• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,180 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

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“You know you don't have to help me out with all this stuff. Spike and I can handle getting everything ready just fine.” Twilight tosses a couple more things towards Aegis Flare who funneled them into the wagon that was being used to carry everything for the night. Looking back towards the purple unicorn she rolled her eyes before grabbing a tablecloth.

“It's fine really. Besides, I've been meaning to ask you about this for a while now. But why do you always have Spike doing everything around here ? Shouldn't he be in school or spending time with others his own age?” Twilight didn't turn back at her friends words and instead packed up her telescope.

“Spike is my number one assistant. He's always happy to help out around the library and you've see how he gets with Rarity.” Looking over her checklist the unicorn started to pack away her telescope for transport. Aegis Flare thought over her friend's response before she could form one of her own.

“Isn't that kind of what you were like before you moved from Canterlot to Ponyville? You've talked about how all you ever cared about before coming here were your books, and I saw how deeply once, and how was that any different from how Spike is now?” Twilight was about to answer but she was distracted as the front door burst open and the object of their conversation came charging in followed by three fillies.

“Twilight! Help!”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders, Dragon Catchers! Yay!”

The two unicorns watch as the four run in a few circles around the room before swarming into the kitchen. After a few loud crashes the two look at each other before they started laughing at the dragon's antics. The distraction was enough to give the purple mare time to think over her friends words.

“Well he certainly doesn't look as if he is anything like I was back then.” Aegis Flare shakes her head at the timing of the dragon and Crusaders.

“I'd argue about that being just the usual antics of those three, but I really can't since I know my sister has actually enjoyed her time with him. But do you really think Spike would have gone out of his way to know her if I didn't constantly bring her?” Twilight actually paused in her packing as she considered her friends words. The orange unicorn was about to continue when a sharp pain went through her head causing her to narrow her eyes at the door to the kitchen area.

“Sweetie Belle! I know you aren't trying to cook anything in there. Your parents have told you before that you aren't supposed to use other pony's kitchen without their permission.” There was a shriek and yell followed by the sound of kitchen utensils and pans hitting the ground. Looking over at Twilight and seeing her raised eyebrow the orange mare explained. “I don't know why but whenever she tries to do anything in a kitchen with her magic it gives me a headache. This was even before I found out that anything she cooks is completely inedible; even orange juice.”

Twilight looks towards the kitchen in trepidation as the sound of more things hitting the ground filters through the door before she resumes her packing. Eventually they had everything ready for the upcoming meteor shower. The trio of fillies had already dragged Spike out along with a wagon of food leaving the two mares to finish up the last few preparations. Pulling down a book that Twilight requested, Aegis Flare examined it before tossing it into the wagon and watched the cloud of dust rise from it's landing.

“That can't be good for a book, Twilight. When was the last time those shelves were cleaned?” Twilight looks at the book and winces as she runs a hoof over it and looks at the load of dust on it.

“How did this book get so bad? Every time we re-shelve the books we make sure that they have been cleaned as well. The fire-proofing charm is gone as well somehow.” She looks over the book and finds something odd about it when she looks inside the cover. “Wait, this isn't the library's copy, how did this one get in here?”

Looking at the at the spine of the book Aegis Flare pointed out a mark that was mostly faded away near the bottom. “Actually it is one of the books from here. The mark is really faded though; I think it might be from before when you showed up in Ponyville.”

Twilight looks at the indicated location on the books before she groans loudly and slaps a hoof to her face. “I thought I found everything that was missing already when I took over the library.” She looks over the bookcases and finds the copy that she had wanted and finds it right next to where the other one came from. “Ugh, I'm going to have to go through all of these now just to find out if there are any other books that were brought in without telling me. That's going to take all week to finish.”

Shaking her head, Aegis Flare just pushes her friend towards the door. “That's something for tomorrow, but for tonight we've got to go join our friends for that meteor shower you had us plan for.”


“That pile goes up on the top shelf over there. I can't believe that there were so many books brought in without me knowing. I hardly ever see anypony show up and they never even check anything out.” Twilight directed her new pet owl to where the books were supposed to go while she sorted through a stack of a few dozen more that were covered in dust. As she was reaching for another book to clean and enchant she was interrupted by a claw poking her in the side.

“Twilight, why didn't you wake me up this morning?” The purple unicorn let out a yelp of surprise at the unexpected words and contact, dropping the dusty book she had covering Spike in a cloud of dust. Getting a snoot-full of dust is an unpleasant experience for any species but it is worse for those that tend to breathe fire as the dragon showed moments later as he sneezed sending a stream of flames into Twilight's face.

Twilight blinked a couple times as she looked at the blushing dragon before she shook her head to clear it off soot. “Spike!” She paused to take a couple deep breathes before calmly looking back at the dragon again while running a hoof through her singed mane. “That is why I didn't wake you up Spike. None of these books are enchanted to resist being burned. Besides, you need some time to just be yourself instead of just my assistant. You hardly ever spend time with anypony other than me and my friends.”

“But Twilight! You never do anything like this without me! Don't you need any help at all with something?” Spike was in a bit of a panic as Twilight turned to reach for another book. Before the dragon could offer his assistance the owl flew over and brought the book Twilight was looking for down to her before flying off again. “Twilight, what was that?”

The purple mare glances up with a slight smile from her dusting before continuing. “That's Owlowiscious my new pet. He just showed up last night and returned a letter that I lost in the wind and he's been helping since then.”

Spike's eyes narrowed as he watched the owl flying around the room but before he could say anything the front door burst open. Three pairs of eyes turned towards the interruption to see a trio of fillies come charging in recklessly heading for the dragon who's eyes widened in fear. With a cheer the three fillies grabbed the dragon and dragged him out of the library with him yelling in shock. “Twilight! Help!”

The only response he got was a look of confusion as the unicorn just watched him get abducted as well as a slight chuckle as the quartet passed an orange unicorn that was just outside of the library. “Flare? Just what was that all about?”

With a shrug the orange unicorn closed the door behind her as she entered the building. “I'm not completely sure but they mentioned something about needing some help with something. I was just coming over to help out here since you mentioned that you were rearranging the library and they just followed me.” With another glance at the door Twilight just shook her head and waved her friend over to a nearby pile of books.


“Could you three let me go now? Ya've already dragged me halfway across town now.” Spike glared at the three fillies as they carried him through the trees surrounding Sweet Apple Acres. The three ignored him until they eventually arrived at a structure in a tree which the promptly tossed him into before following in behind him. Once the door was closed the three turned to find the dragon glaring at them while rubbing his head causing Applebloom to roll her eyes.

“It wasn't mah idea but these two thought you could help get our cutie marks. Of course we won't get anything done if these two don't stop fighting.” Looking over at the other two fillies Spike sees them huddled up whispering to each other while occasionally shoving the other with a hoof. “Come on ya two. Stop foolin' around and get over here.”

The two looked up from where they were wrestling with each other to see their friend and Spike staring at them, causing them both to blush. After scrambling a moment they join the other two and start their planning much to the dragon's dismay. He doesn't say anything as the three toss ideas back and forth and instead focuses on what had happened this morning. He didn't even notice when the fillies stopped talking and turned to look at him.

“Spike? SPIKE!” He was pulled from his thoughts as Sweetie Belle yelled in his ear to get his attention. Looking around he notices the three fillies staring at him and he focuses on the one that yelled into his ear. “Is something wrong Spike?”

Looking from filly to filly the dragon's mind races until he finally sighs. “Twilight just got a new pet and it feels like he's replacing me. He just showed up out of nowhere this morning and he is already doing the job that I always did for Twilight. If this keeps up she won't need me anymore as her number one assistant.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders look at each other looking confused before turning back to the young dragon. “Wait, you're worried about being replaced by a new pet? Aren't you overreacting a bit?”

Spike turns to Scootaloo with wide eyes before flailing his arms around. “But he's doing my job that Twilight always has me do? What if she decides that she doesn't need me anymore? I'll have to leave and I'll be all alone and-”

He was interrupted by a hoof being thrust into his mouth and his eyes traveled up the orange limb to lock onto the three fillies that were rolling their eyes. “Get a grip Spike, I don't see Twilight doing any of that and I doubt her pet will replace you. All of our sisters have pets and you don't see them abandoning us do you?”

Spike shakes his head warily as Sweetie Belle takes up after Scootaloo. “Doesn't Scootaloo's sister help out all the time already whenever you were hanging around Scootaloo? You never were like this whenever that was happening.”

Spitting the hoof out of his mouth, Spike sighs as he looks a bit downcast. “It was different then though. She is one of Twilight's friends and she gets Twilight to to a break more than she usually would. She isn't going to be around all the time like that owl though.”

The orange pegasus' ears perk up at hearing what type of pet the librarian found and she looked thoughtful. “An owl? Didn't Fluttershy say that that they are usually awake at night like Scarlett is? It's rare when I see my sister's pet during the day.”

Spike opens his mouth to respond but pauses as he thinks back to what he saw when he woke up. “Huh, I didn't think about that. He did look rather tired when I saw him. I still don't like it though.” The three chuckle as the dragon pouts but after a bit more pressing they get him to finally join in on there planning.

Over the next couple days they try out various ideas without much success though Spike does what he can to stop the more dangerous ideas. Sometimes the three would listen to him but more often than not he would get pulled into the potential disasters. “Tell me again why we are out in the Everfree Forest again?”

Applebloom sighs at hearing Spike's question for the third time as she points at the opening in the ground they were next to. “This is the closest cave that we know of so that we can try for a Spelunking Cutie Mark. All the others are too far away to reach and get home from without Scootaloo's sister realizing we borrowed all this stuff.”

Looking over the various ropes, hooks, and other objects that the three had brought Spike at least had to admit that they came prepared. In fact if they hadn't brought all of these items then he would have turned around and gone back to Ponyville. Instead he allowed the three to lead him into the depths of the cavernous opening and as they got deep into the cave he was glad that he had followed them.

“Whoa! If this is what spelunking is all about then sign me up for doing it again.” Spike drooled over the sight of the massive piles of gems while the three fillies checked out their rumps in hope of a cutie mark but were instead disappointed. Still the three had something to cheer about while the young dragon snacked on a few of the gems they had found.

Unfortunately for them they failed to notice the large green figure that was in the room staring at them in surprise before it turned to anger. With a roar it stomped towards the four who turned towards the towering dragon in terror before the fillies let out a scream and took off running. The large dragon ignored them as its entire focus was on the smaller dragon that had been raiding its horde.

Spike tried to put up a brave front but it soon collapsed as the dragon showed off its stature and more mature form including his own fire breath. Leading the larger form on a small chase around the cave, Spike was eventually cornered where he proceeded to cower. The green dragon reared its head back before thrusting its head forward to unleash a torrent of flames.

Continuing to cower, Spike waited for the end to reach him but when the temperature didn't increase at all he peeked up at the dragon and gaped in surprise at seeing the green dragon's head covered in a layer of soot. The large dragon itself was also confused as its flames had backfired on itself. Spike heard a call off to the side and he turned to see Twilight signaling to him to escape which he gladly did.

As they were escaping the dragon recovered enough to search for the intruder and, on finding them at the cave entrance, sent another stream of fire at them. On noticing that it had missed the duo it proceeded to chase after them but when it tried to leave the cave its head crashed into a barrier that appeared in its was before it had a chance to react, dazing it.

When it recovered it found its quarry had escaped, causing it to roar in anger firing another stream of fire into the air. Further away where the escaping duo were, Spike was busy hanging onto Twilight as she charged through the forest. “Thanks for the save back there Twilight, but how did you know where to find us?”

Twilight, after checking to see that they were no longer in danger, slowed before nodding her head towards another approaching figure. Looking over in the direction she indicated the dragon noticed Aegis Flare galloping up with three fillies on her back. While two of them looked rather worried, Scootaloo had a look of disgruntlement on her face. When the three were close enough Spike roughly whispered over to them. “How did they know we were out here?”

Scootaloo shot a look back towards the other two but since neither of them wanted to answer Scootaloo let out a sigh of annoyance. “We forgot that my sister had a few tracking gems hidden in my stuff again. They knew as soon as we entered the Everfree and began following us out here. Now I have another couple weeks of running that obstacle course again.”

The two elder unicorns had been listening in through all this and Twilight decided to speak up at that moment. “I'll also be letting Applejack and Rarity know what happened and don't think you are getting out of being punished either mister.” The four looked at each other before simultaneously swallowing in fear before settling in for their trip home which couldn't be long enough for them.

Author's Note:

Chapter done in time for Christmas and now off to family times. Let the chaos commence. :pinkiecrazy: