... I uh... don't really understand, could you please explain... if that's okay with you..." Fluttershy blushed, she didn't want to seem rude to her young house guest. Not understanding what Scootaloo was trying to say to her, but it sounded very important if Rainbow Dash has brought her here.

"Oh... I said to Rainbow Dash that growing up stinks... and I'd rather be a baby..." Scootaloo blushed, feeling embarrassed and really stupid for expressing her feelings and thoughts to the adults.

"A baby?" Fluttershy instantly raised an eyebrow, suddenly interested like Rainbow Dash in what she said.

"Y-yeah..." Scootaloo looked down to the ground and placed her hands into her coat pockets, blushing a hard red.

"It's okay Scootaloo, we understand." Fluttershy comforted Scootaloo, getting up from the couch and slowly walking over to the embarrassed child and lowering herself so that she was Scootaloo's height, she extended her arms and slowly wrapped them round the scared child. Scootaloo looked over Fluttershy to see Rainbow Dash still lying down on the couch, except one detail was different. Rainbow Dash had a pink pacifier in her mouth and she was looking at Fluttershy and Scootaloo hugging each other.

"Why has Rainbow Dash got a pacifier in her mouth?" Scootaloo asked Fluttershy.

Fluttershy unwrapped her arms around Scootaloo and slowly stood up back on her own feet; she looked down at the purple haired child and gave a small smile.

"Rainbow Dash is my baby, every Saturday she comes to my house and I have to look after her." Fluttershy explained to Scootaloo.

"I don't get it..." Scootaloo tilted her head to the side.

"Basically Scoots, Fluttershy looks after me like a baby because she wants a baby. And since you say that you want to be a baby again, I think it'd be cool if Fluttershy looks after you." Rainbow Dash leaned up from the couch and plucked her pink pacifier out of her mouth, talking to Scootaloo and noticing that she was still blushing from the whole conversation.

"I don't know... this is just all of a sudden..." Scootaloo scratched the back of her head, confused at what was going on, it was just all of a sudden and what Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash was saying wasn't convincing her. Two choices were to run out of the house and forget what they had been saying or accept their offers and see what it's like to be a baby once again.

"It's okay Scootaloo; uh... you can take your time." Fluttershy blushed; she walked over to Rainbow Dash and sat down right next to her. Placing her hands on her lap while Rainbow Dash lifted up her legs and placed them on Fluttershy's lap, feeling even more relaxed than ever.

Rainbow Dash had just thought of something brilliant, now that she was back in Fluttershy's home she could do something she wanted to do since she left after her interesting experience. She raised her legs off Fluttershy's lap and quickly stood up, alerting Scootaloo and Fluttershy to what she is doing.

"I'll be back in a minute... there’s a little somethin' I gotta do." Rainbow Dash walked past Fluttershy and Scootaloo and made her way upstairs, quickly dashing up to make sure that no one saw what she was going to do, leaving both Fluttershy and Scootaloo to talk on their own.

"I'm really sorry if this is too uh, sudden Scootaloo... Rainbow Dash does have a way to bring people into certain situations quickly." Fluttershy apologized, leaving a bright red blush on her cheeks for Scootaloo to see.

"It's okay..." Scootaloo nodded. "I'm just really confused... why do you look after Rainbow Dash like a baby?" She asked.

"Oh..." Fluttershy blushed. "It's well... because... I don't have a baby of my own... and I'm not able to get one and... Uh... Rainbow Dash said that she'd let me look after her if it made me... well... stop me from wanting a baby..."

"Oh, I get it now!" Scootaloo gave a small smile towards Fluttershy.

"It's okay if you don't want to... you know... act like a baby for me... I still have Rainbow Dash... but um... please keep this a secret..." Fluttershy asked Scootaloo.

"Yeah sure, I won't tell anyone!" Scootaloo gave a small cheer and a salute to her idols friend.

"Thank you Scootaloo, I don't want to see Rainbow Dash upset... she is delicate." Fluttershy gave off a small smile to the young child.

After thirty minutes between Fluttershy and Scootaloo having a conversation without Rainbow Dash as she went upstairs without a reason, Scootaloo had moved closer to Fluttershy and she sat down next to her on the living room couch. Casually talking about their daily lives and what they had been doing today, strangely, Fluttershy told Scootaloo what she did with Rainbow Dash during her little stay at her house while Angel was away on his errands with nature.

All the way through the conversation Scootaloo was strangely interested in what Fluttershy was telling her, the diapers, the crib and the pacifiers were all very interesting. But deep inside she felt weird for listening to something so strange, she secretly wanted to do this all by herself to see what it was like.

"... And then I helped Rainbow Dash get inside of the crib upstairs in the nursery and she fell asleep like an angel, I came back into the nursery sometime later and she looked so adorable." Fluttershy finished off her little story recalling of today’s events with Rainbow Dash, she took note that Scootaloo had listened to every single word that she had said recalling her story.

"Woah, that's pretty weird." Scootaloo said, sipping on the cup of tea that Fluttershy had made for her during the conversation.

"So, how is your foster family... uh... if you don't mind me asking...?” Fluttershy blushed, not wanting to get into sensitive territory with Scootaloo in case something bad had happened with her foster family.

"Oh... they blow; they aren't as cool as Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo took another sip of tea.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy took slight notice to Scootaloo's language, an obvious hint of Rainbow Dash teaching her street words.

"They suck, all they ever do is telling me to put my elbows off the table and make sure I brush my teeth." Scootaloo said to Fluttershy, noting again that Rainbow Dash had taught her some new words.

"Maybe they are just trying to look after you." Fluttershy interjected.

"I know, but they make me go to bed at stupid times like seven o' clock... makes me really angry." Scootaloo crossed her arms, raising her voice to get her point across to Fluttershy.

"It's okay little one, when I was little; I had to do the same thing." Fluttershy added.

"Really?" Scootaloo turned her head to Fluttershy for a moment, about to know if someone had the same problems as her.

"Yes." Fluttershy nodded. "My parents told me to brush my teeth and comb my own hair when I was little; they were teaching me how to do things without grown-up help." She added.

"I like it when people do things for me... you know... like getting' me food and drinks." Scootaloo's soft anger slowly turned back into a cheerful mood and began to pleasantly talk back to Fluttershy, which made her smile a little more. "Y'know, like a baby." Scootaloo added, slowly blushing.

"Home come?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well... my foster parents keep on saying I gotta do things on my own, but I don't know how to. I can ride my scooter just fine, but I can't cook or clean." Scootaloo explained.

"It's okay Scootaloo; you learn these things when you are much older." Fluttershy sweetly replied.

Fluttershy wrapped her arm around Scootaloo and slight pulled her in for a nice warm hug, Scootaloo accepted and leaned her head on the side of Fluttershy's chest.

"But I don't wanna learn that stuff, my foster parents say that if I can't learn basic stuff then I can't get a job." Scootaloo began to whine, Fluttershy took note and she began to stroke Scootaloo's hair in an attempt to calm her down.

"That sounds a bit harsh at your age." Fluttershy said, secretly a little bit shocked about what her foster parents were telling her. Scootaloo seemed to have calmed down and it looked like she was close to falling asleep, Fluttershy looked out of the window and saw it was getting really dark. The sun was almost down and the night was falling on the land, there was no chance that Scootaloo was going home in the dark.

"Is it?" Scootaloo looked up at Fluttershy for a moment, rather confused. "My foster parents always say stuff like that." She added.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at the behaviour of Scootaloo's foster parents; they surely shouldn't be saying anything as rude or bad as that to a child of Scootaloo's age. Fluttershy took grip of Scootaloo once again and hugged her to warm her up from the cold.

"It's getting late Scootaloo, but it's pretty dark out. Do you want to stay here? I could umm... ring up your parents and tell them that you are staying here for the night." Fluttershy lowered her head and whispered to Scootaloo who looked like she was about to fall asleep right on the arm of the couch. Fluttershy stood up and slowly rested Scootaloo's head on a pillow, allowing her to get some quick rest.

"Sure." Scootaloo yawned; she didn't care where she had to sleep. It would be nice for her to stay out of her foster home for a while and sleep in a house with nice people for once.

Fluttershy walked over to her phone and picked it up; looking back at Scootaloo who rested her head on the couch pillow with her eyes still open looking at what TV program was on. Fluttershy looked down at the phone and opened her phone book to see her trusty list of names and numbers that belonged to all of her friends and the rest of the town’s residents. She started from the top of the list and ran her finger down to the bottom of the phone book to see the name of Scootaloo's foster parents.

She pressed down on the phone keys and entered in the number correctly and put the phone up to her ears so that she could hear the beeping inside of the phone.

"Hello, this is Fluttershy. Uh, I'm here to tell you that Scootaloo is at my house and it's getting really dark and you see..."


"Well, I wanted to ask if it's okay if she can stay at my home... it's really dark outside and I think it would be best if..."


"Okay, I can give her breakfast in the morning and I can send her back to you." Fluttershy smiled, after hearing what they had to say Fluttershy felt a little happier knowing that Scootaloo didn't have to go outside in the dark to get home.


"Thank you so much, I will look after her and make sure she feels like she is right at home." Fluttershy finished off; she put the phone down feeling really happy with her conversation with Scootaloo's foster parent and slowly walked over to the very tired child.

"It's okay Scootaloo; you can stay here for the night." Fluttershy placed her hand on Scootaloo's hair and patted her, Scootaloo lifted herself up and yawned rather loudly, stretching her arms and looking up at Fluttershy.

"Thanks." Scootaloo thanked Fluttershy.