• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,190 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

  • ...


Aegis Flare yawned as she trudged her way through the Everfree, heading back towards Ponyville. As she looked around she started to notice some familiar landmarks before she turned her head back to the passenger that was asleep on her back before she smiled. It may not have been as long as her usual trips, but the last few days out were enjoyable as it got her away from the annoyances that came with being a princess, and the company wasn't so bad either. Reaching her head back she nudged as the mare resting atop her.

“Come on, wake up Fluttershy. We're almost back home.” The yellow alicorn let out a moan of annoyance at the prodding before she yawned cutely and raised her head to look around wearily. She didn't react at first as she looked around, not seeing anything she recognized, but her cousin's words soon penetrated through to her sleepy mind causing her to look at her in surprise.

“Weren't we still hours away from Ponyville? Don't tell me you let me sleep all this time while you carried me.” The orange mare just smiled sheepishly before she faced forward once again.

“Well we did need to get back soon for that trip to the visit Cadance, and you really needed the rest. Don't deny that you were struggling to keep up at times and I'm sure that our escort would love to get back sooner as well.” Her response was met with a loud 'YES!' from somewhere behind them, followed by the sound of a hoof hitting flesh as hidden companion to the yelling guard facehoofed. The two alicorns looked back in the direction the commotion came from before turning to each other once again as Fluttershy climbed off her cousins back while blushing.

“Well, I guess I can see your point, but you still shouldn't have let me sleep the whole way. Weren't you lonely with nopony to talk to?” Aegis Flare just shook her head as the two started to walk towards the exit of the forest.

“Actually, it's been rather refreshing. It's been a while since I've been able to come out here and I've forgotten how enjoyable it was. Of course I could have done without the little crash earlier when I tried to fly. No wonder Rainbow Dash avoided it when she could out here since only your internal magic is reliable.” The two winced as they remembered the alicorn shaped hole in the side of the cliff from where she had found this all out. While remembering that incident a few more recent memories came to mind causing the bat-winged alicorn to chuckle.

“Still, it was worth it to see your reaction to what we found out here. It was so cute how you reacted to us finding that phoenix nest. Then there was that giant panda that just wouldn't let you go and kept cuddling you for a couple hours.” Fluttershy blushed as her cousin laughed and she drifted off into an embarassed silence. With her shyness brought to the forefront again, the two walked in silence leaving Aegis Flare to her thoughts once again. As her thoughts started to drift, the orange alicorn frowned as she glanced over at her cousin.

“Hey, Fluttershy? Would it make me a bad pony that I am relieved that I don't have to take care of Scootaloo anymore? I mean, don't get me wrong, I still love her, but it's just...” She paused as she tried to find the words she was looking for. Fluttershy sadly shook her head and moved up to lay a wing over the orange mare's back.

“I think I understand what you mean, and it doesn't make you a bad pony. You've had to take care of not only her, but yourself at too young of an age. Now that your mother is back, everything is no longer on you to take care of your family and you can actually do things for yourself. Everypony needs time to yourself, even from loved ones. I love Big Mac and Cheerilee, but there are still times when I just need to be alone.” Aegis Flare sighed as she leaned into Fluttershy as they walked through the trees. Looking around the yellow mare still couldn't recognize anything that indicated that they were close to the edge of the forest causing her to press closer to her cousin.

“Um, if I may ask, but... How do you know that we are almost back to Ponyville?” The orange mare's ear twitched as she heard the question before glancing back.

“A few things really. I recognize some of the area and it also feels lighter which means that we are in the area affected by the Tree of Harmony.” She paused as a howl rang out in the distance causing her to frown as Fluttershy shrank back. “Then there is the oh so familiar sound of those timberwolves.” She was stopped once again as a familiar scream of panic followed the sound of the howling causing her to bring a hoof up to her face. “And the sound of my sister and her friends getting into trouble once again.”

With a sigh she charges off in the direction of the screams with Fluttershy following not far behind. Soon they reached the edge of the forest near Ponyville where they saw a pack of timberwolves chasing the Cutie Mark Crusaders and one other familiar filly. Seeing the fillies in danger, Fluttershy's eyes widened as she prepared to fly over and use her Stare on the wooden creatures before a shrill whistle from next to her startled her into cowering under her forelegs. Peeking from under her mane she saw Aegis Flare lowering a hoof from her mouth after unleashing the shrill sound.

