• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,180 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

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Aegis Flare yawns as she finishes off another cup of coffee as she prepares to leave her home to meet up with the noble. Pulling the message over again she reads through it for any details she missed before sighing. “It would be nice to at least know who this noble is before I meet them. Of course it’s not like I’ve paid attention to what nobles are around now but as long as it’s not that Blueblood family mom spoke about.”

She left her home with plenty of time to make it to the town square which was supposed to be where the chariot carrying the noble would land. As she walked she kept an eye out for Scootaloo or Rarity as she hadn’t yet had the chance to let them know she was back yet. Unfortunately she didn’t see either of them and she recalled Rarity mentioning that she was going to be extremely busy doing something today.

She was surprised that she didn’t many ponies doing a lot of preparations for the coming celebration. She’d seen the town overreact often enough to minor problems before, so seeing them doing little for the arrival of a princess seemed odd. Still, she was glad that there wasn’t a mass panic to deal with as she waited for the chariot to arrive.

She didn’t have to wait long as she soon saw the chariot flying in from the direction of Canterlot. As she expected she noticed that there were a pair of guards flying the chariot as expected for somepony of a high ranking. When she caught sight of the passengers though, she was thrown completely off-guard as it was probably the last pony she would have expected.

Stepping off of the chariot as it landed was a purple pair of importance and the taller one turned to the guards to thank them. As they walked away from the chariot as it left the conversed with each other. “Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about.” The small dragon gestured to an approaching pink earth pony. “Come on, Twilight, just try!”

Twilight looked nervous as she looked over the pony as she tried to figure out what to say. “Um… hello?” The two were startled as the pony let out a loud gasp, leaping into the air, before she zoomed off over their heads causing them to duck. “Well, that was interesting all right.” She looks in the direction that the direction that the pony vanished in and was startled by another voice behind her.

“Well it sure didn’t take long for her to find the new pony in town. You’ll probably be seeing more of her later now but don’t worry, she’s relatively harmless.” The two turned to see a dark orange unicorn with a braided red mane coming up behind them. “I got a message about somepony coming from Canterlot that I was supposed to escort around, but I sure wasn’t expecting you two. It sure has been a long time since I’ve seen you Spike, though from what I remember it must have taken a miracle to get her away from her books.”

The purple unicorn and dragon look at her in confusion as she approaches before Spike pulls out a scroll and reads it over. “Well it does say that somepony named Aegis Flare was supposed to meet us here, but I sure don’t remember the name or meeting you before. You’re right about the miracle part though.” Twilight nods in agreement but pause to give the dragon the stink eye for his additional remark.

Aegis Flare just shakes her head sadly and sighs. “I guess it would be too much to expect for you to remember me after, what is it now, six years? Especially with all the ponies you’ve seen go through the princess’ throne room while you were the only dragon I’ve ever seen. Of course you might recall the gem I gave you that day, I don’t think you knew what to expect out of topazes before then.”

Spike shudders in remembrance over the taste of that kind of gem. “Yeah those things are just too sour to eat alone. That filly that gave me my first one was laughing so hard too and… wait, that filly was you?! Heh, didn’t recognize you without that bright pink dress.” The orange mare groans as she remembers that horrid outfit while Twilight looks on in confusion.

“Spike, how is it that you remember a pony that I can’t, especially if it was as long as she says? I’d certainly remember seeing an orange unicorn wearing a pink dress if I saw them.” Spike just rolls his eyes while the previously mentioned mare shakes her head in disbelief.

“Twilight, you had your head in a book the entire time, in fact you almost always have your head in a book when you aren’t panicking about something.” Twilight glares at him for a moment but looks a bit sheepish as she tries to remember the ponies she had seen back then but only can picture books.

Shaking her head Twilight just sighs as she redirects the topic to what she is in town to do. “Anyways if you are here to show us around then that will make things go more smoothly. There doesn’t seem to be a map with the checklist of what we have to check on and I don’t want to have to wander around blindly to find everything.”

Aegis Flare sees that Twilight wanted to get things done with quickly, which was fine with her as it will allow her to sleep sooner. “So where is your first stop here in Ponyville? I hope you are ready to walk though as there aren’t any carriage services like in Canterlot.”

Twilight either ignores or doesn’t notice the little barb as she looks towards Spike as he pulls out the checklist. “Summer Sun Celebration official overseer's checklist. Number one, banquet preparations: Sweet Apple Acres.”

Raising her eyebrow in surprise the orange unicorn points off towards the farm. “Well it’s easy to find but it’ll take a bit to get there. It doesn’t really surprise me though that the Apple family is handling the food; they have some of the best tasting apple dishes in town. So how did the princess manage to get you out of the castle finally?”

While Twilight tries to get away from this topic she didn’t think to stop Spike from answering. “Oh Twilight found some old foals tale about the return of the Mare in the Moon or something. I think she was overreacting and I think the princess agreed since she sent her here to get away from her books.”

“Spike!” The dragon looks sheepish as Twilight glares at him while they walk towards the farm. “I am not overreacting about this! Nightmare Moon really is coming back and if it wasn’t for having to check on everything I’d be reading up on the Elements of Harmony by now!”

As Spike rolled his eyes but said nothing but Twilight glances at the other unicorn to see her looking down thoughtfully. “Aegis Flare, is there something wrong?”

Her head shot up when Twilight addressed her and looked back. “Huh, oh you can just call me Flare. But when you were talking about those old foals’ tales it reminded me of something my father told me about years ago. He mentioned that many thestrals were waiting for somepony called the Night Mother to return. He never gave me any details about it but the similar theme of the names and the fact that she is missing seems rather suspicious. I was never told the full story though.”

Twilight looked excited over the prospect of having further proof but it turned to disappointment by the time she finished speaking. “I was hoping you would have known more but we only have until tomorrow. How do you know about a legend from the thestrals though? I know a few in the guard but they are rather close-mouthed about their culture.”

Sighing, the orange unicorn explains. “My father was a thestral while my mother was a unicorn. They may have adopted me but that hasn’t mattered to us at all. I haven’t seen them for a few years now and I still don’t know what happened to them.”

The two others wince at having unintentionally brought up a sensitive issue but luckily their arrival at the farm stalled any more conversation. Finding the mare in charge was relatively easy as they only had to follow the sounds of shouting followed by hooves impacting into trees. Applejack noticed Aegis Flare first before Twilight came into view. “Well if it isn’t Flare, didn’t expect to see ya today. Who’s your friend there?”

Seeing all heads turn towards her Twilight sighs and steps forward. “Let's get this over with... Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkle-“

She is interrupted as Applejack grabs her hoof and hers and begins shaking it strongly and rapidly. “Well, howdy-doo, Miss Twilight, a pleasure making your acquaintance. Ahm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making new friends!””

With a slight smile at their antics as they deal with Twilights issue the other unicorn wanders over towards Big Macintosh who she sees a bit further into the trees. “Hey Big Mac, I was able to find that fruit you asked for but I got roped into showing that unicorn from Canterlot around so it might be a day or two before I can get it out to you.” Big Mac nodded but before he could say anything his sister’s call rang out across the farm along with the ringing of a triangle. As a stampede of ponies rushed by towards the farms outdoor eating area, the unicorn rolled her eyes. “Well I guess we can talk about it more during lunch, I don’t think your sister is going to let Twilight go anytime soon.”

With an ‘Eeyup’ from the big red stallion the two wander over to the large group to catch the end of Applejack introducing the family to Twilight. After a quick meal, at which Twilight had one of just about everything forced upon her, the three were on the way back to Ponyville for the next item on the checklist. “Food’s all taken care of, next is the weather.”

Twilight trails behind the other two as she tries to digest everything that she ate while complaining to herself. Spike looks up from his list to survey the area for something. “Hmm, there's supposed to be a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds.”

Aegis Flare’s ears perk up on hearing that name and she hears a whistling sound that is steadily getting louder. Twilight looks up into the sky to see a bunch of clouds in the area. “Well, she's not doing a very good job, is she?”

When an orange wall appeared at her side just to have a cyan pegasus crash into it she leapt to the side flailing her limbs in surprise. Twilight watched as her escort walked over and tapped the fallen pegasus’ side a couple times. “Still lazing around on the job I see. Should you really be doing that where you can crash into a random passerby?”

The rainbow maned pegasus opened her eyes enough to glare at the unicorn before she flapped her wings to hover in the air again. “Well excuse me for trying to get some practice in before tomorrow. It’s not like anypony is going to be here to check up on me any time soon and I need to be at my best.”

Aegis Flare points off to the side where Twilight is looking at the pegasus with an annoyed expression. “I'm Twilight Sparkle, and the Princess sent me to check on the weather. I’m guessing that you are supposed to be Rainbow Dash, and what is so important that you are practicing for something instead of clearing the skies like you should?”

Rainbow Dash does a couple loops in the air before responding. “So I take it you’ve heard of me? And tomorrow the Wonderbolts are going to be here and I have to be ready to show ‘em my stuff!”

Twilight arches an eyebrow at her answer. “Really? You think that the Wonderbolts would accept a pegasus that can’t even keep the sky clear for one measly day?”

With her usual attitude the cyan pegasus just looked at her in annoyance. “Hey, I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat.”

Replying with a smirk, Twilight only says two words. “Prove it.”

