• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,180 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

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“Seriously Twilight? I can't believe you still haven't put these books somewhere safe so that the wrong ponies don't get at them. You even left the one that my sister and her friends used to create that love poison that almost ruined Big Mac and Cheerilee.” Twilight blushed as Aegis Flare paced through the library looking at book after book, looking for more dangerous knowledge.

“I just haven't gotten around to it yet. There's just so many books to look after and I still have to do things for the princess when she requests it of me.” Spike let out a noise of disagreement from his place atop a nearby ladder as he was re-shelving some books.

“More like she was too caught up in reading to actually remember to do it. You should have seen all the piles of books she left in the libraries around Canterlot, at least when she didn't try rearranging them. If I wasn't here then who knows how badly this place would look, probably find the advanced magic books in the children's section.” Twilight's face darkened even further as she glared at the dragon.


“What? You know it's true. I'm surprised that the adult books section hasn't been scattered around the library in more 'appropriate' sections.” Twilight gaped at the dragon for a moment before slamming the book she was currently reading shut.

“Spike! That was just the one time! And I thought we agreed never to talk about that incident again! We don't even have an adult section here anyways.” Turning away with a huff, she didn't notice the odd looks that the other two were giving her at that moment.

“Um, actually we do Twilight. Didn't you know that the bookcase over there was also a door to help keep younger foals from getting in there? There's even another one that was completely empty last time I looked up in your room as well.” Twilight's gaze snapped over to the dragon as he climber a ladder to hit a hidden button which caused on of the bookcases to swing open revealing a small hidden room of books. Blinking a few time she stared blankly at the two who seemed to know more about the library than she did before she vanished in a flash of light. The two could hear her rummaging around upstairs before her voice called down to them.

“Why didn't anypony tell me these were here?! I could have had my personal collection put somewhere safer than under my bed and...” Twilight's voice trailed off as she realized what she was saying while the other unicorn looked at the dragon with a raised eyebrow. After a moment the two just shook their heads before Aegis Flare went upstairs.

On entering the upstairs room she found Twilight frantically moving books from various places around the room into the now opened secret room. Moments later the lavender mare had put the last of the chosen books into the room before shutting the bookcase and turning away. “Really, after all this time and only now am I being told about these rooms? How am I supposed to keep track of all the books in the library if they are being hidden from me? At least nopony ever comes up here except my friends so I don't have to worry too much about losing anything important that the princess sends me. I don't even want to think about what she would do if I somehow lost Starswirl the Bearded's journal.”

Aegis Flare's eyebrows shot up at hearing about the journal and she made her presence known. “Wait, you have the journal of one of the craziest unicorn mages to ever live? Please tell me that it doesn't contain untested temporal magic, or any temporal magic period.”

Twilight glared at her friend for a moment before responding. “Starswirl was not crazy, he was a genius! No unicorns have done as much as he has for the many fields of magic and Equestria wouldn't be where we are today without him!”

Aegis Flare just shook her head at the other mare. “I'm not denying any of that, but with all the spells he made involving time travel he must have been crazy to some extent, you'd have to be to want to mess with that stuff.” She paused seeing the look of outrage the Twilight was giving her causing her to remember the lavender mare's own experiences as well as a couple other incidents. “The Smartypants Incident and just about any time involving Princess Celestia.”

The look of outrage turned into one of bafflement then embarrassment before Twilight let out a huff and turned away. “So maybe you have a bit of a point, but I still don't appreciate being called crazy. Especially when I distinctly remember you doing something similar.”

With a shrug the orange unicorn looks over to Twilight's desk to find the journal she was talking about before casually flipping through it as she responded. “I'm not denying that either, hay I doubt you it's even possible to point out a completely sane pony, especially here in Ponyville. It's pretty much a requirement to fit in. Of course not everyone is as special as you to have a permanent place on the town's betting pool of what the next exciting event will be.”

The lavender unicorn's eyes bugged out when she heard this before letting out a snort of indignation. “What!? Why would other ponies be betting on me? What did I do that was so exciting that I would be put up on it?”

Her friend gave her a deadpan look before responding. “Well not including some of the adventures we've had, like with Discord or Nightmare Moon, you DO have a habit of blowing something up on a near weekly basis, but that has the lowest odds so far after too many ponies were winning too often. Now the bets have to be very specific in what happens for something like that to have a chance of winning. Berry Punch has actually kept the pot a few times because of how unique some of your magical disasters have been. I actually made a couple hundred bits after your little Smartypants Incident from my ten percent handlers fee for running the numbers for the pool when she collected the pot due to no winners. I think the popular long-shot now is you somehow managing to blow yourself up during an experiment.”

As Twilight's jaw dropped in shock at the implications of this, Aegis Flare continued flipping through the journal of Starswirl. She paused as she noticed something odd about the journal and looked back over at Twilight. “Twilight? Why are some of the pages in here mostly blank except for a spattering of odd symbols?”