She wasn't the only one as the heads of the other two parties turned towards the sound to varying reactions. While the quartet of fillies were relieved, the eyes of the timberwolves started to glow with hatred as they locked onto her and the pack immediately began to charge her. The alicorn sighed as the wooden creatures charged at her before her horn lit up creating a sheet of energy above them. Before they could react the alicorn smashed it down onto them, crushing them into the ground. After raising the barrier off of them, a few wisps of green flew off to the Everfree while a couple of the wolves tried to rise once again. Seeing them recovering, the mare slammed the barrier down a few more times before dispelling it as a cloud of green fled away.

The fillies started to cheer until the orange alicorn's attention turned to them and she leveled a glare at them, reminding them that the trouble wasn't over yet. As the alicorn stomped towards them she recognized the fourth filly as D, and she paused for a moment wondering where her mother was.

“What are you three doing out here now with those things? And dragging another filly into it as well?! Where's your mother at D?” The four fillies cringed down at her tone, feeling ashamed at being caught. Before any of them could say anything a ghostly figure faded in between the mare and fillies. Tender Apple rose a hoof and shook her head at the alicorn.

“Tried to... stop them... Wolves bite... hurt me...” Looking closely the alicorn could see parts of the mare's leg having scrapes in it as if something had bit her. This was something she didn't know that the timberwolves could do and she frowned in thought, not seeing the youngest filly of the four advancing on the pile of kindling which was starting to rustle or commenting on how the mare was able to talk, even in such a limited manner. Looking at her sister her frown deepened, though she spoke in a calmer tone.

“Well? You still haven't answered me.” As she tapped her hoof on the ground, the three fillies looked at each other before Applebloom stepped forward.

“Um, it was all my idea, really. You see I was trying to build something and I wanted to see how timberwolves worked. We almost had one caught too, until the cage turned into more of them. We didn't know that it could turn wood like that into more of itself.” Aegis Flare frowned as she hadn't seen them do anything like that before either, except when they were near their spawning den. The bit of them being able to harm incorporeal creatures was something new as well. Her contemplation was was interrupted by the sound of growling behind her, causing her head to shoot around to see a timberwolf reassembling itself over the filly she had overlooked. Before she could do anything the filly reached up and slapped the timberwolf across the snout with a hoof.

“Bad doggy!” As her hoof hit the wooden creature a cloud of green erupted from it before dissipating into the air leaving the creature frozen in place with glowing white eyes. Everyone stayed frozen in place, waiting for something to happen, but the creature didn't move or even seem to be alive despite the fact that it was still standing. Tender Apple moved to float between it and her child before poking at it with a hoof which proved to be a mistake. As her body came into contact with the creature she let out a shriek that caused the others to cover their ears before she vanished into the timberwolf and it collapsed to the ground in pieces.

“MOMMY!” Seeing her mother vanish like that caused D to panic and start grabbing at the pieces with her hooves. The fact that she could no longer even feel her mother, a presence that she had always felt since she was born, didn't help matters. As tears started to form in her eyes, the pile of wood started to flow together as a hoof rose out of it to brush against her cheek.

“Don't cry... little one. Mommy's here.” The voice lacked the unearthly echo from before and was replaced with a more earthly grating sound, but it was still recognizable as Tender Apple's. As her head formed out of the pile, she noticed her wooden hoof that was wrapped with plant matter causing her to pause in shock. “I... I'm alive?” Seeing this the filly threw herself into her mother's chest, bawling her eyes out before being surrounded by the three other fillies. They babbled on at the two before the froze and pointed at the filly's flank.

“D! Your Cutie Mark!” Turning to look the filly's eyes widened as she saw a white cross with a hook on the bottom of it on her flank. Seeing it cleared her tears right up as she started bouncing around her mother in excitement proclaiming that day as 'the best day ever.' The two alicorns looked at each other wondering just what this all meant for the future.


“...and that's the what I could figure out so far. Her body seems to be completely stable but I'm wanting your opinions on all of this.” Aegis Flare looked at the two glowing gems in front of her while she was on the train to the Crystal Empire. It had been a couple days since Tender Apple's strange resurrection, but she needed time for Derpy to deliver a communication gem to an expert before she could get answers. It was only after getting on the train with the other six Ponyville princesses that it had arrived with him which was why she was now in a three-way call with her expert and Celestia. While Celestia was currently quiet, a rich male voice rang out from the other gem.

“Well, my dear I just may have the answer for you. In all my years I have seen many necromancers, but most that are naturally gifted end up like the young mistress. It is just a shame that all mention of spirit guides have fallen out of your history books, isn't that right Lady of the Sun?” The orange mare could hear grumbling come from the other gem before Celestia's voice sounded through it.