While Aegis Flare already knew about Rainbow Dash from her sister, this was the first time she had seen her in action. She had thought that her sister was exaggerating a bit at the cyan mare’s skill but it seemed that she was actually understating her skills. Turning to look at the other unicorn and dragon she almost chuckled at their look of surprise as the weather pony finished up her cloud clearing. “Loop the loop around, and wham! What'd I say? Ten. Seconds. Flat. I'd never leave Ponyville hanging. You should see the look on your face. Ha! You're a laugh, Twilight Sparkle. I can't wait to hang out some more.”

“Wow, she’s amazing!” Twilight only scowls as she turns away from the other two.

“My sister was telling me stories about her, but I thought she was exaggerating a bit. It didn’t even cross my mind that she could be better than how she described.” Twilight just ignores the two as she walks off leaving them to check on the next area they need to go to. Luckily it wasn’t that long of a walk as their destination was the town hall which they were right next to.

After racing after Twilight and informing her that she is moving away from their next stop they entered the building to check on the decorations. They all looked around in appreciation of the decorations before one of them catches sight of something else. “Beautiful!”

Twilight nods as she looks around the interior of the town hall. “Yes, the decor is coming along nicely. This ought'a be quick. I'll be at the library in no time. Beautiful indeed.”

Spike shakes his head at her and points at the white unicorn that is in the room. “Not the decor, her!”

The two unicorns raise an eyebrow at Spike’s reaction to seeing the unicorn decorating the place. While the dragon tries to freshen up a bit Aegis Flare walks up to Rarity as she finishes putting a bow around a pillar. Rarity turns to see the three figures waiting for her but her attention is quickly drawn to the unicorn nearest to her. “Oh Flare; I was worried that something had happened to you, darling. You were supposed to have come for your sister this morning. She was so worried about you when there wasn’t any word from you.”

With a sigh before responding the orange unicorn explains. “Sorry about that, but I found a letter waiting for me when I got home. It asked me to escort Twilight here once she arrived from Canterlot to check on the preparations for tomorrow.” Twilight nods as she steps up but before she can say anything Rarity had rushed up to her.

“Canterlot?! Oh, I am so envious! The glamor, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there! I can't wait to hear all about it! We are gonna be the best of friends, you and I...” The purple unicorn started stuttering at the exuberance of the white mare while the third unicorn just shook her head.

“Rarity, it’s getting rather late and Twilight still has to check on some more of the preparations for tomorrow. There’ll be time to talk with her more later and I bet Pinkie could use some help once you finish up here.” She winks to her while Twilight isn’t looking and it takes her a moment to understand what she is hinting at. They quickly say their farewells and head off to what appears to be the last item on the list.

After getting Spike to focus on the job, instead of the unicorn they just met, they proceed to their next destination. “So what’s supposed to be next Spike? And who is supposed to be in charge of everything?”

Looking over the scroll he points at the last item on it. “It looks like that music is the last thing on the list. The pony in charge appears to be named Fluttershy.”

Aegis Flare looks surprised at the name but isn’t able to say anything before Twilight walked up to her. “What was with that pony back there anyways? I almost thought she was going to drag me off for a moment when you mentioned Canterlot.”

“She’s just been blinded by the ideals and fame involved with anything Canterlot. She doesn’t know much about what most of the nobles are actually like, and most of my stories are secondhoof so I never mentioned them to her.” Twilight just rolls her eyes but doesn’t comment again on the mare they left behind but it doesn’t stop her from confronting the orange mare.

“What do you have against Canterlot nobles anyways? You keep saying how bad they are and you’ve been rather standoffish with me ever since we met.” She jerks back and looks offended when Aegis Flare started to yawn loudly in front of her.

“I’m sorry if I’ve seemed like that, but it has been a long forty-eight hours and I was expecting to have been sleeping when I found out not even an hour that I was supposed to escort you.” She lets out another yawn and pauses halfway through it when she hears birdsong in the air. “As for the nobles I’m betting that you’ve seen some of what the worst ones are like if you know some of the thestral guards. Also I believe that we are almost to Fluttershy, you might want to hang back for a moment as she scares easily.”

The two look at each other as she trots ahead of them before Spike grins. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she is telling the truth about being awake so long. You should see what you are like after one of your three day study sessions, Twilight.” The unicorn isn’t amused and shows it be lightly rapping the back of his head with a hoof.

Aegis Flare knows that sneaking up on Fluttershy is a bad idea, so she circles widely around her until she comes into her line of site and waves to her, only causing the pegasus to slightly startle. “Oh Flare; I didn’t know that you were back from the Everfree yet. Did everything turn out all right?”

