• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"Well darling, that's why I'm here. I am going to talk about your adoption Scootaloo." The Mayor explained; she walked over to the nursery changing table curiously eying up the strange scenery. Never before had she seen anything like this, it was an infants paradise. She stood in front of Scootaloo and patted her on the shoulder.

"You mean your gonna talk to Rainbow Dash and my Mommy about politics?" Scootaloo asked.

"No silly." The Mayor chuckled for a moment. "I just want to talk to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy about the adoption they have in mind for you. If you want to if you would like, you can listen to us talk."

"Boy! Would I!" Scootaloo cheered.

Rainbow Dash and The Mayor both chuckled for a moment until they heard of the sound of the door creaking behind them. They both turned to see that Fluttershy was slowly poking her head through the nursery door to see if everyone was inside; a bright red blush accompanied her as she pushed through with the tray filled with food and drinks.

"I uh... k-kinda t-took a little b-bit longer because I m-made a c-cup of tea f-for you M-Mayor..." Fluttershy tried to smile, but it hurt her so much seeing a happy Scootaloo right in front of her. Rainbow Dash had her arms crossed curiously looking at the Mayor, something was about to go down.

"Ah, thank you Fluttershy." The Mayor smiled and grabbed the cup from the food tray and lifted it up for herself.

"Dibs on the bottle with milk!" Scootaloo rushed over and reached out for the milk bottle and grabbed it from the tray, never forgetting to smile to her mommy as she put down the tray on the changing tables flat surface.

"Yeah, I'll just sit back for a moment." Rainbow mumbled as she leaned against the wooden guard on the crib, with her arms still crossed and on high alert she was ready for what was going to happen.

"Now..." The Mayor started. "I wanted to come over here to talk to you about the adoption because interesting developments have arised."

"D-Developments?" Fluttershy repeated.

"Yes, developments." The Mayor nodded. "After you two left the meeting earlier today I decided to pause all of my work on the town for a moment to focus on the adoption, there hasn't been an adoption in Rumsville for a very long time with the exception of Lyra and Bon-Bon's child whom was brought over from Canterbury."

"Ain't that kinda dangerous just leaving your work to make one other thing happen?" Rainbow asked.

"Well no Rainbow Dash, I put them on hold. There isn't a thing to worry, but as I was saying: I went to the Town Hall Ministers and presented the case of your adoption. I recently found out that Scootaloo here was the icon of debate when it came to adoption."

"Woah, woah, woah... What do you mean 'debate'?" Rainbow paused everything; she took a step forward and moved close to the Mayor.

"Scootaloo is the only child in Rumsville that hasn't been adopted in years Rainbow Dash, since of the lack of recent adoptions for the children of this town there have been actual debate between the Ministers whether to put Scootaloo into a children’s home and put the case to rest."

"Scoots ain't going to a orphanage!" Rainbow wrapped her arm around Scootaloo with the bottle still in the child mouth, unable to understand what was really going on.

"That's what I said, I presented the information about Fluttershy wanting to adopt Scootaloo and they said that this would be an opportunity since they... well... were pretty close to moving Scootaloo to a children’s home in Manhattan..." The Mayor looked down at her drink and took another sip.

"So... uh, I c-can adopt her?" Fluttershy joined in on the conversation.

"The Ministers know who you are Fluttershy, they know about all the good work that you do around town and they think you'll be a great parent. They well... want you and Rainbow Dash to come back in to the Town Hall again tomorrow to clarify the adoption papers. So basically, yes."

Scootaloo quickly pulled the bottle out of her mouth and spat the remaining milk onto the floor, Rainbow quickly shifted out of the way to avoid the incoming milk.

"WHAT?!" Scootaloo squeaked; her voice started to break as she screamed. "I CAN BE ADOPTED?!" She looked at Fluttershy and jumped for her with arms open ready for a hug. Fluttershy picked up Scootaloo and wrapped her warm arms around the child and began to tear up.

The Mayor took another sip of her warm tea and smiled; she looked over at Rainbow Dash and gestured towards the door. Rainbow followed and left the nursery along with the Mayor closing the door behind them as the sounds of Fluttershy's crying started to get louder.

"You actually mean it? No foolin' around anymore?" Rainbow whispered to the Mayor with her arms still crossed.

