• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,190 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

  • ...


“Ugh, not again! Someone please snap her out of it before Pinkie Pie joins in again! I can't take another day of that.” The others roll their eyes at Rainbow Dash's complaining, yet Rarity still reaches over to poke at Aegis Flare to get her attention. The orange unicorn's humming stops at contact as she looks up at her friend questioningly.

“Darling, your little habit is showing again. You wouldn't want to have a repeat of the last time Pinkie heard on of your tunes, would you?” With a shudder Aegis Flare shook her head as she remembered the days it took for Pinkie to wear herself out that one time she was around for one of her episodes.

“As interesting as it was to finally hear at least one of the tunes I don't realize I'm humming, I'd rather not have half the town angry at me for starting Pinkie up again. One of these days I'll figure out why it keeps happening though.” The others nod to her as she glances at Fluttershy who was currently distracting the pink mare.

Shaking her head Aegis Flare goes back to staring at the icy landscape passing by through the train's window. With the unicorn no longer bothering her with her humming, Rainbow Dash settled down for a nap while the others busied themselves waiting for the train to reach their destination. Of course not all of them were comfortable with the silence so it was only a matter of time until one of them spoke up. “So how have things been going with Discord lately? I haven't seen or heard much of him recently so I can only assume he is behaving.”

Fluttershy and Pinkie look over at Twilight as Aegis Flare drops her face into her hooves. “Um, well he hasn't been all that bad really. Every week he visits for tea and we talk about whatever he feels like at the time.”

The yellow pegasus was pushed aside by the proinking pink pony as she tossed in her two bits. “Really? Every week we both plan out all kinds of pranks and party plans. He's really good at them too when he isn't being a big meanie pants about it.”

Twilight looked thoughtful at her friends words before nodding but before she could say anything else her attention was drawn by a groan from the orange unicorn. “Flare? Is something wrong? Has Discord been seeing you as well?”

With another groan Aegis Flare pulled her head out of her hooves before throwing herself down onto her seat. “If only that was the problem. Ever since he was released he has been bothering me and trying to, 'make amends' as he puts it. Unfortunately it usually involves some poorly thought out idea of his that goes wrong. Thinking about it he probably mixed up the party plans he makes with Pinkie with his prank plans with how badly they go. I'm still wary of him, but he seems to at least be trying to make an effort at it, and he hasn't tried anything with my sister either.”

Aegis Flare rests her her head atop her hooves after saying all this and closes her eyes in thought. When they don't open her friends think she had fallen asleep which was false as she was only thinking back to the first day after Discord's freedom.


Aegis Flare yawned as she rubbed a towel through her mane as she finished up taking a shower that morning. She had made it an extra long one that morning in an attempt to forget the events of the previous day, but unfortunately she came face-to-face with those events as she threw open the curtain to her shower. She stood there frozen as her mind tried to process the grotesque visage before her before she reared backwards in surprise at seeing Discord so close to her. “HISS!”

Seeing her reaction, Discord let out a hmph of annoyance as he turned away and crossed his good arm over the top of his other arm that was still in a sling and cast. “Well how's that for gratitude, I come here to try and apologize and that's the way I am greeted. Why I...”

The draconequus trails off as he turns to peer more closely at the mare with narrowed eyes. Said mare was unamused by his comments as well as his presence and she made her feelings known. “Discord! What are you doing in my bathroom! I really don't have time to put up with this and- What the hay are you doing!?”

Discord had ignored her words and was busy poking at her ears, more specifically the furry tufts that she had on them that came from her thestral heritage. “Well this is unexpected. I knew there was something odd about you at first but I didn't realize that you were related to those introverted thestrals that Princess Moony loves to coddle. No wonder you didn't react as I expected, and I thought I was losing my touch. And if dear Fluttershy is your cousin... well this really makes things interesting. I'm going to have to rethink my approach to all this now.”

With a burst of bat shaped bubbles the spirit of chaos and disharmony vanished from sight leaving the unicorn mare snorting in frustration at his previous location. With a toss of her head she tried made her way out of the room to find something else to relieve her of her new found stress, blushing as she remembered how she had lost control of her actions when Discord had appeared.


“So why are we heading out to the Crystal Empire again? I didn't quite catch the reason when you were explaining it earlier Twilight.” The orange unicorn's words drew the attention of her friends as they had thought she had fallen asleep. Twilight rolled her eyes at one of her friends not paying attention to her, though she had expected it to be either Rainbow Dash or Rarity to be the first to ask and not the usually more observant Aegis Flare.

