• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,190 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

  • ...


“I think I left Scootaloo alone back home, let me go and check real quick. Wouldn't want her to get into any trouble.” As Aegis Flare attempted to leave the room, Twilight sighed before grabbing her in her magic and setting her friend back in her seat.

“Nice try, but you know that she's with your aunt right now. Really now, do you have to keep trying to escape from this even after failing this past day?” The orange alicorn just grumbled in her seat as her friends shook their heads.

“Well it's not like ah don't understand her feelings. Ah mean can ya even see me as a princess? That's like putting a hog in one of Rarity's dresses and no matter how pretty it looks it just ain't right.” Rarity glared at the farm mare for even think of doing that with one of her dresses but she didn't argue the point.

“Well right now I would gladly wear one of Rarity's dresses, even the most uncomfortable one that she has. Compared to this thing it would be like I was wearing nothing at all, this thing is so uncomfortable it almost hurts and I can barely even move my wings. You can tell it was a unicorn that made this thing, er, no offense.” Rarity just rolled her eyes at her friends using her work in their complaints before she sighed.

“Disregarding the uncomfortable traditional finery for this, I have to agree that I am still unsure about all of this. I mean I have had thoughts of marrying Prince Blueblood, if only I knew how much of a cad he was, but even if that impossibility was to happen it would not be the same as all this. All I wanted was to be able to take part in the upper levels of society, not rule over it. I just don't have the experience for something like that and I definitely don't feel comfortable even thinking of it.” Twilight sat back rubbing both of her hooves at her temples as she felt her headache increasing. Looking around between her friends she took in the dresses that each of them wore and silently agreed that it would have been better to do something new as it was both uncomfortable and, due to her time spent with Rarity, she could tell that the colors just didn't work with all of them.

“Do you think that I'm doing any better?! This is so far outside of anything that I could expect or plan for that I am this close to doing something I would regret! The only reason I haven't is because I still can't believe that this isn't a dream! I mean back when it was just me and my books I was content with my life! Then I found all of you and for once I was actually happy! But this?! How am I supposed to feel about this?! And what if this isn't even the end?! What could be happening next?! I get worshipped like some sort of god?!” As she broke off panting there was some light coughing as Aegis Flare turned away from her which didn't reassure her. She looked over at Fluttershy for a moment, who was rocking back and forth in the corner muttering to herself, before her gaze settled on Pinkie Pie. “And what about you? Do you have any complaints to add to this?”

Pinkie Pie, who had been bouncing in place merrily for the past while, just grinned as she looked around the room. “Are you kidding?! This is going to be the best thing ever! Can you just imagine all the new ponies and non-ponies that I will be able to meet like this? Soon I can throw the biggest party in the history of ever and invite them all!” Her friends just stared at her for a moment before they shook their heads at her reaction.

“Of course Pinkie Pie somehow manages to turn this all into a plan for a party.” Rainbow Dash just leaned against a nearby couch as her dress wouldn't allow her to sit down at this time. Pinkie, finally sensing the mood, looked around at her friends before settling on Fluttershy with a grin.

“Speaking of meeting new ponies, I seem to remember Fluttershy having a good time last night when our families showed up. What were you talking about in the corner with Marble all that time, hmm?” The buttery alicorn let out an 'eep' of shock at having attention drawn to her as memories of that night went through the minds of all the ponies present.


“So why did she have us come all the way ta Canterlot to meet her if she is just going ta have us wait in here?” Applejack and the others looked towards Twilight who just shrugged with a sigh.

“Honestly I have no idea. The princess has always been hard to predict but lately it's somehow gotten even harder. I think only Princess Luna even has a chance of knowing what she is thinking now.” Shaking her head Twilight pushed open the door to the room they were sent to and froze in place at what awaited them.

“There she is! Twilight, Why didn't you tell us that this was happening sooner? You're just as bad as your brother, telling us about your coronation the day before when you've been an alicorn for months now.” Twilight stood there with her mouth open as she stared at her parents, trying to process why they were there and just what they had said. Before she could formulate a response though, a blur blew into the room past her as a thestral tackled Aegis Flare into the room. While the others stood in confusion, the bat-winged alicorn's mind latched onto one word in their sentence and she reared up, eyes wide as she prepared to bolt before being tackled by her aunt.

“Hah! Didn't I tell you princess? My niece was the first one to realize what this is all about AND she tried to bolt as soon as she heard. That's another ten bits you owe me.” Princess Luna rolled her eyes as she approached from the hall behind the mares as her Lieutenant boasted.