"Yes, Scootaloo will belong to Fluttershy once she signs the papers... By the way, may I ask you something?" The Mayor smiled.


The Mayors smile dropped a little, she placed her hand on Rainbow's shoulder and tapped it lightly.

"If you ever decide to get drunk again... make sure you wear your underwear next time, I could see that diaper of yours sticking out from two streets away."

Rainbow Dash blushed a bright red.

"How did you-"

"You passed by my window waving your arms about when Cheerilee tried to pull you away, Lyra was there too if I remember correctly. Was it another night of Strip Poker at the Sugarcube Corner?"


"How far did you get?"

"Can't remember... Cheerilee told me she'd have to go nude if she lost another set."

"Three hours in by the sounds of it."

"I thought you didn't like poker." Rainbow asked the Mayor.

"I don't, I think it’s amusing when people go to the extreme when it comes to placing bets on a silly card game."

"You should join us sometime." Rainbow winked.

"I would, but you know how news leaks out and about town theses days. And if the Ministers in Canterbury found out then I'd be in serious trouble."


"Now, I don't want to sound mean but I must leave. I need to get home and feed my cats."

"But what about Fluttershy and Scoots?" Rainbow looked back at the nursery door, still able to hear the sobs of joy coming from Fluttershy.

"You're their friend. You know... do what you do..."

"Get drunk and make a mess of everything?" Rainbow joked.

"That. And be a good friend." The Mayor smiled.

"Sure..." The Mayor saw something in Rainbow's eye, the sound of sobbing and weeping could still be heard from the nursery but there was something different. Rainbow looked happy, her lips quivered a little and her sly smile soon dropped. The Mayor knew exactly what to do; she moved up to Rainbow Dash and wrapped her arms around her body.

"Everything will be fine Rainbow Dash." The Mayor leaned her head close to her friend’s ear and whispered.

"I didn't think I'd get upset..." Rainbow whispered back, tears slowly emerged from her eyes but she wasn't sobbing. The skin around her eyes turned red as she pulled away from the Mayor to wipe the tears from her face.

"Now, now Rainbow Dash. It’s okay to cry, you are a big baby after all." The Mayor placed her hands on Rainbows back and began to rub them up and down to calm her down; this only caused her to sniffle loudly.

"I'm jus' happy for Fluttershy..."

"You should head back to the nursery now; I'll leave and close the door behind me. I also bet this didn't turn out to what you expected, huh? You have a close family and you have even closer bonds with your friends now. So go back in that nursery and make history Dashier."

The nursery door opened once more to hear its quiet creaking, the sobbing and noise had died down now that the Mayor left the cottage. Rainbow Dash peeked her head through the door to take a good look at her friends sitting down on the floor tightly clenched together. Fluttershy and Scootaloo had their arms tightly wrapped around each other, their eyes both shined in the storm as the lightning outside entered through the cracks in the curtains.

"You two fine now?" Rainbow looked tired, Fluttershy could see it. From a bundle of energy she now looked like tired and worn out, her eyes were red and the shimmer of tears looked like they had fell down her face. Scootaloo was the same, but she was asleep. Her crying for her mother had tired her out stone cold, lying idly in the warm loving arms of her new mother ensured that she would be safe.

Fluttershy didn't respond, she only nodded and looked back down at Scootaloo. She dug her fingers into the sleeping Childs short purple hair and began to wave through her hair to keep her quiet and calm.

"I'm s-sorry Dashier... Me and Scootaloo... y-you know..." Fluttershy was still upset, Rainbow knew it. Even though the happiest of moments came by the mood was still rotten, Fluttershy had a small smile on her face only because she knew that the child of her dreams was able to become hers in just a day. But she still had a job to do.

"It’s okay." Rainbows voice was quiet and weak; she continued to sniffle as she got closer to her best friend sitting beside the sleeping child. She leaned down onto her knees and rested her hands on her lap for a moment, feeling her diaper protrude outwards as she sat in this uncomfortable position. "I haven't felt like this in ages..." Rainbow placed her hands on her eyes and rubbed her eyes, the remaining tears started to make their way out and descend.

"A-Are you upset? I'm s-sorry..." Fluttershy apologized once again; Rainbow finished rubbing her eyes again and looked back at Fluttershy to see that she was looking right at her with concern.

