• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,180 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

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Aegis Flare yawned wearily as she looked around at her friends that had gathered for their weekly get-togethers to catch up on anything that they may have missed. It also happened to be a time for them to share anything they thought was important for the others to know regarding princess issues they may have had over the period to try and keep them all on the same page. For the bat-winged mare, this mainly meant keeping them up to date on any serious issues that the Black Guard came across as they all had resources they could use that may come in handy in helping out some of them. Of course, it was also mainly a time for her to complain about what had been bothering her as well such as what she had learned from her sister the previous week when she came back from her 'camp' their mother sent her to.

“I still can't believe the camp mom sent Scootaloo to was actually the same place that she had Celestia taking her vacation. She was supposed to be sending her somewhere to get away from having to be the mother of the country like she always seemed to have to portray.” Rarity snorted though it was mostly due to all the bragging her sister did to her about what she had learned over the last month showing that the trip wasn't a waste for her.

“Now be nice. Unlike those supposed nobles, at least the children actually learn from what she says and are more mature as well.” This comment brought a few chuckles from the others before the orange mare shook her head and looked around again.

“So is Fluttershy not coming? She's the only one that isn't here.” Pinkie Pie bounced around her in excitement at the question before chirping merrily.

“Ooh, ooh, I know, I know! She's off on a very special play-date with my very own special sister Marble who just got into town today along with Cheerie and their very special somepony Big Macintosh!” None of the others knew that one of the Pie sisters were going to be in town, but from how they had heard that the three were considering adding her as a fourth to their little relationship they were accepting of her absence.

“Well, I guess I can start then since I doubt any of you could have any worse news. Frankly, it's a giant mess all over the place and it gets worse every report that comes in. Many nearby nations have been increasing weapon production, including some new ones that we haven't seen here in Equestria that I hope to get samples of. Many of those same nations hate Equestria and blame us for their problems. And most of our allies are pulling back into themselves with hardly any word from their diplomats. On top of that, the disease going around seems to be getting worse and I've been getting reports of a half-pony, half-minotaur creature around those same areas.” That mare sighed as she rubbed a hoof at her head to try and relieve the headache all the bad news was giving her. The other princesses looked worried as well and were anxious for more information, though Applejack looked thoughtful about something.

“They hate us? But why would they be blaming us for their problems? Equestria has had a history of peaceful relations for centuries now with the surrounding countries.” Aegis Flare could only shake her head at Twilight's question.

“Honestly, I'm not even sure half the time. There seems to be some outside pressure from their neighbors that don't border Equestria, and from what little I can gather from them their grievances are over a thousand years old, some of them maybe even from before the windigos.” Twilight frowned at this as she dug through her memories of what she had read.

“Really? Something from that long ago? But how is that possible, Discord supposedly destroyed any written records from before his reign so how would they have problems with us for something that long ago?” The only response she got was a shrug until Applejack finally spoke up.

“Well, not all the records, sugarcube. Ya remember that ah still have mah family's journal and from what ah can tell it is much older than all of that. Why that one creature Flare mentioned kind of sounds like... Uh, Pinkie, what's wrong?” The farm mare was distracted from what she was saying as she noticed her friend curled up and clutching her stomach. Her eyes were clenched shut at first before they widened in horror.

“Oh, no. Nonononono, not that! Anything but droppy stomach and crunchy kidney!” Her eyes darted around the park before finally settling on Applejack. Before anyone could blink, the party mare dove into the farm mare with her forelegs around her.

“Not again. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.” The five other princesses just looked at Pinkie, wondering just what she was doing.

“Pinkie? What are ya doing?” Pinkie didn't answer Applejack's question as she just continued to cry into her chest. The sound of rapid hoofbeats caused her to look up and she frowned when she saw her brother charging towards the group. As he neared the group, he slid across the ground, digging up a small trench, as he tried to stop and started panting heavily as he caught his breath.

“AJ! You have to hurry! It's Granny...She... She...” Looking between her brother and Pinkie Pie, the orange mare had no idea what was going on at first. Suddenly her mind made a connection and her eyes widened as her head shot around towards the farm.

“It can't be...” With a beat of her wings, she took to the air towards the farm, leaving the other princesses behind. The giant red stallion was after her only moments later with Pinkie Pie not far behind. The other four alicorns looked at each other in confusion and worry.

“What is that all about? You don't think something happened to Granny Smith, do you?” Rainbow Dash's wings twitched as she asked this while Rarity frowned.

“I'm not sure, I've never seen Big Macintosh look so scared before. And did anypony else notice that bracelet he was wearing?” The others thought back and realized that she was right and the stallion had been wearing something on his hoof as he ran up, but it had been mostly covered by the ground he had kicked up.

“Well anyways, we should all probably go after them. Who knows what is going on, and they could need our help.” With a nod to Twilight, the group spread their wings and took off after their friends.


It was a gray day in Ponyville. Not because of the cloud cover put into place by the weather team, but as the day the town put one of its most beloved figures to rest. The family of the famed Granny Smith knew to expect a crowd as their entire family arrived for the funeral, yet they were not prepared for not only the entire town, but for major figures from around Equestria to arrive as well, some they never would have expected.

“Now I know that we have had our differences in the past...” Flim claimed as his brother stepped forward.

“...but we really owe your granny a lot. If not for her we would not be talking to each other today.” Applejack glared at Flam as he finished but sighed and waved them along as she remembered a bit of what had happened in Dodge Junction a while back. She may not have liked the two, but they still did show up to pay their respects for the Apple Family Matriarch and she didn't have the heart to stop them, even though they weren't the worst of the group that had passed her by.

“Why do we have to be at this mockery of an event? It's not like anypony important will be here.” Speaking of which, Applejack shot a covert glare at Spoiled Rich as her husband tried to quiet her down. She was surprised to see that even he was starting to look angry with her as she had never seen even a hint of him saying anything against his wife's antics before. She didn't have time to ponder on this as she had to turn to the next guest arriving for the funeral.

Originally the event had been planned to be held outside of the barn nearest the Apple home, but with the numbers that arrived it had to be moved to a nearby field. It used to be that the town would double in size when there was an Apple Family Reunion, but over the years it had grown. Yet even with that growth the town had nearly tripled in population at the numbers that had shown that had their lives touched by the gentle old mare.

Eventually, the entire area was packed with ponies, and even a couple non-ponies, leaving the three Apple siblings at the front of the crowd. Looking over the crowd, it almost brought a tear to their eyes at how many showed up, if it wasn't for the fact that they had cried themselves dry over the last few days. Glancing at his sisters, Big Macintosh lifted a hoof up to his black tie to straighten it before stepping forward to give his speech.

“Ah had a lot of time ta think about what ah was going ta say, but speeches have never been my strength. Then ah remembered just what she wanted right before she left us.” The big stallion paused as he gathered himself to go through the experience once again. Few had heard just what had happened during the elder mare's final moments, not even his two sisters had heard anything about it from him or his marefriends. After taking a moment, the stallion began his tale.


“It is so nice to see you again, Marble. We just don't get enough time to spend together, and it is always enjoyable to see you.” The shy Pie mare nodded to Cheerilee as she leaned into the hug being given her by Fluttershy and Big Mac. The teacher was probably the most talkative of the group, but her experience with a variety of foals allowed her to understand the other three pretty easily. She still was able to get a decent conversation out of them when she needed it as they were all rather intelligent as well despite not saying much most of the time.

The quartet slowly walked through town back towards the apple farm for lunch. Big Macintosh had prepared things before heading out to meet them at the train station and it was being watched over by Granny Smith for them. Yet when they arrived the mare was nowhere in sight, yet the food was all setting out for them. Shrugging the four sat down for an enjoyable meal before going out for their later plans for the day. As they were finishing up and getting ready to leave the house, they were stopped by the return of Granny Smith, and surprisingly Mayor Mare.

“There ya all are. There is something that ah wanted ta ask of ya all. Ah know it may be selfish of me, but ah don't have much time left and there is one thing that ah want ta see before ah go, whenever that may be.” The four were unsure about what she was talking about until they looked to Mayor Mare. When they saw her lift a set of four bracelets, their faces turned red at just what was being asked of them. Big Macintosh looked questioningly at the three mares in askance as they considered the implications of what they were deciding.

“Um, well, I wouldn't really mind, if you all don't at least.” Fluttershy looked shyly at the other two mares to see them nod as well, not trusting their own voices at the moment. With them all in agreement, they stood in front of the mayor as Granny Smith shakily made her way to her rocking chair and settled down into it. They made a promise to have another wedding where they invited their friends before making their vows to each other and the mayor pronounced them an official herd. With a final kiss to seal everything, Big Mac looked over to Granny with a tear of happiness in his eyes.