“Hey Twilight. Show her that awesome thing that Princess Cadance sent you.” With a roll of her eyes the purple mare pulls a hoof-sized flat crystal out of her bag and sets it down in front of her. Tapping it on the side a couple times with her hooves she lit up her horn, causing the air above it to shimmer until the form of Princess Cadance appeared and began to speak.

Is it on now? Oh I hope this works, she'll be so excited. What? What do you mean it's recording? *ahem* Dear Twilight. No that won't work, start it over. What do you mean you can't? Ugh, fine. Hey Twilight, things have been rather interesting up her in the Crystal Empire since I last saw you. Shiny and I have been working to get the crystal ponies caught up and it hasn't been easy to say the least. Even so there was much that was lost when Sombra took the city out of time and this message is just one of those things. While there is more I would like to say the time on these things are limited so here's why I'm contacting you. It seems that this year things have been heating up for the Equestrian games and seeing as we are new the games committee is sending an inspector here within the next few days to look around. I was wondering if you and your friends could come and help out a bit since it would be a huge boon to the Empire to have such a huge event here. It would also be nice to see you again since it takes so long to travel up here with only the one train. All right, I think that's it, you ca turn it off now. Oh wait there was one last thing I had to tell her and-” The crystal's magic faded out at that point and went dark leaving the orange unicorn to stare at it with her head tilted.

“Huh, that's interesting. Though I wonder what she was about to add at the end. It's not very efficient though if you make mistakes like that though. Can it be redone afterwards or is it permanent? Odd though how it feels as if it should let you talk to her through it as if they're connected though.” Twilight perks up as she puts the crystal away and pulls out a book.

“Actually Cadance sent this book with her message as well and it has all sorts of information about the uses of crystals from the Crystal Empire. It sounds like they are still trying to perfect it again, but this book says that something like that is possible and is the least of the many uses crystals from the empire have.” Rainbow Dash let out a groan as Twilight started to get deep into the techno-magical side of how the crystals could be used. Most of the mares tuned her out though Aegis Flare listened in trying to understand what she could though some of it felt faintly familiar to her for some reason.

It was a few hours later when the train finally pulled into the station for the Crystal Empire allowing the seven mare to disembark. Looking around they found that the rails had been extended a bit and now ended on the outskirts of the city allowing building to be put up around it. In the short time since they had been there the city had started to recover. “Huh, they sure have been growing the city. Buildings are sprouting up faster than a barn at mah family's reunion.”

Applejack got a few odd looks from her friends though they still nodded as they got the point of her remark. Proceeding on their way to find the princess, they made note that it was oddly quiet for it being the middle of the day and they soon noticed that the crystal ponies were stopping to stare at them before whispering to each other. They were starting to wonder what was going on when a greenish-gray filly walked up to them carrying a large piece of paper. “Um, excuse me, but is this you?”

Looking at the paper the found that it was a poster featuring all seven of the mares in a variety of poses. They were all confused as to where she had gotten it from though Rainbow Dash was a tad excited on seeing it. “Yeah, did you want something kiddo?”

The filly bounced in excitement a couple times before she remembered herself and looked shyly up at the pegasus. “Um, well, can I please get all your autographs?”

While the others were even more confused by this turn of events the cyan mare just smirked. “Of course, wouldn't want to disappoint a fan.”

With the filly once again bouncing in excitement the seven mares proceeded to sign the poster, oblivious to the increased whispering from the crowd around them. Once they returned the autographed poster to the filly she quickly sped back to her awaiting parent. “Mommy! Mommy! It's them! They really were the Champions of the Empire!”

As if her words were the floodgates the crowd burst out into an uproar as the converged on the seven mares. “By the heart! It really is them!” “Can I have your autograph!” “I really like your mane!” Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

The seven mares were overwhelmed by the attention as the backed into a circle with Fluttershy cowering in the center. Rainbow Dash tried to soak up as much of the attention as she could but it was too much even for her. As panic started to set in a loud whistle rang out above the crowd which parted as a squad of crystal pony guards marched up leading a carriage. “All right, break it up! The empress has requested the presence of the champion's immediately. You all will have to wait to talk to them later.”

The crowd let out a chorus of 'awws' as one of the guards opened the carriage door for the group. Within moments the group was piling in, Fluttershy making it in first, and they were soon on their way to the palace. The group took the time to calm down, though Rarity was more focused on helping Fluttershy deal with her panic attack than herself, before Aegis Flare spoke up. “Now what the hay was that all about? I know we helped out when we were last here but was it really worth all that?”

The others that had calmed enough only shrugged as the waited out the ride with Twilight peeking out the window. She soon spotted something which caused her to rub her muzzle with a hoof. “Ugh, I don't think that is the worst of it either, look.”

Gesturing with a hoof out the window the others crowded around to see what she was referring to before their jaws collectively dropped. In the center of the plaza the were passing was a large crystal statue featuring all seven of the mares. The centerpiece of the statue featured Twilight standing tall with a replica of the crystal heart floating at the tip of her horn. In front of her were Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie positioned in ways as if they were helping others while at her back were the other three mares, reared up in combat poses wearing armor as if they were combating an enemy. The two pegasii could just barely read a plaque at it's base with their better eyesight stating, 'The Heart-seeker, the Terror-breaking Trio, and the Tender Triad; Champions of the Empire.'

Fluttershy's fell back whimpering at the sight while the others were just astonished at what they saw. They were pulled out of it when the carriage rolled to a stop, yet they had yet to reach the palace. “Huh? Why are we stopping?”

The door opened, revealing one of the guards, who explained having heard the question. “Sorry for the subterfuge, but the empress is waiting inside the spa and didn't want the citizens to know and possibly converge on the building just to see you. Now if you'll please, this way now.”

Looking at each other the mares just shrugged as they followed the guard inside the building. As he said the building was a spa, which was getting Rarity excited, and after being led to the back they found themselves being greeted by the pink pony princess who went through her greeting routine with Twilight before focusing on them as a whole. “Twilight! You're here! Why didn't you wait at the station, didn't you get my message?”

With a confused frown Twilight brought out the crystal and played it again for the princess. Once it ended she rubbed at her temples with a hoof before sighing to herself. “Shiny, I told you to send the other one.” Turning to the mares. “The crystal ponies have a bit of an issue with hero worship after all that time under Sombra. Getting them to stop is nearly impossible, just as impossible as it was preventing the spread of the Love Shack around Equestria, there's already one here even.”

Rarity blinked a few times at the name before clearing her throat. “Excuse me, princess? Did you say Love Shack? Please tell me that isn't what I think it is?”

Princess Cadance shook her head and was about to respond when Aegis Flare spoke up. “I believe that is what the church devoted to her is called. Relatively simple and to the point when compered to what some of Princess Celestia's are called. I think one of them takes a whole minute to even say.”

With a nod the princess shakes her head wearily. I never did care for being worshiped like that, but it did teach me how to pick my battles. The crystal ponies... They actually need something like this to give them hope after all those years under Sombra's tyranny, and it is relatively harmless. Unfortunately, because of all the attention you seven will get you won't be able to help show the inspector around without getting in the way.”

The mares look a bit crestfallen at hearing this though they perk up at Cadance's next few words. “But that just means that you all can join me here in getting ready. You see there is a customary look that the empress of the crystal empire wears when greeting ponies of special interest. It takes a lot of work but with your help we should have it done in time for when we meet the inspector after Shining finishes showing them around the empire.”

The mares nod to the princess when Twilight's head tilts to the side about something. “I've been hearing the title empress being used a lot recently. Why are you being called that instead of a princess like before?”

The pink alicorn rolls her eyes at this. “It's just another one of those things about the crystal ponies. They refuse to call me anything except that because they have always been ruled by one. Really it's pretty much the same thing so I decided not to press the issue right now when there are more important things to deal with. Now, we really should get to work on the preparations for meeting the inspector, it's going to take a long time to finish but at least with you all here I won't be bored. Especially since this will give me time to finally get to know all of you better. It wouldn't do to not get to know Twilight's friends now that she actually brings them around to meet for once.”

“Cadance!” Twilight blushed at her ex-foalsitter as the others joined in laughing with the princess, knowing how the studious mare is about social interactions like that. Settling down the group made there way through the spa to the preparation areas and proceeded to help out the princess while telling her all about themselves.

It was soon apparent that only two of the seven really had any experience with the high-level grooming needs of the princess so while Rarity and Fluttershy helped out the attendants the others kept the princess entertained with various stories of their day-to-day lives and adventures while in mud bath. “...and that's the last thing I was able to learn relating to my parents. My aunt is still keeping an eye and ear out for more information that has anything to do with them but even Princess Celestia is in the dark on this it seems.”

Cadance let out a hum of interest at this as she rubbed at her chin with a hoof while Rarity tried to style her mane as shown in the book. “I met them a time or two in the past though I never knew much about them. I think I remember auntie saying something about them disappearing during a diplomatic mission to one of the gryphon kingdoms. It was supposed to be a simple delivery she said yet they, along with their contact, were never heard from again. Many of her agents were vanishing around that time and it was with their disappearance that she decided to close the black guard down due to them being targeted.”

The mood took a downward turn as often happened when discussion of the missing parents came up. Seeing this the princess of love clapped her hooves together to break the stillness. “Well speaking of your family, I have had the pleasure of meeting your aunt. She's such a breath of fresh air compared to the other thestrals that try to keep to themselves. The things she told me about how thestral society worked bothered me except for one interesting little facet of it.”

While the others mares just looked at the princess with confused interest, Aegis Flare groaned as she knew exactly what was coming and was proven right when Cadance turned her head towards Twilight. “So when are you going to find a nice stallion to settle down with, Twilight? You all get along so well that you could already be a herd if not for the lack of that key part.”

Twilight's face darkened rapidly at the question as all the blood rushed to her face. “That's not... I mean, we aren't... What? Huh?”

The other mares weren't in much better of a condition with Rarity fanning herself, Fluttershy covering her face with both hooves, and Aegis Flare sinking into the mud. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were a little better off as they chuckled at their friend's discomfort but their face told a different story while it was hard to tell if Pinkie was affected much for those that didn't know her as she only froze up at the question.

Cadance just sat looking amused at their reactions as this was the first time that she was able to tease Twilight about something like this. None of them could really come up with a good response and eventually the orange unicorn sighed and lifted her head out of the odd green mudslime. “While it wouldn't bother me too badly to be with them like that, I just don't think it would work out well since what we'd want in a stallion wouldn't really mesh up. Just going off the stallions I've met, they each in theory would work, but there is always something that would turn out poorly with at least one of us. Not to say that it may not happen but it's more likely that we'd split off into two or three different herds with a different stallion.”

The princess smirked at Aegis Flare's answer before giving her response. “So you've actually thought that deeply about it already? And your aunt said that you had no interest in such things.”

Hearing this, the mare planted her face into the muck while her friends gave her odd looks over her thoughts on the subject. Applejack's eyes narrowed at her friend as she connected the dots between her words. “Now just hold on a minute there. Are ya saying ya thought about all of us and the different stallions in Ponyville? Ya better not be including mah brother in there.”

Multiple eyes rolled at her defensiveness though Aegis Flare wasn't overly worried about her friend's aggressiveness. “AJ, he's probably the most eligible bachelor in all of Ponyville so it would be insulting not to think of him first. Even so, with him being your brother, and him not really being my type coming up right away it was easy to move on.” The unicorn brought up a hoof to forestall the farm mare's next question which she had heard often enough. “And yes, he is a great stallion, but he's just to passive for me, I just don't think his take-things-as-they-come approach would work for me. That and it would be rather awkward having been around him while visiting you all these years and catching him multiple times prancing around in a dress.”

There were a few titters at the last bit as the orange earth pony pulled her hat down over her face. “Dang it, Big Mac. Ya said that was only a one-time thing.”

Clearing her throat from behind the princess, Rarity took the opportunity to throw in her own two bits. “Applejack darling, she is correct about that. While Big Macintosh truly is one of the best looking stallions in Ponyville, even I fantasized about him a time or two, not just any mare would be right for him. He and Sweet Apple Acres can't be separated and any mare that is with him has to accept that. Why out of all of us, I believe dear Fluttershy would make the best match overall. A strong, gentle stallion to keep her safe while being patient and quiet enough to help her through anything? Why, they are practically made for each other.”

As attention turned to the buttery pegasus she shrank away behind her mane yet again. Yet as they were all about to take pity on her and turn the conversation elsewhere her voice floated out from behind it. “Um, well. It's not like I haven't considered it. I mean I have talked with Ms. Cheerilee after that love poison incident and how she really felt about him. And, oh dear, we, she... WE'RE HAVING A DATE WITH HIM NEXT WEEK*meep*”

The shy pegasus dove under the nearest massage bench in fear of how her friends would react to her news. The others looked surprised at hearing this and they all tensed up when Apple climbed out of the tub to make her way over to the cowering mare. Feeling a hoof on her shoulder, Fluttershy peeked out from under her hiding place to see Applejack looking down at her with sympathy. “Ah'm sorry about that Fluttershy. Ah didn't think of what ah would do if one of mah friends took interest in mah brother. Most mares are only after him for his looks, but I know that none of ya aren't like that. Ah'm just so scared of what would happen ta mah family after ma and pa left that ah can't help but worry about them. If ya want ta try dating him then ah won't stand in the way. Ms. Cheerilee isn't so bad either. Hay she is one of the few that can keep Applebloom out of trouble, usually.”

The others let out a sigh of relief at the farmer handling things calmly, though Cadance was oblivious to the tension and was just smiling at the pegasus for trying to find love. After coaxing the mare out, Applejack didn't leave her side as she led her back to the others while quietly whispering something to her that caused her to lightly blush. Even while this was all going on Rarity had kept up her work on the princess' mane and was just now putting on the finishing touches. “Aaaand, done! While it took longer than I thought, it would have taken even longer without Fluttershy's assistance. I can't believe that this has to be done every time you have some important meeting like this.”

The princess carefully turns her head in various directions to find that her mane is holding well in place before she slips out of the tub, the mudslime just slipping right off of her. After running a warm towel over herself to remove any further residue her coat took on a healthy gleam as she walked over to her dress, soon followed by the others. Once her dress was on, the princess led the group out to a waiting carriage which brought them towards the palace where they would later meet with the inspector. As they were riding, Aegis Flare took a seat next to Applejack. “You took Fluttershy's news better than I expected, especially after the last time a mare told you they were after your brother.”

Applejack winced as she remembered that incident and how she had chased that one mare around the entirety of Sweet Apple acres with a rake until she dropped. She may have regretted her actions but she still didn't like the mare's attitude toward her brother. “Ya know how hard it is ta get mad at Fluttershy, and I did say I thought of ya all as family before. This just will make it official with her. Also ah owe it ta Cheerilee after what our sisters put her through so if she wants ta continue then so be it.”

The unicorn shook her head as she thought back to that day and wondered if Twilight had left any other dangerous books out where others could find them and made a note to check. The group made small talk as the carriage brought them right up to the gates of the palace, so as to avoid an incident like earlier, where they disembarked and made for the throne room. With the help of the seven mares, Princess Cadance was early for her meeting with the inspector so they had plenty of time to share more stories, though there were problems keeping Rainbow Dash from showing off her tricks inside the high-ceilinged throne room.

Eventually the time had arrived and a blonde-maned, brown earth pony mare was escorted in by Shining Armor. After introducing her as Ms. Harshwhinny to his wife he stepped over to greet his sister. “Hey Twily, I'm glad you could make it and help Cadance out. It's too bad that you couldn't have handled showing the inspector around, but it turned out rather well. She praised my my professionalism and all but said that the games would be here after seeing the coliseum. In fact she said it was larger than she was expecting since the entire city would barely fill a quarter of it.”

His sister was happy for her brother, but she still looked a bit saddened which was quickly picked up on by him and the reason pulled from her. “That's great and all, but I was just hoping to do more. An opportunity like this doesn't come along often and I was just so excited when I heard about this.”

Most of the other mares nodded along, though one looked more thoughtful than disappointed. “Hey, Twilight? What were you even planning on showing her anyways? I have no idea what there is to find in the Crystal Empire, or even where anything would be. Where did you find out what the Crystal Empire had?”

Opening her mouth to respond, Twilight stopped as she realized she had forgotten something important. Putting her hoof over her muzzle she let out a groan of annoyance. “I can't believe that I was so caught up in my excitement that I forgot something so basic! This is why checklists are so important, otherwise you forget important things!”

Shining Armor and the mares just shook her head in amusement at the lavender mare's reaction as Princess Cadance came over to tell them the good news before heading out to announce it to the rest of the empire. The Equestrian Games were guaranteed to be held there for the first time ever.

The rest of their stay was rather trivial and the mares soon had to bid the two royals farewell as they snuck out into a carriage to the train station. Word still managed to get out though as they had a literal parade of ponies following them the whole way and they had to have Twilight teleport them inside the train. Once there they let out a sigh of relief as they settled in for the long trip. “Well that was a tiring couple of days. I can't wait to get back to Ponyville so I can get some more training done and check on the weather team. How about all of you?”

Most of the others had similar answer of getting back to the usual like Rainbow Dash though Aegis Flare flicked an ear. “I'm not quite sure right now. I'll probably have to see what my sister has been up to while I was away. Something tells me I might have to up her training plans yet again.”

While too quiet for most of the others to hear, those with thestral ears could easily make out a soft groan followed by a light thump of hoof meeting hide from underneath one of the train seats, which both Fluttershy and Aegis Flare glanced at before going back to talking with their friends.

Author's Note:

Well that's it. Next up is the ever popular MMC chapter where I proceed to farm up the insults, down-votes, and other horrors of FiMFiction. Not sure how long it'll be for me to get it out though, what with FF15, Pokemon, and work to deal with now. :pinkiecrazy:

Also let me know if I missed anything or should rewrite something as well as what part it is if so. Chapter ended up a tad longer than I expected.