With a nod the unicorn explains the situation. “Mostly, I’ve been escorting the princess’ representative all day instead of catching up on my sleep. She’s on her way here right now and I ran ahead to let you know. I know how much you dislike surprises.”

Fluttershy shrinks down at the mention of someone coming to meet her but looks appreciative about the warning. When she noticed her friend looking over her shoulder she turned to see the mare being discussed and she hid behind her mane.

Seeing the yellow pegasus, Twilight slowly made her way over while glancing at the birds and Aegis Flare. “Hello there, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I was sent to check on the music for the Summer Sun Celebration. Would you happen to be Fluttershy?”

She tilts her head to the side when the pegasus says something too quiet to hear, but catches her nodding her head slightly. “Well I must say that the music is sounding incredible. You really must be talented to get your birds to sing like that, do you do this often?”

When Fluttershy speaks even quieter than before, Twilight leans in a little closer. “I’m sorry, but what was that?” Fluttershy just speaks in an even lower tone once again forcing the unicorn to strain her hearing. “Didn’t quite catch that.” When only a squeak leaves her mouth this time she glances over at Aegis Flare before shaking her head. “Well, um, I guess everything’s in good order. Keep up the good work!” She waves the other unicorn over and when she gets close enough she whispers to her. “Is she always like this?”

The other mare just nods in reply. “Yeah, until she opens up she usually is really quiet like that. I’ve never had a problem hearing her, but most ponies tend to avoid her because of how awkward things get around her. Of course if you get her attention with something that interests her then it’s hard getting her to stop talking.” She pauses as Spike comes over and observes Fluttershy reacting by dashing over to him asking questions. “Something like baby dragons it seems.”

As the two listen to the dragon and pegasus converse Twilight suddenly groans. “Oh great, now he’s never going to shut up. Most ponies ignore Spike, so when somepony asks about his past he goes on about literally everything. Can you show us where the library is? Supposedly that is where we are going to be staying tonight.”

Glancing over at the two currently in an animated discussion she nods to Twilight and heads off towards the library leaving the others to follow. Seeing that the other two are too caught up with each other Twilight stays near the other unicorn and thinks about what she knows of her. She was a bit annoyed with her slight attitude, but if she really hadn’t slept for so long then it might be understandable. Eventually she just shakes her head and tries to block out the chatter behind her and focuses on the more important Nightmare Moon issue.

When they arrive at the tree library Twilight is quick to shake the other two ponies off and dashes inside before closing the door on the two. The unicorn glances at the pegasus and raises an eyebrow. “So, do you think that she is prepared for Pinkie Pie who is probably already in there with much of the rest of town?” Fluttershy just shakes her head before the two hear the call inside indicating the party has begun.

The two head on in to join the rest to see the party had begun with Twilight looking rather annoyed. While Fluttershy went over towards Pinkie Pie, the unicorn went over towards her sister after spotting her with her friend. Walking up behind her she reached out and patted her on the head causing her to look up in annoyance until she saw who it was. “Sis! Where have you been? You were supposed to come get me this morning so we could hang out a bit.”

Aegis Flare smiles down at her sister before letting out a yawn. “Sorry about that, I had to escort Twilight there around today. A message from the princess was waiting on my table when I got home. I’ll make it up to you though when I can but right now I think I’m going to find somewhere to take a nap before I collapse. Can you be sure to wake me before everypony leaves for the celebration in the morning?”

Scootaloo smiles up at her sister and nods before dragging Sweetie Belle over towards Spike who was dancing on a table to the amusement of the ponies nearby. Looking around the orange unicorn soon spotted an out of the way table that was covered by a cloth and made her way over towards it. On her way she snagged a few things to snack on quickly so that Pinkie Pie wouldn’t bother her for not doing anything at the party.

Once she got to the table she looked around to be sure that nopony was watching before crawling under it and making herself somewhat comfortable. Letting out another yawn she charged up her horn and put up a barrier around the inside of the table cloth, setting it to block out the sounds of the room. While she couldn’t learn any new types of magic, she had found out through trial and error that she could modify the two spells she did know to have similar effects as long as they remained within the branches of barrier and pyro magic. Once the sound of the party had been blocked out she let out one final yawn before shutting her eyes to sleep, not knowing the chaos that tomorrow would bring.

Author's Note:

Right, I've been having a tough time deciding on something but I think I am going to go with what I did unless enough people object. If so then I can rewrite it a bit. What I'm talking about is that I will glaze over certain parts of the show that happen and mostly focus on what is different from the story and the show. Over time things will settle out and the things from the show will have changed enough that it shouldn't be needed. Of course if anyone has reason not to do this then by all means bring them up. Also seeing as it's kind of obvious what will happen does anybody have any good guesses on what the seventh will be or could be?