“Not all of the books are gone, but they are heavily restricted. Magic of that kind has not been seen in Equestria for centuries so it has not been needed, Lord Grimfeather.” Aegis Flare pondered this as she looked between the two gems.

“So what does this all mean? And should we be worried at all? The mare has been getting along with the two that practically adopted her daughter so I'd like to know if I should warn them of anything.” There was silence from the two gems for a moment before the one from the expert spoke grimly.

“There is no need to worry about them. But you should be wary of why a pony with the ability to guide the dead to where they belong has appeared after so long. Destiny is a fickle mistress but does nothing without a reason.” The mare silent at this before a shudder went through her form. After getting a quick info-dump from both sides there was little else to talk about so she bid the two farewell before turning to look at the rest of the train car and her friends.

“So who was that you were talking to, darling? From the sound of his voice he must be very... interesting.” Aegis Flare was surprised to find Rarity right up in her face when she finished her conversation and flinched back. The white mare looked sheepish at her friends reaction, only now realizing how close she was before she backed of a short distance. The orange mare didn't answer right away as she looked around the royal train car they were riding towards the frozen north. The rest of their friends were around the car doing various things, though Pinkie looked up when her gaze passed over her and pointed a hoof at her eyes and then towards her, and she had to admit that this part of being royalty wasn't all that bad.

Unlike the rest of the train, the royal car had a multitude of spells on it making it as comfortable as one of the guest rooms in Canterlot's palace and nearly as large as well on the inside. Along with the spells making it larger on the inside of the car than outside, were ones preventing all outside motion from reaching the passengers granting the illusion of being in one of those rooms as well. Even the storage compartments were filled with anything one of the princesses could want on trips of any length around Equestria. With a sigh Aegis Flare returned her attention to Rarity.

“His name is Grimfeather, and he is the second-in-command of a village on the edge of Equestrian borders. I can't tell you which one as I have promised not to reveal anything specific about it.” She pauses for a moment as she looks closely at Rarity's face and the sly expression on it. “And no, there is nothing like that going on. He isn't my type and I can assure you that he isn't yours either.” Rarity pouted for a moment before she sighed and looked towards the others to see Pinkie once again glaring over at the bat-winged alicorn.

“Pity, though I doubt that you know what I'm looking for in a stallion, even if we have been friends for so long. Now perhaps you could explain to me why dear Pinkie Pie keeps on looking over at you like that?” Glancing over at the indicated alicorn Aegis Flare just shook her head.

“No clue, but she's been doing that ever since she got the Cakes to take those two guards on as helpers around the shop. What I'm more worried about is Twilight over there.” Looking at the studious mare, Rarity had to admit that her friend had a point as Twilight was starting to look a bit disheveled over what she was reading. The two moved to join her in hopes of heading off a potential breakdown.

“What's wrong Twilight? You're looking a bit... stressed.” Twilight jerked in surprise at the interruption, having been so focused that she hadn't noticed them approach. On seeing them and processing the question she leaned back from her work before bringing a hoof to her chest and extending it out.

“It's, well. I want to say it's nothing but this is just so frustrating. You see when all this...” She waved to the wings of the three, “...happened there has been a lot of paperwork to fill out. One of the things Princess Celestia has had me do was track down the family history of all of us so that it could be properly recorded in the royal archives. It was rather interesting researching this, I even found out that the Pie and Apple families are distantly related, but then I ran across a major problem when it cam to your family.” Twilight looked directly at Aegis Flare for this who quirked an eyebrow in interest.

“Because you were adopted I thought it would be impossible to find anything on your history, but when I used a common medical spell it actually found a match in the archives. The problem is that what it showed me is completely impossible.” Twilight's face took on the most serious visage either of her friends had ever had before. “If what it say was right, your biological parents are Black Guard Captains Vanator and Bella Donna.” The two mares were silent in shock before Rarity spoke up.

“But Twilight, that's impossible. Flare said that they found her abandoned out in the Everfree. Why would they throw her away just to pretend that they didn't know her and adopt her?” Twilight shook her head as a look of confusion fell over her.

“I have no idea. I mean it's not like she appeared out of nowhere or somethi...” Twilight stopped as something occurred to her that had been bugging her for a while. By this time Aegis Flare had managed to shake off her shock and look at the purple alicorn curiously.

“Twilight? What is it?” Twilight frowned for a moment before she groaned in frustration.

“Ugh, I have no idea but if I'm right I think I might know where your parents are. Remember how when I chased Sunset Shimmer into that other world I said that I saw copies off all but you and me? What if, somehow, on the day Rainbow Dash performed her Sonic Rainboom you somehow were pulled from that world into this one?” The two mares stared at her with their jaws open before shaking their heads.

“That's interesting and all, but it's not like it matters. First, we have no way to tell if it's true. Secondly, does it really even matter? This has been my home for as long as I can remember, and as far as I am concerned my parents are who they have always been.” The two just stare at Aegis Flare before Twilight sighs in disappointment.

“You're right, as much as I hate to admit it. I wouldn't even know where to begin researching this right now since everything is over on the other side of the mirror. Well, unless I could somehow go back there to see it all happen...” As Twilight pondered the idea, she didn't notice as the bat-winged alicorn's horn lit up and pulled a rolled up newspaper out of her bags.

“No! Bad Twilight! No using time magic to try and fix your problems... again!” Twilight flailed her hooves as the newspaper swatted at her nose and horn in a panic.

“All right, all right, I won't! Cut it out!” Aegis Flare got a couple more swats in so that she knew that her message had sunk in before putting it away again. “Why are you still carrying that thing around, anyway!? I recognize that issue from the last time you used it.” Her only response was a shrug from her friend as she leaned towards the back of her seat.

“Eh, I've found that it works better than just words to get through to some ponies. Besides, with our luck if you went back you would find out that you caused the timberwolves to attack me somehow.” Twilight grumbled as she started putting her notes away on the families of the seven alicorns. She brightened up as she pulled out a different set and looked up at Aegis Flare.

“While I may not be able to do anything about that, then that means that I can focus on this then! What have you found out about Tender Apple and her new body!?” The two mares across from her rolled their eyes at their friend before the orange mare gave a small smile.

“Well at least necromancy is a safer topic than time magic.” This earned a pair of deadpan stares, but they didn't interrupt her. Hearing the topic change to that of her relative, Applejack left her place by Pinkie to sit in on the conversation. “Well there isn't much to tell yet without a full examination being sent over, but I did find out a few things. First, her change is most likely permanent, though her form will still be stabilizing for a while. He couldn't tell me just how far the changes will go, but considering her appetite who knows how far they will go. It seems that when D hit the timberwolf she caused it to eject everything in it except for a piece of pure soul. When her mother touched it that piece sucked her in and her memories of her old body remade all the wood in the pile into a new one, including her old cutie mark.” Applejack frowned at this before she shook her head.

“That just ain't natural. But she is family in the end... Ah really don't know how the rest of the family will react though. Ah just got done telling them how she died not too long ago. Still, if her cutie mark is there then that must mean something.” Rainbow Dash had been listening in on this and chuckled at the farm mare.

“Your family will be fine I bet. Your family has always been close to your trees, she's just taken that even further. I bet she could give Fluttershy some tips on being a tree.” The prismatic mare's comment and following laughter earned her a glare from both Applejack and the previously mentioned mare. Still, Fluttershy looked thoughtful for a moment before she shook her head and turned back to talking with Pinkie Pie about her recent trip with the Apple Family. Aegis Flare just shook her head before continuing.

“Anyways, until we know the extent of her changes there will be someone keeping an eye on her. Luckily enough she's already good friends with the two Captains that will be watching over her. Much to her daughter's delight. I just hope that D finding her cutie mark like this isn't a sign of things to come.” Her words were met with nods as the train rolled on towards the Crystal Empire.


“...after finding out that she stole half of the designs that I was preparing to submit, well, I didn't really take it well. It took me months just to get that persona set up so that I could continue with my passion and she ruined it in less than a day. I should have listened to my friends when they suggested a less known pony, but I thought I knew better. Still, even after being forced to ruin all that work by revealing myself in front of the fashion show to denounce her, I did manage to find a pony to help out. It turns out that Coco was also having her work stolen as well but she never said anything since she had only recently started designing and needed the exposure. At least now the poor dear is going to help me out as I start up a new persona and at the same time she gets the help she needs making a name for herself. It should be easy for her if that thread she created is any indication of her skill.” Princess Cadance nodded as Rarity finished her story about her recent adventures of the problems of princess-hood. The eight alicorns were relaxing in one of the large pools within the Alicorn of Love's home, taking some time to relax after the long train ride.

“That is quite a story. But I was just asking what made you all decide to come visit today. There isn't anything wrong that I should know about, is there?” Cadance's sister-in-law rolled her eyes, even if she had to admit that most times they had met recently had led to some rather interesting problems.