“Granny, this is the best day of my life. But why did you... Granny? Granny. Granny!?” The stallion didn't notice until he neared her, but she was much quieter than she should be ,even when asleep. When his hoof prodded her shoulder and she just flopped backwards, his eyes widened in panic which crept into his voice. His mares quickly joined him around the elder pony and examined her as well, causing Fluttershy to gasp.

“Oh, my! Quick, go and get Applejack; and Mayor Mare, we need a doctor here, fast!” While she didn't raise her voice much, the urgency in the alicorns voice set the two in motion as the other two mares helped carry Granny Smith to her bedroom. Their efforts were for nothing though as nothing they could do was enough to resuscitate the elder mare and the doctors sadly proclaimed her death when they arrived.


As he finished his tale, the stallion looked towards the front row where his three wives were sitting with the rest of the Ponyville princesses. After taking a moment to settle himself with the sight of them he continued his speech.

“At first we wondered how we would deal with our wedding being the same day Granny died, but then our little Marble Pie made a realization. Granny Smith has had a long life and has had many memories over that period. Yet in the end the last thing she saw, the last thing that she wanted to see, was her own family growing even larger. That alone makes it the most memorable day we could ever have.” There weren't many dry tears in the place after his story of the elder mare's final moments. For all of them this was the first they had even heard of the wedding of the four ponies, yet many had noticed the gold bracelets each of them had been wearing lately. With his speech over he stepped down and his youngest sister stepped up to the podium. As she was about to speak, a voice rang out, interrupting her.

“Oh great, now we have to listen to the little blank flank talk about that nobody of a pony? Why do we have to sit here and listen to this-” *SMACK!* Spoiled Rich's head snapped to the side as her husband's hoof slapped her across the cheek. Filthy Rich panted angrily as he stared at her shocked face while the rest of the crowd looked at the two with a mix of anger and astonishment.

“That is enough of that! All this time I've ignored your antics even though half of Ponyville has had complaints about you but this is just too much! You've known that the Apple Family is close to the Rich's and we would not be where we are without them. I just don't know what happened to you, you sure aren't the loveable mare that I married all those years ago.” The mare just looked at him before turning away with a huff and stomped off. The stallion sighed as she marched away and looked back to the rest of the crowd.

“I am so sorry about all of this. I just don't know what happened to her since she would have never would have done that when she first met. Now if you will all excuse me I have to go and make some arrangements with my lawyer, that was completely unacceptable of her and it will never happen again if I have anything to say about it.” With that the brown stallion marched his way back into town, leaving the rest of the crowd in shock. Applebloom's speech was forgotten as she was now too busy crying into her sister's chest as she comforted her from the unwarranted attack. Everyone was unsure as what to do now that what had been planned was thrown off, until Pinkie Pie walked up to the podium, her mane lying flat. She just stood there at first as the crowd's attention slowly focused on her before she began to solemnly speak.

“I've known Granny Smith ever since I moved to Ponyville, but it was only recently when I found out that the Pie family may be distantly related to the Apple family that I really spent any time with her. Sure she always yelled and complained about everything. Yet, that just made my time with her more special as it always reminded me of home. She also always had the best stories to tell, like that one time she told me how she used a ladle, a rope, and a rutabaga to stop a horde of rabid wombats.” The ponies weren't sure what to make of Pinkie's final claim, but there were a couple chuckles from the audience.

“Yeah, I remember that one. Though I loved that one about how Apple Fritter would always get into the batter for the fritters. She even broke out the photos for it as well.” The named mare glared at the stallion that said that, but she couldn't identify just where in the crowd the cousin who said it was.

“Oh, yeah? But what about the story of how you would always climb into the pigpen around feeding time and join them at the trough?” As the stallion blushed, a few more chuckles rang out from the crowd as the aura of sadness slowly lifted over the gathering. Soon everybody began trading stories about their time with Granny Smith while Pinkie Pie slowly slinked away. Applejack quietly followed after her as the crowd began to shift from mourning into a quiet celebration of the mare they had come to say farewell to. She eventually found the pink mare sitting atop a nearby hill staring out over the orchard. She took a seat next to her and joined her in looking over her home before finally speaking.

“That was a good thing ya did back there, Pinkie. After what that mare did, ah wasn't sure just how ta get that funeral back ta how it should have been. But ah think that what ya said made it even better than before.” Pinkie just sat there for a couple of minutes before she finally sighed.

“I really don't know what I was doing back there. I never liked funerals as everypony is always so sad at them and I don't like it when ponies are sad. When I remember Granny Smith in the future, I don't want to remember sad ponies.” This caused Applejack to look thoughtful as she glanced back to where ponies were starting to break out barrels of cider. Looking back over to Pinkie she sighed and scooted over to lay a wing over her.

“Well, sugarcube. Sometimes ponies just need time ta be sad about things. Yet that doesn't mean that they can't be happy at the same time, too. Ah mean, just look at everypony now.” Turning the pink mare around, she gestured back to the celebration of Granny Smith's life. While it wasn't all exuberant as most of the parties in Ponyville, it was nowhere near as sad as it once was. Reaching into her hat, Applejack slowly passed a wrapped object over towards Pinkie.

“After all of this ah really think that she would be proud of her funeral. Every member of the Apple family has something that they carry with them, something that is special ta them, and ah think granny would have wanted ya ta have this.” The pink alicorn slowly unwrapped the bundle, revealing the shawl that Granny Smith always wore. With a sniffle, she slowly draped it over her neck like how the previous owner did.

“I'll always treasure it. Even if we aren't sure of it, you will always be like family to me.” The two embraced in a hug before separating, Pinkie's mane having gained back some of its previous poofiness.

“Why don't ya head back? Ah have a couple of things I have ta do before joining ya.” With a nod, Pinkie made her way back to the party as Applejack pulled a book from her hat, neither of them noticing the shine coming from the old shawl. Opening the book to the last page, the farm alicorn set her hoof on a blank page and started to concentrate. As words began to write themselves into the book, she felt a thump next to her and she glanced over to see Princess Celestia settling down next to her.

“Ah was wondering when ah would see ya around here, Princess Celestia. Ya never did say how often ya came ta visit tha farm in the past. When Granny added ta tha family journal it told of all tha times ya used to come just for Granny's pies, though it didn't say why ya stopped when mah parents were born.” The larger princess nodded sadly before looking over towards the farmhouse in the distance.

“She was one of the few friends that I had after banishing my sister, and it was after her second century of life that I finally gave into her invitations to visit her more often. In a way she was always one of my unofficial advisers, and one of the few I was able to be myself around. I didn't want to stop visiting, but things were getting hard on your family and others were starting to take notice and cause problems.” Applejack's eyebrow lifted at this as she looked back at the book.

“Huh, could that be why tha feud with tha Pear family started? Granny said that she didn't even remember how it all started.” Celestia nodded slowly as she sighed wearily.

“Most likely. The two families used to be such good friends once as well. When they started fighting and I found that I was the cause I had to distance myself.” She shook her head sadly before looking fondly at the mare next to her.

“Sometimes it feels as if I am cursed and I ruin everything I touch. But then ponies like you, Twilight, and your friends show up to prove me wrong. These last couple years have been wonderful because of you all, despite the problems that have come about.” Applejack just leaned into the older mare to reassure her as she looked down at the book.

“Well it's not like mah family is much better when it comes ta seemingly like they are cursed. Ya wouldn't believe how many stories there are in here about how an Apple was part of taking out some big monster or some such thing. Huh, we were even talking a couple of days ago about some creature causing problems right now that sounded a lot like on of them.” Celestia's ear perked up in interest at this and looked down at the book.

“Oh, and what creature was that?” Applejack flipped through the book until a point way near the beginning of it. Running a hoof down she stopped as she came to the part she was looking for.

“Ah, here it is. Flare mentioned something about a half-pony, half-minotaur creature and ah thought it sounded familiar. If ah didn't know any better ah would say that was this centaury creature called... Tea-wreck? Ah think that's how it's- Uh princess, are ya all right?” Celestia was curious on first hearing of it, but at the vague description of the creature it sent a bolt of panic through her and the name solidified it into pure terror which showed on her face.

“No, it can not be. How can he be free?” Shaking her head she shot a serious look down at the younger mare.

“I am sorry to leave, but I must hurry back to Canterlot to check on something. Take the rest of the day with your family, but it is imperative that all the princesses meet me there tomorrow. If I'm right, the fate of Equestria could be in terrible danger.” With those parting words the sun princess took off into the sky leaving Applejack behind. She was worried about the princesses reaction, but decided to take her advice and began to head back to spend time with her family, hopefully it wouldn't be the last.

Author's Note:

Cool, two chapters in one week. Been a while since I've done that. Well, one more to go, but of course you-know-who is going to be showing up before that one. :trollestia:

Now how to go about with the upcoming epic battle. :pinkiecrazy: