• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Two

Proof-read by DTG

"If that's okay with you . . . " Fluttershy blushed; it was the end of the line for her. She just knew that asking something like that of her best friend would surely put an end to their friendship. She awaited Dash's hard-boiled and shocked response with her head lowered and both of her hands clasped together.

"Sure," Rainbow Dash replied contentedly.

"Wait, what?" Fluttershy quickly looked up. Dash’s calm demeanor shocked her, and heart felt like it would explode at the completely unexpected answer.

"I said, sure." Rainbow Dash crossed her arms, feeling a little agitated at having to repeat her answer.

"W-why?" Fluttershy stared into her eyes, not completely comprehending the whole situation.

"Because if I do this one thing for you, I know it might . . . it might . . . kill your obsession for wanting a baby," explained Rainbow Dash.

"I don't understand. I thought you were going to shout at me." Fluttershy felt happiness growing inside of her, although she wasn't sure about Rainbow Dash and what she was getting herself into.

"I would never shout at you . . . I mean, it’d kill me if I yelled at you like that." Rainbow Dash smiled.

"But what I asked of you . . . it's just so sick and crazy. Why would you want me to treat you like a baby?" Fluttershy's heart couldn't contain the wonder and amazement within her.

"It's to kill this silly obsession and, well, I'm bored. I haven't got anything to do until next week because of the race. It's not like I haven’t gotten myself into strange situations before, like that party that me and Big Ma–"

"I feel very stupid for asking you this," Fluttershy interrupted.

"Hey, at least we’re gonna have an interesting weekend" giggled Rainbow Dash.

"It's up to you. I mean . . . I've never put a diaper on an adult before. I don't know if it's any different from a baby or not." Fluttershy panicked, and stood up in front of Rainbow Dash.

"My hips are pretty sleek. I'm sure you can figure something out." Rainbow Dash put her hands on Fluttershy's hips.

"I don't know why you want to do this. It might be embarrassing for you." Fluttershy blushed; she felt a small tingle of joy when Rainbow Dash put her hands on her hips.

"It's to kill off your silly obsession! I'm always there for you, aren't I?” Rainbow gave her friend a huge grin.

"Yes," said Fluttershy with a small giggle.

"So . . ." Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head. "What now?"

Fluttershy's only response was a very big smile.

"Welcome to my nursery," Fluttershy quietly announced.

Rainbow Dash had followed Fluttershy upstairs back into her bedroom to see that she had been working away in the small nursery to move around some of the toys and supplies as fast as she could in an effort to clean up the room. Rainbow Dash noticed the wooden crib and the large changing table that stood next to it.

The carpet on the floor had images of the alphabet and random numbers that an infant would gaze at in order to learn. The wallpaper was bright and colorful, with crayon filled rainbow colors. Fluttershy really had been using her spare time effectively and had created a perfect nursery for any child to play in.

Toys were littered all around the floor even after Fluttershy had cleared the room.

Fluttershy tapped her friend on the shoulder gently. “Rainbow Dash?”

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash came back into reality after examining the nursery and looked toward Fluttershy.

"Could you, um . . . please sit on the changing table? If that's okay with you . . ." The demure girl blushed as she asked this.

"Er . . . can we just talk this out for a minute?” Rainbow Dash fidgeted nervously.

"Is something wrong? Have I done something bad?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"No, it's just . . . I didn't expect you to actually put the diaper on me. I thought I would just, y'know, put it on in private. In the bathroom, I mean." Rainbow Dash felt a little bit nervous; she didn't expect Fluttershy to be so quick about wanting her to be babified.

"Oh. I see." Fluttershy blushed even more.

"Listen, can I just do it this one time in private?" Rainbow Dash felt a little worried.

"Sure. I’ll be waiting in here for you." Fluttershy smiled weakly. She walked over to the changing table, picked up one of the "Babiez Absorbent" diapers and then timidly handed it to Rainbow Dash.

"If you need any help, just tell me." Fluttershy reminded Rainbow Dash, who was already walking out of the nursery.

"I think I can figure this thing out." Rainbow Dash tried her best to smile.

Rainbow Dash opened the bathroom door. As soon as she set foot in the room she was smacked in the face with a lovely scent of lavender and rosemary. She looked around and saw that Fluttershy had put some flowers in a small vase to freshen up the bathroom. Dash then turned on the light and saw a little clothing rack in between the toilet and the bath tub. She entered the small room, and then let out a massive sigh, feeling anger and irritation well up within her chest.

She sat down on the toilet seat holding the folded diaper in her hand. Her heart was aching, with a strange, sickly feeling that she hadn't encountered since her college days. Using her thumbs to feel the soft plastic material that the diaper was covered in, she was thinking about why she would agree with Fluttershy about this being entirely a good idea.

"Can't believe that she thinks she is going to look after me like a baby. I can't just let me reputation and pride get thrown out of the window like that. What is she thinking?!" Rainbow Dash shook her head in response to the thought. She stared at the diaper even more trying to think of what to do next.

"But I can't let Fluttershy down,” she thought. “If I don't do this for her, she might get even more obsessed with this crap. I guess it can't hurt just to do this for one day and then forget about it." She wrestled with her mind, trying to get over the desire to run away and never look back. She hadn’t done this much mental dueling since she struggled with the decision to go to college.

Suddenly panic set in. She glanced around nervously, thinking to herself, "But what if she

tells anyone about what we did together? It'll be the end of me! I’ll never be able to live it

down!" She stared harder at the diaper.

A loud knocking on the door echoed throughout the bedroom. Rainbow Dash came back

to reality and felt a shock wave of terror ride her body like a lightning bolt. She quickly stood up

and dropped the diaper onto the hard marble floor, her eyes wide with fear.

Fluttershy could be heard on the other side of the door. "I'm really sorry Rainbow Dash,

but do you need any help with that diaper? It's just that . . . um . . . you are taking a long time and

I'm worried that you aren’t sure how to put it on."

Rainbow Dash kept silent for a moment, waiting for Fluttershy to speak again.

"I know you might be a little shy about putting a diaper on, and I understand if you are a little worried about the whole baby idea. I'm sorry for that. I just want to say that you are making me really happy by doing this. I can learn about looking after a real baby and I can say that you are my best friend for understanding what I am going through. I'll just go back to the nursery until you are ready to come out, okay?"

Rainbow Dash felt a weight come down on her sharp athletic shoulders. She had two thoughts in her head that would condemn her, one saying that she would be tormented for life about this whole situation. But more prevalent was the thought that helping friends in need during their worst times is a massive sign of friendship. She knew it would either be a good friendship report for Twilight, or it would be a scar on her own reputation and social status.

"The things I do for friendship . . ." Rainbow Dash groaned. She looked down at the diaper, and after a few seconds’ hesitation she picked it up.

It was going to be a very long day.

"Do you think Rainbow Dash will come out of the bathroom, Mr. Snuggles?" Fluttershy asked the brown teddy bear with a pink ribbon on top of its head.

Fluttershy sitting on top of the changing table waiting for Rainbow Dash to return wearing the diaper she was given. She had in her hands her favorite teddy bear.

She forced it to sit down on her lap as she guided its head to make it look like it was looking directly at her face.

"I don't know, Fluttershy. Maybe she is a scaredy cat!" Fluttershy imitated a childish voice for the teddy bear, as if she were conversing with a small child.

"I don't think she would be scared about putting a diaper on, Mr. Snuggles. She is one of

the Elements of Harmony you know, and she is a very brave girl." Fluttershy giggled as she

replied to her teddy bear.

"I bet she's just crying in the bathroom right now!" Mr. Snuggles shouted.

"That's not very nice," Fluttershy replied.

"Right . . . I'm here," said Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy looked up to see her friend standing under the door frame. She was wearing

her somewhat revealing tank top and as well as her blue jeans, though Fluttershy noticed a very

small bulge in her pants.

"Did you . . . ?" Fluttershy began.

Rainbow Dash silently nodded, feeling gravely embarrassed. She lowered her left hand and rubbed the front of her pants. Fluttershy heard the diaper crinkling, and it gave her a very big smile.

"You are a very brave Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy said to reassure her friend.

"Yeah . . ." Rainbow Dash looked at the ground.

An odd silence followed as Rainbow Dash looked away from Fluttershy.

"Um . . . how does the diaper feel?" said Fluttershy, breaking the silence.

Rainbow Dash looked up at Fluttershy dead in the eyes. "It feels . . . comfy." She blushed, although she wasn't smiling.

"As long as my baby is happy, then we can start." Fluttershy smiled.

"Sorry?" Rainbow Dash did a double-take.

"As long as my baby is happy, then we can start," repeated Fluttershy.

"Did she just call me baby?" said a voice in Rainbows head, confused and scared.

"Oh, okay," Rainbow Dash mumbled.

Fluttershy hopped off the changing table and walked over to Rainbow Dash, sneaking a glance at the bulge in her denim jeans.

"Do you mind lying on top of the changing table?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know." Rainbow Dash felt a little sick.

"I'll do it as quick as I can." Fluttershy blushed.

"Okay, let's get this over with.”

Rainbow Dash climbed on to the top of the climbing table and sat down on the hard plastic surface. She felt the diaper that she was wearing rub across her legs as the smooth plastic started to crinkle rather loudly, which brought more pain and embarrassment.

"Lie down." Fluttershy instructed.

Rainbow Dash followed the order and slowly lowered her body on the thin plastic- covered foam surface. She looked down to the bulge in her trousers, then at Fluttershy on the opposite end of the table.

Fluttershy reached over to the button on Rainbow Dash's pants, and then unbuttoned them and pulled down the zipper until her new diaper was visible. Fluttershy happily gasped at the sight; she had actually put on the diaper. It made her heart melt like butter.

"Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Yeah?" she replied.

Fluttershy looked at her friend and smiled. "Thank you for doing this."

Rainbow Dash smiled back in return. “No prob.”

Fluttershy gripped the bottom of both pants legs and started to pull, watching Rainbow Dash's trousers slowly slide down her thin, athletic legs, which made her blush more than ever. There was a small silence between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. The blue-clad girl needed to know a few things that simmered in the back of her mind. It felt awkward not talking to Fluttershy as she strangely tried to remove her pants to check her diaper, something you just didn't see every day.

Rainbow Dash broke the silence.


"Yes, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy answered.

"I want to ask you a few questions . . . before we go ahead with this baby thing." Rainbow Dash blushed and tried not to look Fluttershy in the eye.

"What's wrong?" Fluttershy felt a little shiver ring down her back, and her smile faded from her face.

"How long will I be doing this?" Rainbow Dash asked, crossing her arms.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy didn't understand the question.

"How long will I be your baby for?" Rainbow Dash blushed at the sound of her saying what she had just said.

"Oh." Fluttershy realized what she meant. "You'll only be my baby for a few hours."

"Could you be a little more specific?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You're free to go after you have had nap time." Fluttershy explained.

"Okay." Rainbow Dash nodded. "Are you going to humiliate me? Y'know, send me out in public dressed in stupid dresses and bonnets wrapped around my head and stuff?" She frowned, hoping for a direct and honest answer.

Fluttershy blushed. She didn't plan at all to take Rainbow Dash out of the house, but the idea of that made her think of what people would say to her.

"Oh no! I'd never do that!" Fluttershy explained.

"I was just wondering. I don't want to go outside looking like some little kid and having Applejack or Rarity see me like this. It would be the end of my reputation,” explained Rainbow Dash, sitting up in order to look Fluttershy in the eye.

“Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy after a moment. “You know I would never betray your trust. You’re my best friend, and I want you to be happy. I would never knowingly do something which would hurt you like that. Now could you please lie back down on the changing table for me?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Sure." Rainbow Dash groaned, putting her hand up to her head and rubbing her eyes. Finally after what felt like an eternity, Rainbow Dash was lying on the changing table wearing just her trusty tank top and a baby diaper, feeling the plethora of imminent humiliation coming from Fluttershy and knowing that the slightest giggle would kill her soul.

"Good baby," Fluttershy praised, putting down the pair of pants on one of the clothing racks next to the onesie that Rainbow Dash had found in the cardboard box earlier that morning.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat and began to speak. "Fluttershy . . . I've been thinking a little . . ."

"Yes?" Fluttershy acknowledged as she continued to move Rainbows clothing onto the rack, then making her way to one of the baby drawers.

Rainbow Dash lay still on the changing table, trying to think of what to say. "I was thinking of some rules."

"For what?" Fluttershy asked, still continuing her work through the drawer.

"So we don't go totally overboard with this whole baby thing," Rainbow Dash said.

Fluttershy turned around holding something in her hand. It was small, round and it had a rubber tip of the end of it. The item was a crayon pink color, and it made Rainbow Dash's heart skip a beat.

"Wait! No, I'm not going to use that." Rainbow Dash objected. She quickly tried to sit up and move off the table, but Fluttershy was standing in the way.

"Why not?" Fluttershy asked.

"I thought you said just the diaper and that's it! You didn't say anything about pacifiers!" shouted Rainbow Dash, still lying down on the table in her crinkly diaper.

"But babies always suck pacifiers." Fluttershy objected.

Rainbow Dash was silent; could her big red blush get any bigger?

"If you mean rules in that type of way, I already have that planned out. You don't have to worry about writing down a list of rules." Fluttershy put the pacifier on the changing table and walked over to a small cupboard that was on the wall. She opened it up, reached inside and pulled out a small book with pictures on it.

"What's that?" asked Rainbow Dash. She had started to rub her crotch area on her diaper to feel up the plastic, blushing as she did.

"It's a book on how to look after little babies like you." Fluttershy looked at the book; it was a purple book with layers circling around the edges. There were small images of baby bonnets, bottles, pacifiers and diapers scattered all over the book.

"Why do you have a book?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I got this book from Twilight at the library. She used this exact book when she adopted Spike." Fluttershy smiled.

"That egghead would know how to do anything with a book," smirked Rainbow Dash as she rolled her eyes.

"The book had lessons on how to look after a baby, and I uh . . . want to start over and do lessons one through four with you." Fluttershy blushed.

"What do you mean, start over?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I’ve read the whole book, and I wanted to start over..." Fluttershy held the book tightly. Rainbow Dash sighed.

"Okay, what's the first lesson?" she asked.

"Lesson Number One: Ground Rules" Fluttershy read out loud as she slowly walked over to Rainbow Dash, who was still lying down on the changing table.

"What are the ground rules?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Babies must be in diapers at all times, so no accidents happen." Fluttershy read out.

"You think I'm going actually use my diaper?"

"Well . . . if you want to. I mean, it would be a good experience for me in changing a baby’s diaper," said Fluttershy timidly.

"Oh." Rainbow Dash sighed. "I'm not going to use this diaper. You can just forget about that." Rainbow Dash said adamantly.

"I understand. I think it would be pretty hard to use a diaper." Fluttershy said.

"Hard to use? It's just a pair of underwear that you can use as a toilet." Rainbow Dash argued back. "You can continue those rules that you were talking about.”

"Babies need to be accompanied with a parent or a caregiver." Fluttershy paused for a moment. "Oh," she blushed. "That must be me,” she said with a giggle.

"Obviously," Rainbow Dash replied sarcastically.

Fluttershy continued to read out loud. "Babies sometimes need pacifiers to help them with their teething problems. Note: pacifiers can also be used to calm down and relax a baby."


"Let’s begin." Fluttershy put the book down and looked at Rainbow Dash.

"What are you going to do first?" Rainbow Dash asked, afraid of what was going to happen next.

Fluttershy looked at the book again and ran her finger down one of the pages to find the correct piece of information she was looking for.

"I'm going to check your diaper," she announced.