“Oh relax, Cadance. Nothing is going to happen this time. It's not like there just has to be a problem that pops up every time that we meet. Why? Do you know about something we don't?” Cadance's eyes shifted from side to side as she nervously looked about.

“Nope! Nope! Everything is perfectly fine!” Her obvious avoidance of the issue raised a few eyebrows, but they ignored it for now. Rainbow Dash rubbed at the back of her head as she spoke up.

“Um, yeah. It's actually about all these new things we gained when we became alicorns. I've heard about how you were a pegasus before and wondered if you had any tips on how to deal with it all. I'm getting better using magic, but it still feels wrong. And that's not even going into these odd feelings I've been getting around other ponies that I don't even know how to explain.” Some of the others that weren't unicorns previously nodded along with her and Aegis Flare raised a wing.

“She isn't the only one feeling something odd. I think that it might have something to do with our alicorn abilities, but we couldn't really ask Celestia or Luna since there's deal with a more physical object, while you may actually have a better idea how they work since yours seems to deal with something intangible as well.” The Crystal Princess looks thoughtful, thankful that the topic was changed to something interesting, before she frowned.

“I'm not sure how much I can tell you, but most of what I can do is all instinct. It's not really something you can control, not even my aunties can fully control their powers.” The others looked at her in confusion for a moment before she cocked her head to the side. “What? Haven't they told you yet about how their little show of raising the sun and moon is mostly an act? As long as their magic isn't being blocked somehow they unconsciously move them and it's only during special occasions that they show off like they do.” The mares looked at her dumbfounded until Aegis Flare looks thoughtful and shrugs.

“That makes sense. I was always wondering how Luna could stay up so late and fall asleep until lunch time.” While she was accepting of it, the others weren't quite sure how to react, especially when Twilight's mane started to pop out of place.

“What do you mean they don't really raise the sun and moon?! But every book I've read says that they control them every sunrise and sunset!” Cadance rolled her eyes at her sister-in-law before bringing a hoof up to rub her head.

“Twilight? If they had to move the sun and moon constantly like that, don't you think there would be issues if they had to travel across the world? They wouldn't have been able to keep time reliably if they had to consciously control their powers at all times.” At the explanation, Twilight brought a hoof up to her chest before extending it again, trying to calm down. She still made a note to talk with her former mentor though, about the issue when she could.

“Still, about your abilities you will just have to get used to them over time. There just isn't much that you can learn from others as your abilities should be unique to yourselves.” At them being called unique, Twilight got a thoughtful look on her face.

“Hmm, I wonder...” The others looked over at her as she looked towards the other pink alicorn in the room. “This may sound crazy, but I bet that explains how Pinkie could do everything she does. I mean if you take into account the Element she represents then everything she does relates. She seems to always know when somepony is sad, and always is ready to cheer them up. Even her Pinkie Sense seems to work along those lines, though what happens afterwards may not be all that fun for the one targeted by it until much later.” The alicorns all look towards the pink party pony, who was busy playing with a pair of boats, oblivious to everything going on around her. Shaking her head to clear her head of any thoughts on the confusing pony, Applejack's mind goes back to a previous topic that had been bothering her.

“So what was that ya were talking about earlier? Some problem that ya know about that ya didn't want ta talk about and made it obvious that ya knew of?” Cadance's eyes widened as they shout around the room over the gathered alicorns.

“Uh, I don't know what you're talking about.” As she caught sight of the farm mare's deadpan stare and slowly raising eyebrow, she remembered just who she was talking to and what she represented. With a sigh she looked down before shaking her head.

“Fine. Auntie didn't want me to say anything and let you find out about it yourself, but they're starting to cause problems. It wouldn't be right for me to do anything about them since they are your worshipers, but they are starting to turn towards more violent means to spread their so-called holy word. Ugh, they're almost as bad as mine at the Love Shacks.” The seven mares looked at her in shock before Aegis Flare buried both hooves into her face.

“Ugh, already!? Couldn't they have waited like fifty years or so before coming out like this?” Her response snapped the others out of there shock as they turned to stare at her. Looking back at them she tilted her head to the side.


Author's Note:

Well time to see what problems the new site layout brings with it. Good thing I split this chapter into two just to test it out a bit.

Also, poor Twilight, so close yet so far with her little hypothesis. If only she knew. :trollestia:

Also I wonder if anyone saw this coming. I left some hints laying around earlier, but I may have been too subtle. Next chapter will mostly be dealing with some of the fallout that comes with it. :pinkiecrazy: