• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Twenty

"You stay in the crib Scoots, I have an idea that Fluttershy might like for when she wakes up." Rainbow Dash jumped down onto the other side of the crib and landed on the ground, she stood back up leaving her little friend behind as she now had her idea set in action. She looked around for a moment taking close inspections at the nursery and some of its cabinets and wardrobes, another idea sprung up in her head that just made her giggle.

"Woah! Rainbow Dash, let me out! I wanna come too!" Scootaloo stood up and leaned over the crib, she reached out for her friend but had no luck in reaching her. Rainbow turned round and saw Scootaloo trying to reach out of the crib for her like an infant.

"You stay there, I'm gonna do some explorin'." Rainbow stretched her arms and began to walk over to one of the wardrobes that were stationed in the corner of the room.

Slightly hidden from the rest of the room was a large wooden wardrobe that nearly hit the top of the ceiling, Rainbow Dash took notice and walked over to it as she took a good look of its basic design. Small images and stickers or cutesy looking animals and stars were carelessly plastered on the front no doubt by Fluttershy herself. Rainbow grabbed the knob at the front of the wardrobe and pulled it open as if it were a door and saw a massive line of clothing all held together by coat hangers and shelves.

Rainbow Dash was impressed, she seriously impressed at what Fluttershy had in the nursery, but this just pushed it over the limit. Onesies, overalls, dresses, little frocks, pyjamas, socks, mittens, scarves, hats, shoes, and even a small cardboard box filled with more baby toys and supplies than she could ever imagine. It took Rainbow a second to avert her gaze at the clothing for a second as she leaned away and looked back at Scootaloo.

"What did you find? I'm dying to know!"

"Scoots, are you sure you wanna escape the crib?"

"Yeah!" She rocked her fist into the air.

"How about another game?"

"Huh? Like what? I wanna play the escape game!"

"Nah, I've got something way better..." Rainbow giggled, she looked back into the wardrobe and took another good look at the clothing inside. She reached in and started to move the clothing around to look for the perfect item for Scootaloo, she noticed something in one of the corners of the wardrobe and carelessly pulled it out with the coat hanger still attached to the top of it.

She walked over to the crib where Scootaloo was still standing and Rainbow revealed the item to the child, her playful smile soon dropped as she looked at the garment that Rainbow Dash had picked out for her.

"Let's play dress-up!"

Those words were something that Scootaloo didn't expect to come out of Rainbow's mouth, she turned round holding some denim overalls that were toddler sized, there was a yellow t-shirt attached from the inside of the clothing to make it look like there was a t-shirt coming through. Scootaloo's smile and excitement slowly died down as she curiously looked at the clothing. There weren’t any legs for the wearer, there was just a part of the overalls that cut off and left the legs open just like an onesie.

"Where did you get that?"

"Fluttershy's got a wardrobe full of baby clothes, didn't you see it when we came in?"

"Hey! I think it might the same place where my onesie is, can you let me out and let me see?"

Rainbow walked over to the changing table and put down the overalls on the front and giggled, she walked back over to the crib where Scootaloo was still leaning over and ruffled her hair.

"Nah, I need to get da' babies clothing weddy now or ewlse she might get cowld." Rainbow giggled.

"Hey c'mon Rainbow Dash! I wanna wear my onesie!"

"But I dun' know where it is... mommy dunt' tell me anyfink..."

Scootaloo chuckled, she decided to sit down in the crib and hang her legs out through the thin wooden bars. She inserted her thumb into her mouth and innocently started to suck on it. Rainbow reached out for the lock on the side of the crib and pulled it open which caused the wooden side to slightly drop to allow Scootaloo to climb out and explore the crib.

"You ain't going nowhere, I'm gonna play dress-up with you."

"I don't have a choice?"


Scootaloo frowned a little, she pulled her legs out of the crib bars and slowly climbed over the crib. After she touched the ground with both feet, she then decided to sit back down on the carpet once again and wait for Rainbow Dash to pick her up. She was instantly picked up by her friend and quickly cuddled her arms around Rainbow's chest, holding on tightly to make sure that she didn't fall down. With her thumb still in her mouth and her mind thinking about all the infantile games she wished to play, she couldn't help but smile again.

Rainbow Dash walked over to the changing table with Scootaloo still tightly wrapped in her arms and placed her down on the edge where she had put down the toddler overalls for the child, she then picked up the clothing she pulled out of the wardrobe and undone the buttons of the front of the overalls and pulled out the t-shirt that came with it.

Scootaloo curiously eyed the t-shirt that Rainbow pulled out and grabbed it from her and pulled it to the front of her face, as the t-shirt was closer to her face she was now able to see the details on this basic white t-shirt. Strangely, it was her size and there were images of bunny rabbits and flowers printed onto the shirt. Something that Fluttershy would like.

She placed the t-shirt over and dipped her head into the underside and poked her head through the top, she then ruffled her arms through the holes and then looked down to see herself in just her diaper and her new t-shirt. She herself thought that she looked adorable, the bottom of her diaper was slightly sticking out making her feel evermore like an infant.

"Put this on." Rainbow Dash handed the overalls to Scootaloo now that she had put on the yellow t-shirt, the buttons at the top were undone and all she had to do was put it on for Rainbow Dash. She jumped off the table holding the overalls with her and she put it down on the floor and dipped her legs through the holes at the bottom. With her legs going through she then slowly pulled up the overalls by the sides and pulled them up until she couldn't any more. Rainbow Dash quickly leaned down and grabbed onto the overalls and buttoned them together.

"There you go, how 'bout that? You look like a toddler."

"Yeah..." Scootaloo was now wrapped in the overalls she was wearing, she looked down once again to see that there were no areas that covered her legs, just like her onesie.

"You look awesome, what do you wanna do now?"

"Uh... play with some toys?"

"Wait- Hold on Scoots." Rainbow paused, she leaned down under Scootaloo's legs and reached out towards the cabinet under the table. Scootaloo wasn't able to see what her friend was doing, but it sounded like she was trying to find something. She eventually got back up holding a large orange pacifier round her fingers, it strangely resembled the one that she had used earlier but the difference was is that it was much bigger.

Rainbow didn't take a moment to explain, she instead leaned forward and plucked the pacifier into the child’s mouth and she instantly began to suckle on it.

"You should be lucky Scoots, it's the biggest pacifier I could find."


"And it doesn't let you talk either, how cute."

"MM-" Scootaloo pulled her pacifier out of her mouth with a loud pop. "Can we play a game now? I'm getting really bored..."

"Sure, sure... what do you wanna play?"

"C'mon Rainbow Dash! Stop teasing! I wanna play the escape game."

"Fine, fine. But where do you want to start? Where are we gonna go after we escape the nursery?"

"Uh... To Fluttershy!" Scootaloo happily yelled.

"Fluttershy? But she's still asleep, we can't just barge in and wake up Fluttershy."

"C'mon Rainbow Dash! It'll be fun! We can sneak into her bed and cuddle up and fall asleep together!"

"Why don't we just crawl our way to the stairs and watch some TV? Does that sound better?"

"Nah, I wanna see my mommy!"

"Ugh..." Rainbow groaned, she knew that this wouldn't end well. "If I take you to Fluttershy, can you please be nice and quiet with her?"

"I can do that!"

"No you can't.

"Yes I can!" Scootaloo playfully yelled back.

"Then why don't you lower your voice? Fluttershy had quite a bit of a hard time in that meeting today, and I don't think she'd like to be woken up by your shouting. C'mon, let's take you to Fluttershy if you want to see her so badly."


"What?" Rainbow Dash paused.

"Can I crawl to the bedroom? I'm supposed to be a toddler, silly!"

Rainbow Dash nodded and took a few steps away from the changing table and walked over to the door, she opened it a little and waited for her little friend to make her way over. Scootaloo just watched for a moment and then sat herself down onto the carpet and thought about how she was going to crawl, such a simple thing required much timing and thought planned into it. But Scootaloo didn't care, she just stuffed her pacifier back into her mouth and crawled like she did when she made her way towards the crib. All she could hear as she made her way over to the door in her overalls was the chuckles and giggles coming straight from Rainbow Dash.

"Heh, you think you can pick up the pace?" Rainbow taunted.

Scootaloo ignored what her friend said, she just continued on with her business and made it to the door. Rainbow opened the door a little more and allowed her little friend to escape into the hallway, as Scootaloo was now free from her nursery, she sat in position waiting for Rainbow Dash to follow up. Rainbow quickly moved round to the other side of the door and quietly closed it without making much sound, she looked down to see that Scootaloo was still waiting for her.

"You still waitin' for me? You should just crawl into Fluttershy's bedroom, but do it quietly, okay?"

Scootaloo nodded as she started to get back on her knees again.

It was very dark, darker than the nursery with its lights off. Fluttershy's bedroom was pitch-black yet only accompanied from time to time with the bright light coming from a flash of lightning and the scream of thunder. Lying on her own bed wrapped round in a thick yellow blanket was Fluttershy, still dreary and tired from her recent experience she continued on to wrap her arms around a spare pillow that she had. Filling in the slot of something that would satisfy her and keep her calm and protected she needed something to cheer her up, other than the frightening light bashing it's way through the windows every few seconds.

The area around her eyes were dripped in her tears as her eyes begged to blink, the stinging sensation caused her to inaudibly whimper from time to time. She needed someone or something to make her feel happy again, but she knew that wouldn't happen, Rainbow Dash didn't check up on her which led to the eventual assumption that she left for good. Scootaloo would be sent back to her foster home never able to see her mother once more. It was horrible for her.

"I'll open the door and you just crawl in... okay?"

It was at that moment as if Fluttershy heard a familiar voice, still wrapped in her sheets she leaned up from her bed a little to ear out what was going on. Through a small creak in the middle of her blanket she saw her bedroom door slowly open being quickly followed by a blinding light that came from the hallway, she closed her eyes for a second to stop the pain in her eyes and then re-opened them to see that no one was there. The door was wide open, yet no one was entering.

"Just crawl up to her and wake her up nice and slowly..." A familiar voice whispered, Fluttershy knew who it was, she couldn't see her anywhere. Rainbow Dash wasn't in the bedroom, and who exactly was she talking to? Fluttershy quickly lowered her head back onto her pillow and closed her eyes.

Scootaloo was excited, not only did she think that her mother wasn't awake, but she couldn't wait to see her after so long. She could tell her what happened at school with the reading books and even play games with her and Rainbow Dash together. Just like the weekend she spent with her mommy.

She slowly crawled up towards the bed in the darkness trying to make sure she looked as infantile as possible, she kept her pacifier tight into her mouth her rump up in the air and her eyes fixed on Fluttershy lying down in her bed.

Scootaloo got close to the edge of the bed and decided to slowly climb up, she was now incredibly close to her mother it felt impossible not to resist waking her up. She stood up on her two feet and sat herself down next to Fluttershy and placed her hand on her mothers pink hair and slowly tapped at it.

"Hello mommy... time to wake up!" Scootaloo leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her mother who was still in her thick yellow blanket.

Fluttershy on the other hand was gob smacked, her little Scootaloo had come home. Unable to contain herself with joy she leaned up and opened her eyes to take a good look at her child once more.

"H-Hello Scootaloo..." Fluttershy smiled at her daughter.

"Hello mommy, do you like what Rainbow Dash let me wear!"

"Aww, you look adorable..."

"Thanks mommy!"

Both of them locked their arms around each other and started to hug one another. Rainbow Dash entered the room in time to see what was going on, she crossed her arms and walked over to them.

"You alright Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash looked down.

"Hello Rainbow Dash, I feel... uh, much better... thank you for asking..."

"What happened?" Scootaloo pulled away from the hug and looked at Rainbow Dash and then back to Fluttershy sounding rather confused.

"Oh... uh... I just felt tired Scootaloo, no need to worry... I went to bed a little bit early, that's all..."

“Like a powernap?”

“Uh… yes… like a powernap.”

“Say Scoots, why don’t you go turn the TV on downstairs. How about we watch some cartoons or something all together after Fluttershy gets out of bed?” Rainbow suggested.

“Ooh! Yeah! I heard there was a new cartoon about Daron Do on my favourite channel, we could watch that together!” Scootaloo just exploded with ideas, it was evident that she was excited now that she was back with Fluttershy once more. But she quickly jumped off from the bed and quickly ran out of the bedroom.

Now with Scootaloo gone, Rainbow turned round to face Fluttershy who looked pretty concerned.

“You seriously okay? No more cryin’ or anything like that?” Rainbow leaned her head close to Fluttershy and started to whisper.

“I’m fine Dashie, I just couldn’t help but think about Scootaloo… I’m sorry…”

“You don’t need to be, if I were in your shoes then I guess I’d panic about Scootaloo too…”

“I uh, noticed that you dressed her up like a baby again…” Fluttershy blushed.

“Yeah, just to keep her at bay while you could get some rest. We were gonna play a game, but instead I started to play dress-up with her.”

“Those overalls look really nice on Scootaloo, she looks like an actual toddler now.”

“Pretty weird if you ask me.”

“But… thank you for looking after Scootaloo… you’re such a good baby.”

Rainbow blushed for a moment and giggled.

"No problem, let's get you outta bed and relax."

"Oh no Dashie, I couldn't relax... I still have to look after you and Scootaloo, you're still my babies after all."

"Mm... true..." Rainbow nodded.

Fluttershy moved her legs and dangled them over the edge of her bed and leaned up, she pushed the blanket off from her chest to reveal that she was wearing her favourite yellow night gown once again. Rainbow stood up and grabbed her friends arm and slowly pulled her up to let her stand.

"Thank you Dashie."

"So... if I'm gonna act like your little baby again, what are we going to do together? There was loads of stuff I had in mind when me and Scoots were in the nursery. Plus, we noticed the rocking horse in the corner of the room."

"Oh? That old thing? I used to play with that when I was very little, my mom and dad used to push me forwards and backwards on it. I remember putting it in the attic when I first moved here, I thought my little ones would like to use it someday."

"Well I can't use it, I'm too big. But Scoots can."

Fluttershy giggled.

"We could always sit down together and read a nursery book... I have a few beanie bags we could sit down on, are those good enough for you Dashie?"

"Heh, they're pretty cool Fluttershy, I'm sure Scoots will love them."

To be continued...