“Yes, well I would have thought that one of the more... levelheaded ponies of the group would have acted with a tad more grace.” Night Wing just smirked from her position on atop her niece with her rear planted on her back.

“Pff, that was the most rational response that any of them gave. While the others were just confused she recognized what was happening and tried to get the hay out of here like any sane pony would.” She patted her nieces head with a hoof as she grumbled under her armored posterior. Twilight was only starting to shake off the shock of what was happening as she turned to the lunar princess.

“Princess Luna, what's going on? Why are my parents here, I thought Princess Celestia wanted to talk to us about something? And what is this about a coronation?” As Twilight speaks her mane starts popping a bit out of place, causing her parents to look at each other before slowly backing away. Luna looked around at the other alicorns to see that they also were interested in just what was going on causing her to shake her head.

“I am guessing that my sister decided to keep everything close to her chest yet again. After your recent exploits, even more-so as word has been getting out about you seven, we decided that it was time for all of you to be officially recognized as Princesses of Equestria. Your families have already been contacted and some of them will be here to help prepare you for tomorrow, while the rest that could show shall be here tomorrow for the coronation.” The unoccupied alicorns stared at her in shock for a moment before they all started shouting questions at her at the same time. Seeing their opportunity, Twilight Velvet and Night Light moved over to their shell-shocked daughter and led her to a nearby couch so they could try and calm her down some. Through it all Aegis Flare just grumbled under her aunt who just smirked down at her before she leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“You know, this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Sure you will have all sorts of responsibility that you probably don't want, but just think of all the things you can do with that power. Say, oh, make your way into files restricted only to the princesses like the recently reclaimed black guard records?” Aegis Flare's grumbling stopped as the words registered with her and she tilted her head up so she could see her aunt's face. Seeing the seriousness and the slow nod the orange alicorn flopped her head back down to the ground in defeat. “That's better, now let's have no more attempts to run away. You wouldn't want to leave your friends to deal with this alone now, would you?”

The mare just grunted at her aunt who took that as an affirmative as she slowly got up and helped her niece to her hooves. As she moved over to take a seat near the others the first of the many family members, barring Twilight's who were there prior, started to arrive. “Heya sister! Your favorite baby brother is here. And oh my, is that Rainbow Dash? You know you didn't have to go through all this trouble just for me.”

Fluttershy's expression morphed into something that most of her friends had seen before, while Rainbow Dash looked really disturbed. Seeing this, Aegis Flare leaned over to the cyan mare. “So who is this, and should I be setting him on fire or something?”

“Yes, please do.” All eyes turned in shock at Fluttershy agreeing with the idea in a very deadpan voice, but the bat-winged alicorn just shrugged and lit up her horn.

“Oh come on now sister, you don't really mean that do you? You know Rainbow Dash wouldn't want this hot body to come to any harm. Though I do seem to be feeling a bit hotter than normal.” Fluttershy's brother looked around in confusion for a moment before one one of the two unicorns in the room lifted a small mirror up in front of him. He took a few moments to admire himself in the mirror before he finally noticed that his mane wasn't supposed to be flickering orange and he let out a scream. My mane! My mane is on fire! Water! Water!”

The group of ponies watched as he tore out of the room at Rainbow Dash level speeds. Soon splashing could be heard which brought a thoughtful look on Twilight's face. “Um, Princess Luna? Isn't the closest source of water one of Philomena's personal water bowls?”

She was soon answered as another shriek rang out from the hall. “Aieeee! Killer bird! Killer bird on fire!”

All eyes turned to the three ponies that caused all this to happen. “Um, who's brother was that and was all that really necessary?”

Applejack's question was met with a shrug from the other orange alicorn and nods from the two former pegasii. “Unfortunately that was my half-brother and yes he deserved all of that and more.” Fluttershy started to turn away before her pupils shrank to pinpricks as she realized something. “Oh no. If he's here then that means...”

“EEEEEEEEEEE!” Another blur flew into threw room and glomped onto Fluttershy before anyone could react. Once the dust settled the group saw that a pegasus mare of a paler color than Fluttershy with a red mane was currently trying to hug the life out of her. “Oh, I just can't believe that my darling baby is going to be a princess, why didn't you tell me earlier! I always knew that you were my special little Flutterbutter, but I never expected you to be this special.”

