• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Switch (Part 1) - Epilogue (September 2013)

Author's Note:


This is the second unreleased chapter that I'm giving to the public. It was mean't to be a form of closure after the events of the main story where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy get together and spend some time together.

I never released this before because I didn't finish the Pattycakes' actual ending, however, the second part for the epilogue is going to be tucked away for a little while longer.

--- Old Authors Note ---

Sometime ago I received a few comments on Pattycakes regarding the relationship between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy during their time with the baby and mommy roles. Some users asked whether both characters were going to delve deeper into a romantic relationship, before I could respond there was another set of users who disliked the idea that Rainbow Dash would be imminently portrayed as a lesbian-type character if this were to come true.

Fair enough, I thought to myself. I said that both characters were not going to escalate into that type of relationship and said I wanted to focus on the baby and mommy relationship more than anything. So... I've gone against what I said and now you are getting some very light FlutterDash shipping as an epilogue.

The reason I wanted to set this type of scenario up is so that the reader can find out what Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash get up to when Saturday night comes around and they get into their own respective roles. The lack of Scootaloo is so that we as the readers and I as the author can focus and watch how Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have become much closer in certain aspects now that they have found their own little activities and kinks.

Some asked whether Fluttershy is going to be babied sometime soon in Pattycakes and I didn't really know where to fit that in. But when I started writing this epilogue then I found the perfect place to add this little idea in, just like NintendoGal55 said in one of her comments "Sometimes, yeah, the kids have to play mommy to the mom!"

While Scootaloo herself isn't being the Mommy in this situation, I guess Rainbow Dash could work aswell.

I hope you've all enjoyed Pattycakes, thank you for reading and most importantly: Thank you for the feedback.

P.S: The Bonus Chapters will be released soon.

Two Weeks Later

Everything was perfect, the lights, the atmosphere and everything that made the living room lively was perfect. This was the moment that made her feel just right.

There she sat with her legs crossed to void the pain in her stomach, just the anticipation alone made her worry about what was going to happen, it was unbelievable. Sitting in the middle of the couch in a laid back position was what made it work for her, she needed to relax, after all this time to prepare there couldn't have been a good enough way to take the stress off her shoulders.

Around the living room each in a strategically placed position were a collection of candles, each one of them resting on a shelf and next to an assortment of plotted plants. Their controlled fire was dazzling, if not hypnotic in some details, the way it danced around was strangely more interesting than the Television planted right in front of her.

Not to say that it was on, it had been left unplugged for many hours and that was what made it special. Just the noise of the winds whistling outside was a possible comfort in these times of waiting.

But before her day dreaming could go on there was a knocking at the door, three loud wooden bangs that shook Fluttershy's thoughts back into her head. Her heart quickly raced and so did her mind at this moment, there was someone at the door, she had to get up and answer it.

She got up from her seat somewhat unable to keep herself in the state of perfect balance. After sitting down for so long she felt dizzy and partially disoriented in what her focus was, it was like the gravity of the room didn't want her to move she was perfectly comfortable where she was.

The knocking continued, three loud hits on the other side of the front door and then a slight pause.

Fluttershy made her way to the front door with great haste, her heart began to race and she felt deep down inside excited for what was about to come. But before her hands even dared to touch the handle there was one thing that stopped her.

A large mirror was hanging by the front door, held up by a small series of string and nails which were lazily rammed into the wall. Plastic models of small butterflies were scattered to the far corners of the mirror, all showing their impressive wingspan if they were ever alive.

Feeling unjust, she took a few steps to fit herself into the frame of the mirror to take a good look at herself.

Her hair was perfect for this occasion, tied back by a small band and thoroughly brushed to perfection in anticipation for the big moment. The thick yellow sweater that she wore made her look like a thick set of armor was hidden deep under, but this was the way how she liked it. The sweater kept her warm and cozy.

The breathing pattern soon tried to calm itself, through the nose and out through the mouth, but this wasn't helping it never helped in a situation like this.

A final set of banging came from the door, this really broke Fluttershy's concentration, her entire posture and trail of thought was rushed and now it came to opening the door. With another big deep breath and another exhale she grabbed onto the door handle and put a brave smile on everything.

The knob slowly turned and the mechanism's inside the door began to click and bang against each other, once the lock was pulled back Fluttershy pulled the door open in her direction. As it slowly opened a gust of cool air creept past her body and made its way inside the cottage.

Outside it was lovely, maybe something out of a book or a fairytale, but you could argue that the sun was a little too orange mixed with the pink clouds that shaded in with the rest of the darkening sky. But the warm afterglow was soon to die down and night were to befall on the land, but that wasn't the reason Fluttershy was smiling.

Standing on the pathway before her was her best friend, always there with a smile on her face no matter the problem. Dressed up ruggedly in a way that Fluttershy had come to expect, both were young, and their clothing shown that.

Rainbow Dash stood there in the decaying light, one hand placed against her hip and a sweet smile wrapped across her face. First inspection of her seemed to be normal at best, donning a short black leather jacket that went no further than her stomach. What appeared to be a basic white t-shirt which seemed too small for her as her belly button was easily revealed despite how dark it was getting.

Finally after her inspection of clothing Fluttershy noticed that her best friend was sporting a loose pair of green camouflaged combat trousers that strangely seemed rather baggy in terms of sizing. They were ever so slightly pulled down which revealed a white lining where the tip of her undies were showing off.

"Heeey!" A quick yelp came from Rainbow Dash, this surprised Fluttershy. "About time 'Shy, I was wonderin' when you was gonna open the door." She waved her free hand for a moment. "Nah, never mind 'bout any of that, it's a Saturday night. Let's relax. I brought booze!"

Despite that, Fluttershy took another look and noticed that Rainbow Dash held in one hand by the handle a large container of beer, to be more precise, a six pack of beer cans. But strangely two of them were already missing.

"Ooh, that's lovely Rainbow Dash. But... You know I can't drink beer, but uh... It was the thought that counts." In her mind, Fluttershy was starting to panic. It was like her words were going to offend Rainbow Dash and what she brought round, but all she could do is wait for the response.

"That's okay, more for me." Rainbow Dash let out a low chuckle and shrugged. "I've already drank two cans on the way here so I might as well finish the rest of them and get wasted at the same time."

"Do you want to come in Rainbow Dash?" She quickly moved herself out of the way and pulled her door open which allowed Rainbow Dash to slip through and enter the cottage. Rainbow Dash took a moment and readjusted her grip on the cans of beer.

"Yeah sure. Let me put my drinks in the fridge and we can chill out." Rainbow Dash started to make her move, she took slow steps towards the front door and slipped in through the available space and took a quick peek at Fluttershy as she passed through the door. "Lookin' good 'Shy." She winked.

Fluttershy's cheeks became a bright red as her best friend slipped through the tight space and entered the living room. She took hold on the handle and closed the door making sure that the locks on the door were heard.

She turned to see Rainbow Dash standing by the couch twisting and turning her head, getting a good look at her surroundings, she noticed the curtains were pulled down and a series of dim candles were put down all over the place. She gripped her beer handle even tighter than before and turned back to look at Fluttershy.

"You been changin' things around since the last time I came round? Those candles look cool and the new curtains are awesome." Rainbow Dash headed back over to Fluttershy who was still standing by the now closed door and let out a uncertain smile.

"Thank you Dashie." Fluttershy felt all warm inside. "I changed the curtains last Sunday, plus, uh... I cleaned up the house because I knew you were coming round and I fed the animals. I hope the house looks alright to you."

"Its cool 'Shy, lets head to the kitchen so I can put my booze in the refrigerator." Rainbow Dash lifted up the container level to her head, the cans inside the plastic packaging soon rattled against one another and the visible liquid inside swayed from side to side.

Fluttershy was the first one to make a move towards the kitchen, she slowly took her time and walked around the couch and headed to the entrance to the kitchen. Her head turned ever so slightly to make sure that her best friend kept a similar pace and stayed close behind her. Rainbow Dash seemed to speed up and stood right behind her with the beer in tow not minding for personal space.

Both of them entered the kitchen at exactly the same time, the room seemed empty without people inside to make use of the electronics. The curtains were slightly shut and the final beams of orange light fought their way through and lit up the kitchen with a strange orange afterglow of some sort.

One candle stood alone placed conveniently on a small tea cup which seemed to perfectly stand up without a problem.

Rainbow Dash made a quick rush over to the fridge and grabbed onto the handle, with some strength she pulled open the refrigerator door and felt a waft of fresh cold air hit her in the face. But this didn't matter, she slipped the handle off from her hand and lightly placed it on the floor and squinted at the contents of what was inside the fridge.

Fluttershy on the other hand knew this would only take a minute, but she needed something to do, but there was nothing around her to interact with properly. All of her pots and pans had been put away for another time and there was nothing left to clean, her animals had been fed and Angel was put to bed. But after breaking out of her thoughts she took a peek at what Rainbow Dash was doing, she leaned to the right to get a glimpse of what was going on in the fridge.

"You've been busy 'Shy. What's all this veg and fruit doing in the refrigerator?" Rainbow Dash leaned away from the fridge and tipped her head past the door and looked up to see Fluttershy standing next to her.

"Oh! I've been recently saving up on vegetables and fruits because its getting close to Winter, my little animals need extra food in the cold season, but I also bought some extra fruit and vegetables from the market because... Uh, I wondered if you wanted to have dinner here."

"Hrm..." Rainbow Dash paused, she turned her head and looked back at the insides of the fridge and looked back. She gave a small smile and stood up from her resting position and closed the fridge door with the beers inside. "How about..." She took a few steps and got up close to Fluttershy, her eyelids shut halfway and her smile turned into a smirk. "How about we order a pizza? I got some money in my jacket, I'll pay and we can order a large cheese pizza and we can add our own toppings... How 'bout it?"

The question was easy, but something that made Fluttershy rather fuzzy was where Rainbow Dash's hands were placed. Both of them were on her sides digging into her hip as her best friend laid them there, her touch was soft but she was unable to properly feel it because of her thick yellow sweater.

"Uh... I don't know... Do you want me to pay instead? I have a tiny bit of money I can spend." Her mind felt like it was turning blank, her body felt unbelievably warm and her senses felt out of range with what she was feeling. Rainbow Dash kept her hands on her hips and continued to smile as if nothing was wrong.

"Nah, I got a couple of notes in my pocket 'cause I was picking up my winnings from last weeks Strip Poker..." Rainbow Dash proceeded to chuckle. "Applejack and Rarity were furious when they handed over their money to me." She took one hand off Fluttershy's hip and reached deep within her combat trouser pocket and pulled out two green notes, she then rattled them from side to side in front of Fluttershy.

"How much money have you got?" Fluttershy asked.

"Twenty bits. And some extra coins in my back pocket." Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and smugly nodded, standing triumphantly over her newly acquired money.

"So we are going to have a large cheese pizza, that sounds lovely Dashie. But er- What about later tonight?" Her cheeks returned back to their bright red color. "When are we going to do that?"

"Later." Rainbow Dash unfolded her arms and stuffed her money back into her pockets. "I'm gonna order the pizza and we can sit down, eat it together, then we can go upstairs and have a little fun." She smiled back.

"The telephone is in the living room Dashie... If you want to call now, I mean, I can wait if we have to." Fluttershy turned slightly and pointed towards the entrance to the living room, she was unsure of what to do, but she knew waiting for Rainbow Dash to call the shots would be the right thing.

"I'll call 'em now and the pizza should arrive in fifthteen minutes. The Pizzeria in town does some really good pizza's, they're so awesome, you can ask for whatever toppings you like or you can ask for them to put stuff like chocolate chips and sprinkles as the toppings." Rainbow Dash made her move, she walked past Fluttershy and headed for the door frame that connected the kitchen to the living room.

Fluttershy soon followed behind her best friend and entered back into the living room, it was much darker than before and the candles were starting to ooze with wax, the small platforms that they were all placed on had begun to collect the liquid and the candles themselves seemed to be much shorter. The orange glow was noticably turning into a blue hue as the remaining visible parts of the sun sank in the horizon.

Rainbow Dash made it over to the couch and leaned down to pick up the telephone from its stand, one by one she dialed in a series of numbers and put the phone next to her ears. She impatiently tapped her foot while Fluttershy stood in the middle of the room taking notice to the candles.

"Hello? Yeah."


"I'd like to order a large cheese pizza, no toppings."








"If I give you extra you'll do that?"


"Okay. How much is it all going to be?"


"Twenty-Five bits, plus the extra milkshakes? Sweet. Make sure there is a chocolate and a strawberry."


"Yeah, send it to the cottage outside'a town will 'ya? Y'know the one near the Animal Sanctuary at the Everfree Forest. Y'can't miss it."


"Can't wait."


"Thanks, goodbye."

With a truimphant yell Rainbow Dash slammed the phone back down onto its stand.

"Hey Fluttershy, check this: They said to me because I was the first customer to ring after 7PM, we're gettin' extra milkshakes!"

Fluttershy turned round not taking her eyes off one of the candles and saw the overly happy and energetic Rainbow Dash throwing herself onto the couch. Preferably landing on her back and rested her head onto one of the arms, this caused Fluttershy to giggle slightly.

"That's wonderful Dashie." Fluttershy smiled. "What are we going to do now?"

"Y'wanna watch some TV or do ya' wanna just talk. I'm not in the mood for you-know-what until we had some delicious pizza." Leaning towards the table Rainbow Dash picked up the TV remote and rested a finger on the power button. Fluttershy moved in closer and sat down in the middle of the couch with a hand rubbing her chin.

"Can we talk? Well... Its just that I don't like watching the TV very often. But if you want to watch it then you can... I don't mind Dashie..." She eyed up the TV and then looked back over to Rainbow Dash feeling rather uncertain about what to do.

"Okay." Rainbow Dash nodded. "We'll talk... Ain't nothin' good on TV anyways, only the good stuff is the cartoons nowadays."

"So..." Fluttershy began. "Uh... What did you do today?"

"Woke up at eleven in the morning feelin' over my latest hangover, got outta' bed, took a shower, had some breakfast and I picked up my winnings. Drank some booze back at the apartment, got drunk again, fell asleep, woke up, ate a few chocolate bars and then got myself ready to come here." Rainbow Dash soon stretched out her arms up into the air and placed one hand on Fluttershy's shoulder and started to rub her back. "So what did you do today 'Shy?"

"Ooh.." Fluttershy groaned, she leaned back and positoned herself in the appropriate area so that her best friend could continue with her back rub. "I -ah, woke up... Ooh... H-Had breakf-fast w-with S-Scootaloo. Ah... We f-fed the animals together and we -Ooh, w-went to the park... We met S-Scootaloo's f-friends -ah, and they w-wanted her to s-sleep over at Rarity's B-Boutique... Ooh, I s-said she could."

Rainbow Dash pulled her hand away from Fluttershy's back and watched her best friend just flop back into one of the large pillows behind her. She let out a quiet moan and breathed heavily.

"So little Scoots is sleepin' over at Rarity's place, huh? Sounds cool, we get the house to ourselves and little Scoots stays with her friends." Rainbow Dash chuckled and put her arms behind her head, acting like they were an extra set of pillows she kicked off her running shoes and wiggled her toes.

It didn't take long for Fluttershy to regain herself, her heavy breathing and the warm feeling within her started to dissapear completely. She leaned back up from her resting place and looked at Rainbow Dash with a smile, her cheeks immediately went red and she put her hand on her friends stomach.

"Sorry Dashie, I didn't know you were going to do that." Fluttershy apologized.

"Heh heh, you shouldn't say sorry. You're a hard-workin' mother who has to look after a bunch of animals and Scootaloo." Rainbow Dash slowly leaned up from her resting place and gave a warm smile, she put her hand over Fluttershy's hand and held tightly onto it. "You deserve a break every once in a while 'Shy, why do ya' think I ordered some pizza? I'm gonna treat you with some delicious takeaway food, none of that healthy stuff."

"Thanks Dashie. I don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything." Rainbow Dash smiled. "We wait for it to deliver, eat some delicious pizza and we relax upstairs for you-know-what."

Fluttershy didn't expect it, but without warning Rainbow Dash quickly leaned up from her spot and got upclose together. Rainbow Dash puckered her lips and landed a small kiss on her red cheek and leaned back down on the couch. A wave of heat and mixed emotions ran through her body and mind, it felt like an overload.

She opened her mouth about to speak and let loose her words, but she was quickly stopped by a loud wooden banging noise coming directly behind her. Fluttershy yipped forward yet Rainbow Dash launched herself off the couch and cheered.

"Yeah! The pizza! Fluttershy. You stay here, I'll pay for the pizza." Rainbow Dash quickly rushed over to the front door, grabbed the door handle and twisted it carelessly to open the door. Outside stood a visitor in the new darkness holding a large cardboard box with several logo's on the front of it.

As the conversation between Rainbow Dash and the person outside began to take place, this left Fluttershy alone for a moment. She shivered as the cold air from the outside crept into her living room and snuffed out the raging fire coming from a few candles. Fluttershy felt somewhat empty, yet confused at what just happened a moment ago. Her hand slowly reached up and rubbed against the skin that Rainbow Dash laid her lips upon, that fuzzy and warm feeling returned and she felt spaced out with the rest of the room.

But her thoughts were quickly pulled back as Rainbow Dash slammed the front door with a simple kick and a large pizza box in both hands. Fluttershy blinked and looked at the delivery and forced a smile at the sight of food.

"You ready for some pizza 'Shy? I know I am!" The large cardboard box was slammed down onto the wooden surface of the coffee table. Rainbow Dash put her hands on her hips and then decided to cross them, Fluttershy looked at the pizza box and leaned forward and inspected the opening at the front.

The lid of the box slowly opened with Fluttershy's fingers dipped within to reveal a large thick cheese pizza, freshly cooked and made for consumption, the entire pizza was broken up into eight big slices.

Finally after staring at the pizza for so long, Rainbow Dash also put down the milkshakes next to the box and rubbed her hands devilishly.

"I am starvin' y'want me to get you some fruit and veg for some toppings?" Rainbow Dash gestured over to the kitchen and continued to stare at the pizza, but she couldn't wait any longer. She picked up her chocolate milkshake, extended the straw and put it in her mouth and sucked up the liquid from inside the cup.

"Its okay Dashie. I don't feel like eating any toppings." Fluttershy nodded her head and rubbed her cheek once more and looked away from the pizza.

"You just eatin' it how it is? Sure, I can go with it. So how are we splittin' it up?" Rainbow Dash took a small leap and landed on the couch beside Fluttershy, this startled her greatly not only because it was so quick, but that she bounced slightly upwards when Rainbow Dash made contact. Fluttershy put her eyes on the pizza once again and counted up the slices, she nodded and turned back to her best friend.

"I'll have two slices if that's alright. I want to keep another two for Scootaloo, and you can have the rest... If you want to." She made herself seem small when a familiar hand brushed against her back. Fluttershy knew who's hand this was, but her sights were set on the pizza sitting there on the coffee table looked absolutely delicious.

"C'mon 'Shy. Treat yourself to some pizza, have the other two slices. C'mon, Scootaloo will be just fine, I bet she's havin' some good food over at Rarity's boutique so I wouldn't worry." Rainbow Dash bounced up and down on the couch excitedly, her smile couldn't get any bigger now that the pizza was open and the smell of melted cheese made her act hyper.

"I guess three slices wouldn't hurt..." Fluttershy reassured herself.

"That's the spirit!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "Let's dig in!"

Thirty-Five Minutes Later

Most of the candles have died out, the wax started to drip from the edges of the stands and the remnants of the warm light was starting to disappear completely. It had been quite a bit of time since the last part of the sun sank into the horizon and now full darkness had swept over the land outside.

Inside the living room there was only one real source of light, the TV. Not appearing to be playing anything interesting, nor was it producing any sound, the TV was playing a muted clip of the legendary Wonderbolts rocking in front of a massive crowd of adrenaline filled fans.

One slice of pizza remained inside the cardboard box in which was placed right next to two empty plastic containers that contained tiny droplets of chocolate and strawberry milkshake. The chocolate container strangely had a half chewed straw sticking out of it.

Rainbow Dash was still lying down on the couch, parts of her clothing now removed such as her jacket and her shoes, but not as unusual as her trousers being piled onto the floor, just leaving her in just her shirt and undies. She put her hands on her belly and patted it which in return caused it to bobble a little.

"My belly is full 'Shy. Feel too tired to move, if ya' ask me." Rainbow Dash mumbled to herself, she raised her arms into the air and felt her joints clicking one by one.

Fluttershy, who on the other hand was still sitting upright with a small blue plate on her lap, was nibbling away at the last slice of pizza she had to go through. With a few custom toppings and a small dip of salad cream she took slow and very small bites at the delicious pizza. She paused for a second and turned her head to look at Rainbow Dash.

"I'm just going to finish this pizza slice." She took another bite and swallowed. "We can go upstairs after I put the plate in the sink. But if you want to go upstairs now then I don't mind."

"I'll wait for you." Rainbow Dash lifted her head up, readjusted her undies and then rested her arms behind her head.

Fluttershy didn't want any pressure put on her, but in the best interests of her friend she decided to speed up and get the pizza out of the way. Instead of the small usual nibbles she opened her mouth and took in a normal bite-size skipping past the details of the flavour and the taste.

A minute passed and she was finished with her pizza slice. Fluttershy grabbed a small wipe off from the table and slowly rubbed it against her skin, soon pieces of cheese and the tomato sauce all fell onto the wipe and she put the plate and the dirty wipe on the coffee table and turned to face Rainbow Dash.

"I'm ready to go upstairs now Dashie." Fluttershy let out a little smile and put her hands back onto her lap. Rainbow Dash nodded and stretched her arms and then kicked her legs up into the air.

"Cool!" Rainbow Dash lifted herself up. "Did you enjoy that pizza? I know I sure did."

"Oh, I liked the pizza very much Dashie. I'm going to save one slice for Scootaloo when she comes home tomorrow. I hope you don't mind." Fluttershy nodded her head in agreement.

Rainbow Dash was the first one to stand up and lift herself off from the couch, she leaned down rather slightly to pick up her clothes that she took off and turned to look back at Fluttershy who slowly rose from her seat. Both of them stood by each other and made their way to the stairs and started to ascend.

Continued in... Part Two!