Twilight looked at her blankly for a moment before rushing over and examining the first of the pages her friend was pointing out. “But... This is one of the spells that Starswirl invented. With your condition you shouldn't even be able to see anything with it being entirely in runes, unless...” She pauses thoughtfully for a moment before her eyes widen. “Can you point out which ones you are seeing for me?”

As the orange mare pointed out each one Twilight got more and more excited. When the last one was pointed out she was bouncing in place. “I knew it! I knew something was off about these spells when I saw them! It was odd that the journal didn't have any spells or encryption on it, he left false information in his spells like a hidden code! If I do this... Then over here... Aaaand, DONE! Now after rearranging the lines of the spell according to all that we find... Oh my, this is the first teleportation spell. It's a bit inefficient compared to what we have now, but this is still so exciting! Now, what about the next one.”

Aegis Flare knew that she had lost her friend at that point and frowned in thought about what she may have inadvertently unleashed. Heading downstairs she stopped next to the dragon before heading out. “You may want to watch out, Spike. I think Twilight is about to go on a research binge once again. I'll try to get the others to drag her away once a day though to minimize the damage, especially with that book.”

The dragon nods before the two cringe as a small explosion sounds out from upstairs followed by an “I'm all right!” from the mare in question. Shaking her head with a glance upwards the orange mare heads out of the library.


The next week was a blur for Twilight when it came to her researching the journal. Her friends prevented her from working non-stop on it as they each had come to pull her away for some time to relax as well as dinner each day. Afterwards they made sure that she actually slept for the night so that when she returned to the library she was well rested and she wasn't sure if the loss of time actually hurt as she seemed see more clearly what she was reading after each night. She was still working on the final spell, which was much harder to decipher as she didn't have a clue on how it worked, but had managed to almost getting it working the previous night. She was still unsure what the spell was missing, but once she figured out what it currently did she was sure finishing with it would be a piece of cake.

Still, even with her lack of success her spirits felt higher than ever and she felt the need to let the whole town know it through song. She made her way through town greeting those she came across and it looked like nothing could bring her mood down. Of course the world took that as a challenge as she reached the end of her little song. “That everything is certainly-” *FWOOSH* “Yeeaaaaaa!”

An orange blur passed in front of her leaving a short wall of flames where it passed, which happened to be dangerously close to Twilight's hooves. In fact it was so close that she was forced to dance backwards before raising them to blow on them to try and cool them off from the sudden heat. “Whoa, sorry about that Twilight. Didn't see you there.”

Looking up to berate the pony that had nearly toasted her hooves, Twilight was surprised to find the profile of Aegis Flare standing next to her. She was about to reply when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye and turned to see Rainbow Dash's cutie mark adorning her friend's flank. “What are you doing? What happened to your cutie mark?”

The orange unicorn just looked at her quizzically. “What are you talking about Twilight? I'm practicing for the next race just like always since my cutie mark appeared. I may be the fastest around but I can't get lazy now.”

Twilight looked back the way her friend had come to see the scorched trail she had left behind, and the ponies complaining about it. Unsure about what was going on, Twilight looked back at her friend while thinking of the others. “Where is Rainbow Dash? I really need to speak with her right away.”

After being told of the cyan mare's current whereabouts, Twilight quickly rushed off to find her. Her path soon led her find the mare in question bearing Fluttershy's cutie mark. This then led her to finding Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack, each with the previous mare's cutie mark. Her worry neared frenzy levels though when she was told that Rarity was in the Everfree forest. “Where could she be, Spike? Applejack said she should have been out by now yet I still don't see Rarity.”

“What about me, darling?” Twilight and Spike both jumped in surprise at the voice ringing out behind them. Turning the two found the mare they were searching for, but from the state she was in they could tell she had better days.

“Rarity! Your mane!” After glancing at a bedraggled piece of her mane that was hanging in front of her eyes for a second, Rarity just shrugged at Spike.

“Oh it's nothing that a little trip to the spa won't fix. Trust me when I say that those brutes in the Everfree have it worse. They'll know not to mess with me from now on.” She started giggling in a crazed manner as she pulled out a lighter and started flipping it open and closed in her magic. The librarian assistant glanced at each other before slowly backing away until they came to a safe distance.

“This is bad. This is very, very bad.” Twilight started panically prancing in place as the precocious pre-teen watched looking perplexed.

“What's going on? Why is this happening?” The lavender librarian proceed to explain what she had been doing recently with the journal and how she had partially cast the spell last night to try and find out what it should be doing. Seeing as it was their best hope at fixing things, the two quickly returned home to try and find a spell to undo everything. Unfortunately they couldn't find anything in the book which pushed Twilight into a near depression after doing what she did to her friends.

Slowly traversing her room, Twilight eventually came to a stop before a picture of her and her six friends. After staring at it for a while she felt something welling up from deep inside herself causing her eyes to widen. “I've got it! I know what to do!”

Rushing out of the library, Elements of Harmony in tow, she quickly searched the town for her friends and came upon Fluttershy who looked to be preparing to move away from town. After convincing her to come with her, Twilight brought Fluttershy to her cottage to try and help Rainbow Dash. After a bit of coaxing, and a little work, Twilight managed to convince Fluttershy to help Rainbow Dash who was in trouble with the animals. The animals were soon calmed down and a realization came to the buttery pegasus as Twilight placed the Element of Kindness around her neck. Something, most likely the remnants of the spell Twilight tried to cast, flooded into Fluttershy restoring both her memories and cutie mark.

After allowing Fluttershy a moment to reassert herself, Twilight broke out into song along with the mare before they turned to Rainbow Dash to convince her that Aegis Flare needed her help. Quickly the trio left that cottage in search of the orange mare, and eventually found her on the edge of town racing around it. Looking at her friend's face, Fluttershy could see flashes of pain cross it and turned to Rainbow Dash with a gasp. “She's in pain! Hurry, you are the only one that can catch her!”

Rainbow Dash looked unsure of herself as she took flight after the mare but soon came up alongside her. Glancing over, Aegis Flare noticed the challenger before smirking at her. “Is that the best you've got? Just try and keep up!”

With a flash of flames Aegis Flare went even faster while leaving an even larger trail of flames behind her. Narrowing her eyes, Rainbow Dash accepted the challenge and put on her own burst of speed as the competitive spirit arose within her. Soon the two were racing neck-and-neck around Ponyville, neither getting an edge. As they came around to where they left the other two mares Rainbow Dash dug deep and blew right past the unicorn, sending her spinning tail over head.

“Oh yeah! Who's the mare! Who's the mare!” As Rainbow Dash did a victory dance in front of Twilight, the lavender mare levitated the Element of Loyalty around her neck which returned her own memories and cutie mark, just like the previous time, leaving the mare shaking her head. “Uh, what just happened?”

“There's no time to explain, but we need your help. Rarity is out hunting in the Everfree!” Rainbow Dash blinked a couple times before looking over at Aegis Flare and grinning.

“Say no more!” With that the cyan mare took her place in the song as she convinced the orange mare to go help Rarity. Soon enough the four were off to the edge of the Everfree to find Rarity, which wasn't that difficult when the screaming started.

“Heeeeelp!” The group was greeted with the sight of Rarity being chased by a pack of timberwolves, one of which was carrying a whip covered in sputtering flames in its mouth for some reason. On seeing the wolves Aegis Flare's pupils shrank, but with some urging from Rainbow Dash she took a deep breath and took a step forward. Getting the pack's attention ended up being easier than it should have been as the moment she stepped forward all eyes were on her before they all gave out a howl and rushed her.

Even worn out the mare's body still held all the experiences and instincts of her previous fights with the creatures and she was able to dodge their attacks even in her clumsy state. After a few moment the pack had surrounded her but as the all leapt as one a sphere of flames lit up at the tip of her horn before expanding in all direction, incinerating the creatures in an explosion of flames. With a snort and a toss of her head the mare watched as the essences of the creatures fled back into the forest as Twilight hung her element around her neck, freeing her from the spell. Once her memories returned she shook her head to clear it before glaring over at Twilight. “You cast that spell, didn't you? I thought I asked you to be more careful? We'll be having words about this later, now, what is going on.”

The lavender mare blushed at being caught out like this but explained what was going on and what they needed to do. Soon she was also caught up in the song and getting Rarity to help out Applejack. It wasn't long before she and Pinkie Pie were back to their normal selves and the seven mares were on their way back to the library. Once their Twilight began explaining what had happened as she showed them the journal before she suddenly let out a gasp. “I've got it! I know how to fix the spell!”

The next few moments Twilight rapidly transcribed the unfinished spell onto a new scroll while making the appropriate changes. After finishing on the runes she modified the odd sentence that went with it all. “From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!“

As she pressed her quill into the scroll for the final period the Element of Magic began reacting to something. The Elements of Harmony, except for Courage, began to glow before firing out a beam of energy and converged on the Element of Courage right next to Twilight. “Twilight! What's going on!?”

Being as confused as the others the lavender mare didn't know how to respond to Aegis Flare and before she could the energy that was built up fired at her own element. The energy began swirling around her in a ball of energy but it didn't stop there as it started to expand slowly through the room. “Twilight! Are you okay in there!? Say something!”

Rainbow Dash's question went unanswered as the energy soon enveloped the other six mares before halting in its expansion. With a flash of light the ball of energy exploded leaving the room empty, books scattered all over the place, with a giant scorch mark on the floor in the shape of Twilight's cutie mark, her friend's own marks replacing the various stars other than her center one.

Author's Note:

The End. Well that was a fun run now off to do something- *WHAM* :pinkiecrazy:

Sorry about that. We'll get him back to work once the train is fixed, but until then someone has to make up for blowing my friends up. Toodles.

*The mare walked off dragging the body through the ruins of the crashed train of thought to where Derpy was busy hitting the engine with a wrench trying to fix it.* :derpyderp1:

PS: Yeah, decided to make this a two-parter. :trollestia: Gives me time to prepare for all the hate and loss of readers.