• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,191 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

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Aegis Flare was in a good mood as she returned from another trip into the Everfree Forest. It wasn’t often that she could get in and out without running into trouble and she couldn’t even remember the last time she had done so while returning with full saddlebags. Not only that it only took half the time that it normally did that she was could make another quick run out if she wanted to before deliveries needed to be made.

As she was thinking through this all she heard a rumbling sound from the direction of Ponyville forcing her to break out into a gallop. The sound eventually stopped but she didn’t slow until she came to the back of a crowd of ponies and found that the cause was a stampeded that was stopped by Applejack. Seeing that everything was under control she made her way back home to put things away, but she was prevented from going out again as a celebration was planned for the next day.

She showed up for the event but was rather worried when she saw the state that Applejack was in. As the earth pony made her way back to the farm she made her way over to Twilight before she could leave. “Is something going on over at Sweet Apple Acres that I don’t know about?”

The librarian kept watching after the farmer for a few moments before she turned back to the other mare. “I really have no idea, but I’m going to find out.”

Looking thoughtful for a moment, Aegis Flare nods as she watches after the Apple mare. “Well, be sure to let me know once you find out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in this state before and I’ve known her for over ten years now.”

She went around finishing a few tasks around town before she spied Twilight returning from the apple farm. She quickly moved in her direction to learn what she had found out. “So what’s going on with Applejack?”

Twilight sighs before shaking her head. “It seems that Big Macintosh was injured bad enough that Applejack is trying to deal with applebuck season alone. I offered to help out but she just got all stubborn and refused even the thought of it.”

The orange unicorn just groaned at this before she shook her head. “Great, somepony must have said something that she took as a challenge. Even with Big Mac they have trouble getting everything in so she must be working with almost no sleep at all. If she’s like this now then I fear things are only going to get worse.”

Over the next few days she kept an eye out on the farm when she had a spare moment. She grew more worried when she caught sight of Rainbow Dash being launched over the town, but it was hard to say if it was because of Applejack’s issues or just a failed stunt. Everything changed though the day after when she walked through town and found the hospital ponies, and any other ponies with medical training, setting up an emergency medical tent outside of Sugarcube Corner. “Nurse Redheart, what happened here?”

The pale pony was busy helping Pinkie Pie at this time so didn’t turn away when she answered. “There was a problem with the baked goods that were prepared by her and Applejack earlier today. I’ve already sent for Twilight to help out as well but we don’t know what all happened yet.”

Looking over Pinkie Pie who looked to be struggling enough that she wasn’t able to speak yet no matter how she tried. There was only one possible answer to what happened if Applejack was involved in her state so she quickly made her way towards the farm. She knew that the family was protective of their trees so since Applejack seemed to be unreasonable she went to the next best target.

“Big Macintosh, have you seen AJ lately? Better yet have you tried talking her out of this crazy idea she has?” The giant stallion looks out the window of his homes kitchen to see the orange unicorn trying to catch her breath after having galloped from town.


Aegis Flare winces as she was expecting this answer. “Then have you heard that she accidentally poisoned a couple dozen ponies in town when she was helping Pinkie Pie, Pinkie included?”

He opened his mouth to answer but paused and brought one of his hooves up to his temple. “Eenope.”

Letting out a sigh, the unicorn tries to think about how to deal with this but the only thing she can think of will probably involve lots of yelling later. “I really hate to ask this, but if I manage to get AJ to fall asleep would it be all right if I do some of the work for her? The usual rules, no magic for harvesting but I can use it to carry the buckets around. I’ll take full responsibility when she finds out and decides to start yelling.”

Big Macintosh takes a thinking pose for a moment before he warily nods. “Eeyup, just be careful.”

The orange mare shudders at hearing the giant stallion using more than his usual one-word answer. She didn’t know much about him but she had learned that when he speaks it is best to listen well.

Before searching for Applejack she scavenged up a pillow and blanket from one of Rainbow Dash’s usual sleeping locations and followed the sound of hooves on wood. She eventually found the overworked farmer and waited for her opportunity which soon arrived as AJ started wavering on her hooves and started tilting sideways. Acting quickly, Aegis Flare caught the mare with her shield and slowly set her down on a nearby patch of grass with the pillow and blanket.

After setting up a sound-proof barrier around her she let out a sigh of relief. “There, now to get to work until she wakes up. I just hope she is in a better mood after finally getting enough rest.”

Looking around at the surrounding apple trees she located where her friend had left off and made her way to the next tree. Looking at the buckets to make sure that they are properly placed; she backed up to the tree and reared back to give it a good buck. After four more impacts of her hooves she finally cleared the first tree of its apples and she walked towards the next one. “Nice to see that I’m improving. It used to take me seven bucks to clear a tree though it’s still nothing compared to AJ’s one or Big Mac’s half a buck.”

She started working down the line and got a good rhythm going as she worked down the line. After she got back to where she started on the next line she heard hoofsteps approaching. “Applejack, we need to- Wait, you aren’t Applejack! When did she ask for help?”

Swabbing a leg across her brow, Aegis Flare turned to see Twilight walking up after following the sound of her working. “Hey Twilight. AJ fell asleep a bit ago and I made her comfortable over there so she hopefully stays asleep as long as she needs to. After what happened with Pinkie Pie I wasn’t going to sit by any longer since her stubbornness is hurting others now.”

Twilight looks over to where she now noticed the orange farmer sleeping and looks a bit nervous. “Is that really a good idea? She looked liable to get angry if anypony tried to help her earlier.”

The orange unicorn finished clearing up another tree before answering. “Twilight, what would have happened if the school wasn’t running at the time and a foal ate some of those baked goods? They were bad enough to put even Pinkie Pie and her iron stomach in the hospital. After imagining my sister being in one of those beds I just had to put my hoof down.”

Twilight’s eyes widen in horror as the possibility of what could have happened enters her mind. She visibly swallows as she looks back over at the sleeping mare. “Couldn’t you have told her that instead of sneaking around like this? She’s not going to be happy when she wakes up.”

“She probably will be mad, but better that than her hurting somepony. I don’t even want to know what she’d do if she somehow hurt her sister while she’s like this. Besides, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened and it’s only because Granny Smith is out of town that it’s gotten this far.” She turns to strike at another tree while Twilight watches on.

“Well if you are sure about this, but let me know if you need any help. Especially after AJ wakes up since I wouldn’t want you to get in too much trouble wanting to help her out.” Aegis Flare nods to Twilight as she continues harvesting apples while the purple unicorn heads back to town. Luckily, Applejack stayed asleep the entire time that the unicorn worked and was still out but the time the sun set and she notified Big Macintosh.

The next morning things started off well enough but as it was closing in on noon she spotted the form of Applejack heading towards her from the direction of Fluttershy’s place. “Flare, ah’d like ta have a word with ya if ya don’t mind.”

The unicorn had expected this to happen but she was expecting the earth pony to look much angrier than she did. The fact that she only looked annoyed made her curious as they went into Sugarcube Corner and took a seat in a secluded corner. She actually waited for Ms. Cake to deliver the order she asked for as they passed the front before she started speaking. “So I heard that ya were the one to help out as the farm yesterday.”

Applejack looked across the table with a serious look until Aegis Flare nodded. Seeing that, the farm pony sighs as she shakes her head. “Ah’d like ta thank ya as well as apologize for putting ya through that then. Ah heard from Twilight what happened with Pinkie as well as why ya did it. Ah can’t believe that ah let mahself get so caught up in doing everything alone that I hurt so many others. Ah don’t know what ah’d do if ah had hurt Applebloom while ah was exhausted like that.”

Aegis Flare shakes her head as she takes a bite out of her ordered treat. “It’s fine AJ; I know how you are when you sense a challenge. I’d expect you to do the same thing if you saw me acting the same way. Just please try and remember to ask for help next time since you and your brother already do the work of ten ponies on the farm.”

With a nod the farm pony agrees to that before she gets to her main point. “That’s why ah’m here. Ah thought ah was almost done but ah somehow missed half the farm while ah was out of it. Ah was hoping ta get ya and the other girls to help finish up.”

With a small smile the unicorn answers with a nod. “All you have to do is ask.”

Author's Note:

Quick shortish chapter. Leave comments, complaints and types below.