"Oh no. You aren't going to see me naked!" Rainbow Dash put her hands over the large diaper tapes, covering them up so Fluttershy wouldn't untape them and see her naked body.

"It's not like that." Fluttershy blushed as she covered her mouth with her hand. "I was going to check your diaper to see if you put the tapes on correctly." She squeaked.


"I was uh . . . going to check the tapes to see if they were put on properly." She paused for a minute and looked away from Rainbow Dash before looking back. "Sorry for the misunderstanding.”

"It's nothing. Just do what you got to do." Rainbow Dash groaned.

"Okay." Fluttershy nodded, she understood what she had to do.

Fluttershy leaned over the changing table to get a closer look at how Rainbow Dash had put on her diaper, and she saw that the diaper tapes were improperly positioned; they weren't showing on the front of the diaper as they were usually supposed to be. When Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash's figure however, she couldn't stop admiring how sleek and toned Dash's body was and how the diaper hugged her backside perfectly. “A perfect fit,” Fluttershy thought.

The girl reached over and undid the left diaper tape, then lifted it up and slowly pulled it to the landing zone of the diaper as much as she could until it would stretch no more. She pressed it down and noticed immediately difference in the diaper. It was much tighter and far more secure. She repeated the process with the right diaper tape, stretching it towards the opposite side.

Fluttershy admired her diaper work. She used to use her diapers on the animals that appeared from time to time when they had problems of their own, and she loved it when she perfectly accomplished diapering them.

"All done!" Fluttershy sang, clapping her hands in self-praise.

"Fluttershy . . . it's so tight!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, lying down helplessly on the changing table.

"That's because we don't want any accidents." Fluttershy leaned over to the other side of the table, picked up the pink pacifier and put it near Rainbow Dash’s mouth.

"What are you doing?!" Rainbow Dash yelled, pushing Fluttershy’s arm away while trying to get up from the changing table once more.

"Babies use pacifiers, it says in the book." Fluttershy replied, still holding the ring of the pacifier in her hand.

"I don't want this to go too far! I don't want to use pacifiers and baby bottles if that's what you're thinking!" Rainbow Dash objected and crossed her arms as she pouted.

"Please . . ." Fluttershy whimpered. "Just for me." The poor girl looked at the floor in disappointment.

Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy for a moment, feeling the sudden regret over her rash behavior. She had gotten so far, and yet she didn't even want to start. She just knew the whole situation wouldn't end well. But she also knew that Fluttershy was depending on her, and that thought alone made her even think about agreeing to this.

"Oh fine!" Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Yay!" exclaimed Fluttershy with her trademark squeal. She quickly put the pacifier into Rainbow Dash’s hands and reached for the book. "Put this in your mouth." Fluttershy continued. Rainbow Dash looked nervously at the small, pink object, then slowly put the pacifier into her mouth, although secretly trying to push it out and hoping not to taste the terrible rubber tip of the other side of the pacifier.

She felt a little gagged when the pacifier went into her mouth, and used her tongue to lubricate the rubber tip with her saliva. She just looked at Fluttershy.

"Could you start . . . uh . . . start suckling?" Fluttershy blushed.

Rainbow Dash hesitated for a moment, then started to suckle on the pacifier rather slowly. Fluttershy’s eyes went wide like saucers as she watched Rainbow Dash suckling on the pacifier. As she started to get used to the feeling of the rubber tip in her mouth, she started making loud suckling noises. Fluttershy just giggled.

"Good girl, Dashie," praised Fluttershy.

She then got off the changing table and turned back to Rainbow Dash, then held her hand out. Rainbow Dash calmly accepted, still suckling on the pacifier. Fluttershy helped Rainbow Dash stand up.

"It's time to go downstairs," Fluttershy said with a smile.

She put her arm round Rainbow Dash and directed her towards the door outside of the nursery.

"Now be a good baby and make your way downstairs. We are going to have so much fun!" Fluttershy squeaked.

Rainbow Dash smiled back at her nervously. “Heh . . . sure.”