• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Eighteen

50 Minutes Later...

Fluttershy fixed her eyes onto the office clock, the ticking of the grandfather clock made her more anxious to go see the Mayor for her meeting. Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were sitting down in the waiting area inside of the Town Hall; she kept her hands on her lap feeling ultimately sick and scared.

Rainbow Dash wasn't the only one who wasn't happy at the moment; she had grabbed two of the chairs from the waiting room and assembled them into a small makeshift bed. Rainbow was lying down on the chairs were her head resting against the wall, with the pacifier still in her mouth and a clean diaper, she felt fresher than she ever did in her whole life. The office secretary on the other side of the room was curiously eying up Rainbow Dash with her pacifier and her diaper notably sticking out from the top of her running shorts.

"Fluttershy, you should chill. I don't know what you're getting so worked up about." Rainbow groaned, she looked at Fluttershy and saw beads of sweat drip down her face, her friends breathing was unnatural and the eyes were fixed on the clock.

Fluttershy broke her gaze and looked at Rainbow Dash leaning forward off from the chairs moving closer towards her with her arms out, Rainbow wrapped one arm around Fluttershy and tightened to hug her.

"I'm sorry Dashie... I feel really scared, what if the Mayor doesn't let me adopt Scootaloo? I don't want to let her poor little soul down if I can't... what if she cries and has to go back to her Foster parents? It would be awful!" Fluttershy rested her head and Rainbows should and whispered to her, all Rainbow Dash could do is roll her eyes and sigh.

"Fluttershy, you're awesome, why wouldn't the Mayor want to pick you to be Scoot's mom?" Rainbow stated.

"I'm just really scared Rainbow Dash... I'm being honest; I want to make sure Scootaloo is happy..."

"You're making a start by adopting her, ain't that good enough? She's finally gonna go to a home and to someone who actually loves her. Don't panic about anything, you're gonna do great!"

Rainbow Dash tapped Fluttershy on her shoulder again with a bit of enthusiasm and stood up, she reached down and pulled up her running shorts to cover up more of her diaper which she realised was showing. Fluttershy breathed out and gave a small smile, still feeling anxious she also stood up along with Rainbow and wrapped her arms around her.

"Thank you Dashie." Fluttershy smiled.

"No problem, it's the least I can do."

As Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hugged each other in comfort, they had their arms wrapped around themselves for a good minute. Rainbow Dash sucked on her pacifier even louder to show her happiness while Fluttershy dipped her fingers into her hair and began to slide them through the multi-coloured mess.

A woman entered the secretary’s office; she reeked of importance and attention that was begging to be noticed. She wore basic blue jeans that were tight on her skin, a gray and blue checkered woolly vest that seemed to cover up her body all the way down to her waist. And at the top of her were her yellow glasses, round spectacles that made her look so intelligent, she wasn't fooling around, she wasn't smiling.

She turned to her secretary and stood next to her and leaned down and whispered something into her ear, she then turned a little to see Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hugging each other, this was amusing, she leaned back up regaining her position and started to walk back into the room from where she came from.

"Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to the Mayor’s office!"

Fluttershy was the first one to enter the room, the wooden door slowly creaked open as the mechanism inside of the lock had clicked. Light started to follow its way into the room and the whole entire was lit up, Fluttershy looked to see that she was about to enter a dimmed room. Her throat was sore and she had very little spittle in her mouth, she was most definitely scared at what she was about to do.

She took a small step inside, pushing the door open even more and took a good look at the first few pieces of the room she was entering. There was finely plastered wallpaper with basic patterns hugging the edges of the walls which gave the office a welcoming look, she looked down to see a short green carpet that hugged her yellow sandles as she steps on it.

But for some reason that Fluttershy did not understand, the room was dark, dimmed in fact. The shutter blinds that were attached to the windows were closed and only a few specks of light were able to move in and light up certain parts of the room.

Fluttershy fully opened the door and saw a large table on the other side of the room; it was an oak table that had folders, containers and binders all professionally placed into order by the Mayor herself. But she could see two chairs on the opposite side of the table, guessing quickly she moved closer to the chairs and sat down on the nearest one and breathed out loud.

Rainbow Dash was the last one to enter the room, as took a good look at its design and how dark it was she couldn't help but chuckle. She walked over to the chair that Fluttershy was sitting next to and sat down beside her, Rainbow took a good look at her friend to see that she was still scared out of her wits.

"Right." The Mayor cleared her voice; both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked at her and listened.

"I would to firstly thank both of you to coming to this meeting, I'm sure that we have a lot to discuss." The Mayor looked back down to her desk and picked up a folder filled with paper, she leaned forwards and handed it to Fluttershy.

"Wh-What's this?" Fluttershy squeaked, she nervously looked at Rainbow Dash and then looked back at the Mayor.

"It's Scootaloo's records, her education, health records, past family members and general information that came from her. I personally have only read her general information, but there also seem to be pictures of her from when she was little. But I must admit, this is a special occasion, there hasn't been an adoption in this town for a good eight to nine-ish months and I was surprised when Rainbow Dash came up to me and told me about you and Scootaloo."

"Sh-Should I open it? W-Will I get arrested if I read it?" Fluttershy quivered.

"No silly, don't worry, you're not going to get into trouble for reading anything..." The Mayor paused for a second; she turned her head to look at Rainbow Dash to see the diaper sticking out of her running shorts. "Your underwear is sticking out Rainbow Dash; you might want to pull-up your shorts a little more." She chuckled to herself.

"No biggie Mayor, I'll do it later." Rainbow Dash said; she looked down to see her diaper was in fact sticking out of her running shorts.

"So. as I was saying, this folder that I have given you will allow you to read up anything about Scootaloo. It's my job to keep these types of folders secure and away from the public when it comes to children who aren't adopted."

"B-But why are you giving it m-me?" Fluttershy asked.

"As much as I want to run a fully done course of action this whole adoption process, in my veins... I feel that you are the perfect person to look after Scootaloo. You're Fluttershy after all, and I have seen what you have done for the animals around town during the Winter Season."

"S-So I can a-adopt Scootaloo?"

"Yes, but I just need to talk to you about certain things."

"Do y-you need some m-money? D-do I have t-to pay?"

The Mayor laughed. "No, no. It's nothing like that, I just want some information regarding why you want to adopt Scootaloo, that's all."

A bright red flash flew across her pale cheeks, she couldn't help but place her hands on her cheeks and looked away from the Mayor and turned to Rainbow Dash. She couldn't go on; her friend had to continue for her. Rainbow rolled her eyes and looked at the Mayor.

"Oh... Fluttershy wants to adopt Scootaloo 'cause she really wants a kid, but she don't want to go through all the pregnancy stuff cause she can't find a good lookin' man for herself."

The Mayor raised an eyebrow, and slowly nodded and leaned back in her chair.

"This is... understandable..."

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked at each other for a moment before looking back at the Mayor.

"W-What's understandable?"

"Well Fluttershy, this is one of the main reasons for adoption in this local area. As the two of you should know by now there isn't really a high-strive for women and men to actually... well... have children together nowadays. Adoption is the method that most women and men use when they feel uncomfortable with the whole 'sex' situation popping up every so often. I fully understand if you didn't want to become pregnant yourself. You have a heart of gold dear, adopting a poor child such as Scootaloo might be good for her as she will be taken into a home that actually cares and loves her. You might even turn her life around and help her become so much more than she already is."

"Wh-Who else, uh... you know... adopted children in t-town?"

"Lyra and Bon Bon adopted Tootsie Flute a few years back; they adopted her from the Canterbury orphanage before they were married. She is as happy as a little clam, she loves her parents very much and they show the utmost care and love that I have seen any parents give their child in most recent years."

"Th-That's g-great..."

"Now..." The Mayor put down her papers and turned to face Rainbow Dash for a second with a small smirk growing across her face, Rainbow raised an eyebrow as looked back at the Mayor.

"Are you an Infantilist? I haven't seen anyone around town above the age of twenty-one wearing diapers for a very long time Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow's smile instantly dropped, the words that came from the Mayor felt like bricks being thrown into her face. Fluttershy quickly felt the same-way as she chimed in to what she actually said.

"How do you know?" Rainbow Dash leaned forward and quickly pulled up her running shorts to cover her diaper.

"It took me a few seconds to register that your so called 'undies' was actually a diaper popping out from your shorts when you came to me yesterday, you shouldn't be ashamed of something like that you know." The Mayor also leaned forward and rested her arms on the table.

"Yeah, so what if I am wearing diapers?"

"Nothing, I have heard of Infantilist's before and I just guessed you are one. You can curse at me all you like if I'm wrong, but it's only a question."

"Where'ja hear of 'em before?"

"A few years ago, I was in Canterbury on a business related trip regarding a newly elected minister, I was invited to come along and relax at one of the fancy hotels there. I did some personal exploring while I was there going from store to store looking for little collectables and ornaments for my home back here and I found out that a few members of the people I was working with turned out to be an Infantilist. Needless to say, I caught one of them in the act with who I presume is his wife looking after him."

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were speechless; there was someone else who did the exact same thing that they did together.

"Wh-What was the man’s n-name?" Fluttershy politely asked, still flushed as the red marks on her cheeks glowed.

"If I remember correctly... his name was Fancy Pants ... or something that sounded similar to that, he was such a gentle and brave fellow. He does something that one would bat an eyelid at the first glance, it's what I thought made him rather unique if I say so myself. Does Fluttershy assume the motherly role while you dress up in one of those diapers that you're wearing?"

"Uh... yeah..." Rainbow nodded awkwardly.

"Please excuse me for being so nosy, but... how do you obtain this attraction to acting like a baby? It's not something that you can talk about in everyday conversations."

Fluttershy took this for the worst, she moved her hands out of the way and grabbed onto Rainbow's hand, by squeezing it tightly, and she needed to get the weight from her shoulders.

"It w-was me!" Fluttershy interrupted both of them.

"Pardon?" The Mayor leaned back a little.

"I w-was the one that m-made Rainbow Dash a-act like a baby! I w-was the one who m-made her interested in acting like a b-baby! I'm so s-sorry!" As Fluttershy spoke, she was beginning to tear herself apart, tears began to flow down from her face and she looked away from both of her friends in absolute shame. The weight on her shoulders only felt worse as she cried even louder, but it was worse than that. Now that she had told the Mayor of her dirty little secret it would be near-impossible to adopt the child she longed for so much.

The Mayor and Rainbow Dash looked at each other for a moment; the Mayor quickly got up and walked over to Fluttershy who was now starting to sob her eyes out. She leaned down to Fluttershy's level and placed her fingers onto her chin and lifted her head up to make eye-level contact.





She could get no response out of her; Fluttershy continued to cry no matter what. The Mayor turned to Rainbow Dash to see that she was leaning forward on her chair, she used her elbow to position her hands under chin who also looked rather upset by Fluttershy's crying.

"Rainbow Dash... I think it would be best if we were to cancel the meeting as of today and I send you the adoption forms and legal letters through the mail. I apologize for bringing up that certain subject and those words shall never get outside the office, you can leave now and take her home to calm down."

"Sure..." Rainbow groaned, she stood up from her chair and stretched her arms up into the air and lightly grabbed Fluttershy by the arm and let her stand up, with her face being covered up by her long pink hair and her loud sobs filled the room she also stood up as Rainbow dragged her towards the exit. Leaving the Mayor to watch as Rainbow Dash let Fluttershy leave the room.

Six Hours Later...

The clouds high up in the sky started to form into a centrepiece, their white forms were slowly engulfed by the invading blackness that took them over. The world below began to darken as the light from the sun was blocked by the harsh clouds as they started to roar and scream together in sync, thunder and lightning was only the first step to summoning the rain.

High winds started to force their way to the world below and blow the leaves off from the trees, forcing whatever life down below to run and hide into the nearest shelter. The cold air was enough to force people around town to get inside and stay there, the storm looked absolutely horrible.

Scootaloo was the one to take the brunt end of the stick, the weather started to pour down at an intense rate as she quickly ran down the muddy dirt path that led down towards the cottage that her beautiful mother lived. As the thunder and lightning crashed and banged, so did Scootaloo. In the midst of this storm her school uniform and hair were drenched in the torrents of rain that fell straight from the sky.

Her short purple hair was once nicely combed by her loving mother, but now it has reverted back to its original dirty and spiky setting as her hairs became free and flowing in the wind. Her skirt helplessly flew up and down as the wind shot straight right past her.

But there was a light at the end of the road; she perfectly knew what this was. It was her home!

Fluttershy's peaceful cottage was sitting in the middle of the storm, the rain started to pour down even harder than before as Scootaloo ran towards her sanctuary unable to keep the happy feelings for her new mother. After a hard and long day at school she couldn't wait to take off her uniform and relax under her mother’s arms knowing that she would be safe and secure.

She ran up to the front of the college and quickly kicked open the front gate that lead into the garden, she then slowed down a little and started to unravel her backpack from her arms and dashed to the front door and carelessly gripped onto the door handle, with a violent twist she managed to get inside the house. She slipped through and closed it behind her.

Now that she was inside, Scootaloo could definitely tell that her mother had done something different. All the curtains were closed and the loud static buzzing of the TV could be heard over the pitter patter of the rain outside, the light attached to the ceiling was significantly dimmed which meant most of the living room was dark.

But there seemed to be a light originating from the kitchen, hope had sparked within Scootaloo as she dropped her bag onto the carpet and slowly made her way for the kitchen. She got up to the opened the peeked her head round to see her idol sitting down in the middle on the room eating something.

Scootaloo walked into the kitchen feeling very nervous as she cleared her voice which caused her idol to turn round.

"Scoots? Is that you?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at the child; she stopped what she was doing and got up from her chair to take a good look at the child. Only to see that she was drenched in rain.

"H-Hello Rainbow D-Dash... ah... ACHOO!" Scootaloo seized up for a moment, she closed her eyes and then violently sneezed, causing some of the water droplets to fall from her clothing.

"Woah..." Rainbow tilted backwards a little. "You alright?" She asked her little friend.

"Rainbow Dash... where's Fluttershy?" Scootaloo whined.

"She's upstairs, but you can't see her yet, she's a little bit upset at the moment."

"Wh-What happened?!"

"Nothin' serious if you're wondering. Fluttershy just got a little upset in the meeting that's all."

"W-What?!" Scootaloo squeaked. "Is she okay? Can I go see her?"

"She fell asleep in her bedroom, I've been here since half eleven waiting for her to wake up."

Scootaloo was scared; did something go wrong at the meeting? She needed to find out; she didn't want to be with her foster parents. And without a second to delay she quickly ran away from Rainbow Dash and headed up the stairs to check up on her beloved mother.

To be continued...