"You don't have to be sorry Fluttershy, I'm just really happy for you."

"But I am... all this trouble and it feels like I made things worse... I made you upset..."

"Fluttershy, you don't understand. I'm happy for you adopting Scoots, you should be really happy too."

"Oh Dashier..." Fluttershy blushed; she looked down at the ground trying to break away eye contact. She felt so embarrassed that she had done this.

"C'mon, you're allowed to adopt Scootaloo. Think about it, you have your own daughter. Shouldn't you be proud, don't think of the bad stuff. Just think at the good stuff, an' for petes sake you should try your best to stop worrying and look whats infront'a ya'."

"I'm sorry Dashie... its just that I've been worrying so much... I can't help but think of so much... I didn't want to make Scootaloo unhappy and I... wanted my little babies to feel safe... I don't know what I would do without you two..." Fluttershy was the one now, she was tearing up. Her small sobs were just the start; Rainbow quickly shuffled over to her best friend and wrapped an arm round her to comfort her.

"Hey, hey, hey. We're all in this together ain't we? I'm not gonna ignore you. I gotta help you and Scoots become family, right?" Rainbow whispered.


"And hey... when our friends find out... they'll help us out too."

"You r-really think so?"

"Yeah sure." Rainbow smiled a little. "Rarity could make some good lookin' clothes, Twilight and Cheerilee could make her book smart. And she has her little friends to play with."

The ideas were final; the images of Scootaloo dressed in a lovely summer dress with a pink nice bow in her hair along with her sitting down reading a book were something out of a fairytale. But they knew they could be possible with the right help and teamwork.

"T-That sounds lovely..." Fluttershy stopped her sobs and started to smile a little.

"See, your smilin' thats cool. Now, how 'bout we finish off the food and put Scootaloo in her crib? We can chillax in your room, y'know watch the TV." Rainbow stood up on her legs and stretched her arms outwards until a moan escaped her mouth. She continued to lightly smile as Fluttershy wrapped her arms around Scootaloo in the correct positions to pick her up like an infant.

It was like Scootaloo was awake, she, even in her sleep latched onto Fluttershy as she was being picked up. Fluttershy grabbed the pacifier hanging round her neck and put it into her mouth, the child quickly suckled on it as soon as it was placed inwards.

Fluttershy slowly walked over to the crib with Rainbow Dash standing by; as she got to the wooden guard she slightly leaned over and safely lowered the sleeping child into the crib without a problem. With Scootaloo asleep, Rainbow did the honour of placing the blanket over her body to keep her warm.

Rainbow and Fluttershy looked at each other and smiled.

"I'll grab the food and we'll chill, right?"

"Yes Dashie."

Fifthteen Minutes Later...

The bedroom was dark, the bright colours of the TV were now flashing everywhere. All of the curtains and windows were still the same, closed and locked so that no bad could come through. The occasional burst of lightning managed to sneak through which frightened poor Fluttershy to no end. Both were lying down on the bed delicately wrapped up in the thick yellow blanket together. Rainbow Dash was tucked in, her mouth was stuffed up with the nipple of a baby bottle as she hungrily sipped down every last drop of the milk.

Fluttershy took small nibbles mouse sized nibbles out of the marshmallows and slowly swallowed the remains once it has been bitten down to size. She happily stared at the TV watching her favourite programs with her best friend lying besides her.

Rainbow plucked the nipple out of her mouth and licked her lips, she placed the bottle beside her and turned round to snuggle up with Fluttershy as a small smile emerged on her face.

"You alright Fluttershy?" Rainbow whispered as she placed her arm on Fluttershy's stomach.

"I'm alright now Dashie, thanks to you."

"Good. We might need to get some rest for tomorrow, heh, but I guess mommy here would make sure I'm happy as a little bunny before I fall asleep." Rainbows voice changed to that childish tone of voice that Fluttershy had heard earlier, this made her giggle a little.

"Don't worry baby, I'll make sure your happy." Fluttershy smiled.

"How'dya plan on doin' that?" Rainbow giggled.

"By cuddling you!" Fluttershy squeezed her grip on Rainbow Dash and snuggled up with her.

"Gee, thanks mommy."

"Uh... Dashie... can I ask you something? Its just that it's really, really important..."


To be continued...