• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,569 Views, 435 Comments

Pattycakes: The Remake - GlitchyProductions

Humanized remake of Pattycakes, takes out the disturbing elements of the original and replaces them with a light-hearted story.

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Chapter Three

Rainbow Dash made her way downstairs back into the living room, feeling how numb her mouth should have been right now. Suckling on the pacifier that Fluttershy gave her started to have a small effect on her, for a girl her age, sucking on things was usually considered dirty. Mostly by social commonalities when it comes from the boys. She felt a small sense of relief when she suckles on the pacifier. She just realized that she was making suckling sounds with the pacifier it made her giggle somewhat.

She made her way to the living room couch and started to rest herself down on the couch and she let the tension in her body escape, the pacifier somewhat helped her for some reason. But she didn't want to admit it to Fluttershy, she still was unsure of the baby idea but she didn't want to let her best friend down.

Rainbow Dash shuffled around and lay down on the couch as if it were a bed, she positioned the couch pillows into a setup of bed pillows. She closed her eyes and started to relax a little.

" maybe relaxing like this might actually be cool. " Her voice popped up in her head. " I’ll get free food and attention from Fluttershy and I don't have to do anything in return, maybe this won’t be bad after all... " Her voice that resided in her head questioned.

She idly thought about her diapers as she continued to rest herself. " These diapers are pretty comfy and they feel really nice on my backside. " Her voice rambled on in her mind.

Rainbow Dash had zoned out, she stared at the ceiling for what felt like nearly forever. Wondering what her other friends are doing and how they are spending the rest of the day. She knew for a fact that Applejack was training with her sister, Applebloom for the big run. Twilight had taken her little brother Spike to the park for the day and Rarity had been going on business trips, leaving Sweetie Belle to stay at her Aunt Bloomers house for the weekend. And then Pinkie Pie said she had the case of the flu, meaning she might be at home with the Cake family looking after her.

"Rainbow Dash..." A voice echoed throughout the living room.

"Rainbow Dash..." The voice continued to call her name.

"Excuse me, Rainbow Dash..." The kind and calming voice continued to reach out at her.

Rainbow Dash snapped out of her little train of thought, she quickly looked up to see Fluttershy standing in front of her smiling at heart’s content. Strangely, Fluttershy was holding a baby bottle, a bib, a teddy bear and the book that she borrowed from Twilight.

"W-what?" Rainbow spat out her pink pacifier onto her hand, she stuttered wondering if she had done something wrong. But from the sign of Fluttershys smile she hoped that she had done something that made her happy.

"It's feeding time." Fluttershy announced.

"Feeding time?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes, it's time for the baby to get her delicious yummy-wummy food." Fluttershy cooed.

"Sweet." Rainbow Dash tried to ignore Fluttershy's baby talk. "What are we eating?" Rainbow Dash got up from the couch and stood in front of Fluttershy.

"Oh no..." Fluttershy blushed. "I'm not eating, you are." Fluttershy leaned forward gave Rainbow Dash a hug, including a small pat on a back.

"Oh, okay. What am I eating?" Rainbow Dash asked, eager to eat anything in her path.

"You'll find out soon baby." Fluttershy giggled, she calmly grabbed Rainbow Dash’s pacifier out of her hand and slowly put it back in Rainbow Dash’s mouth, she started to suckle on it again.

Rainbow Dash nodded.

"I'm going into the kitchen to make some food for you, I really hope you like it." Fluttershy smiled, she started to walk to the kitchen and she made it to the door frame.

Rainbow Dash pulled the pacifier from her mouth again.

"But it's only 10am, I had breakfast two hours ago." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Fluttershy opened her trusty guide book and flipped to one of the many hundred pages, she ran her finger down to the right piece of information she wanted and began to read out the piece of information that she wanted Rainbow Dash to hear.

"Babies need a constant amount of food to keep them satisfied, every two to three hours depending how much they've grown." Fluttershy read out.

"So what? I'll need some food every couple of hours?" Rainbow Dash asked, still confused about what was going on.

"Well... yes... Since you're bigger than a baby, I am going to feed you small amounts of food and it should slowly fill your big tummy up by the end of the day." Fluttershy kept on reading. "Oh... I almost forgot..." Fluttershy reminded herself.

"What?" Rainbow Dash replied.

"I'm going to be quite a while in the kitchen making your yummy food, so I got you my favourite teddy bear for you to play with." Fluttershy smiled. She walked over to Rainbow Dash who had sat back down on the couch suckling on her pink pacifier, she reluctantly reached out for the teddy bear and it grabbed it.

Rainbow Dash took out her pacifier and looked at the teddy bear.

"A teddy bear, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked, she began to inspect the teddy bear with its beady black eyes and the small pink ribbon on its left ear. Tossing and turning it from side to side to check out the soft material it was made out of.

"Yes, when I was a baby I loved my little teddy bear. He's called Mr. Snuggles since he is always so cute to snuggle up with at night." Fluttershy explained.

"Yeaaahhh... Adorable..." Rainbow Dash sarcastically replied, she crossed her arms, hugging the teddy bear tightly. Pretending to enjoy the sudden company of the teddy bear.

"That's great!" Fluttershy squeaked, she was so happy to see that Rainbow Dash loved her new toy right away.

"Yeah, uh. I'll try and look after Mr. Snuggles for you." Rainbow Dash said.

"You're such a good baby!" Fluttershy smiled, she reached out and ruffled Rainbow Dash’s hair.

"Yeah, I'll have my food whenever it's ready." Rainbow Dash leaned back with her pacifier and the teddy bear in her arms.

"I'll go into the kitchen and make a quick drink for you, just to keep you busy." Fluttershy giggled.

"Sure, whatever." Rainbow Dash smiled.

Fluttershy began to walk over towards where the kitchen entrance is and she managed to get to the door way until she stopped dead in her tracks, she reached into one of her pockets and quickly pulled out a small pink bib with a small plastic hook around the back of the neck area. She turned around and looked at Rainbow Dash who was sitting down on the couch waiting for something to happen, she was rubbing the front area of her diaper between her crotch trying to feel the fabrics.

"Umm... Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy whispered across the room.

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash called out, she turned her head and stopped rubbing the front of her diaper to look at her friend who was holding a pink bib in her hands.

"I forgot to put this on you..." Fluttershy blushed.

"A bib?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes." Fluttershy nodded.

"Give it to me and I'll put it on myself..." Rainbow Dash groaned.

"Are you sure that you'll be okay trying to put the bib on?" Fluttershy worried.

"I'll be fine... just hand it over and I'll do it myself..." Rainbow Dash groaned.

It had been thirty minutes since Fluttershy had given Rainbow Dash a drink and made her way back into the main kitchen.

Rainbow Dash was lying down on the couch content and happy, she unexpectedly got herself a small baby bottle full of cold milk. She refused to drink from it and Fluttershy had left it on the side of the couch in case Rainbow Dash had changed her mind. Although it seemed unlikely after Rainbow Dash did a little mooching around the living room and found the TV remote that Fluttershy had hidden, she felt a little victorious about finding the TV remote for no reason. It reminded her of when she was a little kid and she used to play hide and seek with her friends in the RumsVille forest.

" I’ve gotten so far, it's just 10.30am and there is still a whole day to go until this is over. " Rainbow Dash thought to herself, staring at the TV screen watching cartoons. " I’ve got the courage to wear a diaper, use a pacifier... but not suck on a baby bottle? Something ain't right about this. " She thought to herself again.

Rainbow Dash turned to the baby bottle and looked at it, she leaned over and picked it up. Staring at the rubber tip that was staring directly back at her. She had a few things to consider about the baby bottle filled with milk.

"Well I am kind of thirsty..." Rainbow Dash thought to herself, turning the bottle side to side watching the milk splash about entertained her. "I guess it couldn't hurt..." Her voice mustered through her head.

Rainbow Dash took her pacifier out of her mouth and wrapped her fingers around the hook on the end of the pacifier; she then slowly raised the baby bottle towards her mouth. The rubber tip had rubbed against her lips and it felt exactly like a pacifier. Knowing how good the pink pacifier of hers had been good to her and it had actually relaxed her; she dipped the rubber tip into her mouth.

She started to suckle on the rubber tip and some of the milk started to rush down through the tiny hole in the top of the tip, she felt the cold refreshing milk swash around her mouth and finally making its way down to her throat.

Rainbow Dash lowered her head back onto the couch pillows and raised the bottle up to the ceiling and started to suckle on the rubber tip as hard as she could. Feeling the soothing cold milk go down her throat was a treat for her, especially that it took her time to drink the milk. Normally she would drink something in under a couple of seconds and then go for the next one, but she had to seriously work for her drink. And it was a very nice treat.

"This is delicious... why didn't Fluttershy give this to me earlier?" Rainbow Dash's voice happily yelled out in her head.

Fluttershy entered the living room, holding a tray full of food. Ranging from mashed peas to spaghetti and to even very thin slices of bread that a baby could try and teeth on without much trouble.

She walked over to the couch expecting Rainbow Dash to be suckling on her pacifier and having ignoring the milk she gave to her earlier, but she was astonished when she found Rainbow Dash gulping down the milk faster than she had expected..

Fluttershy saw Rainbow Dash holding the bottle upside down trying to get all of the milk outside of it as quick as she could, she crossed her legs with the teddy bear and pacifier in both on her hands, although Rainbow Dash had the teddy bear more up her arms and it looked like she was hugging it.

"Seems that my little baby is having a good time." Fluttershy whispered.

Rainbow Dash instantly shot up, nearly throwing the half-empty bottle of milk across to the other side of the couch where Fluttershy had left it before. Turning around to see Fluttershy standing directly over her looking down at what she was doing, her heart nearly exploded from the shock. She didn't expect Fluttershy to come back so quick.

"Fluttershy! This isn't what it looks like..." Rainbow Dash tried to explain.

Fluttershy put the food down on the small coffee table in front of the couch and sat down next to Rainbow Dash, trying to get some of the space that Rainbow Dash took up.

"It's nice to see my little baby figuring out how to use a baby bottle all by herself, I'm so proud." Fluttershy cheered.

"Oh... it's nothing..." Rainbow Dash blushed.

Rainbow Dash dropped the bottle to her side and put her pacifier back into her mouth and began suckling on it.

"It's okay Rainbow Dash; it's alright to try new things. I'm proud of you." Fluttershy smiled.

Rainbow Dash slowly nodded, the only thing that came out of her mouth was the sweet suckling noises that she made.

"Now it's time for some food, I'm going to need that pacifier for a moment." Fluttershy reached up for the pacifier and grabbed onto the small ring on the end of it. She lightly pulled the pacifier out of her mouth and Rainbow Dash tried to keep hold the pacifier as much as she could, her head tilted forwards as it was being pulled out.

Finally the pacifier slipped out of Rainbow Dash’s mouth and she laid herself back into the couch pillows.

"C'mon, time to eat your food." Fluttershy cooed.

"Do I get my pacifier back?" Rainbow Dash asked, Fluttershy noticed that she was asking for her pacifier, which was to be expected but was strange to see her best friend to ask in such a way.

"Yes, only if you eat all of your healthy food." Fluttershy ordered.

"Sure thing, what have you got for me?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I made the essentials for a growing baby." Fluttershy moved out of the way and sat down on the wooden floor, she picked up the tray behind her and resting it in front of Rainbow Dash, though little space was there since Rainbow Dash was lying all over the place.

"Mushy peas? Spaghetti and Bread?" Rainbow Dash choked a little, seeing the foods that she hated since childhood.

"Is there something wrong?" Fluttershy wondered. "Did I cook them the way you didn't like them? I'm sorr-" Fluttershy panicked and apologized.

"No it's not that..." Rainbow Dash paused. "I was just expecting some... y'know... Burgers or something..." Rainbow Dash mumbled disappointingly.

"Oh..." Fluttershy's smile drowned and turned into sad face.

"Not that's it's a problem, but I'll eat the greens..." Rainbow Dash went for a turn; she quickly noticed the quick change of Fluttershys mood.

"But babies have to eat their greens, it's good for them." Fluttershy whimpered.

Rainbow Dash didn't want Fluttershy to get upset at this little argument about greens, she just wanted to get this food out of the way as quick as she could. And that is what she did.

"Good girl!" Fluttershy praised Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah... it's yummy..." Rainbow Dash gagged.

Fluttershy used the small plastic baby’s spoon and dipped it into the mushy peas, she slowly raised it up to Rainbow Dash's mouth and she reluctantly opened it and allowed the tainted food to go into her mouth.

"Good, now close and chew." Fluttershy slowly instructed.

Rainbow Dash nodded and started to slowly chew on the mushy green peas, she had done this two times and she wished it would stop. She finally mustered up the courage to swallow again and she managed to sink the green peas down the hatch.

"Yuck!" Rainbow Dash coughed loudly.

"Are you okay? Have you had enough?" Fluttershy asked her baby.

Rainbow Dash quickly nodded, she needed something to drink down the bad taste.

"Does baby need something to drink? You need your milk?" Fluttershy asked her baby again.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash heaved.

Fluttershy turned around and leaned over to the coffee table and picked up the baby bottle, she inspected it and saw that only half of the milk she had put in was there. She gave it to Rainbow Dash and she quickly suckled on it to drown the flavour of the rotten mushy peas.

"Aww..." Fluttershy cooed. "You don't like the mushy peas do you?"

"No." Rainbow Dash paused for a moment to speak before continuing with her baby bottle.

"At least you ate the spaghetti and the bread slices, and I'm very proud of you." Fluttershy giggled.

Rainbow Dash didn't respond, she kept on suckling the baby bottle trying to get the last remnant of milk that was slowly making its way to the rubber tip. Fluttershy moved the almost empty plate that was once filled with small chunks of baby food and moved it onto the coffee table. She got off her knees and sat down on the couch next to her diapered friend. She wrapped her arms around Rainbow Dash and she in return looked up at Fluttershy.

"What?" Rainbow Dash innocently asked, she finally finished her baby bottle and drank all of the milk.

"I feel so happy." Fluttershy smiled, looking down at her beautiful baby.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're happy." Rainbow Dash positioned herself and sat herself up on the couch allowing herself to wrap her arms around Fluttershy.

"You're really enjoying yourself and it makes me happy knowing that you are happy." Fluttershy cooed.

"Thanks." Rainbow Dash blushed.

"So what do you want to do now?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know, I thought you had this all planned out." Rainbow Dash questioned.

"Well... you had some food; you had your bottle of milk... how about..." Fluttershy paused for a moment; she bit her lip a little wondering what to do next.

"How about..." Fluttershy started.

"Play Time?"