Fluttershy struggled in the mare's grip as she gasped for breathe. “Um, hi mom. It's been a while.”

None of the other alicorns moved as they watched the meeting play out between mother and daughter. As they looked on, none of them noticed the other pony that had snuck in. Suddenly Rainbow Dash jerked upward as the figure brushed a wing against her rear hoof. “Ack! Hey, who did that? You know I don't like it when somepony touches my hooves!”

The others turned to see what she was talking about to see another mare flying right behind her. They needed little guesswork as to who this was as that pegasus mare shared Rainbow Dash's coat color yet her mane was the opposite as it hung down to her hooves with all the colors of the sunset of red, orange, and gold. The mare brushed a wing along Rainbow Dash's ear causing the mare to twitch it before spinning around to see who it was, yet the elder mare spun around to keep behind her. “All right who is doing that!”

She glared at the others before frowning as she realized that all of them were nowhere near her. She frowned for a moment until her ears picked up the sound of odd gasping behind her which she quickly recognized causing her to tilt her head backwards as far as she could. “Mom! Must you always keep on doing that! Wait, if you're hear... Oh please tell me that dad isn't here as well, you remember what happened last time he showed up for an important event for me!”

The mare, revealed as the rainbow alicorn's mother, flew around in front of her daughter and turned to face her. The others watched awkwardly as the elder pegasus said nothing yet Rainbow Dash started to frown. “Yes, I know that Derpy needed cheering up, but did he really have to flirt with her like that? He even did the same thing the first time I brought Fluttershy home!” The two looked at each other for a few more moments much to the confusion of the others.

“Yes, I know now that he knew her mom and helped set her up with her husband, but it was still embarrassing. And then there is his reputation as being the biggest flirt in all of Cloudsdale. Do I still only have six other mothers right now or has he found another mare again?” Still the mare said nothing and the curiosity of the mares finally built up for them to step in.

“Um, darling? Are you all right? Your mother, at least I assume she is, hasn't said anything so why are you talking as if she is saying something?” Rainbow Dash looks over at the others before glancing back at her mom once again before she put her hoof to her head.

“Mom, no, please don't make me say it.” A few more moments and the cyan alicorn just rolled her eyes before sighing and turning to her friends again. “Girls, as you can guess this is my mother, Eventide Flicker. She'd tell you herself but she is speechless at being in the presence of my friends. Not like she could say anything being mute anyways.”

It took them a few moments but the others groaned at the poor joke while Rainbow Dash's mother was silently laughing at the reaction. The cyan alicorn just groaned and looked over to Fluttershy. “Mrs Shy?” The mare holding Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at her causing her to sigh. “I mean Camellia, do you know where my father is?”

“That's better, I told you not to call me Mrs Shy, it makes me feel old. That goes for the rest of you as well. And don't worry about him, your other mothers are keeping him occupied until tomorrow so you can relax. You know how much he loves them and will do anything to keep them happy and right now keeping you happy will keep them happy.” Rainbow Dash stared at her steadily for a moment before she sighed and leaned into her mother as she came over to hug her.

“So wait, does that mean you were actually talking with the pegasus wing language? I've always heard about it yet have never actually seen it used. Also I would never have expected you to take the time to learn another language, no offense.” Rainbow Dash tossed a glare at her mother as she started laughing soundlessly before she shook her head.

“Well I do, as well as the hoof language, since one of my mothers is blind. It's kind of important that I understand what my mom is saying, though it annoys me that she can still fly rings around me because of it even if I can go faster than her. And I learned Griffonic from Gilda back in flight school; I almost needed it too since dad almost got some albino gryphoness to join the herd but lost her to some rich noble or something.” Her friends looked at her for a moment in disbelief before she turned away from them slightly as her mother prodded her side with a wing.

“Okay, so I may also know a bit of a few other common languages as well. The Wonderbolts go all over Equestria and sometimes outside of it so you never know when they could be useful.” Her friends made noises of understanding as they rolled their eyes at their friend's reason, though the noticed that Eventide looked saddened as she rapped her hooves on the floor in a complicated pattern which caused her daughter to look at her in shock.

“Wait, what do you mean 'Sorry about me not being able to get into the Wonderbolts now'?” With her attention on her mother again, she watched the tiny movements of her wings, which the others were now closely watching for, before Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Yes, I know that they are a pegasus flight team, but what does that have to do with anything?” With a sigh her mother flicked a wing up and tapped at the cyan horn sticking out of her head, causing her to flinch away at the unfamiliar contact. Crossing her eyes she looked up at her horn before her eyes shrank to pinpricks in realization and started to panic. “Wait, that doesn't mean anything, right? I mean I still can join them even with a horn, there aren't any rules against it, are there? I mean it's always been my dream to fly with the elite fliers of Equestria so it can't be true! Please tell me that it isn't true Princess Luna!”

The princess looked down at the younger mare with pity before she shook her head. “Unfortunately, what your mother says is true. Due to your new status you would not be able to be a part of the team in question.” Rainbow Dash's jaw drops in horror and it looks as if she is about to break until the princess continues which causes her to freeze yet again. “But is not this an elite enough group for you? The Wonderbolts are comprised of a hundred pegasii in their flight team as well as thousands in the military branch that few know of. Yet here you are now part of a group of less than a dozen. I should also mention that while you may not be able to be a part of them, your new status as a princess after the coronation would allow you to be in command of the Wonderbolts when necessary.”

“Not to mention that you were already better at flying than the Wonderbolts if their past efforts are any indication. My sister falling from Cloudsdale, Spike's little rampage, them being nowhere to be found during any of the disasters we had to take care of, they really weren't all that impressive yet you outdid them at every turn.” Rainbow Dash shot a short glare at Aegis Flare for bad-mouthing the Wonderbolts, but she couldn't argue against what was being said. With a sigh she turned back to the princess and gave her one last pitiful look.

“I need some time to think about this. Getting into the Wonderbolts has always been my greatest dream, but to lose that now because of this?” She tapped her horn a couple times before continuing. “Are you sure I can't just wear a hat or hide it with a spell or something?” Luna sadly shook her head while her friends moved to comfort the mare. Rarity, held back a bit as she contemplated her friend's situation before coming to a disturbing conclusion.

“You may not be alone in losing something important to you, dearie. If being an alicorn will stop you from fulfilling your dream, what would it do to my career? Sure ponies will still buy my dresses, but they will be doing it for these-” She stretches out her wings in emphasis, “instead of for any of my actual talent. If I wish to continue operating my boutique then I don't think I will be able to do it under my own name any more.” Most of her friends looked at her in shock while Luna and Aegis Flare nodded slowly.

“Why do you think I want nothing to do with this? It was annoying enough having to save inept guards as they followed me into the Everfree, but what will they be like after this? They'll probably try to saddle me with hundreds of them that will ruin any chance of me doing anything constructive out there now.” The others began to realize just how much these changes were going to affect them as they wondered what they may lose in the near future as well. Luna cleared her throat to get there attention yet again after giving them a few minutes of thought.

“I must take my leave of you all to help my sister with the preparations. The rest of your families should be arriving soon, though I am sorry to say the it appears that yours will not be here until tomorrow, Rarity, as there have been delays due to unexpected weather interfering with the airship they are currently aboard.” Rarity sighs as she slowly nods, thinking about how yet again her parents are absent when she needed them most.

As the princess left Camellia Shy left her daughter's side and advanced on the bat-winged alicorn and her aunt. “So Night Wing. This is that niece I've been hearing all about from my daughter?” Aegis Flare raised an eyebrow at the less-than-friendly tone the pegasus was using and glanced at her aunt who slowly nodded. Before she had a chance to react she was the victim of a crushing hug much like what Fluttershy had gone through earlier. “Oh you poor baby! Losing your parents like that! Your father was one of the few good memories I had of Transylmania and he even warned me about his brother even if I didn't listen! Oh, but listen to me ramble on, tell me everything about yourself and your sister, we have so much to catch up on as family!”

The alicorn glared at her aunt as she rolled on the floor laughing at her before meeting Fluttershy's sympathetic gaze. She struggled a few moments to try and break free before giving in and telling the older mare about her life since she was found. As the two talked, the next group arrived much to the surprise of a certain pink mare. “Marble! Maud! Limey! You all came?! What about mother and father?”

“Pinkamena! I thought I told you not to call me that!” Pinkie Pie just grinned as she ruffled a hoof through Limestone's mane while hugging her three sisters.

“Mother and father are taking care of the farm. They will be here tomorrow.” Pinkie's friends watched this little exchanged and jaws dropped at the vast differences between the familiar pink mare and her unfamiliar sisters. Twilight and Aegis Flare exchanged glances when they heard the dry tone of Maud, before shaking their heads at how different the mare was from their expectations, though they weren't sure exactly what it was they were expecting after seeing the other two sisters.

As the two more outspoken mare and the seemingly emotionless mare caught up, the fourth sister slowly retreated into a corner to hide from all the unfamiliar ponies. Backing away from all the unfamiliar ponies, she didn't notice that the corner had already been claimed until her rump met a feathery surface. “EEEEP!”

“Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there.”

“Oh, no it was my fault, I should have said something.”

As Fluttershy and Marble Pie traded apologies they slowly formed a connection until they slowly quieted and sat in an embarrassed silence. Neither one of them wanted to say anything at first, but they eventually started to feel more comfortable near each other as they felt something familiar from the other. The buttery alicorn was the first to break the quiet between them as she was about more open with others because of her friends. “So you have problems with unfamiliar ponies, too?”

“Mmhmm.” Fluttershy, on hearing this, felt a kinship that she had never had before with another pony. As the two settled down to quietly talk, Pinkie Pie had an eye on them and she giggled at how well her sisters and friends were getting along. Even Limestone with her usual abrasive attitude was speaking with interest to Rarity on a topic that the fashionista was familiar with.

“So you're saying that everything that I've been digging up over the years are low-quality scrap? But they always look so pretty and I never saw any problems with them.” Limestone Pie looked over one of the gems that Rarity had with her and even sniffed at it a couple times.

“Well it's not the worst, but we usually crush anything of this quality to improve our other gemstones. These are fine for general use but for if you want them for anything beyond decoration then they need a lot of work. Actually I'm just surprised that you found these as a unicorn and there wasn't a large diamond dog pack claiming the area. You wouldn't believe the problems we have with them trying to muscle in on our home.” Rarity looked thoughtfully at the gem and and remembered how one gem that Spike had found looked leagues ahead of it before swallowing at the thought of possibly getting dirty even if the results would be worth it.

“Well darling, maybe you could help me understand what I need to do to improve the gems that I do find. My passion may be in fashion, but my talent involves gemstones so it would be a waste if I do not find out everything that I can.” Limestone looked at her warily for a moment before she glanced over at Pinkie Pie who quickly turned away.

“I would ask why you haven't asked my sister, but I can guess why. Don't expect much from anything I tell you since it took years to gets where we are on the rock farm. But I can at least give you a few tips to get you started as well as a few what to avoid. Now first you need to learn how to determine which of these are worth trying to improve, and which you should just crush down.” As Rarity chatted with Limestone, Applejack surveyed the room before sighing. Seeing Rarity and Limestone, Twilight and her parents, Rainbow Dash and her mom, Pinkie and Maud, Fluttershy and Marble, and Aegis Flare with her aunt and Fluttershy's mom made her ache for her own family, especially her parents.

“Thinking about them again, ain't ya?” Applejack nods sadly before she jerks around when she realizes just who was speaking.

“Granny?! But I thought you had to be away for the entire week!” The elder green mare just cackles at her granddaughter's reaction before sitting down next to her.

“What? Do ya think that ah would miss one of the most important events of mah granddaughter's life? Ah just had ta make sure that the rest of the family was going ta make it. Ah reckon that more of the Apple family will be here than at any reunion ever.” Applejack's draw dropped at the news before she shook her head.

“Ah's still not sure if ah should even be here, Granny. All of this? Becoming a princess and running Equestria? Ah don't even know the first thing about it and ah don't feel like ah can fit in with the others.” Granny Smith eyed her granddaughter for a moment before she sighed and deflated in on herself, much to Applejack's surprise.

“Applejack, how old do ya think ah am now?” The alicorn was confused for a moment about the subject change before she gave it a thought.

“Ah don't rightly know, ya never mentioned it before. If ah had to guess I'd say almost a hundred now.” The elder mare chuckled in amusement at the younger mare's answer.

“And how old is Ponyville now?” Applejack still wasn't sure where the questions were leading but she still answered.

“Well ah'm not quite sure. Ah think that the eight-hundredth anniversary is coming up but what does that have to do with...” Applejack's pupils shrank to pinpricks as she realized how the numbers didn't add up, especially since her grandmother was there at the founding of Ponyville. Seeing the realization in her granddaughters eyes, Granny Smith nodded with a tired sigh.

“Ah haven't been a hundred in a very long time. All these years ah've been watching over the Apple family, waiting for somepony that could take over for me. Ah had high hopes for yer mother, but after the accident... Sometimes ah wonder if she knew what would happen when she named ya Applejack.” The alicorn's brows furrowed at the comment as she tried to understand what she meant.

“What does mah name have ta do with anything, Granny?” Granny Smith appeared to stare into the distance for a moment before she looked over at the former earth pony.

“Ah've seen many things and ah'm weary of watching time pass me by. Yet now this happens and ah finally see my well deserved rest coming for me. Now don't look at me like that, ah still have a few years left to go.” Applejack's face morphed from horrified to embarrassed though she still worried about her elder's words.

“Yet despite all that there is still one story ah have not told ya about our family, the greatest treasure of the Apple family. Apples have been around for a long time, but not even the princesses know just how long. Our family started with an Applejack, in fact the very first Applejack who saved the world from many threats much like you and your friends have already done while still being a simple apple farmer.” Applejack was surprised to hear this about her ancestor and how similar the ancient mare was to her.

“Time has lost many of the names of those that helped her, but your friend Twilight also shares a name with one of those ancient mares. In fact other than her the Apples are one of the only families that can trace their lineage back that far. There even have been Apples that have had a chance ta be rulers, but they always refused and stayed with the simple life. It seems that fate itself has decided that one of our own finally takes their place in history to help shape it. So when ya say that ya don't feel as if ya fit in remember, the Apple family has more nobility in them than any noble house out there now and ah'm relieved that their will be somepony to watch over the family when ah am gone.” The old mare wraps a leg around her daughter's shoulder and pulls her close.

“We're Apples forever, Apples together.” Applejack straightened as her granny began quietly singing their family's song but soon took up the next bit.

“We're family, but so much more.” Granny Smith pulled her granddaughter's head onto her shoulder as she nuzzled her mane.

“No matter what comes, we will face the weather.” As they reached the last line they joined in together with what had been the family motto for generations.

“We're Apples to the core.”


The gathered alicorns shook off their nervousness as memories from the previous day came back to them allowing them to face the coming event. “I don't know how Pinkie does it, but she always knows how to bring up the mood.”

The others nodded at Rainbow Dash's comment as a guard opened the door to the waiting room they were in. “Ladies? It is time.”

With a nod the mares filed out of the room towards the grand hall where the coronation was taking place. As they neared the doors they spread out in a line with Twilight in the middle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack to her left and Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Aegis Flare to her right. Princess Celestia's voice filtered through the door as they waited for the final call to enter the room. “These young mares have done so much for our great country and it is only right that what they have earned is bestowed upon them. Over the coming months the country shall see these mares join my sister and I in front of you all in preparations for their coming duties. Now, without further ado, I present to you the Bearers of Harmony!”

At that the doors to the room were thrown open allowing the mares to see the crowd of ponies waiting for them as they began cheering. One entire side of the room was filled mostly with rough looking ponies the were obviously of the Apple family and Applejack looked downwards bashfully at seeing them all. On the other side of the room were more noble looking ponies, though the alicorns could see an occasional familiar face within the crowd.

Fluttershy froze up at the sight and Aegis Flare quickly scanned the room before her gaze settled on something she wasn't expecting and quickly whispered to her cousin. “Fluttershy, don't think about any of the ponies. Look, next to Discord. I can see Harry with Angel on his head, just focus on them. You wouldn't want to disappoint them, would you?”

Fluttershy's breathing steadily slowed as she gazed upon her animal friends until she slowly nodded allowing the group to proceed as one. As they moved a choir began singing. “The princesses come! Behold, Behold!”

“Can the music get any cheesier?” While Rainbow Dash's muttering was quiet enough for the crowd not to hear her, it was still loud enough for her friends to pick up on it and Twilight nudged her side as a couple of the others held in laughter. Soon the seven were standing in front of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna who smiled fondly down at them.

One by one, the two started from opposite ends and recited some words of an unknown language before setting a crown on the head of the one they were in front of. Soon only Twilight was left and Luna stepped back allowing her sister to have the honor and soon all seven mares had a shiny new golden crowns containing gems of a color that matched the Element the once wielded. As one the seven turned back to face the crowd of onlookers.

“I present to you, the Princesses of Harmony!” With Princess Luna's proclamation the crowd began to cheer as the seven mares tried to maintain their composure while feeling the heavy weight atop their heads.

Author's Note:

I'll just leave this here for now. Now time to work on the fun chapter. Probably leave a warning now that next chapter may get a tad disturbing.