• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"Right... here are the toys..."

Fluttershy placed out a large amount of toys for both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo to choose from. A mixture of stuffed animals, teddy bears and even plastic little toys that a toddler would have been all there for them to use in their next array of games. Scootaloo was the first one to make her move as she picked up the largest stuffed animal, modelled after a large brown grizzly bear. Though made to look childish and silly, Scootaloo couldn't help but feel rather intimidated by the fact that she was holding a bear in her arms. It was silly to think about, but that made it even more fun.

Rainbow Dash on the other hand stuck with Fluttershy, her mommy held up two little figurines of toy soldiers and placed them down and what seemed to be a play-set made for boys. The design of the small set was a little plastic castle, meant to represent the Royal Castle in the middle of Canterbury. Fluttershy placed a toy soldier on top of a small balcony, for a fact knowing that's where one of the Princesses would stand watching over the kingdom.

"This is where the big strong soldier stands Rainbow Dash, can you see right there?" Fluttershy placed one of the figurines on top of the balcony, the pointed with her finger to help her friend know where she had placed it.

"Yeah." Rainbow nodded, she took a good look at the soldier placed on top of the balcony and also pointed at it. "Right there?"

"Yes, good girl, the guard is standing on the... the..." Fluttershy stopped, she smiled and winked politely asking for the next word.

"Balcony?" Rainbow finished off.

"Yeah! Good girl Dashie, you're so smart!"

"Yep, I'm a smart girl!" Rainbow nodded, feeling pretty happy.

"Do you know who lives inside of the big castle Dashie?" Fluttershy continued on with her infantile games and rubbed Rainbow's back as she played her game.

"The Princess?"

"Yes Dashie, but which Princesses?"

"Um.... uh..." Rainbow pretended to struggle, she placed her hand on her forehead to show how much she tried to think of their names.

"Princess Cel-... Celes..."

"Celestia!" Rainbow pointed out.

"Well done Dashie!" Fluttershy gasped, she gave her baby a quick hug and then pointed back at the castle.

"And what about Princess L-... Lu-..."


"You're such a smart little baby!" Fluttershy giggled, she gave another hug to Rainbow Dash and tightened her grip on her.

"I am mommy! I am!" Rainbow laughed.

"Ooh, Dashie. I have an idea..."

"Yes mommy?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her friend.

"Let’s play with Scootaloo, I wonder what she is up to." Fluttershy turned to Scootaloo and moved herself around the pile of toys until she was right behind the overgrown baby, she picked the child up and rested her down onto her lap and wrapped her arms around her while the teddy bear was still being hugged. Rainbow quickly joined in on the action and crawled her way over to her friends and sat next to the pile of toys, she picked up a bunch of small building blocks and positioned them over to her side and knew exactly what she wanted to do with them.

"Hello Scootaloo, how is my little baby doing?"

She pulled her pacifier out of her mouth with a loud pop.

"I'm fine mommy, do you wanna hug the bear?"

"I'd love to hug the bear Scootaloo." Fluttershy nodded, she leaned forward a little and stretched her arms over and under and teddy bear and pressed it against Scootaloo. The child giggled as the bear rubbed against her face as it was squeezed by Fluttershy.

"Tee-hee, this is so funny!" Scootaloo giggled, she pushed away the bear and turned round to look at her mother. "Hey mommy, are you going to play with Rainbow Dash? I know I am! She's making a block tower, look!" Scootaloo pointed over to the other side of the toy pile and took a good look at the giant block pile that Rainbow Dash was making. She felt compelled to crawl over and crash into it, just the idea of seeing all of those blocks falling down and making noise would be absolutely fun.

"Go on Scootaloo, go play with Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy unravelled her arms and watched the scene about to unfold, the child quickly crawled over to her friend and playfully eyed up the tower of blocks before her. Fluttershy knew what Scootaloo was thinking, she kept her distance between the two and wanted to see how this situation could unwrap itself.

"Hey Scoots, wanna help me build a tower with the blocks?" Rainbow stopped her building for a moment and saw Scootaloo sitting beside the block tower, the child looked at her and then back at the tower and nodded her head. "Sweet, now get me th- AH..."

But before anything could happen, Scootaloo quickly pushed one of the blocks at the bottom of the tower causing the top to slowly wobble and fall apart, some of the blocks landed on Rainbow and most of them landed on Scootaloo. Rainbow crawled away from the destruction of her tower and looked at the mess that Scootaloo made, the child just burst into a fit of laughter and Rainbow soon joined in. They pushed the blocks out of the way and crawled over to each other.

"You sure got me there didn't ya' Scoots?" Rainbow chuckled, she drilled her fingers into Scootaloo's hair and ruffled it up again.

"Again! Again!"

"Again? You sure you want another block tower? Or are ya' gonna just knock it down again?"

"I want a tower to knock down!"

"I'll make one as long as you help me, grab all the blocks you can find and let’s get busy."

Scootaloo nodded, she looked round and behind her to scan the area for any blocks that fell from the top of the tower. Luckily, she found three blocks that Rainbow didn't pick up and she handed them to her best friend.

"Right you two, it’s nearly seven o' clock. My, doesn't time sure fly when you’re having fun." Fluttershy sighed, she looked up at the clock and moved over to her little babies and sat in-between them.

"Seven?" Rainbow turned her head, looking rather worried.

"Yes, it’s nearly seven o' clock."

"Man, time sure passes pretty quickly when you're having fun." Rainbow reached into the air and stretched her arms, letting out a small yawn as she put her hand on her mouth quickly.

"I'm guessing you two are hungry? Because... uh, I can make some snacks if you two want... I can make some sandwiches if you'd like some?"

Rainbow and Scootaloo thought for a moment and looked at each other for a second.

"Mommy... can I have a sandwich please?" Scootaloo smiled.

"Sure you can, what would you like on your sandwich?"


"Anything else Scootaloo?"

"Yeah! More cheese!"

Fluttershy giggled.

"And what about you Dashie?"

"Just another drink, y’know, from a sippy cup."

"Okay, you two stay in the nursery and play with your toys while I make some delicious food."

"Okay Mommy!" Scootaloo waved.

Fluttershy put down the plate on the worktop and proceeded to place the slices of bread on top of each other, the sandwich was complete. With thin slices of basic cheddar and a nice little chunk of cheese on the side of the plate. It looked delicious, she had outdone herself in the art of sandwich making. Now she picked up the plate with the food on and placed it down onto the nearest food tray where she had even more food for her little babies.

Specifically picking out small treats and delectables for her two sweet children to eat, on the other side of the tray was a basic white bowl filled to the top with large white puffy marshmallows and a baby bottle filled with milk and a sippy cup sitting alone filled with concentrated orange juice. This would fill them up a little, Fluttershy thought.

But before anything could be done with the treats, there was a knocking on the door. It wasn't too loud nor to quiet in the midst of the storm outside, Fluttershy heard the door and walked out of the kitchen to make it to the door. She got over to the door and slowly adjusted her grip on the doorknob and started to turn it.

As the door opened a gust of cold air and rain started to pour into the warm cottage, but standing outside was a woman wrapped in a bright yellow raincoat wearing familiar glasses, Fluttershy couldn't help but gasp at who it was.


"Hello Fluttershy, may I come in?" The Mayor gave a small wave and walked into the cottage for the safety against the rain outside.

"Uh... W-What are y-you doing here?" Not again, something bad was going to happen. Memories of the meeting in the town hall were flooding back in and they were scaring her to no end. Fluttershy quickly closed the door and started to desperately breathe in and out.

"I'm just here to stop by and talk to you. I know we had a little bit of a kerfuffle at the town hall earlier, but since you are home I figured that you would feel more comfortable in the safety and comfort of your own home."

"Oh..." Fluttershy blushed.

"Dear, don't worry. I'm not here to arrest you or anything, please keep that in mind." The Mayor walked over to the coat hanger by the door and unzipped her yellow raincoat to reveal her office attire. She placed the dripping wet coat onto the hanger and turned to look at an awfully scared Fluttershy.

"I c-can't really t-talk... I mean... well... I was going to... well..."

"Are you looking after Rainbow Dash?"

"N-No... I wasn't... I was just making s-some food an- Yes..." Fluttershy gave up, the act was diminished. Now she thought she was in trouble.

"You don't have to hide secrets dear, I was only asking. Besides, I need to talk to Rainbow Dash also about her little tirade last night walking around town drunk." The Mayor placed an arm on Fluttershy's shoulder and tapped it lightly.

"Oh... okay. I was j-just going to give Dashie and S-Scootaloo s-some food..."

"Scootaloo's here?" The Mayor raised an eyebrow.

"Uh-huh." Fluttershy nodded.

"Is it okay if I go upstairs and see them? It wouldn't hurt to see where you’re looking after them, right?"

"Sure thing..."

"When you come upstairs we can all talk about the adoption papers, I don't have them with me but I'd like to continue on with what I talked about earlier. I won't go on for too long since its getting pretty dark outside and the storm is getting worse."

"You can't do that Scoots!"

"Yes I can!"

"You can't!"






"Bed wetter!"

"Beer drinker!"



"What? Can't you think of anymore insults?"

"Um... I can't..."

"Yes!" Rainbow cheered. "I win! Ha-ha!"

"Aww... can't we play that game again? I gotta think of new ones..."

"Nope Scoots, I win, let’s do something else."

"But what can we do?"

"Hrmm..." She put her fingers on her lips and crossed her legs.

"We've got a pile of toys next to us Scoots, we could make another block tower."

"Nah, I wanna do somethin' different."

"Like what?"

Scootaloo turned over and looked at the plushies inside of the baby crib, a smile drew itself over her face and she pointed at what she was looking at.

"We could lie down in the crib, and then we get the blanket on put it on top and make it look like were in a tent!"

"Pretending to camp out? I remember when I used to camp with my friends when I was little."

"You mean you'd go into the forest and sleep in a tent?"

"Yeah, 'cept we'd talk about scary stuff or some of the boys we had crushes on."

"You had crushes on boys? EW!" Scootaloo giggled.

"What? All girls do." Rainbow crossed her arms and frowned.

"Who did you have a crush on Rainbow Dash?"

"Can't tell."

"Why not?"

"It’s a secret." Rainbow stuck her tongue out of her mouth.

"But you said that you told your friends when you were little."

"Well... not exactly, I was a teenager when I was into that kinda stuff."

"Tell me!" Scootaloo whined, she got up on her feet and moved closer to Rainbow Dash.

"Can't do that Scoots."

"What if I tell you my secret crush and you tell me yours?"

Rainbow's eyes quickly widened, she chuckled a little and nodded her head.

"Ain't you too young to have a crush?"

Scootaloo blushed and looked away from her friend and messed with her fingers.

"Okay, okay. Tell me and then I'll tell you mine."

"Uh... I have a crush on..."

"Is it Rumble?" Rainbow interrupted.

"Wait- no! It’s..."



"Who is it then?"

"Spike!" Scootaloo shouted, she crossed her arms and quickly looked away waiting for the barrage of laughter.

Rainbow also paused for a moment and thought about what Scootaloo said, she obviously looked a little upset now that she had told her secret to her and she looked pretty shy. Rainbow leaned forward and tapped Scootaloo on the shoulder which made her turn round.

"Twilight's little brother?"

"Yeah... what's wrong with that?"

"Nothin' but since ya' told me, I had the hots for Soarin when I was a kid."

"Soarin? The singer from the Wonderbolts?"

"Yeah. Me and Spitfire, y'know Spitfire right? The one who plays guitar for the band, we went to school together."

"Really?" Scootaloo's eyes were now wide open, she couldn't believe what her idol was saying.

"Yeah, Me and Spitfire used to fight over who liked Soarin the most. It was pretty stupid but Spitfire got him in the end 'cause they're always in that band together." Rainbow explained.

"That's... friggin' awesome!"

"Hey, no bad words."


"Besides, your crush on Spike is more interestin' what makes you fall for someone like him?"

"Oh... Uh... I just... find him... really cute..." Scootaloo blushed.

"Cute 'eh?"


"He's like a little bookworm, just like his sister."

"Really? Do you think he could help me read books?"

"I dunno, why don't you go and ask him?"

"I'm too scared... what if he doesn't want to help me 'cause I'm a girl?"

"Scoots... why wouldn't he want to help you? You're a pretty girl, he'd trip over his own feet lookin' at you!"

"I dunno... I just kinda get scared when I'm around him..."

"Nah, you'll do great when you’re older. He'll fall for your looks pretty quickly if you keep on hammerin' on the signs."


"When you're older Scoots."

"How old?"

"Fourteen... maybe older..."

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo started to laugh, Rainbow wrapped her arms round the child and mussed her purple hair while Scootaloo dug her head into Rainbow's chest. They both kicked some of the toys out of the way and started to hug each other.

They both heard the nursery door open, both of them knew it would be Fluttershy that would enter and give them their food. But as the door stopped they heard nothing, Rainbow turned round to see someone familiar standing at the doorway with her arms closed.

"Mayor?!" Rainbow shouted out, she flew backwards slightly and landed on her padded backside as the Mayor chuckled. She closed the door and stood before both of them and smiled.

"Hello you two, having fun I see."

Rainbow's didn't move an inch, something wasn't right. Where was Fluttershy? And the food she had promised?

"Yeah... we're having fun..." Rainbow mumbled.

"Mind if I sit down beside you, that is, if you allow me to sit next to some of your toys. I'm not going to steal them, I promise Dashie." The Mayor giggled, but Rainbow Dash wasn't amused. More so confused to why the Mayor was here, she wasn't supposed to be here.

"Sit down Miss Mayor! There is loads of toys to play with!" Scootaloo stood up and waved the Mayor to come over.

"Oh my Scootaloo, you look so adorable!" The Mayor took a good look at the child before her, the onesie and the pacifier hanging round her neck were just absolutely adorable.

"Aww, thank you!" Scootaloo nodded.

"What'cha doin' here anyways Mayor? The storm too tough to handle?" Rainbow asked.

"No its not that dear, I've come all the way from Town Hall to talk to you and Fluttershy about the adoption."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, she leaned forward and got up on her feet and walked up to the Mayor.

"I thought the meeting was cancelled until sometime else or something like that."

"Well, you see. There has been complications to this whole adoption plan and I wanted to share them with you."


"Yes, I want to speak. But I suggest that we have to wait until Fluttershy is here."

"Okay. We can wait, can't we Scoots?" Rainbow turned to look at the child, she saw Scootaloo sitting down on the changing table with her pacifier stuffed in her mouth.

"Is this what you both do together and Fluttershy looks after you?" The Mayor chuckled, seeing Scootaloo with a pacifier in her mouth was too cute for her.

"Yeah, why?" Rainbow continued.

"Nothing, as I have said before: I have no problem with Infantilist's whatsoever. I find what you’re doing absolutely adorable. You all look like a little cute family when your all together."

"Hey Mayor!" Scootaloo pulled her pacifier out of her mouth and waved over to the Mayor.

"Yes Scootaloo?"

"Is it true that I'm gonna be adopted?"

To be continued...